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MIND_The Fracture

Page 27

by Jenn Nixon

  His Conduit nodded and ran out of the mess hall. Jazara, already on her feet and eager to do something met his eyes.

  I’m going to wristband Ravvi if he’ll agree to help—

  An explosion rocked the entire ship.

  Caelum nodded to the seer. She darted away while he focused his thoughts on the ship’s shields and strengthened them with a bit of his own energy. As he mentally prepared for whatever came next, he alerted Liam and Lexa, aware they’d inform the others, and reached out to Sanjeeta just as the ship rocked again.


  Liam reluctantly let go of Dina’s hand thinking he should be with her instead of heading to the Phoenix building. When she vanished from the kitchen, he scrubbed his face and held back the sigh.

  Kim and Duncan walked out of the techroom, carrying everything the team needed to power up, search the Phoenix lab, and feed an army should they be there long enough. Theo kissed Casey’s cheek before stepping off the hub where she and Bates were standing. The group met him at the lounge while Kim handed everyone a stunner and earcomm, and him his usual scanner.

  “I have mine,” Theo said, pulling it from his back pocket.

  “Always do,” Kim said, smirking and wrapping her arm around Duncan’s as they walked into the kitchen.

  “Where are you heading?” Valtor asked, sitting at the table sipping a coffee.

  Liam frowned having actually forgotten to include Valtor in his plan. “To the Phoenix lab, we could use an extra pair of hands if you’re up for it.”

  Duncan glanced over and nodded slightly. They both knew Valtor was still mending from his time with the guards, but a distraction always seemed to help the Rangers.

  “Gladly, I’ll be there as soon as I finish my coffee,” he replied, lifting his mug and taking another sip.

  “Kim and I will be in the server room,” Duncan said before teleporting away.

  “You want that lab?” Theo asked.

  “Sure,” he replied.

  “Good, I’ll do a sweep and meet you inside,” he replied before vanishing.

  “Liam,” Valtor said before he had the chance to leave. “I know you’ve seen the message I left for Dina.”

  “I’m not going to let anything happen to you, Val—”

  “If it’s my time, make sure she watches it…I need her to know how much I love her and Duncan. She—” Valtor covered his face and sucked back tears. Liam, at a loss for words, knowing he, too, would easily die so she lived, held back his own.

  “We’ve already begun to change the future, soon as we find Gardner we’ll set it in stone,” Liam took a breath and patted Valtor on the shoulder. “So let’s go and pick this place apart.”

  Valtor finished his mug, stood up and nodded. They arrived in the lobby of the Phoenix building. With the lights back on, Liam took a second to admire the sleek interior and high-tech doors and security locks. Hinta had ventilated the air to remove the barainum allowing them free range to teleport.

  “I’m going to review the books and paperwork in the lab, see if there’s any sign of the virus,” Liam said, leading the way down the corridor on the right and bypassing a few empty rooms. “Theo was correct when he said whatever they are doing with the nanotechnology could be phase one.”

  “I was under the assumption humans weren’t well versed in nanotech.”

  “Gardner came from the military, they always have tech ten years ahead of the general public, I’m actually surprised it took this long,” Liam said, turning at the next juncture and sensing Theo nearby. “Depending on how far they’ve come, it’s also possible to reprogram the tech once it invades the host.”

  “Meaning they can mutate the virus anytime they want?” Valtor answered his own question when he frowned.

  Liam paused in front of the lab door as a shudder ran up his spine. Caelum’s voice filled his mind.

  Shuttle under attack, proceed with caution.

  When his eyes went wide, Valtor grabbed his arm. “What?”

  “Someone’s at the shuttle,” Liam replied.

  “With Caelum there? Bad move on their part, warn the others, and meet me inside, we may be running out of time,” Valtor said as he opened the lab door.

  Liam nodded, reaching out to Theo only to hear him inside his mind first.

  I think we’ve got company.

  There was no way he was leaving this place without turning it upside down and finding every secret it had to offer. Liam felt Duncan brush his mind, pulled the stunner gun from his belt and teleported to his side, outside the base, next to Theo.

  All three were ready to fight.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  As she glanced around the newly built pool that most of them had rarely used since it still wasn’t hot enough yet, Dina imagined her and Liam living in a little hideaway like this. Lexa and Hinta, not Bates walked out of the cabin laughing. Dina met them halfway.

  “So we’re on big bad duty,” Lexa said, taking the earcomm, knowing hardly anyone actually used them anymore just like Dina, but humored the boys anyway. “Where do you want to start?”

  “We can split up if you’d like,” Hinta said, pulling his Netphone from his pocket. “As long as everyone agrees to not go in alone, just recon.”

  “I think we should stay together,” Lexa said, shrugging. “Won’t take but a second for us to scan the area, I figured that’s why Liam sent us.”

  Dina smirked, of course he knew exactly who to send, he was the smartest guy on the team, hands down. “Right, yep. Okay, so I’ll search for emotions, Hinta can go for their minds and you do what you do.”

  “Did I tell you I can see heat signatures? Just another to add to the collection,” Lexa giggled as her silver eyes shimmered. “Where we hitting first?”

  “This phone box café is located in a village called Rochester, just outside London according to the coordinates. It’s early afternoon there so we may catch the owner, see if he recognizes Gardner’s photo,” Hinta said, scrolling through his images to find it. “I’m happy to ask, I’ve had plenty of practice lately.”

  “I bet, Harvey,” Dina said, chuckling when his eyes widened. “Did you really think you could play vigilante without anyone noticing?”


  “Who else,” Lexa said. “Everyone thinks Dina’s the nosey one, they’re wrong.”

  “Thank you,” Dina screeched happily and lifted her hand for a high-five. “Phone box coffee shop it is. Lex, you’re driving.”

  “I figured.”

  Dina winked at Hinta as she reached over and clasped his hand. “Remind me to tell you about my hacker days in Paris when this is over. Theo keeps asking, still won’t tell him.”

  He grinned. “I will, most definitely.”

  Lexa snorted and shook her head as she set her hand down on Dina’s shoulder. The sensation instantaneously slipped through her body like an odd muscle spasm only to evaporate the moment she blinked. Her Enhancer friend had grown so much stronger in the last few months it was beyond extraordinary. Lexa’s aim had improved as well. They were secluded behind a patch of trees and brush behind a house and office building.

  Hinta, already prepared with his phone, guided them to an alley that led to a rather busy street full of people and businesses. The traditional English village main street, though still somewhat charming, had the usual neon signs and sleek building exteriors mixed between the quaint Tudor and brick buildings which honestly had more character.

  Without a history quip from Liam, and realizing she actually missed it, Dina opened her mind as they merged behind a small group of friends walking the main drag, chatting about their plans for the rest of the summer. Lexa had on a pair of sunglasses suddenly, probably so she didn’t have to switch out her silver eyes, while Hinta was glued to his phone.

  “We’re coming up at the end of Eastgate, the café is near High Street,” he said, looking up for a moment and narrowing his gaze.

  The red booth came into sight just as the friends duck
ed into a clothing shop. Lexa, already crossing the street, arrived at the mini-shop first and ordered a cup of tea. Dina slowed as she neared, not picking up a single trace of psychic or descendant in the area which seemed rather odd. Usually she sensed one or two in a place like this with so many people nearby. She didn’t know much about Rochester overall, but it was a decent place even if not London sized.

  When the barista handed Lexa a cup and told her how much it was, Hinta stepped forward with his credit card and began chatting.

  I’m not picking up anyone around here, Lexa said coming to Dina’s side. You?

  No. It’s weird right? There’s usually one or two nearby…well in New York.

  It’s miles at the cabin, which really helps me when I have to absorb all the minds and vibrations and thoughts and stuff. Now that Caelum’s going to stay or at least stick around in longer clips, I think I’m going to try to get stronger. I’ll be able to block everything longer—

  Don’t, Lexa. Dina winced, but ignored the sensation, she already knew enough. You were in stasis, forty years from now.

  I know. It’s going to happen eventually, anyway…

  I’m sure the energy exchange had something to do with it, but maybe if you just grow naturally you won’t have to go in so soon and it’ll just be another safety check so this doesn’t happen again.


  “The only reason we were able to do what we did was because of Caelum’s energy. It allowed us, especially me, to grow strong enough to create the portal or whatever it was.”

  “Maybe you’re right. Guess I’ll think about it—” Lexa paused and tilted her head.

  Hinta approached. “So, I talked to this guy—what is it?”

  The slight glow of silver filled the space behind her sunglasses.

  Dina whispered. “Lex?”

  “The shuttle’s under attack, Caelum just rang,” she replied, frowning.

  “Shit,” Dina grunted.

  “I’m not worried,” Hinta said. “It’s Caelum after all.”

  “True,” Lexa added with a sigh. “Hinta, was he any help?”

  “Negative, never saw Gardner, didn’t want to spook him so I dropped it, are we heading back to the shuttle?”

  “No,” Dina said, shaking her head. “You’re right, Caelum can handle it. He’ll let us know if that changes, where’s the next location?”

  Hinta gazed down at his screen. “Warehouse, right across the river.”

  Dina set her hand on his shoulder while Lexa did the same, in the next second they were standing next to a large grey building, behind them a pristine river with several boats off in the distance. Lexa lifted her hand and extended her energy to sense the entire area. Hinta glanced around.

  When she sensed Liam’s emotions, so strongly, from so far away, Dina gasped drawing her friends’ attention.

  “Dina?” Hinta neared, dipping his head to meet her eyes.

  “There are more guards at the Phoenix base,” she said, balling her hands at her side. “Picking up anyone, Lex?”

  “No, there’s no one.”

  “Where is this guy?” Dina huffed and struggled to keep her feet planted on the ground. If anyone needed help, they’d call. Until they did, she had to stay on point.

  “There’s one location left on Liam’s list,” Hinta said, holding up his phone. “It’s a bed and breakfast he used a few times while in London.”

  “I don’t want to kick this guy’s ass in the middle of the city, too many eyes,” Dina said, frowning.

  “Might not have to worry about that,” Lexa said. “Someone’s coming and one is definitely a psychic.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  The shuttle shook even harder the third time and knocked Sanjeeta off balance. She braced her hand against the wall and kept her eyes glued to the power levels of the shield. Caelum said as long as they remain at fifty percent, the men would never get in. However, as his agitation grew and his pacing in the corridor turned into a mumbling session, she knew helping him to focus may be more important.

  Jazara and Ravvi walked into the ship via the cargo hold, each holding a curved shaped weapon that was probably some type of gun. The glowing wristband on his arm, according to Jazara, suppressed the man’s psionic abilities and could track his location. Caelum didn’t even register their appearance as he paced by.

  Another blast above their heads vibrated the metal beneath their feet. Sanjeeta sighed as she steadied herself.

  “Do you want a weapon?” Jazara asked upon her approach. Sanjeeta shook her head. “I don’t blame you, just stick close to any of us if they breach.”

  “Unlikely,” Ravvi said. “They have no weapons to match the shields.”

  “So long as the power holds,” Sanjeeta said, turning back to the command center.

  Jazara glanced over, blinked down at the screen. “The second screen, where is that?”

  “Uh,” Sanjeeta leaned over the console and read the bottom of the video box. “A cam Hinta set up at Phoenix.”

  “Rewind it a minute,” Jazara said as her purple eyes seemed to shimmer.

  “What is it?” Zila asked, walking out of the prison room and joining the group.

  “One sec, I’ll play it back.” Sanjeeta tapped the screen to do as asked and then hit play. A man of average height and build walked toward the building and then vanished from the view.

  Jazara gasped and turned back meeting her mother’s eyes. “Oh no. He’s there, Mother…”

  “Are you certain?”

  “Yes,” she replied. Zila disappeared. “Shit, we have to go to the lab.”

  “What?” Sanjeeta asked, utterly confused. “Who’s that man?”

  “I…” Jazara sighed. “I gave my word.”

  “You saw the future,” Caelum said from the middle of the corridor, staring at the group with his head slightly tilted to the side. “I won’t ask you for your vision, seer, but you must tell me how to help.”

  “The powered humans are Gardner’s last defense, they’re at the Phoenix lab, we need to help them, but we can’t give up these men and the shields won’t last much longer…”

  “Can you move the shuttle?” Sanjeeta asked. “I mean I know it’s in a rock more or less, but you said you moved Rivia’s ship.”

  Caelum grinned at her, sparking a bit of energy between them, which happened often and still caught her off guard. “Yes, I can move it. However, I would prefer knocking those men unconscious and adding them to the others in the prison.”

  “You can do that?” Jazara asked.

  “Yes,” he replied directly.

  Sanjeeta kept her smile at bay, knowing why he didn’t volunteer to solve every problem they had with his immeasurable power, yet realized he offered to step up this time.

  “That’s preferable to moving the ship and letting them get away. Can you do it? Please?”

  He nodded and blipped away.

  “Hinta wasn’t kidding when he said Caelum lived on a whole different plane of reality,” Jazara said, shaking her head and glancing over. “You two seem to be getting close, sorry…small group we gossip.”

  “It’s okay, I like that you don’t actively keep secrets from each other. I find it refreshing,” Sanjeeta said as she gazed back toward the console screen. “And we are…he’s someone I never knew I needed.”

  The door to the prison room opened. Caelum walked out and handed three Satphones and two guns to Ravvi. “Is anyone staying here?”

  “I can call my uncle, it’s about time he came back to help,” Jazara said and turned to Ravvi. “Will you stay too?”

  “Yes, it’s probably best I do,” he said, taking the weapons toward the back of the ship.

  “Do you teleport, Jazara?” Caelum asked as he held out his hand. Sanjeeta happily took it, shuddering as the link strengthened. When Jazara shook her head, they instantly blipped into the parking lot of the Phoenix building.

  A high-pitched alarm screeched through the air. She and Caelum covere
d their ears and hunched over in pain. The silver shield appeared around the annoyed Enhancer as three men sloppily teleported around them. Although she was weaponless, Sanjeeta trained in self-defense and easily fended off the first attacker to charge at her.

  Caelum swiped his hand backward, sending the other two men through the air and crashing into the trees.

  Jazara approached Caelum, holding her curved weapon at the ready, but her eyes on the scanner in her other hand. “Liam and the other are at back of the building. I’m heading inside to help Valtor.”

  As Jazara ran toward the front of the building, Sanjeeta dashed forward and rounded the side. She stopped dead in her tracks seeing the chaos besieging the rest of the MIND team.


  A half dozen Phoenix guards emerged from the trees surrounding the back of the facility. Liam couldn’t shake the odd feeling rising through his chest. When one of the female guard’s hands lit up like a Vepsatian, Theo and Duncan both grunted. The conclusion of all powered humans having died had been wrong.

  Theo teleported directly into the group, colliding with the smallest man rushing toward them. Duncan lifted his hand, making the ground rumble beneath their feet and lifting chunks of earth up tripping two more guards. Liam fired his stunner at the fake Vepsar, catching her in the shoulder as the remaining three attackers returned gunfire.

  Everyone scattered or teleported out of view.

  The largest guard with a buzz cut and cold dark eyes appeared before Liam. He ducked the first swing, but missed the second to his gut and doubled over at the sheer force of the attack. A bullet zoomed past his ear. Duncan growled from behind. As the guard’s elbow came down, Liam lifted his hand, sparking lightning with his fingers and zapped the man in the chest.

  Theo’s energy attack crackled through the air behind him while Duncan’s grunting grew louder and the ground shook harder.


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