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Daddy's Destiny

Page 4

by Lena Little

  “I’m not. Never tried it. Never even seen it.”

  “Tell me you understand that I’m going to paint your womb like an original work of art from Jackson Pollock, covering it in my seed.”

  “I want that.”

  “Tell me you understand that you’re getting pregnant, tonight and that this is the first of many, many, many babies we’re going to have together.”

  “Yes. A family. Our family.”

  “Yes, little girl. Ours. Everything is ours. Together. And with you pregnant that means no one can ever take you away from me, no one can force you to live anywhere you don’t again. First and foremost because you’ll be with me. Second, if someone tries to take you there will be hell to pay. There’s no choice. Anyone that so much as upsets my little girl has to deal with Daddy. And Daddy doesn’t play nice, or fair when his little girl isn’t happy. Your happiness is everything to Daddy. Understand?”

  I nod.

  “Good, because it’s time to make you very, very happy right now, and make Daddy just as happy in the process.”

  He tosses me back onto the bed, giving him a second to unzip his fly while I use the same time to pull my dress up and over my head.

  Making quick work of the rest of his clothes while I do the same, I get my answer in regards to his body. His chest is covered in a broad swath of ink, his biceps too.

  “I see what you’re looking at and just know the names of our children, and your name, are going to be etched on my skin forever.”

  “I want that.”

  “And I want you to spread your legs as wide as you can and show Daddy just how wet you are.”

  “I”m drenched, Daddy,” I say, nearly tucking my ankles behind my head.

  “Fuck me,” he grunts. This is like hitting the Powerball the same instant you get struck by lightning, twice. And I’m not letting this moment pass me by again like I did earlier.

  He brings the crown of his cock to my opening, running the tip through my slick folds, coating his rod in my sticky juices.

  “You ready, because once I start all sense of control is going to be lost.”

  I nod.

  “Say it. I need to hear it.”

  “Yes, Daddy. Fill me with your big cock,” I demand and he does exactly that.

  Gripping my hips he drives into me in one motion, filling me completely. I suck in deep, my entire body freezing at the foreign body invading mine.

  “You okay, sugar?”

  I nod, batting my eyelashes to keep the tear I feel forming from falling down my cheek.

  “You sure?”

  “It hurts a little, but in a good way.”

  “Wait until you feel this,” he warns, slowly easing his cock out of me, every nerve ending inside me being caressed with pleasure at a level I would have never guessed possible.

  “Oh fuck,” I inhale.

  “So damn tight. So damn tense. Just breathe,” he reminds me, kissing my cheek and then laying down a line of kisses across my collarbone.

  I do as I’m told, focusing on keeping air coming into my body, but I feel like I’m completely filled up in all ways right now, especially as he slides back inside me, filling the void he created by sliding out.

  Now that his dick is buried inside me I have no idea how I ever lived without it. I need this every hour of every day. I’m attached to him in ways I couldn’t even comprehend before. And at this point, I can’t even tell where my body ends and his begins.

  “Right there,” I call out. “Right there,” as he rubs my nub with his calloused thumb at a one o’clock position as he continues rocking his hips forward and back.

  My tiny twin bed squeaks wildly, not built to support the weight of this massive man, which is just inches above my tiny frame.

  “I’m losing control,” he says, his hips thrusting wildly as he removes his hand from my clit, slapping them both against the wall above the top of my bed as he uses it for leverage to thrust into me.

  Seconds later and I’m being tossed about like a rag doll, my body flailing wildly as he hammers his dick home into my virgin pussy.

  I’ve never tried drugs, but this is exactly what I imagine addiction looking like.

  “More, Daddy. More. Fuck your bad girl good.”

  My words send him into overdrive, my body covered in sweat as my hair sticks to my face. My hands reach up to grab him, but my arms are numb and I feel like I’m boneless, floating on a cloud.

  He senses my need, scooping one hand underneath me and lifting me off the mattress as he continues claiming my wet cunt with his thickness.

  “Who’s my bad little girl?” he growls.

  “I am, Daddy.”

  “Fuck yeah you are.”

  My tiny breasts are bouncing every which way as I feel a twitching in my legs and I know I’m close, but something is…missing.

  Dylan keeps his pace and I know it’s only a matter of time until he fills me with his seed, or at least that’s what I guess considering I’ve never been with a man before and don’t watch porn on the Internet.

  The legs of the bed come off the ground as the tiny headboard slams into the wall, ricocheting in a circular fashion as Dylan barrels into me in rhythm.

  Suddenly there’s a rattling of the knob and I hear Freddy call out. “What the hell’s going on in there? Open this damn door.”

  The only thing that opens is Dylan’s mouth, as his head jerks toward the door and he bares his teeth. “Get the fuck away from us. She’s mine,” he claims me to the senator in no uncertain terms.

  “I’ll call the cops!”

  “Beat it, asshole!” Dylan snarls and the rattling of the handle ceases, Dylan’s gaze is back on me, his thrusting never letting up.

  “You’re mine and it’s past fucking time he found out. I should have taken you out of here two nights ago, and I would have it it wasn’t for a twelve-man S.W.A.T. team,” he informs me as he talks in-between thursts, in-between inhales as he tries to catch his breath.

  “Dylan,” I moan. “I’m right there, but I can’t finish.”

  “You listen to me and you listen good, little girl. When I count to three you’re going to come all over Daddy’s cock, and he’s going to do the same inside you, leaving himself buried in you so his seed takes root. You understand?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Good,” he says, leaning in and placing his forehead on mine as he continues sliding in and out of me like a piston at high speed. “Now, let’s make this baby. One. Two…Three, come for Daddy! Come on Daddy’s cock!” he commands.

  And that’s exactly what I do, my entire body tensing as a wall of water washes through me and absolutely explodes from my middle, coating Daddy in my cream.

  “Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh, fuck, baby girl.”

  Suddenly a hot jet of seed explodes inside me, and my walls instantly clench around his rod, holding him in place as my body milks him for every last drop.

  “Fill me, Daddy. Fill me with your come,” I moan. And that’s exactly what he does, his body jerking as another round unloads inside me as his body jerks and a few more hot, sticky ropes leave him just before he collapses on top of me causing the tiny bedframe to buckle and collapse.

  We just lie there for a second until suddenly we both burst out laughing.

  “That was incredible, Daddy.”

  “Damn right it was. We’re just going to lie here for a moment to make sure my load takes, and after that, you’re packing your things and we’re gone for good.”

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “Home, baby girl. Daddy’s taking you home. Forever.”



  After I’m sure my seed has taken root I lift my body off hers, feeling like I’m born again, like my life starts exactly…now.

  At this point, there are only two things on my mind. One, get her outta here a.s.a.p. Two, do so without breaking Freddy Franks’ neck on the way out the door. As much as I want to take him down physically, doing so wil
l only get me sent back to where I don’t want to be. Jail.

  And it’s damn hard to protect my little girl and keep an eye on her from a cell. I need to keep a level head.

  She moves to her dresser and starts to grab her things.

  “Change of plans. Everything you’ve got, unless it has sentimental value, stays. We’re starting over fresh. I’m taking you shopping for your birthday and we’re going to buy everything new. I don’t want anything reminding you of this place or your life before I came along.

  She pauses, dropping the clothes she has in her hand. “I like the sound of that, not to mention it gets us out of here that much faster.”

  “Anything of sentimental value? Anything you absolutely positively need?”

  “Just you.”

  I wrap her up in my shirt, quickly slide into my pants and shoes and then scoop her up in my arms, my chest swelling with pride as all the stress of the world melts away. After all the money and everything else, we spend our time chasing I finally realize in the end that the only thing that is worth it all is our relationships with other people, and in my case, that starts and ends with her.

  Carrying her down the steps the first thing I notice is a lot of partygoers have filed inside. Considering it’s not raining and it’s much more comfortable outside, it makes no sense…until I see the multitude of cops forming a half-moon around the senator.

  Worst of all Destiny sees it too, and the smile disappears from her face causing anger to fill me. It’s my job to make my princess happy at all times, and this little detour is not what I wanted or expected on the way out the door.

  My hand cups her backside making sure my shirt keeps her completely covered.

  “I can go grab my dress real quick,” she offers.

  “Too revealing. I don’t want anyone else ever seeing you in that again.”

  “I only wore it for you, and I don’t care what anyone else thinks.” She pauses. “And to be honest, you here with your shirt off has a lot of the women ogling you. And I don’t like that either.”

  “Fair enough,” I say, carrying her right back into her bedroom where she can get dressed properly, including a winter coat despite it being sunny and over seventy degrees outside. I put on my shirt and button it up a button higher than normal to keep things as fair as possible. As a leader, and that’s what a paternal figure is, I don’t ask anything of her that I don’t demand of myself, at least not in this regard.

  “Ready to do this?” I check in with her one last time.

  “Ready…unless you want to go another round,” she says, her eyes moving toward the scrap of lumber and mattress on the floor, the remnants of what used to serve as her bed.

  “I could throw you up against the wall right now and take you all afternoon and night long, and I’m going to do exactly that…when we get home.” My lips come crashing down on hers and I scoop her up yet again, exiting her room

  We’re not even halfway down the stairs when I hear Freddy’s voice. “I don’t know what you’re thinking, but you need to put my daughter down.”

  “Your daughter?” I question, not even thinking of stopping. “Never was and never will be. She’s mine.”

  “You’ll do as I say or I’ll have you tried for kidnapping!” he interjects, trying to step into the path he thinks I’m going to take, but after no officers fall in line behind him he wisely clears a path.

  “You can’t keep me because I’m not a kid. I’m an adult,” Destiny says from my grip.

  “You watch your mouth, young lady!”

  Before I can put Destiny down on her feet, she takes charge. “No, you watch yours. See, once you made that statement to the police about our home being burglarized you incriminated yourself.”

  “I have no idea what you’re…what she’s…talking about,” he says, his hands going to his hips.

  She smirks at him and the silence in the room causes him to go fidgety.

  “Sir, we’re going to have to ask you to leave the senator’s home,” a police officer says as a group of them descend on me.

  “Where do you think I’m going?”

  “Alone,” he adds.

  “I’m going with him and you’re not escorting Dylan out, you’re escorting my abusive adoptive…whatever he is…monster…out,” she says, running to a corner of the room and pulling out a charging cube from the wall.

  “See this? There are a dozen of these throughout the house. They’re hidden cameras installed. They tell the whole story. We were never burglarized. It was all a lie. The truth is his hugs were lasting a little too long, his stares getting too aggressive and I had these installed as proof. Oh,” she continues before anyone can interrupt. “The shots fired? That was me, warning him to stay back.”

  “She’s lying!”

  “See for yourself,” she says, tossing the cube to an officer who catches it and looks at it a bit incredulously. “Oh, and if my dad tries to bribe you, just know those videos are timestamped and backed up on the cloud on Google Drive, iCloud, and Dropbox so erase them at your own peril. There are plenty more copies that I can pull whenever and wherever I want.”

  Nothing’s sexier than my girl when she shows just how smart she is, and this display of planning and brains has me hard as a rock. And now it’s time to make sure Freddy’s head isn’t full of stones on the way out.

  “We are dead to you. You won’t contact us. You won’t bother us. You won’t try and surveil us. You won’t anything us, or else I will have the wrath of the world come down straight on your head. Do. You. Understand. Me.”

  “Ungrateful bitch!” he says, turning to look at Destiny but before he makes eye contact I clock him clean across the jaw. Predictably officers are on me instantly.

  They begin dragging me out of the house and Destiny just shakes her head this time and buries it in her hands, following me.

  “Wait!” one of the officers says. “I just put the memory chip to this thing in my phone and fast forwarded through the footage. She’s right. She did fire warning shots at the senator.”

  “She was trying to kill me!” he yells. “Have her arrested.”

  The police officers say nothing, just huddling around the officer with the memory card installed in the slot of his phone.

  “Sir, she’s at point blank range and she lifts the gun and fires well over your head. There’s no intention here.” They mumble amongst themselves and then the world turns on its axis as the main officer approaches Freddy and cuffs him. “Senator Franks, you have the right to remain silent.”

  “Fuck you! I didn’t do anything.”

  “But you tried and she was too smart for you… too quick. A step ahead, prick.”

  “Did you vote for that guy?” someone says.

  “Never liked him. I actually always vote against him. You can check my Twitter,” someone else says.

  I have no idea if they’re telling the truth or not. All I know is Franks didn’t and now he’s going to be paying the price for it.

  “Where were we my super smart little señorita?” I ask.

  “How did you know I speak Spanish?” she asks, as I take her hand.

  “I just guessed because from what I’ve seen you can do everything.”

  “That’s exactly how I feel, now that I’ve found my Daddy and I know he’s got my back.”

  “Your damn right, but that’s only a piece. Daddy wants all of you. Your heart, your soul…everything.”

  “It might be my birthday, but that’s a gift I promise I’ve given to you.”

  “Just as I give the same to you,” I say, as we cross the threshold of her home for the last time.

  “Speaking of birthdays, I almost forgot.” I slide my hand into my pocket and pull out a rectangular, wrapped gift.

  “You got me something!” she says, her eyes widening.

  I say nothing, just hand her my gift.

  “You chose this wrapping paper?” she looks up at me incredulously examining all the little desserts that make up the d

  “Part of me wants to tell you it’s all they had, but another part wants me to say that I’m going to spoil you silly for the rest of our days, always, and that I thought you’d like it.”

  “Which is true?”

  “Both, just like the feelings we have for each other.”

  Carefully she slides a fingernail along the tape, not ripping into the gift. “I know I’m going to want to save this.”

  “Even the wrapping paper?”

  “All of it. I want the entirety of the memory.”

  “And I want you,” I say as she slides out the small wooden jewelry box.

  “Wow, I love it.”

  “There’s more.”

  She opens the tiny drawer and examines the single piece inside. “It’s a…”

  “Token of who you belong to.”

  Taking the choker from inside she hands it to me and then pulls her hair back and to the side.

  I bring the back of the engraved jewel close to her face so she can read the inscription. ‘Daddy’s. Always.’ Then I carefully attach it around her neck.

  “It’s never coming off.”

  “Good, because the whole world needs to know who’s claimed you.”

  “Who my heart belongs to,” she says, bringing her hand up to her neck to run her fingers across the silk and then the stone.

  “Who all of you belongs to.”

  She nods. “Yes, Daddy. All of me.”

  “Good girl.”

  Suddenly she bursts out laughing.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Two nights ago you choke out Freddy in this house, and today I leave the house with a choker. Irony or do I sense a trend of violence?” she playfully winks.

  “What you sense is paternal protectiveness, possessiveness, and most importantly respect, trust, and love.”


  I nod. “That’s right little one. Daddy loves you.”

  “Oh, Daddy.”

  She throws herself in my arms and we walk out the door, the sun just beginning to set.

  “Look,” she says pointing at the pink and purple hues streaking across the sky. “You’re literally carrying me off into the sunset.”


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