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Family Love

Page 13

by Jeanne Mccann

  “Where do you and Lindy come up with these songs?” Reina asked after they finished a round of singing.

  “We both went to camp when we were younger, and learned all of them. You don’t forget a good camp song, do you Lins?”

  “Nope, they’re forever in your memory.”

  “Well, Banta and I need to head to the bathroom and wash up. I think it’s almost time for bed. Max and Molly, do you want to come with me?” Tamara led the three little ones to the bathroom while Payton and Lindy prepared the sleeping bags.

  “How is your hand?” Reina entered the tent to help Payton.

  “It’s a little sore but it’ll be fine.”

  “I want to clean it again and put some more antiseptic cream on it.” Reina took Payton’s bandaged hand in her own. Tamara had cleaned Payton’s torn hand earlier and professionally bandaged it.

  “But it will sting,” Payton whined as she hugged Reina to her with her other arm.

  “I’ll kiss it and make it better,” Reina promised, sliding her arms around Payton’s neck and kissing her.

  Payton’s lips opened to Reina’s tongue as they shared a hot, wet kiss. “What I wouldn’t do for an hour alone with you.” Reina groaned.

  “One more night,” Payton promised, and pulled Reina tightly against her as they kissed again. Voices broke them apart and they exited the tent.

  “Come on Molly, Max, let’s get you into bed.” Reina took the two of them into the tent, while Payton joined Lindy and the two girls at the campfire. Tamara was putting Banta to bed.

  “Are you girls having a good time?” Payton asked, as she looked at Amena and Maria snuggled up against Lindy.

  “Yes, especially the waterfall, that was cool.” Maria had been espe¨cially impressed with the waterfall. Lindy had taken her on a special hike, with just the two of them. They climbed all the way to the top and took pictures. It was a very special day for Maria.

  “I took some great pictures while we were there so I’ll share them with you. In fact, Lindy can show you how to look at them on the computer.


  “Payton, can you come and kiss Molly and Max goodnight?”


  Payton entered their tent to find Molly and Max in the center of the sleeping bag, covers up to their chins. Reina lay next to Max, leaning on her elbow to look at her children. She looked so beautiful with her long hair tied back. Both children showed signs of exhaus- tion on their shining little faces. Payton kneeled and bent down to hug Molly tightly.

  “Goodnight, Molly girl.” Payton kissed her.

  “I love you, Payton.”

  “Molly, I love you lots.”

  Max, not to be ignored, stood up and climbed over Molly to wrap his arms around Payton’s neck. “Goodnight little man,” Payton whis¨pered, as she hugged the little boy and returned his very enthusiastic kiss. “I love you Max, lots.”

  She helped him back under the covers, then sat back and watched the two children close their sleepy eyes. Payton’s heart felt full as she stared at the two beautiful kids.

  “Lindy’s right. I can see how much you love Max and Molly when you look at them,” Reina said softly.

  Payton looked at Reina before answering. “Can you tell how much I love you when I look at you?”

  Reina sat up with a smile and leaned over the quiet children. “As much as I love you.”

  Payton met her halfway and they kissed briefly, content to just look at each other.

  “We had better get out there before they come looking for us.” Reina touched Payton’s cheek with her fingers. “Payton, how long do you think it’s going to take for you to move back here with me and the kids?”

  “I’m not sure. I need to sell my place, and I need to give two weeks notice at work and pack everything. It would also be nice if I had a job to count on.”

  “How long?” Reina asked again, her hand against Payton’s cheek.

  “Three weeks, no longer than four?”

  “Good.” Reina smiled. “I’ll put that date on my calendar. I you aren’t here by then I’ll come get you.”

  “I’ll be here,” Payton promised with a soft kiss.

  “I have a doctor’s appointment next week to check on my preg¨nancy. Will you come with me?”

  “Of course I will. Is everything okay?” The look of concern on Payton’s face warmed Reina’s heart.

  “Everything is fine. It’s my scheduled appointment. Payton I want to share having this baby with you. It’s your family, too.”

  The look on Payton’s face said it all as Reina hugged her tightly. Payton couldn’t speak, she was so overwhelmed with emotion. She clung to Reina tightly.

  “Are you guys going to stay in there all night?” Lindy’s amused voice carried to them. They both chuckled as they exited the tent.

  “Are you two always going to be like this?” Lindy grinned as she sat on Tamara’s lap while Tamara kissed her neck.

  “Look who’s talking?” Payton retorted. “I thought we were going to play cards.” Lindy had lit to lanterns in order to light the area around the picnic table. They were all wearing jackets as the evening was starting to cool down quickly. Thankfully there were no bugs to bother them. The campground during dinner had been fairly noisy but as evening set in almost everyone was settling down for the night.

  “Put your money where your mouth is, big stuff.” Lindy poked her in the arm. “Remember what happened the last time.”

  Payton groaned as she remembered her last visit. “Don’t remind me.”

  “I took her for thirty bucks,” Lindy bragged as the four of them sat at the picnic table.

  “It’s not nice to gloat, Lindy,” Tamara reminded her, grinning while she dealt out the cards. “Reina, would you count out the chips. Each one is worth a quarter.”

  The four of them spent a humorous couple of hours playing poker. Despite Payton and Lindy’s competitive natures, Reina cleaned out everyone’s bankroll. Payton and Lindy whined the whole time.

  “Why didn’t you tell me she was such a good poker player?” Lindy complained.

  “I didn’t know.”

  “You’re sleeping with her and you didn’t know?” Lindy was indig¨nant.

  “The subject of poker didn’t come up.” Payton glared at Lindy. Tamara just laughed at the two of them.

  “Have you ever seen such sore losers?”

  “Lindy, Payton tells me you volunteered to help her move.” Reina grinned at the bickering twosome.

  “She’ll have to pay me now. I’m broke,” Lindy laughed, teasing Payton. “When do we move you?”

  “She promised no longer than four weeks,” Reina announced.

  “I still need to find a job.”

  “What’s wrong with working for my company?”

  “Your boss wasn’t serious.”

  “Yes, he was. Just give me the word and it will happen.”

  “You’re kidding?”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Then, everything is settled.” Reina grinned. “Payton will be moved here in four weeks.”

  “Very cool.” Lindy nodded.

  “Tamara, can you give me your contractors name? I think we need to add a few more rooms to the house.” Reina hugged Payton as she spoke.

  “Are you going ahead with your remodel?”

  “Only if Payton agrees,” Reina replied. “It’s going to be her home, too.”

  The four of them visited for a couple more minutes, and then Lindy and Tamara went to the bathroom to clean up.

  “Reina, about your house,” Payton started.

  “Our house.”

  “I would like to contribute to the house. I should be able to sell my place for more than what I paid for it, and I’ll need to reinvest the money. Why don’t I give that to you for the remodel?”

  “I’ve got a better idea. You put your money in the bank, and I sign over half the house to you. Then we pay for the remodel out of our money.”

��Your house is worth a lot more than my condominium.”

  “It’s a house, Payton. If we are going to be a family, we share everything.”

  “Reina, I’m actually not penniless. I’ve invested my money over the last couple of years and have done quite well.”

  “Define quite well,” Reina asked, hearing the note of pride in Pay-ton’s voice.

  “Let’s put it this way. I set a goal ten years ago that I would be a millionaire at fifty.”


  “I beat that goal by five years.”

  “You mean I’m sleeping with a wealthy older woman?” Reina teased as she kissed Payton.

  “An extremely wealthy older woman,” Payton corrected, kissing her in return.

  “Good thing, because you have three kids to raise.” Reina chuck¨led.

  “I know, isn’t that cool?” Payton grinned.

  “Okay girls, your turn.” Tamara’s voice broke them apart.

  Payton and Reina got their things and headed for the bathroom. After they washed and brushed their teeth, Reina insisted on clean¨ing Payton’s hand. This brought a round of complaints on Payton’s part and soothing words and kisses from Reina. They headed back to the camp hand in hand; once Reina had convinced Payton she would kiss her some more in the privacy of their tent. They took their time walking back, enjoying the quiet solitude, and the night sounds. The gravel path meandered through the campgrounds where many oth- ers were enjoying their campfires, while others were settled down for the night. By the time they made it back to camp, Lindy and Tamara were in bed. The two of them hadn’t any more than crawled under the covers when Molly woke up and asked to go to the bathroom. Reina decided to take both children, so they woke Max, and the four of them headed back down the path. The one thing about camping with little children, you spent a lot of time walking to and from the restrooms.

  It was over a half an hour before both children were settled in bed and Reina and Payton could kiss goodnight. It was a little difficult, with Max and Molly settled back to sleep between the two of them.

  They shared a tight hug and a thorough kiss before lying back down for the night.

  “Payton?” Reina whispered in the darkness.


  “This was our second family function together.”

  “What was our first?” The zoo.

  “That was before you asked me be a part of your family.”

  “That was the day Max and Molly fell in love with you. It’s also the day I did.”

  “I love all three of you, Reina.”

  “We love you, Payton.”

  A smiling Payton closed her eyes. “Goodnight, honey.”

  “Goodnight, love.” The four of them were sound asleep in min¨utes.

  Payton felt soft lips against her own as she slowly woke up from a sound sleep. “Payton honey, wake up.” Reina was kissing her gently.

  Payton’s arms surrounded Reina. “Where are Max and Molly?”

  “They’re drinking hot chocolate with Lindy and the others.”

  “I can’t believe I slept through your getting up.” Payton started to sit up.

  “Wait a minute.” Reina gently restrained her. “Do you think I went to all of this effort to get you alone for a few minutes to let you get up?”

  “Heck no.” Payton grinned. “Come in here and join me.” She cov¨ered Reina with the sleeping bag and her body. She kissed Reina pas¨sionately, and Reina’s response was immediate. Her mouth opened to Payton’s tongue as they exchanged kiss after kiss. Reina murmured quietly while Payton’s mouth did heavenly things with her own. Reina’s hands were under Payton’s tee shirt sliding along her back, and their bodies rubbed against each other. It was several moments before the two of them clung to each other, breathing heavily.

  “I can’t wait until tonight when we put the kids to bed,” Reina admitted, as her heart pounded against Payton’s.

  “I know, but it’s going to be so much fun.” Payton grinned, kissing Reina one more time. “Come on honey, before we get into trouble.”

  Reina just groaned as she climbed out of bed. “I’m going to roll these bags up while you go get dressed, and then I’m cleaning your hand again.”

  “Again?” Payton grumbled.

  “We can’t have you impaired in any way tonight.” Reina grinned.

  Payton laughed and gathered her things. She couldn’t agree more. “I’ll be back shortly.”

  The adults cleaned up camp after breakfast, folding tents and packing all but the food, before heading off for another trip to the lake. They had decided to give up on the fishing and just go for a short hike. It was after lunchtime before they returned and, after pre¨paring sandwiches and fruit for everyone, they were ready to pack up and head for home. The children were a happy, tired, and dirty group as they climbed into the van.

  By the time they drove back to Tamara and Lindy’s, unpacked, and headed for home it was four-thirty, and both Max and Molly were sound asleep in the car.

  “They are exhausted.” Payton looked at the two sleeping children.

  “They had a wonderful time.”

  “I took some terrific photographs. Wait until you see the ones I took when they caught their fish.”

  “I can’t wait to see them. I got some good ones when we sat around the campfire. And Lindy took some of the four of us.”

  “I want to have a couple to take back to Seattle with me so I can brag.” Payton smiled.

  “We’ll make sure you have some good ones. We’re your family.”

  “I love that.”

  “Good, let’s do it then.”

  They pulled into the garage and decided to leave the kids asleep until they unloaded everything else.

  “I think we should just put them into bed and let them sleep. I’d hate to wake them just to eat dinner.”

  “They’re kind of dirty.”

  “Let’s clean their faces and hands and call it good.”

  They each took a sleeping child and headed for their bedroom. They undressed them, gently washed their face and hands, and kissed them goodnight.

  “They are out like lights,” Reina said to Payton as they headed for the kitchen.

  “Okay, let’s put this food away and throw the dirty clothes in a pile.”


  “Yes?” Payton turned to look at Reina standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

  “If you think I’m waiting one more minute.” She crooked her fin¨ger at Payton.

  Payton’s grin was her answer as she followed Reina rapidly down the hall. They entered the bedroom and barely got the door closed before they were both shedding their clothes, their lips greedily kiss¨ing. Payton backed up until she found the couch, and pushed Reina onto it. Her hands and lips were everywhere as she kneeled in front of Reina. She covered every inch of her body until Reina begged for relief. Payton’s lips slid across Reina’s stomach while her fingers traced patterns on the insides of Reina’s thighs. Reina’s lifted her hips off the couch and Payton’s fingers hovered between her legs before sliding into her. Reina’s body tightened around Payton’s fingers as she was stroked. She spoke in gasps as Payton made love to her. The rippling of an orgasm began in Reina, and Payton’s mouth joined her fingers, driving Reina over the edge. Reina’s body twisted and turned, as Payton loved her completely.

  “I love the way you taste,” Payton whispered, her tongue teasing while another orgasm flowed through Reina’s body.

  “Payton,” Reina cried out, shivering, and reaching for Payton. “I need to hold you.”

  Payton cradled Reina in her arms, picking her up and pulling her onto her lap, holding her tightly. Reina tucked her face against Pay-ton’s neck while Payton spoke softly, telling Reina how much she loved her and how beautiful she was as she held her snug in her arms. Reina began to kiss Payton’s neck as she sat up in Payton’s arms.

  “I love the way you touch me. You make me feel beautiful when you look at me.” Reina slid to her
knees next to Payton on the couch.

  “I love your body. It’s so strong and healthy, and your breasts are so full.” Reina’s lips teased Payton’s nipples, while her hands traced her shoulders and arms. Payton could only sit and allow the pleasure to course through her body.

  Reina stood up and pulled Payton to her feet, kissing her ribs and stomach. She turned Payton around and kissed her shoulders and back, causing Payton to shake with anticipation.

  “You know one of my most favorite parts of your body is your nice, tight backend.”

  Reina’s voice was muffled as she kneeled behind Payton and placed kisses on her hips and buttocks. Her tongue slid down the crevasse between Payton’s cheeks causing her knees to buckle. Pay- ton reached back to hold onto Reina’s shoulders as she reacted to her lovemaking. Reina’s lips traveled over the backs of Payton’s thighs, while her hands traced up and down her legs. It was Reina’s tongue between her legs that was Payton’s undoing and she moaned in response. Reina held her tightly while her fingers found her wet and trembling. Reina’s tongue tasted and stroked while her fingers slipped into Payton. Her orgasm was immediate and earth shatter¨ing, and she crumpled against Reina, her body pulsing with unbe¨lievable pleasure. Reina renewed her efforts as Payton again cried out, wracked with another series of orgasms that shimmered through her body. Reaching behind her, she gently lifted Reina up until she could turn and hold her, her breathing so heavy she could hardly speak.

  “Reina.” It was all Payton could say, tears leaking from her eyes.

  “Payton, I love you, more and more every day.” Reina soothed her. “I absolutely love making love with you.”

  “I need to hold you,” Payton requested. “I want to feel your body next to mine.”

  Reina headed for the bed and, still holding onto Payton, she pushed the covers back and gently pushed Payton onto the bed. Pay-ton was in a haze and almost unable to respond, she was so over¨whelmed. Reina slid her body on top of Payton’s from head to toe. Payton’s eyes had closed and tears still slipped from them, her arms holding Reina tightly, her heart pounding heavily. Reina slowly kissed the tears away from Payton’s cheeks, her arms sliding around Payton’s neck.


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