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The Elemental Collective: Volume One: An Elemental Paladins Spin-off Series

Page 18

by Montana Ash

  Dawn lifted one leg and locked it around his waist, pulling their groins into alignment. She gasped, feeling wetness flood between her thighs and wanting nothing more than to feel Knox inside of her. She ripped off his shirt before doing the same to her own. “Take me,” she commanded. “Take me now.”

  Knox looked a little dazed as he set her away from him. “You are so perfect,” he declared, only to ruin it by adding, “We can’t do this here.”

  “What are you talking about? Of course we can,” Dawn challenged, trying to grab him by his hard dick and show him the way.

  Knox’s chuckle was dark as he shook his head, “You’re an animal. Why am I not surprised? It’s always the quiet ones. But seriously, Dawn, anyone could walk in. And the first time I have you is not going to be on the floor of some pub.”

  Dawn felt her lip extend in a pout, not liking what she was hearing at all. She liked that he respected her and wanted to take time with her, but she was horny and Knox had said he loved her. Her. She wanted her man and she wanted him now. She looked over at the scarred bar. “If not the floor, how about the bar?”

  Knox sputtered, “What? Huh? Yes! Fuck, yes! Wait, no. I mean no. Not happening.”

  Dawn tsked and started to walk backwards, reaching behind her back to unhook her black cotton bra. Had she known she was going to be getting laid, she would have worn something racier. But Knox didn’t seem to mind if his bobbing erection was anything to go by. Pulling the straps down her arms, she held the bra up from the tips of her fingers for a moment before tossing it across the room. She then pushed her pants down her legs, trying to channel her inner stripper as she moved her hips to a soundless beat. Knox looked entranced and he watched avidly as she pushed her pants away, taking her knickers with them. She was wearing beige, high-rise, underwear and she didn’t want to ruin the illusion of Dawn, The Sex Siren. She felt behind her for the bar and then used her hands to leverage herself up. She winced. “Damn, this is cold on my butt. You can be on the bottom,” she informed Knox.

  Apparently, that was the last straw because he charged across the room after removing his shoes and flinging his jeans aside. He stepped between her legs and pulled her face to his, kissing her with all the passion and frustration she knew he was feeling. And she knew because she felt the same way. It took some manoeuvring, but she soon had Knox flat on his back on the bar and she threw her leg over him, straddling him and keeping him at her mercy. He reached up and cupped her breast, massaging the fleshy mound even as his other hand ventured between her thighs.

  Knox groaned when he found her slick and wet. “Perfect,” he muttered. “So perfect.” He then waved his hand at the front door and Dawn heard a rush of wind right before a loud click. “I locked the door,” Knox said.

  “Perfect,” Dawn repeated. She kissed him one last time, more than ready for him. She knew she was being wanton and impatient, but it felt like she had been waiting for this moment forever. For a man who finally saw every part of her and gave himself to her selflessly, rather than demanding she give herself to him.

  Lowering herself onto his length, she threw her head back, rejoicing in the feeling of being filled. For all her time spent declining offers of sex, she really did enjoy it. Her body stretched to accommodate Knox’s impressive girth and she tightened her inner muscles experimentally. Knox groaned and thrust up into her, almost causing her to lose her balance. His hands quickly came up to grip her hips as he set a fast pace, thrusting up from underneath her and pulling her down to meet the hard jabs at the same time.

  “Look at you,” Knox panted, voice filled with the grit of lust. “You look like a naughty cowgirl up there.” He moaned, pumping into her a few more times before saying, “Gods, your tits.”

  Dawn looked down, taking note of the way her breasts bounced with every motion. Her breasts were large, but she liked to think they were balanced out by her hips. She had always loved her hourglass figure and was gratified to see Knox approved as well. She snaked her hand up to tweak a nipple, gasping when it shot sensation straight to her clit. Knox released her hips to pull her down and kiss her breathless. She stayed where she was working her hips against Knox, the position putting pressure on her clit every couple of thrusts. It wasn’t long after that before she felt a tingling in her clit and her internal muscles began tightening rhythmically over and over again as she was flung into an orgasm that had her screaming Knox’s name. Knox’s shout of completion reached her ears and he lost his rhythm, pistoning into her crazily as he worked to wring out every drop of pleasure for them both.

  Chapter Eleven

  Knox stared stupidly at the ceiling, his body struggling to breathe as he came down from an orgasm that, by rights, should have killed him. Dawn was sprawled boneless on his chest, her panting breaths hot against his skin. He lifted his heavy arms, stroking them down Dawn’s back, and finding it slick with sweat. When he got to her butt, he gave it a small pinch, holding her tight when she jumped so she wouldn’t fall.

  Pushing her hair out of her face, Dawn scowled up at him. “What are you doing?”

  “Just checking to see if you’re still conscious,” he grinned down at her. Dawn giggled and Knox basked in the sound. He tucked some hair behind her ear, asking, “Are you okay?”

  Dawn searched his face for a moment, asking a question of her own in return. “Do you still love me?”

  Knox gripped her tighter, feeling her generous breasts squish against his chest and causing his exhausted dick to make a heroic twitch. “Yes. Of course, I still love you.” He squeezed her arse, “In fact, I think I love you even more now.”

  Dawn laughed, kissing his chin. “Then, yes. I am very okay.”

  Knox sighed, relaxing back against his bar, and wondering how he was ever going to be able to serve drinks to his customers without replaying sex with Dawn every single time. It would be damned inconvenient to pop wood every time he wiped down the bar top. Still, he was content to hold her there for a while longer yet. The outside world could wait.

  “What do we do now?” Dawn asked after a few minutes. She propped herself up on his chest so she could see him better.

  “Now we put the closed sign on the door and give me a breather of say, ten minutes, before we start all over again. I was thinking … reverse cowgirl?” Knox’s grin was as cheeky as it was raunchy.

  Dawn pinched his nipple, making him yelp. “That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”

  Knox did know. He also knew exactly how to answer her. “Now we date.”

  “Date?” Dawn looked surprised.

  Knox bopped her on the nose, smiling at her cute frown. “Yes, date. We continue to see each other for recreational activities as well as conversation. We continue to touch and kiss and cuddle. And we most definitely continue to have sex.” He paused, holding her close and moving his lips to the shell of her ear, before he whispered, “We do all that until it happens.”

  Dawn smiled, laughing a little. Then she asked, “Until what happens?”

  Knox kissed her mouth, tangling his tongue lazily with hers until they were panting again. “Until you fall in love with me in return,” he finally answered. Dawn tried to move off him, but Knox wouldn’t let her. Instead he held her tighter. “Quit wiggling or we’ll fall off here. It’s a miracle we didn’t break our necks as it is.”

  Dawn was biting her lip, looking anxious. “I’m sorry I can’t say it back. I –”

  Knox shook his head, stopping her. “Don’t apologise, I understand. Trust me, I know this is fast. I don’t really know when or how I fell in love with you. I didn’t realise until I saw you kissing your paladins – naughty, naughty, by the way. Remind me to spank you for that later. But I made a vow to myself, after Max healed me and made me a man again. I’m not sure if you overheard that part, but I vowed I would never lie to myself. Even if I could go against my own promise, I wouldn’t want to. I like loving you. It feels good. I want to keep loving you. Is that okay?” he asked, suddenly feeling unsure. />
  “It’s definitely okay,” Dawn breathed, pushing up to kiss him again.

  Knox kissed her back, joy filling his heart. He grinned cockily at his lover, “Besides, if watching you fumble through our initial courtship was anything to go by, watching you fall in love with me is going to be hysterical.”

  Dawn gasped, “You arsehole!” She mock growled, pushing herself up and straddling his waist.

  Knox laughed, spanning her hips with his hands. “It’s going to be a fun ride.”

  Dawn’s expression turned sultry and downright naughty causing his dick to plump a little. “If you think that is a fun ride, you’re going to love this.” Then she turned around and straddled him in reverse.

  He groaned, slapping her rump. “Giddy up.”

  Dawn’s laugh was music to his ears and a balm to his soul. And her hand was like magic to his dick, he mused as she stroked him back to full hardness. All in all, it was the best ending to a misunderstanding he had ever had.

  Book Three


  Chapter One

  “You know, your mummy has all these swirling stars in her eyes – like an entire galaxy! She is my star and my moon. And you, you are going to be my little Sunshine,” Ryker told his daughter, whispering against Max’s stomach. His hand followed the kicks and punches as he hummed You Are My Sunshine, the vibrations making Max giggle. Ryker looked up at Max. “Stay still, mummy. Daddy is bonding here.”

  Max was reclining in bed with a bunch of pillows behind her – because laying flat was out of the question now. Her stomach was just too heavy and she was only able to take shallow breaths when she was on her back. She smiled at Ryker as she ran her hands through his silky, long locks. His hair was now long enough to tie back in a band, though not as long as Beyden’s had been when Max had first met him. Still, Ryker was learning the ways of the man-bun from Sensei Bey and Max loved it. Her father, on the other hand, teased Ryker ruthlessly about it. Max thought the love/hate relationship Mordecai and Ryker had built was beyond adorable, and their daily bantering always made her laugh.

  “What are you giggling about?” Ryker asked, giving her tummy a final kiss before reclining next to her.

  “You and my father. You two are so cute together,” Max replied.

  Ryker grunted, “I hate him.”

  “You love him,” Max corrected.

  “I love to hate him. How about that? See, I can compromise.” He smiled winningly at her.

  Max shook her head, completely melting from that smile. Which, she knew was entirely his intention. “Come here,” Max gestured him closer with her finger. He looked a little smug, but still he obeyed, and Max kissed him lazily for a delicious few minutes.

  It was a Sunday morning, later than they would usually linger in bed, but there was nothing pressing on the schedule and her Order had things well in hand anyway. She now only had a little over four weeks to go before she could hold her daughter in her arms and she was getting impatient. Both to be able to kiss her and cuddle her, and also because she felt huge. She hadn’t been able to see her feet in weeks, nor shave her legs. Which meant, who knows what was going on between her legs. Not that it mattered, Max thought. Ryker had put a stop to their lovemaking a good six weeks ago. He was simply too aware his kid was in her belly. Max thought he was hysterical, but she couldn’t blame him really. Their daughter moved a lot. Max patted her stomach, only to get a solid nudge in return. She sighed, the sound filled with happiness and contentment. She was in bed with the man of her dreams as he sang to their unborn daughter and promised her the world. What more could she ask for?

  Everything was perfect.

  Just then, a cloud obscured the sun, causing the sky to darken and their room to dim. Max felt a shiver go through her body and she frowned, her gaze searching the horizon out the window. She rubbed her arms, trying to force the goosebumps away. “What was that?” she wondered.

  “What was what?” Ryker asked, levering himself up to look at her. He followed her gaze out the window, watching as the cloud moved on and the bright sun returned. “You okay?”

  Max nodded her head, feeling silly. She hadn’t had a vision or anything, but she still had a funny feeling that something was coming. She just hoped it wasn’t the baby, she thought, rubbing her hands over her tummy. She still had a few things to take care of before that happened. Making a mental note to see Jazz for a check-up that day, Max pushed the incident out of her mind. It was just a cloud, after all. Then she finally answered Ryker, “I’m fine. Nothing to worry about here. Your Sunshine is just fine too.”

  Ryker had started referring to the baby as Sunshine when Max was around five months pregnant. Not only did he think the nickname was fitting for what his daughter would bring to them – pure sunshine, light, and love – but every now and then, Max’s stomach would heat up. Max hadn’t been at all concerned about it. Her baby only did it whenever she or Ryker patted her or talked to her. Ryker, of course, had flipped his shit when his hand had warmed up one night when they had been fooling around. Thinking about it now, Max realised that was the exact moment Ryker had put a hiatus on their sex life. Jazz and Max’s mother had checked the baby out and assured them there was nothing wrong. Max herself had done a little snooping around with her own special sight and found her daughter’s body and soul to be perfectly healthy. For some reason, she just liked to light up like the sun whenever her mummy or daddy talked to her. Max had no problem with that, and Ryker had thus, bestowed the nickname Sunshine. It had stuck, and most of her family now greeted her tummy with ‘hello Sunshine’ whenever they saw her.

  “Are you sure?” Ryker pressed, placing his palm over Max’s forehead.

  Max allowed it, smiling in reassurance. “I am positive. All good here. What are the plans for today?”

  Ryker rearranged himself – and Max – so he was spooning her from the side, every part of his hard, muscled body touching hers. “My plans consist mainly of this.”

  “Hmm, I like your plan,” Max agreed. Then, figuring it was worth a shot, she grabbed his hand and moulded it to her very full breast. “You know what would be a better plan?”

  Ryker groaned, his warm breath tickling the back of her neck as he burrowed his head there. He squeezed her breast, causing Max to gasp and arch because she was super sensitive. “Max, stop being naughty,” Ryker complained – but he didn’t remove his hand.

  Max smiled and began to think her plans of seduction were working for once when Ryker nibbled on her earlobe. She could feel his hardness pressing into her backside and she began to rock against him. Ryker groaned, using his free hand to tilt her head back and deliver a searing kiss. The angle was awkward but Max didn’t care. She was just getting prepared for the mammoth task of rolling over when Sunshine chose that moment to punch her right in the vag. At least, that’s what it felt like to Max. Like an internal uppercut. Max gasped and began swearing, the lingering heaviness between her legs that always accompanied such jabs making her want to sit up. Ryker, of course, let go of her like she was a hot potato. But he did help her sit up straighter.

  “Uh, sorry. I got a little carried away,” Ryker said, looking sheepish and gorgeous with his dark eyes and rumpled hair. He was now standing beside the bed, rubbing her shoulders.

  Max licked her lips, eyes darting to the erection outlined in his boxer briefs. “Not carried away enough.”

  Ryker pointed a finger at her. “No. Stop it, you minx. No orgasms for you.”

  “How about an orgasm for you then?” Max suggested, before reaching out and cupping her man’s heavy dick. She got away with a few strokes over the fabric of his underwear before he stepped back, breathing hard.

  “Max …” Ryker warned, his bare chest rising and falling rapidly with his quick breaths.

  Max pouted. “You and your stupid rules.” When they had stopped having intercourse, Ryker had also banned all orgasms of all sorts. Even for himself. Something about solidarity and not asking Max to do anything he wasn�
�t willing to do himself. Thinking about it now, Max decided it was the most romantic thing he had ever done for her. The thought made her laugh and shake her head. She held up her hands in surrender. “Fine. You win.”

  “You’re still the most beautiful vision I have ever seen in my life. I love you very much,” Ryker told her, the sunlight at his back making him look like a hero from mythology.

  Max felt her eyes tear up – she was far more emotional than she used to be. “I love you very much too.”

  Ryker bent down, kissing away the two tears that escaped before nibbling on her lips, coaxing them open. Max opened willingly and allowed the sensual kiss to spin out, creating tension but also satisfaction. So that when Ryker finally pulled back with a final kiss to her forehead, Max didn’t feel horny. She felt cherished. “What am I going to do with you?” she asked.

  Ryker winked at her, “Ask me that again a couple of months after Sunshine is born.”

  Max grinned. “Deal.”

  After waddling her way to the bathroom and peeing an embarrassingly small amount considering how full her bladder felt, she felt the Order link flare up. The voices were muffled, which meant someone was talking to Ryker. Max could have easily listened in, but she always respected the privacy of her friends. She may be their liege, but sometimes what they had to say was for Ryker only. Ryker didn’t look concerned as he absently scratched at his wriggling coat of arms, so Max continued to get dressed. Sure, a lazy Sunday was planned. But she was up and moving now, so she may as well put pants on. She had taken to sleeping in Ryker’s t-shirts, which even at eight months pregnant, were still roomy on her. They were fast moving into spring and although most days were clear and sunny, the air was still sometimes cool. As such, she dressed in maternity leggings, a maternity singlet that had a built-in self-bra, and left an unbuttoned light flannel shirt on over the top. She hadn’t been able to wear a bra with underwire since she was fourteen weeks along and it had been an adjustment to wear wireless maternity bras. With her breast size, she just didn’t feel supported without wire. But that wasn’t really an issue now because her baby bump did a pretty good job of acting as a ledge for her tits.


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