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The Elemental Collective: Volume One: An Elemental Paladins Spin-off Series

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by Montana Ash

Pulling back and kissing her nose, he got up and went to the bathroom. Dana heard water running before Mordecai stepped out with a wet washcloth. He wiped her down – her breasts, stomach, and between her legs. The last made her blush furiously and had him laughing. “You are too cute,” he said, bopping her on the nose. He then threw the towel on the floor and crawled back into bed with her.

  “I’m not cute,” she retorted. “I’m a goddess.”

  “You’ll get no complaints from me about that,” Mordecai said, drawing her against his chest.

  Dana laughed. “I feel good,” she then admitted.

  “I would certainly hope so,” Mordecai said, running his hands over her back and settling them on her butt.

  “I mean it. No wonder all the loved-up couples walk around on cloud nine all the time. Love feels good,” Dana admitted, snuggling further into Mordecai’s strong embrace. Too bad he chose that moment to move.

  “Hold up,” he pushed away a little, levering himself up on an elbow so he could look down at her. “Did you say love?”

  Dana stilled, everything in her locking up when she realised what she had just said. Yes, she loved Mordecai. She had loved him for years. And it wasn’t just because they had created a child together or because he was her first and only sexual experience. It was because of everything she had seen and everything she had felt from him over the years. But she had an unfair advantage. She had those years of watching and feeling. She had minutes and hours of him laughing and smiling and joking. Of him crying and erupting with violence. Of him healing and making friends and making enemies. She may not have had a lot of time to physically talk with Mordecai until recently, but she knew him. She knew what kind of man he was – knew his heart and his soul. So, yes, she loved him. Very much. Looking into the emerald depths of his eyes, she refused to withhold anything from him ever again. So she took a deep breath and told him everything she had just thought.

  She ended her little speech with; “I don’t expect you to feel the same way, Mordecai. I know I have an unfair advantage. There’s no pressure.”

  Mordecai was sitting up with his back to the headboard and staring straight ahead. When he continued to do so for the next few minutes, Dana deflated, knowing she had messed up her chance of a relationship with Mordecai before it had ever really begun. Peeling back the covers, she went to leave when she felt his hand on her arm.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I thought I’d give you some space,” she said, not turning around. She didn’t want to see dismissal in his eyes.

  Mordecai grunted and tugged on her arm, pulling her back onto the bed. He quickly rolled on top of her and pinned her arms above her head. “Did I say I wanted space?” Dana shook her head. “That’s right. I didn’t. Dana …” he released his hold on her wrists and cupped her face instead. “I may not love you yet. But I want the chance to. I want to love you, Dana. Give me time. Let me make up that advantage you have.”

  Dana chewed furiously on her lip, anything to divert attention from her brain to her eyes – which were starting to leak. “You want to love me?”

  Mordecai smiled, keeping his eyes on hers as he took small sips of her lips. “Very much.”

  Tears of happiness and tears of gratitude began to run down her cheeks. Mordecai bent down and kissed them away and Dana wrapped her arms around his shoulders, holding on extra tight. “Okay,” she mumbled against the bare skin of his shoulder.

  Mordecai lifted his head. “Okay?”

  “You have yourself a deal,” she grinned, laughing when Mordecai whooped loudly.

  Now all she had to do was figure out how to tell Tempus and Tanda she was leaving the Triumvirate. And hoped like hell her unexpected and mysterious protégé was up to the job.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Mordecai came to a dead stop just outside his bedroom door. There were four morons grinning like adolescent schoolboys standing directly in front of him. “Get out of my way,” he pushed past them, making his way to the only appliance in the still unfitted kitchen: the coffee machine. “You look like a bunch of idiots,” he told them, listening to the magical sounds of coffee beans grinding.

  “And you look like you’ve been ridden hard and put away wet,” Bastien pointed out.

  Mordecai ran his hands through his still wet hair before scratching at the whiskers on his face. He had made no effort to shave that morning, having better things to do with his time. But he probably should have made the effort to pull on a shirt, given how he was covered in scratches from a certain goddess’s fingernails.

  “Or is it Dana who was put away wet?” Tobias taunted cheekily, playing chicken with his life.

  Mordecai scowled at them all. “I suggest you keep your comments about Dana to yourself. Otherwise I’ll have her rip out your tongues.”

  “You don’t want to do it yourself?” Madigan asked, sidling up next to Mordecai so he could get his own cup of coffee.

  Mordecai grunted. “That woman can handle herself. Trust me.” Silence met his statement for a few seconds before he heard their laughter – and he shared in it. He felt damn good. Better than he had in more years than he could count.

  Aiden walked over and gripped his shoulder. “We’re happy for you, Mordecai. I cannot think of a more fitting woman for you, my liege, than a goddess. You deserve her.”

  Mordecai resolutely swallowed down the lump in his throat, croaking out a, “Thank you,” before drinking his scolding coffee in one huge gulp.

  “And where is our goddess this morning?” Aiden asked, looking in the direction of Mordecai’s room.

  “She poofed herself away a few minutes ago,” Mordecai replied.

  Madigan looked concerned, “Back to Otherworld?”

  Mordecai shook his head. “No. Not yet anyway. She said she was going to talk to Max.”

  Madigan looked relieved, along with the others. “That’s good. So … what now?”

  “Now we have to do a bunch of mental health checks on a bunch of chadens. I also promised Dawn I would take a look at those two paladins who are infected,” Mordecai replied, voicing what was on their agenda today. The chadens had been reacclimatising very well, but the IDC were under no illusions about how hard such a transition must be. As such, Mordecai and Dawn were doing routine checks with their elements to ensure the chadens were okay – both physically and mentally. There had been only one more new case of a paladin showing signs of infection since Celeste was accosted on the beach. Dawn and Jasminka had been working diligently to identify the mechanism as well as treatment and a cure. But they were hitting roadblocks – even with Max’s help. Dawn thought Mordecai’s death domain might be able to shine some light, so he was going to meet her at her new clinic at the Lodge. The clinic would soon be moving to the new building where he now lived, with the infirmary staying as it was at the training lodge for the new recruits. Such a thing had never been done before. Paladins who were injured were simply forced to suck it up. Even wardens who were hurt or drained had been left to the care of their paladins in their own homes. Mordecai was warmed to see a shift of inclusion and caring for their people.

  Tobias made a rude noise, drawing Mordecai back from his thoughts. “That’s not what Madi meant and you know it. What now with Dana? Are you two a couple?”

  “Are you going to get married and have more magic babies?” Bastien quickly followed up.

  Mordecai sent them all a droll look, ignoring them and walking into his room to finish getting dressed. Of course, he couldn’t escape them so easily and they followed close on his heels. They didn’t say anything but he could feel their laser eyes on him as he turned around, no doubt taking in every scratch and bite on his back and shoulders. “We’re working on it, okay?” he said, finally snapping.

  “Which part? The couple part or the baby part?” Aiden teased.

  Mordecai shook his head. “No babies.” He paused, gulping. “I don’t think. Do you think?” he then asked, a little panicky. After all, their last encoun
ter had made Max and he hadn’t taken any precautions last night. Was there such a thing as goddess contraception? he wondered.

  Tobias rolled his eyes, “Relax. Dana warned you last time she was going to use your DNA to try to create an omnipotent being, didn’t she?” Mordecai nodded his head furiously. “Then I’d say your swimmers are safe,” Tobias clapped him on the back. “Now, about the windows …”

  Mordecai’s steps faltered on the way to the door and he heard raucous laughter behind him. He closed his eyes and counted to ten before moving again, not acknowledging his sworn knights. He knew it. He was never going to hear the end of it.

  When Dana had magicked herself out of Mordecai’s embrace that morning, she did not have to travel far. As it turned out, it was close to mid-morning and Max and her Order were once again at Eden, ready to work, after retiring for the night to their home by the sea. Dana had paused when she saw all the knowing grins and teasing looks as she walked over to the group, but she held her head up high and continued on. So, I had sex, she thought. It is not like the lot of them are not always going at it like rabbits.

  ‘Hardly like rabbits, mother. Just because you and father have that type of stamina, doesn’t mean we all do.’ Max teased her mentally. ‘Which is really ick by the way.’

  “Titania …” Dana scolded, falling into old habits and calling Max by the name she had bestowed upon her at birth. It was not often she made the mistake. Although she still believed the name fit her daughter, Dana really did see her as Max now.

  “What’s a Titania?” Axel asked, looking confused.

  Max smirked at her fire paladin. “It’s not a what. It’s a who. Me. I’m Titania.”

  Axel’s wide eyes met those of his counterparts. “Your real name is Titania?”

  “My real name is Max,” Max quickly corrected. “But ...” she smiled at Dana, reaching out to hold her hand in an affectionate grip. “I’ll always be Titania too.”

  Dana returned her daughter’s smile, relieved she had not caused offence.

  “So, uh, your nickname would be … tit? Or maybe titties?” Axel asked, trying to hold back his laughter. He quickly yelped however, when Ryker grabbed him in a none-too-gentle headlock.

  “I dare you to call her that,” Ryker urged, squeezing for good measure.

  Axel choked, tapping out on Ryker’s arm because he couldn’t talk. Ryker released him and Axel stepped back rubbing his throat. “Dude, chill. I won’t call her that – out loud.” He then took off running when Ryker pulled his duel sickles from their sheaths.

  Dana chuckled, hugging Max close to her side. “I am so happy for you, sweetheart. Everything is working out – just like you said.”

  “Hmmm,” Max agreed. “Who would have thought?”

  “Okay, okay. Enough cheek from you,” Dana kissed Max’s forehead and let her go.

  “Now, all we need is for you to get your own happy ending,” Max offered.

  Feeling a tingle of awareness shoot down her spine, Dana turned her head to find Mordecai’s eyes on her as he strode with purpose across the clearing. “I am working on it,” Dana murmured.

  She was more than a little surprised when Mordecai did not slow his movements, instead running right into her and pulling her hard against his chest. His head swooped down and his mouth landed on hers, promising all sorts of pleasures. And, she hoped, a future. It was certainly telling that he kissed her so openly and in front of so many of their kind. Not just Max’s Order. There were dozens of chadens, wardens and paladins around, all eager to help create the new hub of their society.

  Dana pulled her mouth from his, her hands resting on what she knew were perfectly hairy, perfectly muscled pecs. “Hello,” she said, ducking her head under his chin.

  Mordecai’s laugh rumbled through his chest, causing pleasant vibrations against her cheek. “You are the most intriguing mix of innocence and worldly. How could you possibly still have the ability to blush after last night?”

  “Oh. Gag!” Max said, scrunching up her nose.

  Mordecai’s green eyes widened and he looked around, as if only just noticing they had an audience. And then he blushed. Hard. Dana thought it was adorable.

  “Aww, are you blushing?” Ryker taunted, smirking at Mordecai.

  “I can make Max leave you,” was Mordecai’s immediate retort.

  “No, you can’t,” Ryker snarked back.

  “No, he can’t,” Max agreed, grinning.

  “Whatever,” Mordecai said, looking around at their audience. “What the fuck are you all looking at?” he practically yelled, causing everyone to scatter. He then gave Dana his full attention once more. “I will be busy here for a few hours. Then I am heading to the training lodge. Will I see you later?”

  Dana bit her lip, her eyes greedily seeking out the truth in his. “Do you want to see me later?”


  The reply was perfect in its simplicity and Dana found herself smiling widely. “Then you shall,” she promised.

  “What about Otherworld? I thought you were returning? Are we really going to have to wait at least two weeks to see each other again?” he asked, looking annoyed at the prospect.

  Dana’s happiness wilted a little. Is this how it was going to be? She wondered. Were they doomed to spend a little time together only to be punished with double the time apart? Something that had been a mere annoyance to her suddenly became terrible and she vowed to talk with Tempus and Tanda that day.

  ‘Never fear, my dear. We are already here,’ Tempus’s voice invaded her mind.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Dana whipped her head around to the cliff’s edge, her gaze immediately landing on the other two gods who had been with her since the beginning of time itself. Tempus was dressed as always in a smart suit; this one was charcoal with a pale blue dress shirt. He wore no tie and had the first couple of buttons undone on his shirt, revealing a hint of his tattoo. Tanda, on the other hand, looked like some kind of skater-boy in ripped jeans, black and white Doc Martin shoes, and a faded Metallica t-shirt. The row of silver hoops in his left ear went from the lobe to the tip and shined in the winter sun.

  “Dana?” Mordecai questioned. He was squinting in the same direction as her, but he clearly could not see what she was seeing. Still, he was tense and appeared ready for battle as his Order quickly flanked him. “What is it?”

  Before Dana could reply and assure him everything was fine, Max squealed and took off running. Well, as fast as she was able to considering she was almost seven months pregnant. Max ignored the yells and warnings from her Order and she flung herself at Tanda, crying, “Uncle Tanda!” Dana transported herself next to the gods before over a dozen heavily armed paladins arrived seconds later. There was lots of cursing and questions as Max moved on to Tempus, giving him the same treatment and a happy, “Uncle Tempus!”.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Ryker yelled, clearly unhappy.

  Dana held up a staying hand. “These are my colleagues – and my friends. Tempus and Tanda.” That shut everyone up.

  “As in, Father Time and Death?” Darius asked, eyes wide, even as his grip on his sickle remained tight.

  “That would be us. At your service,” Tempus bowed, smiling at everyone over the top of Max’s head.

  What followed was thirty minutes of hectic conversation, laughter, and awkward silences. Thankfully, the tension in the air no longer felt fraught with danger. Although Max’s entire Order were yet to sheath their blades. Mordecai, for his part, was staring avidly at Tanda. When the usually stoic God of Death winked at him, Mordecai literally jumped, before scowling and telling his paladins to “fuck off” for laughing.

  Finding herself next to Tempus and a small distance away from the crowd, she asked, “Is it time?”

  “You’re asking me?” came the amused reply.

  Dana slid her eyes to the left, a smile quirking her lips. “And who should I ask about matters of time if not Father Time himself?”

� the silver fox waved a dismissive hand. “As if you need our permission to do anything.”

  “The laws of nature might not deem it so, but I would like it nonetheless,” Dana revealed. She looked to Mordecai who was watching her exchange with sharp eyes. She smiled reassuringly at him. “He wants to love me, Temp.”

  Tempus sighed and turned to face her fully. “I know. And so he shall.”

  Dana felt her heartbeat skip out of rhythm. “He shall?”

  “He shall,” a voice said from behind her.

  Dana spun around, finding Gaias grinning at her. “Gaias? What are you doing here?”

  “Now, what would a retirement party be if your replacement wasn’t here?” he replied.

  “What?” she was breathless.

  Tempus patted her on the back. “You asked if it was time. It is.”

  Dana cast her eyes to Tanda, then to Max – or more specifically her bump – before looking at Tempus once more. “Only my time?”

  “For now,” Tempus said.

  Dana bit her lip and nodded her head. She knew Tanda’s time in the Triumvirate was coming to an end at some point but was yet to be informed of the same for Tempus. It was strange, when one set of gods stepped down, there was always a replacement waiting in the wings. It was true, she had not known her own time was upon her until Gaias popped up in Otherworld. She had believed Tanda would be the first to descend. But, looking around her now, she was beyond grateful it was to be her.

  “What about you?” she asked Tempus, presently.

  “Ah, you and Tanda are set. No such luck for me yet.”

  His voice held no censure, but the response made Dana sad nonetheless. She was about to get everything she never even knew she wanted but her friend was not yet done with his service. It seemed unfair. “Are you at least going to talk to him while you are here?”

  “Who?” Tempus feigned ignorance.

  “Your son,” Dana spoke bluntly. “Your punishment – your lockout from the veil – ended several lifetimes ago. Do you not think it is time to say hello?”


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