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Red North!

Page 33

by Mark Lemke

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  Even though she was expecting my call, Marti sounded startled when she picked up.? "Hello?" she said.

  "Hi, Marti.? It's Nick."? I considered whether to make small talk or get right to the point.? I opted for the direct approach.? "What have you been able to find out from the FBI or the sheriff?"

  With what I'd interpreted as a slight irritation in her tone, she said, "I found out that I'm supposed to cooperate with you.? I made a phone call to the deputy director at NSIR in Washington, to see how much I should share with you.? I was told you were cleared for any information I have pertaining to this situation.? I was told point blank to cooperate with you completely.? But then, I suppose you already knew that."?

  Good, I thought to myself.? She's thorough.? "I knew that if you were any good, you'd check on me and that you needed to hear it from someone other than me."

  "I assume you'll fill me in completely on what is going on?" she asked frostily.? "Quid pro quo?"

  "I'll be happy to tell you whatever I learn-later.? Right now, I'm still putting the pieces together.? And to do that, I need to know what's going on with law enforcement."? She could be pissed all she wanted-later.? Right now, I needed information, I was tired, and I didn't feel much like negotiating with her.? I knew she wasn't going to like any of this, but it would be in her best interests all the way around if, for the time being, she would simply cooperate as instructed.? I'd like her to see it that way for herself.? If she didn't, I could bring some pressure to bear, though I'd rather avoid that if possible.

  "I'll help you out," she conceded.? "But before this is all over, you're going to owe me some explanations.? I don't like being kept in the dark."

  "I can assure you, by the time this is all over, you'll know more than you expect," I said with a certain amount of finality in my voice.

  "Okay.? The fibbies are tight-lipped, as you might suspect.? I checked with the regional headquarters guys out here on the west coast, in Los Angeles.? They're agitated because national FBI headquarters is taking the lead.? So, the west coast guys know what they've been told but little else.? At least, nothing they're sharing with me."

  "That's not altogether unexpected," I said.? "What else ya got?"

  "The sheriff is another thing altogether.? The FBI apparently read him in.? He's not at all happy about a threat of this magnitude in his backyard.? First a murder, and now this.? This is a small community and he believes he has local jurisdiction, regardless of what the FBI is telling him.? I know the guy from a few public meetings I've been involved in," Marti said.? "He isn't all that supportive of nuclear power, but he was elected, so he needs to go along with his constituency, who, unfortunately for him, are very much in favor of the nuclear power plant. ?It adds a tremendous amount of money to the tax base in this community.? It's money they wouldn't otherwise have.? But supportive or not, I'm not sure how well equipped he and his staff are to deal with this."

  The same thoughts had crossed my mind when I first met the sheriff at a meet and greet Prichard had for me when I first hired on.? "He may look a bit like a hick," I said, "'and he may not have a lot of experience with this kind of thing, but he's probably better informed on what's going on right now than you are.? He was involved when the station did its analysis last year as part of the governments effort to evaluate national critical infrastructure activities. ?So he knows what can happen."

  Marti asked, "What does that mean?"

  "That means he helped develop defensive and take-back strategies in the event someone was to take over the plant. The sheriff has also been involved with the Coast Guard to make sure there is a restricted area one mile off shore."?

  Marti was quiet, which either meant she already knew all this or that she was surprised that I knew it.? Then her voice dropped a few decibels. "I wasn't around when they did their critical asset protection studies last year, but I was briefed on the results.? What you are talking about is confidential information.? How the hell do you know so much??? And should we be talking about this over an open line?"

  "For the sake of brevity, and to expedite things right now, yes," I told her.? "But I want you to stay near your office on the plant site.? We may need more information, and you'll have an easier time getting that over your secure phone.? I'm sure FBI and NRC headquarters would prefer you communicate with them on your encrypted phone.? You know how to use it, right?"

  I could tell Marti resented at the dig.? "It's not exactly like picking up a cell phone and dialing a number, but I've done it before.? So yes, I'm qualified on how to use our secure equipment!"

  "Good.? As for the sheriff, he's probably put his SWAT team on alert and is dusting off their take-back strategy.? Your job is to make sure they don't pull a John Wayne and come charging onto the site until we know more.? We don't want to spook the bad guys until we know what we are dealing with.? Can you do that?"

  "I'll do my best.? Is there anything else?" she says with little warmth in her tone.

  I could tell I'd pissed her off.? She didn't know me and didn't know the full scope of what was going on.? Normally, I wouldn't care, but in this case, she was an inadvertent participant and not a trained operative.? I didn't know exactly what her role was going to be, but whatever it was, it would be better to have her on my side than not.?

  "Look," I said, softening the tone in my voice.? "I know this is unusual for you.? But you're doing a good job.? Just hang in there and stay collected.? If you need anything, let me know.?I've got some stuff to do.? I'll call you tomorrow."?

  She apparently responded well to my change in demeanor.? "Wait a minute," she said, suddenly sounding cooperative.? "If you're going to call me, let me give you my home and personal cell numbers, just in case."

  "I've already got them."? Without waiting for a response, I terminated the call.?

  * * * * *


  Marti put down her phone.? She admitted to herself that being told what to do by this 'contractor' annoyed her, but she was also intrigued and a bit excited.? She breathed out and instinctively looked around her.? She didn't expect to see anything, but her level of paranoia was increasing.?


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