Book Read Free

Family Love

Page 18

by Jeanne Mccann

  “Payton.” Reina held Payton’s head and leaned into her. She wanted Payton’s mouth on her.

  Within minutes, Reina was naked and on her back on the carpet, as Payton kneeled between her legs kissing her stomach and upper thighs. Reina’s body had a mind of it’s own, twisting and turning while Payton’s tongue teased her pulsing tissue. Reina cried out as Payton’s mouth created the magic that Reina craved. Her hips rose up off the floor and she opened herself fully to Payton. Within moments, Reina was gasping, her body inundated with waves of heart-stopping orgasms. Payton’s mouth continued her attentions and her fingers slid into Reina, causing another wave of pleasure to crash through her body. Reina reached down and pulled Payton up until she lay on top of her, bodies touching from head to toe.

  “I need to feel your body next to mine,” Reina whispered kissing Payton.

  “Always. I plan to always be next to you.”

  “Payton, I hated not seeing you, touching you. I need you in my life. You fill the missing piece.”

  “You are my heart and my life, you and Max and Molly. I was so lonely without you.”

  “Two more weeks is all we have to wait.”

  “Two weeks from hell,” Payton admitted, gazing at Reina. “I missed looking at you, your eyes, your hair, your lips, and the feel of your skin.”

  “Honey, we have all weekend together. I promise I will love you enough to last two more weeks.” Reina grinned as she ran her hands down Payton’s hips and thighs.

  “Are you hungry?” Payton asked enjoying Reina’s attentions.

  “Yes, I’m very hungry,” Reina admitted, rolling Payton onto her back. “For you.”

  It was over an hour before they once again lay in each other’s arms, after loving each other completely for the second time.

  “I think we need to find your bed,” Reina teased.

  “I think you’re right. Let me go get us something to put on.”

  “No you don’t. I like you naked.”

  “I can handle that.” Payton laughed as she stood up. “Would you like to join me upstairs in bed with this heavy picnic basket?”

  “I would.” Reina chuckled as she gathered their clothes and her overnight bag. They both struggled upstairs with their bundles, gig¨gling the whole time.

  “Let’s see what wonderful things Ben and Mitch prepared.” Payton placed the picnic basket on the end of her bed.

  “I like your bedroom. It looks like you.” Reina eyes traveled around the room. “I’d like to put your bed in our bedroom, and your chest of drawers.”

  “What about your bed and things?” Payton asked as she rooted around in the basket.

  “We’ll put them in the extra bedroom when it’s done.” Reina sat next to Payton on the bed. “It’s going to be our home, and I think we should mix our things together.”

  “Honey, we’ll work it out. I don’t care what our furniture is as long as we’re together.” Payton turned to Reina and kissed her. “Now, quit thinking about the furniture and help me pick out some treats from this wonderful basket.”

  “I think the food is going to have to wait.” Reina shut the lid and turned Payton’s face toward her. “I have much better things to do than eat.”

  “And what could you be talking about?” Payton grinned as the two of them tumbled onto the bed.

  “We should call Mitch and Ben and thank them for this wonderful stuff,” Reina suggested, placing a plump grape between Payton’s lips.

  “Honey, it’s after eleven. I suggest we call them in the morning.” Payton enjoyed being fed by her beautiful girlfriend. Reina was leaned up against her, both still naked.

  “Where has the time gone?” Reina teased, putting another grape between Payton’s lips and following it up with a kiss.

  “I can’t imagine.” Payton grabbed a plump strawberry and placed it on Reina’s stomach, where she bent down to nibble on it, causing giggles from Reina.

  It was like they’d never been separated, they were so completely comfortable with one another. They spent several hours alternating between eating treats and making love, before falling asleep clasped in each other’s arms.

  Payton slowly woke up and glanced at the clock. It was a little after four in the morning and Reina lay sound asleep half on top of her, her hand securely tucked into Payton’s. Payton watched Reina sleep¨ing, admiring her innocent, relaxed expression. Her lips were slightly open and the tip of her tongue could be seen at the corner of her mouth. Her thick blond eyelashes rested against her cheeks. Her hair was braided and hanging down the center of her back, some of it loose and curled against her neck. Payton sighed softly. The thought of spending the rest of her life watching Reina sleep made her feel warm all over. It was a feeling of such joy and peace that she knew they’d been meant to find each other. She was happy to lie there for the rest of the night holding Reina, listening to her breathing, and feeling her body, but Reina stirred against Payton, stretching, her eyes fluttering open.

  The smile Reina blessed Payton with caused her heart to pound. She smiled in return. “How long have you been awake?”

  “Not long. I was enjoying watching you sleep.”

  “My favorite thing is to wake up and find you here beside me. I can’t tell you how many times in the last two weeks I’ve awakened at night alone and missing you so badly I could’ve cried.”

  “I’m here now, thanks to your surprise visit.”

  “I’m not going to waste a moment,” Reina promised as she cov¨ered Payton’s body with her own and their mouths met in a ravenous kiss. Within moments Reina’s hips moved against Payton’s, while Payton’s legs wrapped around Reina’s thighs.

  Their breaths came in gasps their bodies rocking against each other’s while Reina stared into Payton’s eyes. Their movements quickened as the friction between their bodies created more than just heat. Payton’s body stiffened and began to shiver as Reina’s body arched against hers and they both succumbed to multiple orgasms. Reina’s head fell on Payton’s shoulder when her arms could no longer support her. Payton’s arms instinctively surrounded Reina’s shoulders and they melted against one another.

  “It’s so magical every time,” Reina whispered with a smile.

  “It is magic,” Payton agreed as she kissed Reina softly.

  “Payton, I want to marry you as soon as possible. I want to make that commitment to you and have you commit to me.”

  “I want that too. Lets make plans as soon as I’m moved. Lindy is flying here Thursday night and we’re leaving Friday morning. We should arrive there sometime Saturday afternoon. The movers are coming on Wednesday and will be at your house on Friday. Will that work for you?”

  “You’ll be there Saturday?” Reina grinned.

  “Yes, unless you want me to wait another week?” Payton teased.

  “Are you crazy? You’re going to be completely moved in by next Saturday?”

  “As long as you approve.”

  “Oh, I approve all right. I think I just might have to take some more time off with my very sexy girlfriend.”

  “That would be very nice.”

  “How nice?” Reina teased.

  “Why don’t I show you?” Payton suggested as she ran her hands down Reina’s body.

  “Have I told you how much I love you?”

  “Not in the last few minutes, and I need to hear it often.”

  “I love you. I love you. I love you.” Reina whispered covering Pay-ton’s face with kisses.

  It was late morning before the two of them ventured out of bed. They both took a shower and then called Mitch and Ben to thank them again. They followed that up with a telephone call to the chil¨dren, who were being watched for the weekend by Mrs. Lenahan. They spoke to them for twenty minutes, and then went for a long walk. They made plans as they strolled along, discussed the remodel, and enjoyed each other’s company. It was Reina who suggested that they take a trip to a jewelry store. She was not going back to Califor¨nia without exchanging gold band
s with Payton. Payton was more than happy to oblige her. It didn’t take either of them very long to decide on the traditional plain gold bands. The rings meant a life¨time commitment and love.

  Two hours later, they were back in bed celebrating their love and commitment as they exchanged rings and promised to love each other forever. The rest of the evening they alternated between laugh¨ing, playing, and loving, until the early hours of the morning. They once again fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms.

  They woke up at nine and, after making love once more, called Mitch and Ben to invite them to breakfast. The four of them went to a local restaurant and had a very pleasant time. Ben and Mitch could not help but tease them.

  “So you two decided to come up for air.”

  Payton and Reina just laughed as the two men joked with them, knowing full well, they understood.

  “You’ll come visit us?”

  “Of course we will.” The four of them got along famously and Reina made them promise to keep in touch.

  “Thank you, Mitch.” Reina hugged him.

  “You are welcome, doll.” He hugged her in return. “You make Pay-ton very happy, and Ben and I think the two of you are just perfect.”

  “We are,” Payton responded.

  The four of them headed for home and their respective condo¨miniums. Reina and Payton spent a couple of hours packing and then one last hour of very intense lovemaking before sitting together in the living room talking. As the time grew closer to leave for the airport they became pensive.

  “I don’t want to leave,” Reina cried, tucking her head against Pay-ton’s.

  “Honey, I will be there in six days, I promise.”

  “I know you will, but it’s six days without you.”

  “Reina.” Payton picked up her left hand and turned it palm up. She kissed the thin gold band that rested on her left hand ring finger. “I will be there in six days, and every night until I get there you will look at this ring and know that I love you.”

  They kissed softly and then sat quietly holding hands until it grew late. They made the trip to the airport in silence, still holding hands. They were fine until Reina had to board the plane and the tears started.

  “I hate this,” Reina cried against Payton’s shoulder.

  “I hate it, too. Call me after you get home and get to bed.”

  “I will, I promise. And Payton, I love you.”

  “I love you.” Payton hugged her tightly. “Only six more days.”

  “Be careful, please. When you and Lindy drive down I want you to be very careful.”

  “Honey, I have a cell phone and you have my number. You can call me any time.”

  “I will. Love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  “I’ll call you as soon as I get to bed.”

  “Go honey, you’ll miss your plane.” Payton held her smile until Reina disappeared from view. Six days, she just had to get through six days.

  Payton could have used six more days as she sorted and packed all the rest of her things. Thank goodness she hadn’t replaced every¨thing she had left when her relationship had ended. In the two years since then, Payton had collected very little; otherwise she would have needed a much larger moving truck. By Tuesday evening everything was packed and ready for the movers. She was going to sleep on the floor Wednesday and Thursday night. Poor Lindy, she’d have to sleep on the floor with her Thursday. They planned to leave early Friday morning and get a jump on the traffic. Payton packed her car trunk as full as possible on Wednesday so all she had left to do was clean the condominium. By Wednesday evening she’d finished the bath¨rooms and the kitchen, so she decided to crawl into her makeshift bed and give Reina a call. They had spoken earlier in the day and Reina had made Payton promise to call her that evening, no matter how late it was.


  “Hi sweetie.”

  “Hi sweetie, yourself. How’s the packing going?”

  “Good. Actually the packing is all done and I’m almost done cleaning. Tomorrow morning I go in to sign the papers for the con¨dominium and, barring any hang-ups, they’ll mail the check in two weeks. A rather large check I might add.”

  “Good for you. I’m not worried about money, we’ll be just fine.”

  “I want to contribute.”

  “You will certainly be able to, especially when you see the estimate for the remodel.”

  “Do you need to commit to the contractor this week?”

  “No, I thought you and I could go over the plans together and then decide.”

  “Four more days.”

  “I can’t wait. How are you doing with all of this? Aren’t you exhausted?”

  “Tonight I am, and I’m currently sleeping on the floor since my bed is on its way to California.”

  “Honey, I am so sorry. I’ll make it up to you.”

  “I’m fine, it’s only for two nights.”

  “I’ll make it up to you.”

  “I will remind you of that promise.”

  “Honey, you won’t have to remind me.” Reina chuckled.

  “You get some sleep, doll, because after Saturday night you won’t be sleeping that much at night.” Payton laughed.

  “I look forward to every night with you, awake and asleep.”

  “I love you, Reina.”

  “I love you, Payton. Go to sleep honey, and call me tomorrow when you get a chance.”

  “I will. Goodnight.”


  Payton was not at all comfortable sleeping on the floor, and she tossed and turned for several hours before falling into a restless sleep. The thought of being with Reina in two days calmed her as she drifted in and out.

  By early afternoon, Payton had finished all the cleaning and took one last walk through the condominium. It was strange to see it completely empty. She took a quick shower and headed down to Mitch and Ben’s for one last dinner. Lindy’s plane wasn’t due until nine-thirty, so she had plenty of time to say goodbye to two of her very best friends.

  “Come on in, honey. Ben, Payton’s here.”

  “Hey, doll. You all packed?”

  “Except for what Lindy and I need tonight.”

  “Well, let’s enjoy our dinner and relax. Do you want one of us to go to the airport with you?”

  “No thanks, Mitch, you don’t have to go. Lindy and I are just going to come back and get a good night’s sleep. We plan on getting an early start tomorrow.”

  “Come on you two, dinner is served,” Ben announced.

  The dinner was delicious and heartwarming, and the three of them reminisced and relived the fun times they had together. They had many happy memories they could smile and laugh about. Time went very quickly, and all too soon Payton stood up preparing to leave.

  “I’m going to miss you both so much.” Payton grew tearful as she smiled.

  “We’re going to miss you, doll. You and Reina are good together.” Ben hugged her tightly.

  “We’ll come visit, I promise, honey.” Mitch hugged her tightly, wrapping his arms around her while Payton struggled not to cry.

  “I love you guys.”

  “We love you.”

  Payton found it hard to leave as she hugged them both once more. It was difficult to believe she was really moving. Driving to the air¨port Payton struggled with tears. She made it in plenty of time to pick up Lindy and waited at the gate as the passengers disembarked. Lindy was one of the first people to get off the airplane.

  “Hey, buddy.” Lindy grinned. “Ready for our road trip?”

  Payton hugged her best friend hello. “I am. Everything is done. I just have to leave the key on the kitchen counter and close the door. If nothing happens to the sale I should get a check for one hundred and thirty thousand dollars.”


  “The rewards of a guilty ex-girlfriend.”

  “And a shared house and lots of heartache.”

  “That’s all old history.”

�Come on girlfriend, let’s get out of here.”

  “Is that all you brought with you?” Payton noticed Lindy’s small carry-on bag.

  “Yep, I travel light.” Lindy clasped Payton’s arm with her own. “I had an idea on the airplane. What would you say to our leaving tonight? We could probably get to Long Beach by tomorrow evening. What do you think?”

  “I think it’s a great idea. It’s too bad I didn’t bring everything with me.

  “Hey, we’ll just go finish packing everything and get going.”

  Forty minutes later they did just that, as Payton and Lindy gath¨ered the last few things to put in the car. “We had better stop for some coffee.”

  “You did remember the tunes?”

  “Of course.” Payton and Lindy would not think of going on a road trip without a large collection of music. “There’s a whole box of cd’s behind your seat.”

  “Cool.” Lindy grinned happily.

  “I need to call Reina before we take off.”

  “I should call Tamara, too.”

  “We’ll have to use the cell phone. The other telephone has been disconnected.”

  “No problem. Is that cell phone going to work in California?”

  “Yep, I just need to get the number changed next week.”

  “Why don’t I take the first few hours of driving?”

  “No, you don’t, I’ll drive first. You just got here.”

  “Okay, go ahead and call Reina while I choose the music.”

  Payton dialed Reina’s number. It was picked up on the second ring.



  “Hi, honey. Is Lindy there?”

  “Yep, and guess what?”


  “We’re heading out tonight.”

  “You two are going to drive all night?”

  “Yes, and we should be there late tomorrow night if all goes well.”

  “Honey, you and Lindy be very careful. I want you two to get here in one piece.”

  “We will. You forget we’ve done this before.”

  “I’m going to call you every two hours and make sure you’re okay.”


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