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Sex, Love & Valentines

Page 16

by Miranda Forbes

  Kevin surprised me with his call, announcing that he was in the neighbourhood with his new girlfriend, Mia, and wanted to introduce me to her. Given my situation, I welcomed the distraction of company. I was also eager to meet Mia, since Kevin had previously spoken so highly of her. The fact that he wanted to introduce her to me – and on Valentine’s Day, no less – meant that he must really like her and that she’d be sticking around for a while.

  And when I answered my door a short time later, I knew exactly why. Mia was gorgeous! With jet-black hair that hung past her shoulders, emerald-green eyes and a bright smile, she was absolutely captivating, and her shapely figure didn’t hurt her cause either. Her red slip dress was so thin and delicate it enhanced rather than hid her body. Mia was runway-model tall, but unlike those scarecrow-like waifs, Mia had miles of curves that had me transfixed. She was beautifully proportioned with pillowy breasts, a tapered waist and sensuously full hips. I tried to behave, but I couldn’t stop myself; before Kevin had a chance to make our introductions, my eyes were roaming up and down her body like those of a predatory animal. However, what was even more surprising was the way she seemed to return my interest with a lustful look of her own. The flash in her eyes was brief, but it was enough to make me ponder what sort of thoughts were racing through her head; I hoped they were as naughty as mine. But a second later that sensuous spark had vanished and was replaced by a sweet, playful look which led me to wonder if I’d imagined the whole exchange.

  I’d just met Mia, and I didn’t want her thinking I was some sort of sex-crazed maniac, so I tried to push the episode – and my sinfully delicious thoughts – out of my mind as pleasantries were exchanged. Kevin mentioned that they’d seen a movie at the nearby theatre, and he’d wanted to stop in and see how I was doing. His words were laced with a tenderness that I found touching. He knew all about the breakup, of course, and he was doing his friendly duty by checking in on me. I appreciated his concern, but I assured them both that while I had no regrets, I was also ready to move on.

  “Well, then,” he said, “that’s a reason to celebrate!” Celebrate was Kevin’s code word for liquor. The look on his face – the broad smile, raised eyebrows and wide-open eyes – made me laugh out loud.

  “Don’t worry, hot shot,” I told him. “I was about to offer you guys some wine, but I was going to let you take a seat first!” I shook my head in mock dismay at Kevin and then turned to Mia, gesturing toward the couch in my effort to be a proper hostess. “Please, make yourself comfortable.”

  “Thanks,” she said as she settled into the velvet-covered sofa, crossing one long, tanned leg over the other. As she and I appraised each other once again, I sensed a hint of appreciation – laced with just the right amount of wickedness – and that realization made my heart beat faster. I didn’t think I was imagining things this time. I nervously rubbed my hands against my jeans; my palms were sweaty and my fingers were itching to roam her curves. In my mind, I was already peeling off her skimpy dress, cupping her breasts in my hands and lavishing those luscious mounds with kisses. Ah, well, so much for controlling my dirty mind.

  “All I’ve got is a nice cheap red – that okay with you guys?” I asked as I headed into the kitchen, hoping to diffuse the sensual tension that seemed to be developing between me and Kevin’s girl.

  “Mmm, cheap wine, my favourite,” Kevin said, his words followed by the sound of Mia’s musical laughter. He still seemed unaware of connection that she and I had made, but if things continued on the path that I was imagining, he wouldn’t be in the dark for long. But from what I remembered about Kevin, I doubted that he would find it a problem.

  In the kitchen, I took a deep breath and gathered my bearings, then hunted down a corkscrew. Normally, I’m a very cool and collected person, but there was something about Mia that lit a fire in me. I wasn’t used to feeling that way so soon after meeting someone, and the fact that I did made me apprehensive and turned me on all at the same time. I managed to work out some of my nervous energy as I wrestled with the corkscrew and bottle, feeling satisfied when I heard the telltale pop of the cork pulling free. I was filling the third glass when Kevin snuck into the kitchen and sidled up to me.

  “So, whaddya thing of Mia?” he asked in a not-so-hushed whisper, picking up one of the glasses and taking a sip of wine – well, more of a gulp, really.

  “You’d better watch it, Kevin,” I teased, looked at him from under half-lidded eyes. “You bring such a sweet piece into my place and expect me to keep my hands to myself?”

  “Who said you had to keep you hands to yourself?” Mia said slyly. Kevin and I both jumped with surprise. We’d had no idea she’d followed him, but there she was standing in the doorway, looking even more delicious and tempting than she had appeared when I’d first laid eyes on her.

  Mia’s body was illuminated from behind by the bright lamplight coming from the living room. Through the thin fabric of her dress, I could see the outline of her plush body and my mouth watered. I found myself transfixed by the glowing light that emanated from between her parted thighs. Mia rested one hand on her cocked hip, while the other dangled at her side. Her head was tilted inquisitively as she awaited a response from either of us, but none came.

  Kevin and I were still too startled to speak, so Mia took control of the situation. She sashayed into the kitchen with a feline-like stroll, her hips swaying enticingly and the click-clack of her stilettos on the tile floor mesmerizing me with their sexy Morse code. She looked me up and down in a way that – this time – gave no doubt as to what sort of thoughts she was thinking: They were definitely dirty.

  Kevin’s mouth quirked into a bemused smile that I had a feeling I was mirroring. Mia reached out her hand and took the wineglass from her boyfriend. Her delicate fingers wrapped around the stem, and she brought the glass to her lips, looking at me above its rim as she slowly sipped the ruby liquid.

  I licked my lips nervously, and as I admired her luscious figure, my excitement ratcheted up exponentially with each passing second. Mia handed the glass back to Kevin and moved closer to me. I was breathing through slightly parted lips as she reached up and brushed my hair back, pushing my auburn curls away from my face and over my shoulders. She was standing so close to that I could smell the wine on her breath.

  “Kevin,” she said softly but with a playfully chastising tone, “you didn’t tell me your friend was so pretty.” Mia was speaking to him, but she was looking directly at me. She was considering me so carefully, studying me so intensely, that every nerve ending in my body seemed to tingle. She’d barely touched me, and I was already feeling faint with desire. My breasts were rising and falling erratically with each panting breath, and the cool breeze drifting in through the window did nothing to cool my ardour. I couldn’t hold back any longer and reached out, my fingers grazing her bare shoulder and briefly trailing down her arm. Her skin was so soft and warm that I let out a little sigh of contentment when I made contact with her. Upon hearing the sound, Mia’s glossy pink lips curled upward. It would have been too easy to sweep her up in my arms for a passionate kiss, but since we were most certainly not alone, I had to address my friend. After all, as tempting as Mia was, I had no intention of leaving him out of the fun.

  “So, Kevin,” I said, momentarily tearing my eyes away from Mia’s. “I hope the two of you don’t have other plans for tonight. I’d love it if you could stay awhile.”

  “N-no, no plans,” Kevin stammered.

  “Well, I have plans,” Mia added, wandering over to stroke Kevin’s face, teasing his cheek with her red-lacquered nails. He seemed to melt instantly, looking every bit the submissive that I recalled him being. Mia, on the other hand, seemed to grow even bolder, turning toward me and saying, “And I hope you can help me with them, Belinda.”

  “I think I can I do that,” I answered in a hushed whisper.

  “Good,” Mia answered, her voice s
till strong. “Let’s head someplace a little more comfortable, shall we?”

  There was no reason to delay any longer; all pretence was gone. I took Mia’s hand and led her to my bedroom, with Kevin following behind us at a polite distance. I flicked on a lamp in the corner of the room, the ambient lighting casting us in a soft, sexy glow. Mia ordered Kevin to get naked. He immediately obeyed, neatly folding each item of clothing and placing it on a nearby chair. As he stripped, Mia gave me her undivided attention. She leaned toward me and our mouths met in a slow, sensuous kiss. Our gloss-slick lips slid against each other as we embraced. Her body was deliciously soft, and I savoured the feeling of her plush breasts pressing against my own. All of that perfumed female flesh grinding against me made my pussy ache with longing.

  All of my earlier fantasies came to life as I slid my hands down her sides, enjoying the feel of her rounded breasts, nipped waist and flared hips. My hands stopped at her thighs while our kisses grew more frenzied. Our tongues tangled wildly as my fingers gathered up her silky dress, balling up the fabric in my fists and causing her hem to rise higher and higher on her thighs. We reluctantly broke apart so I could lift her delicate shift off her body, but before I tasted those delicious lips again I had to admire her naked form. Mia wore no underwear, and she looked even more beautiful standing there in only her high-heeled shoes with all of her charms on display. Her heavy breasts were topped with thick brown nipples that were already erect and beckoning me to lick them. Her legs were long and toned, and her mound was covered with a light dusting of dark hair. I kissed her one more time on the mouth before I lavished her sumptuous tits with wet kisses. After nuzzling her sweet cleavage, I circled one rubbery nipple with my tongue and then took it between my lips and flicked it with my tongue tip. Mia brought her hands to my hair, tangling her fingers in my tresses and pulling me tighter to her body, forcing more of her fulsome flesh between my lips. She uttered wordless moans of pleasure as I then teased the other nub in a similar way. As I enjoyed the feel of her nipple under my tongue, I peeked at Kevin out of the corner of my eye. He was standing a few feet away, with his hands dutifully behind his back and his semi-hard cock bobbing in front of him. His brown eyes were wide with admiration. I knew we would have even more fun once we allowed him to join us.

  I pulled back from Mia, leaving both of her nipples glistening and swollen. By this point, her chest and face were flushed, and she was breathing heavily. She glanced at her boyfriend, and she seemed pleased by his continued obedience. Then she set herself to the task of stripping me. Although she seemed wildly turned on, she took her time revealing my body. As she slipped off my T-shirt, unhooked my lacy bra and slid down my jeans, she made sure to drag her fingers against my tingling flesh. She wasn’t merely undressing me; she was caressing me and stripping me with a sensual intent, her eyes alight with lust as each inch of my body was revealed to her – and Kevin. I gathered from the increasingly erect state of his dick that he was enjoying the show. He was a good boy, though, and wouldn’t move from his spot until he was summoned. I wasn’t entirely sure what Mia had planned for us, but I was willing to let her be our kinky ringmaster for the evening.

  By the time I was down to my panties, the ache in my sex had transformed into a pulsing, insistent beat. Mia urged me backward until I hit the bed, and I laughed as I tumbled onto the mattress, my legs splaying open. My laughter was cut short, however, when Mia gripped the sides of my undies and yanked them down my thighs. The tiny garment was soaked with the evidence of my arousal, and I blushed as my wet sex was suddenly exposed to my new lover. Mia couldn’t take her eyes off my glistening cunt.

  “Perfect,” she muttered in a barely audible whisper. She seemed to be talking to herself more than anyone else. “Kevin, come here. Belinda would like something to suck on while I tease this little pussy of hers.”

  Kevin scurried over to the bed, positioning himself so I could reach his cock with little effort. I parted my lips and welcomed him inside my mouth. I placed a hand on his thigh to steady myself and slid my lips down his length at the same time that Mia’s tongue skidded along my slit. She rummaged in my slippery folds, causing me to buck my hips toward her face. When she flicked my clit, I moaned around Kevin’s stiff rod, the vibrations of my utterances giving him unspeakable pleasure. His body quivered as he struggled to remain still and let me work him at my own pace. As Mia whipped me into a frenzy, I took him down deep, swallowing until I felt his shaft pulsing in my throat and my nose was buried in his dark pubic hair. He stroked my face gently as I bobbed my mouth along the length of his dick at a more rapid pace. It was such a heady moment, to be sucking my ex’s cock while his pretty new girlfriend was tonguing me nearly to the point of orgasm.

  I was on the verge of tumbling over the edge and moaning wildly around Kevin’s prick when Mia suddenly pulled back from my pussy. My groan of disappointment was muffled by the cock in my mouth, but I knew that Mia wouldn’t leave me hanging. I momentarily stopped sucking on Kevin, but I continued to stroke his slick erection as Mia, her lips shiny with my juices, uttered her next breathy statement.

  “Belinda, please tell me you have some naughty toys.”

  Wordlessly, I pointed to the nightstand, and Mia crawled across the bed and yanked open the drawer. With a gleeful look on her face, she reached inside and pulled out a strap-on dildo. She quickly affixed the harness around her hips and positioned herself once again between my spread thighs. The bright pink cock bobbing from her pelvis looked deliciously obscene, and as she held the toy steady so she could run its head up and down my slit, I closed my eyes to savour the sensation and resumed my efforts on Kevin’s unflagging dick.

  Mia shoved the faux cock into my dripping cunt with one hard thrust. As she pounded into me, I rocked my hips upward to meet her, wanting even more. My ass beat a steady tattoo against the mattress with the rhythm of our fucking. I don’t know how I managed to keep Kevin’s dick in my mouth; it was as if I was on cock-sucking autopilot. Over the noise of Mia’s hips slapping against mine and the squishy sounds of her cock plunging in and out of my wet sex, I could hear Kevin’s whimpers and moans of pleasure. I reached up and stroked his balls, tickling them with my fingernails and making him jerk wildly. At the same time, Mia shoved the toy into me as far as it would go and began to grind her hips against mine, no doubt enjoying the friction of the toy against her own clit as much as I enjoyed being filled by it.

  Mia had been fucking me so energetically that her face and body were glistening with perspiration and strands of her long hair were stuck to her face. I couldn’t get enough; I was being stuffed at both ends, and I loved it. All too soon, though, she yanked her dick out of my hole. I was so wet that I felt like I’d left a puddle on the mattress underneath my ass. Mia moved from between my legs and motioned to Kevin, breathlessly ordering him to take her place and pleasure me.

  I gasped in ecstasy when I felt his familiar cock plunge inside me. The toy had been nice, but there’s nothing like a hot, hard dick. I bent my legs and hugged him with my thighs, meeting him thrust for thrust. At that point, I felt the mattress shift. That’s when I realized Mia was positioning herself behind Kevin. Still pumping his dick into me, he glanced over his shoulder.

  “You keep doing what you were told,” Mia said sharply. “You take care of Belinda – and I’ll take care of your ass,” she added, punctuating her words with a sharp slap to his butt that drove his cock into me to the root. Kevin groaned at her announcement, but he didn’t protest. In fact, he seemed to work himself into me faster and harder.

  Mia peppered his back with kisses, travelling down his spine. At one point she completely disappeared from my view. I couldn’t tell what she was doing, but I felt her hands on my thighs as she continued her journey. Kevin gasped, and I had a feeling Mia was teasing his asshole – whether with her fingers or her tongue, I didn’t know – getting him ready to accept her cock. It was such a dirty idea, to have her
fuck his ass while he was plunging his dick in and out of me. The thought made me shiver with indecent pleasure.

  I knew the exact moment she worked the head of her toy into his back hole. Kevin groaned and shivered, dropping his weight onto my body and plunging his dick into me. His groan turned into one long moan as Mia slid her body up against his and her face appeared over his shoulder. She winked and me as she wriggled behind Kevin. When she finally worked the length of the toy completely into him, she stroked his side and whispered endearments as he shivered between our bodies.

  Mia gave Kevin a chance to get used to being so thoroughly invaded, holding herself still so he could get acclimated to the sensation. As he took long, deep breaths, I squeezed his dick with my pussy, feeling him pulse in response to my intimate massage.

  “You’re doing so good, my pet. Are you ready for more?” Mia asked gently.

  Kevin, unable to speak, simply nodded. Mia pulled back slowly, and he exited my cunt at the same time. And when Mia thrust her dick back into his ass, he mimicked her motion, sending his dick deep into my tingling sex. After a few clumsy motions, the two of them developed a nice steady rhythm, to the point where it nearly seemed that Mia was fucking me herself with each fluid motion of her hips. I was so deliciously pinned against the mattress that I could barely move, but that was fine with me. I was the happy recipient of Kevin’s hard cock, having missed the sensation of being fucked by a guy. The three of us were bucking and moaning and writhing in a lusty tangle of limbs, furiously working our way to climax.


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