Family Love

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Family Love Page 3

by Jeanne Mccann

  It was a happy group for the next couple of hours, as they moved from cage to cage gazing at the different animals, but it was the mon¨key cage that Payton found the most enjoyable. Max had been get¨ting increasingly tired and bored until he came to the monkeys and then he woke right up. Asking question after question, Payton and Reina did their best to answer, he stared for thirty minutes before they could convince him to move on. It was Payton’s suggestion that he take pictures of the monkeys that finally convinced him he could leave.

  Payton had allowed each of the children to take pictures with the camera throughout the afternoon and she had been able to take quite a few herself.

  “Can I take a few?” Reina asked.

  “Certainly.” Payton handed the camera to Reina. “More monkey pictures?” Payton teased.

  “Actually, I have something else in mind.” Reina smiled as she took several pictures of Payton and Max.

  “Come on everyone, the bats are next!” Banta yelled as he and Tamara led the way..

  For several more hours the kids continued their tour of the zoo, with the exception of Max who had quickly fallen asleep. Payton held him against her shoulder as they headed for the exit. By the time they made it back to the van Payton had to admit she was starting to get tired herself.

  “Okay everyone, let’s pile in. We’ll be home pretty soon and then we’ll have pizza for dinner,” Lindy suggested. The word pizza didn’t have its usual effect on the kids, their exhaustion keeping them from getting too excited.

  “Reina, why don’t you and the kids stay the night? The kids can swim tomorrow and it would be easier than going home tonight and coming back in the morning.”

  “Are you sure? That’s quite a crowd.”

  “We have plenty of room. We’ll make up the bed in the family room.”

  “Okay, if you don’t mind three extra.”

  “Not at all. Now let’s get these tired kids home for an early dinner and then to bed,” Tamara suggested.

  “Okay, seatbelts everyone.”

  Payton had placed Max between her and Reina to keep him warm and comfortable. He had woken up but was content to cuddle against Payton.

  “You have one sleepy son here,” Payton whispered.

  “He’s exhausted but he had a great time.” Reina smiled lovingly at her son. “Thanks for taking such good care of him.”

  “Believe me, it was my pleasure,” Payton admitted, smiling at Reina. The carload of people was subdued as they made the quick trip home.

  “I’ll throw the pizza in the oven and start a salad,” Tamara volun¨teered. “Lindy, would you make sure that Banta washes up? He has snow cone all over his face and hands.”

  “I will. Okay kids, let’s get washed and have a pajama party. Amena, will you loan Molly one of your nightshirts to sleep in? I’ll get a shirt for Max. Payton, why don’t you and Reina make up the bed in the family room? Tamara could you get the sheets and blan¨kets?”

  “Yes, honey.”

  Payton carried the tired little boy into the house and into her bed¨room, placing him on her bed. “Max, why don’t you stay right here while we make your bed?”

  “Okay, Payton.” He hugged her before letting her go.

  “Here are the sheets and blankets, and a couple of pillows.” Tam-ara handed the pile to Payton. “Reina, I’ll put a stack of towels in the bathroom.”

  “Thanks, Tamara.”

  “No problem. I’ll go get some pajamas for the kids. Molly, come with me and we’ll get you some cool stuff from the girls.” Molly fol¨lowed Tamara out of the room.

  The family room was connected to Payton’s bedroom by a shared bathroom, and Payton followed Reina through the connecting doors. Max was seated on Payton’s bed playing with a little stuffed monkey Payton had purchased for him at the zoo. As Payton fol¨lowed Reina she couldn’t help but admire her trim backend. She didn’t feel at all guilty until Reina turned abruptly and caught her watching. Her eyes never left Payton’s as she stared at her for a few minutes, until Payton felt herself blushing profusely. She was acting like an idiot around Reina. Payton never acted like this, staring at a woman and blushing like a teenager. She had always prided herself on her self-control and composure and now she had just lost it.

  Reina pulled the rollout couch flat and handed part of the bottom sheet to Payton. They stretched it flat, before tucking it in. The top sheet went next, along with a heavy blanket. Reina and Payton remained silent as they worked but the glances between the two of them became longer and more frequent. As Payton slid the pillow¨case on one of the pillows, Reina spoke.

  “I can’t thank you enough for taking care of Max today. He tries so hard to be like the big kids but he is still so little.” Reina leaned toward Payton, plumping the pillow on the bed. Her dimples deep¨ened as she smiled.

  “You don’t need to thank me. I can’t remember when I’ve enjoyed a trip to the zoo so much. He was wonderful but he must be exhausted.” Payton placed her pillow on the bed, smiling in return. “I’ll be surprised if he stays awake long enough to eat his dinner.”

  “You don’t know my son.” Reina chuckled. “He wouldn’t miss pizza. It’s his favorite food.”

  “He’s got good taste.” Payton laughed. “It’s one of my favorite things.”

  “Mom, look,” Molly called from the doorway. She was wearing a long white tee shirt with a whale on it. It hung past her knees, but she obviously was very excited about wearing it. “Maria let me wear her favorite shirt.”

  “That was very nice of her.” Reina picked up her tiny daughter and hugged her.

  “Look Payton, it’s a whale!”

  “I see that. Can I take a picture of you?” She looked so darn cute.

  “Okay.” Her mom placed her back on to her own feet.

  “Come on then.” Payton headed back into her bedroom where Max was still lying on the bed. Payton and Molly busied themselves with the camera while Reina sat down next to her son.

  “Here’s a tee-shirt for Max to sleep in and I have a nightgown for you, Reina.” Tamara handed both to her. Reina grinned as she took the nightie from her. It was a short white silk nightshirt and not much bigger then the tee shirt for Max.

  “Tamara,” Reina protested as she held it up.

  “It will look perfect on you.” Tamara raised her eyebrows and grinned. “And it is very sexy,” She whispered.

  “Come on Max, let’s put this tee-shirt on you.” Reina chose to ignore Tamara as she left the room, smirking. She untied Max’s shoes and removed his shirt and pants until he stood in front of her in his underwear. Before she could slip the tee shirt over his head, he took off giggling, standing just out of reach of his mother.

  “Come here, you.” Reina smiled good-naturedly at her half naked son.

  Payton and Molly had been taking pictures when the near naked little boy teasing his mother diverted Pay ton’s attention. She started taking pictures of Max and his mother as they played. Reina reached for Max again and he ran straight for Payton. She grabbed the gig¨gling boy and picked him up.

  “Come here, monkey boy.” Payton teased him as she tossed him on the bed next to his laughing mother.

  “My son the exhibitionist. For some reason he enjoys running around with very few clothes on.” She struggled to put the tee shirt on him.

  “Is this a family trait?” Payton teased Reina.

  “Well, he didn’t get it from me.”

  “That’s too bad.” Payton grinned and looked Reina up and down. It was Reina’s turn to blush.

  “Come on guys, it’s dinner time.” Lindy stuck her head in the bed¨room door.

  “Come on Miss Molly, let’s go polish off a pizza.” Payton took her by the hand and headed for the kitchen. Reina and Max followed moments later.

  “Okay everyone, find a seat,” Tamara directed. “Max, Molly, what do you want to drink, juice, milk?”

  “Payton, Reina, how about a glass of wine?” Lindy finished serv¨ing plates of pizza and sa
lad to all the children.

  “I’ll get it,” Payton volunteered. “Reina, do you want a glass?”

  “No thanks, I’ll have a glass of water.”

  The children quietly began to eat their dinner as the four adults stood around in the kitchen sipping wine and visiting, keeping their eyes on the kids.

  “Eat,” Lindy ordered as she handed a slice of pizza to Reina. “You too, Payton.”

  It was a pleasant meal, and the children started to wind down. Banta and Max were yawning in their seats while they finished eating Popsicles for dessert.

  “Kids, let’s go into the living room and watch a movie.” Lindy slowly moved the tired group out into the living room and settled them on the couches. “Maria, why don’t you put a movie in the VCR for us?”

  “Can we watch “Babe"?”

  “Sure. I think Molly and Max might like that.” Lindy covered the kids with blankets and made them all comfortable. “Guys, the adults are going to be in the kitchen if you need us.”

  “Okay Lindy.”

  “I’ll bet you a dollar that Banta and Max will be sound asleep in twenty minutes. Their eyes are barely staying open right now.”

  “They had a long day.” Tamara pulled Lindy into her arms and kissed her quickly. “Pray that Banta sleeps in.”

  “They all seemed to have fun today and I got some great pictures.” Payton sat down at the table.

  “I can’t wait to see them.” Lindy smiled as she sat on Tamara’s lap, their arms around each other.

  Reina sat across the table from the two of them. “I took some good ones when you loaned your camera to Molly and I. In fact, I took a darling one of you and Max at the monkey cage. You both looked so cute talking to the monkeys.”

  Payton could feel herself blushing as Tamara and Lindy looked on amused. “I’ll go through the pictures early next week and print the good ones for all of you. I promised the kids copies of the ones they took.”

  “You spoil them,” Lindy teased.

  “And you don’t?” Payton laughed. “Now tell me about your wed¨ding.”

  “It only took me three months to convince Lindy to marry me.” Tamara squeezed Lindy as she talked. “I love her madly and I want to officially make us a couple and a family.”

  “So share the details.” Payton couldn’t help but smile.

  “We’re planning a small ceremony at the public beach. They have a hall all set up for weddings. We have a minister picked out and we are writing our own vows.” Lindy explained. “The children are going to be part of the ceremony and you both will stand up with us. We decided on keeping it small and are only inviting a small number of family and friends. We want it intimate.”

  “It sounds perfect,” Reina responded. “What are we supposed to wear?”

  “Lindy and I are wearing long dresses, nothing terribly fancy, but you can wear whatever you want. It is your choice.”

  “Do you have any specific colors in mind?”

  “No, we just want you with us.”

  “Thank you for asking me.” Payton smiled at her best friend and her girlfriend. She couldn’t be happier for them.

  “We wouldn’t do it without you.”

  “Payton, how long have you known Lindy?” Reina inquired. They were obviously very close.

  “Let’s see, we met about eight years.”

  “Yep,” Lindy agreed. “Tell her how we met, Payton.”

  “You could say our girlfriends at the time, introduced us.” Payton grinned.

  “They were sleeping together, and Payton and I were clueless. We were double dating, going on vacation together and everything, until Sandy decided to confess the whole thing to me.” Lindy chuckled. “It was quite a surprise to the both of us.”

  “I’m sorry.” Reina felt bad for asking about it.

  “It’s kind of funny now,” Payton admitted.

  “It wasn’t so funny then,” Lindy admitted. “Sandy and I broke up and Payton and Alice went through some rough times.”

  “But you and I became best friends and we have stayed that way ever since.” Payton reminded her.

  “Payton was the one who convinced Lindy to take a chance on me and look what happened,” Tamara shared.

  “I didn’t have to convince her of anything except telling you how she felt. She fell madly in love with you the very first night she met you.”

  “I did.”

  “The feeling was mutual. It just took us eight months to figure it out.” Tamara laughed, kissing Lindy.

  “So what was it that attracted you to Lindy?” Reina asked.

  “Her laugh. When she laughs it is so darn sexy. It makes me want to laugh with her. She is also so beautiful. When I first saw her I thought she was the most beautiful woman I had ever met.”

  “Lindy, what attracted you to Tamara?”

  “The way she looked at me. It was like she could see right into my heart, and I also think she is gorgeous.” They smiled at each other. “I also love the way she is with her kids.”

  “Our kids,” Tamara reminded her.

  “Reina, what do you look for in a woman?” Lindy asked.

  “Trust, commitment, someone who loves me for me, someone who makes me laugh, and takes my breath away when I look at her.” Reina blushed as she spoke.

  “What about you, Payton?”

  “Trust, definitely trust. Actually, I want everythingópassion, love, laughter.” Payton’s face became serious as she talked. “This may sound strange but I want to find someone who is my soul mate.”

  “That isn’t very strange.” Reina spoke softly to Payton. She found herself very attracted to this shy, beautiful woman sitting across from her. What appealed to her most of all was the way Payton responded to her children. She was so gentle and sweet and nothing could be sexier to Reina.

  “Mom, Banta and Max are asleep.” Amena entered the kitchen and walked up to Lindy and Tamara wrapping her arms around the two of them.

  “Are you tired, sweetie?” Lindy asked.


  “How about I take you upstairs and tuck you into bed?” Lindy suggested, hugging her tightly.

  “Okay, goodnight Mom.” Amena kissed Tamara goodnight.

  “Goodnight, beautiful.” Amena hugged Payton and Reina and fol¨lowed Lindy into the living room.

  “I had better go tuck Max and Molly into bed.” Reina followed the two of them.

  “Come on Banta, let’s put you to bed.” Lindy helped him down the hall. “Maria, why don’t you crawl in bed and read?”

  “Okay, I want to say goodnight to Mom.”

  Payton stepped into the living room as Reina picked up a sleeping Max. Molly was barely awake on the couch. “Can I help with Molly?”

  “Thanks.” Reina smiled. “She’s almost asleep.”

  “Come on little mermaid, let’s put you to bed.” Payton picked up Molly’s tiny limp body and carried her into the bedroom. Reina had pulled back the covers and placed the sleeping Max on the bed. Pay-ton gently placed Molly next to her brother. “Goodnight Molly, sleep tight,” Payton whispered.

  “’Night Payton. I love you.” Molly placed a sloppy kiss on Payton’s chin. Payton was so surprised at Molly’s comment she just hugged her tightly.

  “Goodnight baby.” Reina kissed her little girl. “I’ll be back in a lit¨tle bit. I love you.”

  “I love you, Mom.”

  Payton left the bedroom and watched Reina tuck in her children. Reina watched them sleep for a moment before turning out the light. She smiled at Payton as she propped the door open. “Thanks for the help.”

  “No problem. You must be proud of your kids. They are very spe¨cial.”

  “I think they’re pretty special, but they’re mine.” She grinned.

  “Believe me, they are.”


  They entered the kitchen to find Lindy and Tamara cleaning up.

  “Why don’t the two of you go to bed?” Payton suggested. “All the kids are tucked in

  “We’re going to do just that. There’s more wine in the refrigerator if you and Reina want to fill your glasses.”

  “Thanks, now go.”

  Tamara and Lindy hugged Payton and Reina and headed off for bed. “They make a great couple,” Reina stated as she watched them leave.

  “They are. Would you like a refill of your water?”

  “Sure, thank you?”

  “I think I’ll have a another glass of wine.” Payton poured the wine for herself and filled Reina’s glass with bottled water before handing it to her. “Want to sit in the living room?”

  “Sure.” The two of them walked over to the couch and sat down. There was a moment of silence before Reina spoke.

  “Payton, can I ask you a personal question?” She turned sideways on the couch.


  “Earlier when you were talking about how you and Lindy met, you said your girlfriend and Lindy’s were sleeping together. I know Lindy and Susan broke up. What happened with you and your girl¨friend?”

  “Alice and I stayed together. She claimed it was a mistake and it had only happened a couple of times.”

  “So you worked it out?”

  “I thought we did, but we really hadn’t. Alice didn’t quite tell the truth. To make a long story short, we broke up awhile ago because I found out she had been sleeping around for a long time with a lot of women and lying about it.”

  “I’m sorry, that must have been very painful.”

  “Actually, by the time we finally broke up it was a relief. We hadn’t had a real relationship for a long time.”

  “Have you been with anyone since then?”

  “No, not really. What about you? Are you seeing someone?”

  “I haven’t seen someone seriously for several years. Most women seem to object to children.”

  “You’re kidding?” Payton’s face betrayed her shock.

  “No, when I decided to have Molly it broke my relationship apart. At first my having a child was exciting, but after awhile she decided that a child would interfere. I had always wanted to have children so I made a choice to have Molly and not stay in my relationship.”

  “How many children do you want?”

  “Two or three.” Reina blushed.


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