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To Mend a Marriage

Page 9

by Carole Mortimer

  ‘Didn’t they? I—’ He broke off as the waiter returned to their table to take their order, and the next few minutes were taken up with choosing their food.

  A respite for which Gemini was more than grateful! The two of them kissing and touching each other, ‘almost’ making love, as Nick had put it, was a cherished memory she could take out and relish whenever she was alone. She certainly didn’t want to sit here with Nick and dissect what had happened between them, to pull it apart until it had no meaning whatsoever!

  She leant forward once the waiter had gone away, putting her hand briefly over Nick’s as it rested on the tabletop. And even that momentary touch was enough to send an electric thrill up her arm and through her body!

  ‘Let’s just do as you suggested, Nick, and enjoy lunch,’ she said huskily. ‘Neither of us will be able to work this afternoon if we end up giving each other indigestion!’ she added, in an effort to lighten the conversation.

  He looked at her for several long seconds, green eyes narrowed, and then he slowly nodded. ‘Truce, Gemini?’ he drawled self-derisively.

  ‘Truce, Nick,’ she agreed gratefully.

  He gave an acknowledging nod. ‘How’s the collection going?’

  Gemini was grateful for the abrupt change of subject. Maybe lunch would be okay, after all…

  She gave a rueful smile. ‘When I can drag Hugh away from the baby, it’s going just fine!’

  Nick chuckled softly. ‘He would have made a wonderful father, he obviously adores kids.’

  ‘Mm,’ she acknowledged wistfully. And not just Hugh, either. Nick would have made a wonderful father too…

  ‘Now I’ve made you sad again,’ Nick muttered self-disgustedly. ‘I just can’t seem to say the right thing to you at the moment!’ He shook his head impatiently.

  It wasn’t just Nick. Her emotions were all over the place just recently, and the least little thing could produce a mood-swing of almost three hundred and sixty degrees! ‘Time of the month,’ she dismissed untruthfully; the truth was much more embarrassing than discussing her body clock!

  Nick seemed to visibly relax at her explanation, sipping at the red wine the waiter had poured for them both. ‘I’ve always been grateful for that very reason that I was born male.’ He grimaced.

  ‘But it has its compensations,’ Gemini said with a rueful smile. ‘We also get to carry and give birth to the babies,’ she explained at his questioning look.

  And then instantly regretted her candidness. When had she ever given any indication that she considered being pregnant and giving birth a ‘compensation’? When had she ever thought such a thing?

  The last few days, she inwardly acknowledged. Since looking after Jessica…

  Three days ago she had questioned how she was ever going to cope with having a baby in the house, let alone look after her; now she knew she was going to miss Jessica unbearably when Jemima came to collect her.

  There was something so—so emotional, she supposed, about being so completely alone with a baby during the night hours, holding her, talking to her, kissing her, with the rest of the world seeming to be asleep. And unnecessary. It was the most wonderful experience, so difficult to describe, and yet Gemini knew she was going to miss those times with Jessica the most.

  Nick’s mouth twisted derisively. ‘I think most women would find the reality of that statement debatable,’ he drawled mockingly.

  Gemini laughed softly. ‘The reality of it probably is,’ she acknowledged self-derisively. ‘But we can all dream, Nick,’ she added laughingly.

  ‘I thought your dreams were all of fabrics and fashions!’ he teased.

  ‘They are.’ She nodded, sitting back as their first course was delivered to their table. ‘Mmm, this is delicious,’ she murmured appreciatively after taking the first mouthful of the pasta she had ordered. ‘Although I’m probably going to smell of garlic all day!’ she added ruefully.

  ‘Never mind, mine has garlic in, too,’ Nick dismissed.

  Gemini wondered at the relevance of his remark, but didn’t comment on it, continuing to eat her food. They seemed to have reached some level of camaraderie between them again; they were at least talking now, without one or both of them becoming defensive—and she certainly didn’t want to be the one who broke that truce!

  It was a wonderful meal, the food excellent, and the company too, as Nick set out to amuse her with stories of the nightmare business deal he was trying to put in place at the moment.

  Gemini had such a good time that it wasn’t until they were driving back to the salon a couple of hours later that she realised Nick hadn’t told her the reason for his unexpected invitation out to lunch. Because one thing she did know about Nick: he always had a reason for everything he did.

  She turned in the passenger seat to look at him. ‘Lovely as the meal was, Nick, you still haven’t told me why we had lunch together.’

  He quirked dark brows. ‘Does there have to be a reason?’

  She would have so liked to say no—but she knew better. ‘I think so, yes,’ she answered him slowly.

  Nick’s mouth tightened. ‘Can’t fool you for a minute, can I, Gemini?’ he bit out tersely.

  She had hoped. Oh, yes, she had hoped… But obviously no! ‘Not when you do unexpected things like taking me out to lunch, no,’ she said dryly.

  He sighed. ‘I called round to see Danny this morning, Gemini,’ he told her evenly.

  Danny, again! Damn it—

  ‘Yes?’ she prompted scathingly, sitting tensely in her seat now. ‘Did you believe him when he told you he only telephoned me because he’s trying to contact Jemima?’ she asked, her eyes glittering deeply blue.

  ‘He didn’t tell me that—he didn’t tell me anything, Gemini,’ he added as she opened her mouth to object. ‘For the simple reason he isn’t there. He’s gone away, Gemini,’ Nick added softly. ‘And the caretaker of the building where he lives says he has no idea when Danny will be back!’

  And just what did that have to do with her? Gemini wanted to demand. But she knew the answer to that all too well…

  Nick believed she was going to be upset at learning Danny had gone away again without seeing her; he had taken her out to lunch so that he could tell her and so soften the blow for her.

  Ridiculous. It was absolutely ridiculous that her husband should feel he had reason to do any such thing. And with Danny’s departure, she realised, she had even less chance of convincing Nick of her complete indifference to Danny, or his whereabouts.

  She gave a dismissive shrug. ‘What does any of this have to do with me, Nick?’ she prompted hardily, looking at him challengingly. The friendship renewed between them over lunch was evaporating as if it had never been.

  Damn him! How could Nick possibly think her stupid enough to fall for Danny’s irresponsible brand of charm all over again? The last time had been a brainstorm—to do it all over again would be sheer madness!

  Nick drew the car to a halt outside the salon before answering her, turning in his own seat, his arm along the back of hers. ‘I wouldn’t like to see you get hurt, Gemini,’ he told her huskily.

  He had no idea how hurt she already was—from loving him so hopelessly! ‘Danny couldn’t hurt me, Nick—’

  ‘There’s more, Gemini,’ he cut in firmly, the hand that rested along the back of her car seat absently playing with the darkness of her hair as it lay silkily on her shoulders. He drew in a deep breath. ‘I just don’t quite know how to tell you…’ he muttered grimly.

  ‘Just spit it out, Nick,’ she snapped irritably. ‘Nothing you can tell me about Danny would shock me any more!’

  Nick nodded impatiently. ‘He’s my younger brother, and for that reason I love him—but I still know that the next time I see him I’m going to take pleasure in hitting him!’

  She shook her head. ‘That’s between you and Danny,’ she bit out.

  She wanted to be out of here, back in the privacy of her salon, where she could sit and lick her wounds. Bec
ause for Nick to still harbour these violent feelings towards Danny he must still care for Jemima…!

  Nick sighed. ‘Do you ever call Danny at his apartment, Gemini?’ He looked at her searchingly.

  Her eyes flashed deeply blue. ‘I’ve already told you; I never call him anywhere! You—’

  ‘I only ask because Danny doesn’t live alone any more, Gemini,’ Nick cut in forcefully, wincing even as he made the announcement. ‘He’s been sharing the apartment for the last eight months. With a woman,’ he added pointedly.

  Gemini stared at him. She didn’t know what to say. Danny was actually living with some woman and yet he was still trying to contact Jemima…! Nick was going to have to get in line behind her if he wanted to hit Danny; Gemini wanted to be the first!

  Jemima might be irresponsible, but she was still Gemini’s sister, and from the mere fact of Jessica’s existence, Jemima had been through a traumatic time of her own this last year; she certainly didn’t need an outrageous womaniser like Danny Drummond coming back into her life. And Gemini intended telling her as much when she came to collect Jessica!

  Gemini swallowed hard, her face pale beneath her makeup. ‘Did you meet—this woman?’ she prompted woodenly.

  Nick shook his head. ‘She wasn’t in, either,’ he rasped. ‘But the fact that they’ve been living together for eight months seems to imply some sort of permanence,’ he added, giving Gemini another searching look.

  She raised scornful brows at this claim. ‘Nothing your brother does ever implies “permanence”!’ she said disgustedly. ‘The man has invented a whole new dictionary of his own—with his own interpretations!’

  ‘That’s it, Gemini.’ Nick nodded his approval. ‘Don’t get sad, get mad!’

  It was Jemima she wanted to get mad at Danny, not herself. She just hoped that she saw her sister before Danny did!

  ‘I have to go, Nick,’ she told him frowningly. ‘Hugh has been left holding the baby long enough,’ she added dryly, turning to open the car door. ‘Will you be in for dinner this evening?’ she added distractedly as she found Nick holding the door open for her as she stepped out onto the pavement.

  ‘Yes,’ he confirmed, looking down at her grimly. ‘Will you?’

  She looked at him in surprise. ‘Of course,’ she acknowledged questioningly. ‘Until Jemima collects Jessica I’m pretty tied in that way,’ she added dryly.

  ‘Of course.’ Nick nodded abruptly. ‘I’ll see you both later, then.’

  Gemini hurried away, thankfully closing the salon door behind her, aware that Nick hadn’t got back into his car yet, that he had been watching her every move.

  ‘Good lunch?’ Hugh enquired lightly as Gemini sank weakly against the closed door.

  The food had been excellent, and during the meal the conversation had been too; it was only the last few minutes that had really put a jarring note on the whole thing…

  ‘Fine,’ she dismissed, moving to hang up her jacket. ‘How’s Jessica?’

  ‘Fed. And fast asleep,’ Hugh informed her happily, looking over at the carrycot where the baby slept.

  ‘Good.’ She sighed her relief.

  ‘Nick seemed a little—grim today?’ Hugh added probingly as he turned back to Gemini.

  ‘Nick is always grim,’ she bit out tersely, at once regretting her irritability as Hugh raised questioning brows at her. ‘Don’t ask, Hugh,’ she sighed, holding up a protesting hand. ‘It’s all far too complicated to explain!’ She shook her head, feeling those ridiculous tears threatening once again.

  In fact, they didn’t just threaten, they began to fall hotly down her cheeks!

  ‘Gem!’ Hugh sounded totally distressed himself as he pulled her into the warmth of his arms, holding her tenderly against his chest as he patted her back awkwardly.

  Gemini cried as she couldn’t remember crying for years, deep, racking sobs that shook her whole body, the heated tears seeming to burn her cheeks as they fell unchecked.

  She was crying for need of Nick. For want of Nick. For love of Nick. She was just crying for Nick! She loved him so much it was tearing her apart.

  And she simply didn’t know what to do about it. She loved Nick, and he still appeared to be in love with her sister. And Nick believed she was still somehow involved with Danny. The whole situation was spiralling out of—

  ‘Am I interrupting something?’ Nick’s voice rasped coldly into the maelstrom of emotions she seemed to have fallen into.

  Gemini looked up in shocked surprise from where she stood tenderly cradled in Hugh’s bear-hug of affection, gasping softly at the harsh violence in Nick’s face as he looked across the room at her from the open doorway where he stood.

  ‘Your bag.’ He held it up to explain his unexpected return, his expression so coldly remote as it slowly moved over her from head to toe that Gemini felt a shiver run down her spine. ‘You left it in the car. I thought you might need it,’ he added contemptuously. ‘Hugh.’ He nodded dismissively to the other man before turning on his heel and leaving as suddenly as he had appeared, the door slamming behind him.

  Hugh looked across at the violently closed door. ‘Now what the hell—? Gemini.’ He looked down at her frowningly. ‘What on earth is going on between you and Nick?’

  She began to laugh, a laugh completely without humour, a laugh that mingled with the tears that had once again begun to fall.

  What was going on between Nick and herself?

  She wished she knew!

  What had ever ‘gone on’ between them? They had married for the wrong reasons, were still married for the wrong reasons. And if the look on Nick’s face just now was anything to go by that marriage wasn’t going to last much longer!


  GEMINI entered the dining-room quietly, very tall and slender in a short black sheath dress, barely glancing at Nick as she took her seat opposite him at the table.

  She hadn’t seen Nick since she’d returned to the house from the salon just over an hour ago, her time since taken up with seeing to the baby before settling her down for the evening, and then showering herself before dressing for dinner.

  But the last time she’d seen Nick he’d looked at her with such icy contempt that it had taken all of her self-confidence to come downstairs this evening and face him at all!

  She drew in a ragged breath, her head tilted defiantly as she forced herself to look at him. ‘Before we start our meal perhaps I should explain about earlier—’

  ‘Hugh already did that,’ Nick cut in dryly, his mouth twisting mockingly as Gemini gave him a startled look. ‘He came to see me at my office,’ he explained stiltedly.

  Her eyes widened. ‘Hugh did?’ Hugh had left her at the salon shortly after five o’clock, but he had said nothing about going to see Nick…

  Nick gave an inclination of his head. ‘He seemed to think that I may have misconstrued the situation between the two of you that I walked in on.’

  ‘Hugh did?’ Gemini gasped.

  ‘You’re repeating yourself, Gemini,’ Nick drawled derisively. ‘But if it’s any consolation,’ he added ruefully, ‘I was as surprised as you obviously are that he felt the need to tell me your being in his arms was all perfectly innocent!’

  ‘Well, of course it was perfectly innocent,’ she snapped irritably. ‘We both know that Hugh is happy in his relationship with Alan. And as for me—’ She broke off, glancing across at him awkwardly.

  As for her…?

  ‘You’re happy in your relationship with me,’ Nick finished coldly. ‘Except that you aren’t,’ he added harshly.

  ‘I—’ Gemini broke off her protest as Mrs James came in with their smoked salmon starter, smiling her thanks to the older woman as she placed the food in front of them.

  Not that Gemini particularly felt like eating. She had known this evening was going to be awkward, but another open confrontation with Nick was something she didn’t think she could cope with at the moment.

  ‘Eat your food, Gemini,’ Nick in
structed abruptly once they were alone again. ‘I’m not in the mood for another argument,’ he added wearily, picking up his own knife and fork.

  Gemini did likewise. ‘I have no intention of arguing with you, Nick,’ she assured him coolly. ‘It’s been a long day. I intend eating my dinner before going straight to bed.’

  Well…to her bedroom, at least. She needed the peace of her own space. Although after Saturday night even her bedroom wasn’t immune to Nick’s presence…

  Nick’s mouth twisted mockingly. ‘Ignoring me isn’t going to make me go away, Gemini!’

  ‘It would be impossible to ignore you, Nick,’ she snapped, her eyes flashing deeply blue. ‘The truth of the matter is, working full-time and looking after a baby too is very tiring.’ Which was true. It just wasn’t the real reason she was going to her bedroom straight after they had eaten…

  His expression darkened. ‘Jemima is the most selfish—!’ He broke off, shaking his head disgustedly. ‘Would you like me to get up to Jessica tonight, to give you a break?’

  It was very disconcerting the way he changed from anger to concern in a matter of seconds! If it was concern. A bad-tempered wife through lack of sleep was not part of their bargain!

  Except her mercurial moods had nothing to do with caring for Jessica…

  ‘I can manage—thank you,’ she refused stiltedly.

  ‘Gemini, I was only— Oh, damn it to hell!’ Nick threw his knife and fork down onto his plate before standing up. ‘I’ve had enough of this. I’m going to my study!’

  Gemini watched him go before putting down her own knife and fork, burying her face in her hands.

  How much longer could they go on like this?

  Quite what had woken her Gemini wasn’t sure. No sound was coming from Jessica’s room when she hurried down the hallway to check. Which wasn’t surprising; it was only an hour or so ago that she had fed the baby and put her back to bed.

  But something had disturbed her sleep, a noise that wasn’t usual in the house at two o’clock in the morning. What—?

  ‘I’ve already told you this behaviour is not acceptable, Jemima.’ Nick could be heard almost shouting downstairs in the hallway. ‘You simply took off, without a word to anyone, and— Yes, I’m aware you have your work; you’ve told me that often enough in the past!’ he rasped, after what seemed to be an answer to his accusation.


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