Family Love

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Family Love Page 2

by Jeanne Mccann

  Meanwhile, the children were cooking up a storm in the kitchen. “Okay, Banta, go wake your mothers up and ask them to stay in bed, then come back to help us.”

  “Okay, Payton.” Banta ran down the hallway. “Mom, Lindy, are you awake?” He called loudly as he whipped the bedroom door open.

  “Morning Banta, sweetie.”

  “Mom, you and Lindy need to stay in bed, okay?”

  “Okay, Banta.” He turned and ran back out of the room, while Lindy and Tamara laughed out loud.

  “Maria, you carry the tray, Amena you bring the juice, I’ve got the coffee, and Banta will carry the flowers. Ready guys?”

  “Ready?” The three grinning children paraded down the hall with their part of the breakfast. They were so proud of themselves. Payton smiled broadly. They were such good kids.

  “Morning Mom, Lindy, we made breakfast for you,” Amena announced.

  “You did? Isn’t that nice of you guys,” Lindy responded.

  “Here Mom, put this tray between the two of you.” Maria handed the tray of food to Tamara.

  “Can I have a kiss?” Tamara hugged her eldest daughter tightly. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Maria blushed as she went over to Lindy to kiss her.

  “I love you, Maria.” Lindy kissed her.

  “I love you, Lindy.”

  “I’m next.” Banta yelled as he handed his mother a vase with two flowers in it. “Here.”

  “Come here, you, and give me a hug.” Banta squirmed as Tamara hugged him. “Go give Lindy a hug.”

  Banta climbed onto the edge of the bed and crawled into Lindy’s lap, hugging her happily. “Amena, what do you have?” Lindy asked.

  “I’ve got orange juice for you both.”

  “My favorite. Thank you. Why don’t you hand those to me?” Lindy kissed her on the cheek.

  “You guys did a wonderful job. This is a great breakfast. I can’t believe how you surprised us.” Tamara grinned at her kids.

  “Payton did most of the cooking.”

  “She did?” Tamara responded. “Well, then I guess we should kiss her, too.”

  “Here is your coffee, madam.” Payton grinned as she handed the cup to Tamara.

  “Come here and give me a hug.” Tamara hugged Payton tightly. “Thank you,” She whispered.

  “You’re welcome,” Payton responded quietly.

  “Hey buddy, is that cup of coffee for me?”

  “It is, here you go.” Payton grinned at Lindy as she lay in bed, Banta lying on her lap, sharing her breakfast. “I’ll be right back. I am going to go get my own cup of coffee.”

  Payton stepped out of the bedroom, intent on letting the family enjoy their breakfast alone. She was going to clean up the kitchen. She started washing the dishes and was enjoying the quiet when Maria entered the kitchen.

  “Maria, why aren’t you eating breakfast with your family?”

  “I came to get you. Mom told me to tell you to come eat breakfast with your family.”

  Payton didn’t know how to respond to that statement. Maria took her by the hand and dragged her down the hall and into the bed¨room.

  “Have a seat, please. We are having a family meeting and need to ask you something,” Lindy announced as Maria and Payton sat on the edge of the bed. Family meetings were common in their home.

  “In two months Lindy and I are going to be married, and Lindy and I want to know if you will be one of our maid of honors?” Tam-ara asked as Lindy grinned at her.

  “I would be honored to stand up with you.” Payton couldn’t have been happier or more surprised.

  “Now, join us for breakfast.” Tamara suggested, as she gazed at Lindy fondly. Lindy had started crying. “I think Lindy needs a hug, Banta.”

  “Do you need a bear hug?” Banta asked as he turned to Lindy and hugged her.

  “I do.” Lindy hugged him tightly in return. Payton couldn’t help but get a little teary herself. She liked this family very much.

  It was over an hour before the six of them carried their dishes into the kitchen. The children had excitedly told Payton about the wed¨ding plans while Lindy and Tamara raved about their terrific break¨fast meal.

  “Okay guys, get your stuff together for the zoo. Reina, Molly, and Max will be here in an hour and we have to be ready,” Lindy requested.

  “Okay Lindy. Come on Amena, let’s go get our packs.” Maria and Amena raced down the hallway.

  “Banta, how about you go play in your room while I get dressed?” Lindy suggested, as he too shot down the hall.

  “Payton, thank you for the breakfast. We love it.”

  “You are very welcome, Tamara. You guys have great kids.” Payton began to clean the kitchen. “Now you two go get dressed. I’ll finish cleaning up.”

  “You are company.”

  “No, I am family,” Payton reminded them with a smile.

  “Hello, anyone home?”

  “Reina, we are in the kitchen, come on in.”

  “Hey Molly, Max, how are you guys?” Lindy hugged the two dar¨ling kids.

  “What’s this, you and Lindy sitting in here drinking coffee? Where are the kids?”

  “In the backyard. Max and Molly, why don’t you go on outside?” Tamara directed as she took their hands and walked them to the open back door.

  “Look at them.” Lindy laughed as she watched the kids through the window.

  “What are they doing?”

  “Payton is playing soccer with them. They have been playing for almost an hour.”

  “They look like they’re having a blast.”

  “They are. Payton has a way with kids. She knows how to make things fun.” Lindy smiled at Reina. “You watch. She will have Molly and Max giggling before you can count to ten.”

  Sure enough, Payton took Molly and Max by the hand and within moments they were running around giggling with the big kids.

  “Reina, sit down and have some coffee with Lindy and I. How often do you get a break?” Tamara reminded her as she poured her a cup.

  “So that’s Payton.” Reina stared out the window. “She’s gorgeous.”

  “She’s also smart, funny, and very sexy,” Tamara added.

  “And one of the best friends a person can have.”

  “Is she single?”

  “Yes. She works too hard to date,” Lindy volunteered.

  “Well, Max seems to like her.” Tamara laughed. The tiny, dark-haired little boy was hanging on Payton’s leg, giggling as she dragged him around while she played with the other kids.

  “Look at Molly kicking the ball!”

  “Oh that’s so cute. They are giving Molly high fives, just like a real soccer player.” Lindy laughed.

  “Well, we had better call them in so we can get to the zoo.”

  “Guys, come on in. We need to get going if we’re going to the zoo,” Lindy called out.

  The crowd of children burst through the door, with Payton bring¨ing up the rear. “Okay guys, let’s all go to the bathroom and get our coats. We are leaving in a half hour, ready or not,” Tamara directed the group.

  “Reina, this is Payton Bender. Payton, this is Reina Landers.” Lindy introduced the two of them.

  “Hello, it’s nice to meet you.” Reina smiled at Payton.

  “So, you are this one’s mother.” Payton grinned as she tickled Max. “It’s nice to meet you. Your kids are terrific.”

  Molly was holding hands with Payton, and Max hung from her other arm. “Thank you. They’re usually not this affectionate. You must be pretty special.”

  Payton blushed bright red as she listened to Reina. She found her¨self tongue-tied. The woman was so beautiful. She had long curly blond hair that fell to the middle of her back. Her eyes were very large and bright blue, and she had two dimples that deepened as she smiled. Her son and daughter both had curly hair and dimples just like their mother. Max had dark brown hair and dark eyes and his hair sprang from his head in wild curls. Molly had long, curly, blo
nd hair that fell to her shoulders, and light hazel eyes. They were both as beautiful as their mother.

  “Come on you two, give Payton a break. Let’s go use the bathroom before we head for the zoo.” Reina gathered Max and Molly and led them out of the kitchen. Reina spoke with a slight Australian accent. She had been born in the United States, but grew up in Australia until she was in high school. Her father’s company transferred them to Australia when she was in nine. She had come back to the states with her parents after high school and enlisted into the Navy.

  “Payton, quit blushing, she left the room,” Lindy teased.

  “Lindy, don’t tease Payton.” Tamara scolded. “Reina’s beautiful, isn’t she?”

  “Yes, very, and so are her kids. Is she from Australia?”

  “No she just grew up there.”

  “What does she do?”

  “She’s in the Navy and has been for almost twenty years. She’s a helicopter pilot. It’s hard to believe she has been a Navy helicopter pilot for over fifteen years. I’ve known her for that long.”

  “They let her wear her hair that long in the service?”

  “She’s an instructor now, and an officer who represents the Navy with several companies working on military contracts. She has to wear her hair up a lot, but she doesn’t have to keep it short.”

  “And she is single.” Lindy grinned at Payton.

  “Lindy,” Payton groaned. “Don’t get any wild ideas.”

  “Payton, are you going to the zoo with us?” Molly and Max raced up to her while their mother trailed behind them.

  “I am. In fact, I need to get my jacket and camera and then I’ll be ready to go.”

  “Can I go with you?”

  “Sure, come on little man.” Payton picked up Max as he squealed with laughter. “Do you mind?” Payton asked Reina.

  “Not at all. I doubt if you could get rid of them.” Reina smiled.

  “Who would want to get rid of these two jewels?” Payton carried Max and held Molly by the hand. “Let’s go get my camera, so I can take your pictures.”

  Payton’s voice echoed down the hall. “So big Max, what is your favorite animal?”


  “I should have known. Molly, what is your favorite animal?”

  “A mermaid.”

  “Well, I’m not sure they’ll have a mermaid at the zoo today. We’ll look for one though.”

  Lindy and Reina laughed. “Your kids have adopted Payton.” Tam-ara chuckled.

  “I don’t blame them.” Reina grinned.

  “Oh ho, so you are interested?” Lindy grinned.

  “I’d be nuts not to find her interesting. She has a smile that could knock your breath away, let alone she’s a doll. I thought from what you said that she was a lot older.”

  “She’s forty-six.” Tamara revealed.

  “She certainly doesn’t look it.”

  “She’s pretty shy, but she is a very special person.” Lindy volun¨teered. “She is a genuinely nice woman and my best friend.”

  “Okay mom, Maria and I are ready.” Amena and Maria came into the kitchen wearing their packs. Reina didn’t have a chance to respond.

  “Where’s Banta?”

  “He’s in Payton’s room.”

  “Lindy, I’m going to grab Banta and make sure he’s ready. Can you and the girls pack the treats and some bottled water in our packs?”

  “Will do. Will you snag my sweatshirt off the bed?”

  “I’ll get my own kids,” Reina volunteered, as she followed Tamara down the hall.

  “Payton, do you have a little girl?” Molly asked as she and Max sat on the bed. Banta was jumping in the middle of it.

  “No, I don’t have a little girl. Banta, if you don’t stop jumping on my bed I won’t let you take any pictures with my camera.”

  “Okay, Payton.” Banta flopped flat on his stomach on the bed.

  “Do you have a little boy?”

  “No, I don’t have,a little boy.”

  “How come?”

  “I wasn’t lucky enough to have any kids like you guys. Okay, let’s go. Come on Banta, no somersaults, please.” Payton grabbed her jacket and camera, along with her wallet.

  “Banta, I am sure Payton doesn’t appreciate your messing up her bed.” Tamara snagged her very active son. Reina smiled at Payton as she gathered her two children.

  “Come on, let’s go get in the van.”

  “Mom, can I sit with Payton?”

  “You had better ask her.”

  “Can I sit with you?”

  “Of course you can.” Payton grinned at Molly. Who could say no to this beautiful little girl? Molly slipped her hand into Payton’s and they followed Reina and Max out to the van.

  It took twenty minutes before all three adults and five children were buckled up and settled for the drive to the zoo. Lindy drove the van and, while the kids chattered, the adults visited.

  “Tamara and Lindy told me you are in the Navy. What made you join?” Payton asked Reina.

  “I wanted to fly helicopters and it seemed like the easiest way to earn.

  “Do you get to fly a lot?”

  “Not as much as I’d like to, but I get to test fly new designs and I do some instructing. What do you do for a living?”

  “I’m a project manager for information technology projects at a large manufacturing company. I’ve been working there for about nine years.”

  “And she works way too hard,” Lindy interrupted. “Which is why she is on vacation with us for two weeks. Rest and relaxation, and lots of fun.”

  Payton rolled her eyes in good humor. “Reina, Payton agreed to be our maid of honor.” Tamara smiled. “The two of you better get to know each other since you are both in our wedding.”

  Payton blushed as Reina chuckled. “It’s two months away.”

  “And 1 can’t wait.” Lindy grinned.

  “I can’t either, sweetie.” Tamara blew her a kiss.

  “They are pretty cute,” Reina admitted as she and Payton watched Lindy and Tamara flirt with each other.

  “They are,” Payton agreed. Actually, Payton wanted what the two of them had, their love for each other, and their happy family. What she wouldn’t give to have that kind of love.

  “A penny for your thoughts,” Reina spoke softly as she watched Payton’s face. It was a beautiful one that hid very little from someone who watched carefully.

  “I was thinking they are very lucky,” Payton responded with a smile.

  “They are very lucky.” Reina gazed at Payton as she spoke. Reina thought Payton was beautiful, her curly dark hair had strands of sil¨ver sparkling through it, and her eyes gleamed with humor and warmth. She was wearing a pair of dark green shorts and a pale green shirt, her trim body looking healthy and much younger then her age. Reina couldn’t help but notice Payton’s hands, especially since her daughter Molly was holding on tightly to one of them. Her nails were trimmed short and buffed to a shine, her fingers slim and tan. Reina flushed with heat as thoughts of Payton’s hands sliding over her body slipped through her mind. Shaking her head slightly, she scolded herself silently. What would a single woman like Payton find sexy in a mother of two children, whose body couldn’t hide the fact that she had delivered a couple of babies? Add on top of that, her idea of a fun night was being able to put Molly and Max to bed early and have a few hours to herself. Someone would have to be crazy to want to get involved with her.

  Payton, at that moment, was having the exact opposite reaction toward Reina. She found her breathtakingly beautiful, with long curly blond hair tied loosely in a ponytail, and her blue eyes large and clear, with long blond eyelashes ringing them. She was taller then Payton’s five six height by about three inches, with long slender legs. She was wearing a pair of faded jeans and a turquoise sweater with the sleeves pushed up. She obviously was in as great a shape as her slight frame indicated, but it was her dimples and mouth that captured Payton’s attention. Her lips were full and p
ink and very kissable looking, and Payton couldn’t help but think of how wonder¨ful it would be to kiss her. The fact that she was the mother of two very cute kids just made her even more appealing.

  “Okay, guys we’re here,” Lindy announced. The car full of children became animated as the group pulled into the parking lot.

  “Okay kids, before we get out of the car, let’s go over the rules.” Tamara turned to the van full of people, young and old. “None of you are to leave the group. We all watch out for each other. Now we will assign buddies for each of you and you must always know where your buddy is. Did all of you understand me?”

  ((¶17)J Yes, mom.

  “All right then, Maria, Lindy, and Amena, you are buddies. Banta, you and I are going to watch out for each other, Reina, you and Molly are going to be a pair, and Max you are going to watch out for Payton.” Tamara smiled at the very excited children. “Did you understand what I just explained?” There were a chorus of yeses and head nods in acknowledgement. Moments later the small crowd headed for the ticket booth.

  Payton grinned at her young, very excited partner. Max could barely stand still as he twisted around Payton’s leg, his hand tightly clenching onto hers. His little legs could barely keep up as he walked next to Payton.

  “Hey little man, how about you sit on my shoulders and tell me which way to go?”

  “Okay, Payton.” Payton easily placed the tiny little boy on her shoulders and gripped his legs tightly. “Max, you hold on tight.”

  “I will. Look mom, look Payton, monkeys!” He squealed as he caught sight of a gorilla poster.

  “That’s right, Max.” Reina and Molly stood next to Payton. “Pay-ton, if he gets too heavy, give him to me.”

  “He won’t get too heavy,” Payton reassured her. “Molly, how about I give my camera to you and your mom and you guys take some pic¨tures for Max and I?”

  “Can I, Payton?” Molly’s dimples deepened as she smiled happily.

  “Here you go.”

  “Payton are you sure?” Reina asked hesitantly.

  “I’m sure, just look at the little screen, point, and push the little silver button.”

  “Okay Molly, we are in the picture-taking business.”

  “Is everyone ready?” Tamara asked as they headed down the paved path toward the bears. “Let’s go look at some very big bears.”


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