Book Read Free

Family Love

Page 28

by Jeanne Mccann

  “Perfect. Let me change my clothes, and Max and I will fix dinner. You and Molly can read.”

  “How was your meeting?”

  “Great!” Payton called from the walk-in closet. “Reina, I got a raise today.”

  “Payton, get out here! You got a raise, that’s fantastic.” Reina started to get up.

  “Don’t you dare move.” Payton warned her, grinning as she came into the room wearing shorts and a tee shirt.

  “Then come over here and let me congratulate you.”

  Payton and Reina hugged tightly while Max and Molly watched, grinning. “I think I’ll have you congratulate me later,” Payton whis¨pered as they kissed softly.

  “I’d love to.” Reina’s eyes twinkled.

  Reina and Payton’s relationship was stronger then ever since they had learned to talk about their feelings. Reina still made love with Payton even though she had to abstain. The fact that Payton grum¨bled about it made Reina smile. She knew in her heart that Payton missed making love to her and that made Reina feel more beautiful and sexier than any words. She no longer worried that Payton wouldn’t find her appealing in her present state. Payton had done a very good job of convincing her.

  “Come on, Mad Max, let’s go fix dinner. What did you do today?” Payton and Max headed down the hall hand in hand while Max explained in great detail what he had accomplished. Reina and Molly remained on the bed and finished her favorite story.

  “So how big a raise did you get?” Reina asked as she waddled into the kitchen.

  “You sit and then I’ll tell you.”

  “Okay I’m sitting, now tell me.”

  “A big one!” Payton grinned.

  “How big?”

  “I received an eight thousand dollar a year raise, another week of vacation, a new title, and a five thousand dollar bonus!”

  “Wow, what’s the title?’

  “Program Manager of Business Systems.”

  “Payton, that’s wonderful. You must feel very good. You’ve worked so hard. You haven’t even been there a year.”

  “I know, but I have a family to support.” Payton twinkled her eyes at Reina. She worked because she enjoyed working, and Reina knew that. “Max buddy, let me help you open that can, please. Do you know we’ve been together eight months on Wednesday?”

  “As a matter of fact, I do remember.” Reina grinned. “This is going to sound funny but I feel like we’ve been together forever.”

  “It’s not funny. I feel the same way. I can’t imagine my life any other way.” Payton smiled at Reina. “It was meant to be.”

  “Max honey, you let Payton help you, please,” Reina called as her independent little son tried hard to make dinner. “Molly, why don’t you and I set the table? Payton, I’m so proud of you.”

  “No, you don’t. You stay seated. Molly, Max, and I can handle everything. You just put your feet up,” Payton demanded with a smile. “And thanks.”

  It was a short, pleasant meal and after, while the two children qui¨etly watched a video in the living room, Payton and Reina sat with them. When it was over, Payton put the two children to bed and she and Reina sat together in the living room. Payton leaned up against the couch holding Reina as she lay back against Payton. It was one of the few positions she was comfortable in. Payton massaged her swol¨len feet and aching back, and they now lay quietly enjoying the evening.

  “Your parents are arriving Sunday afternoon?”

  “Yes, Mom got tired of waiting.”

  “Good. I’ll be glad to have them here.”

  “You say that now, but will you feel that way in a couple of weeks?” Reina chuckled. “We’ll never be alone.”

  “We’ll work it out.”

  “Ouch.” Reina flinched. “My, she’s busy today. Payton, give me your hand.”

  Payton let Reina place her hand on her firm stomach, and she felt the baby kick. “She is busy. Maybe she’s telling you to get this show on the road.” Payton teased.

  “Good idea. Any suggestions?” Reina poked her good-naturedly.

  “We could go jogging.” . “This body can barely move at a slow crawl and you want me to jog?” Reina’s look of disbelief made Payton laugh.

  “This body, I love.” Payton ran her hands down Reina’s ribs and settled them on her stomach.

  “Honey, you better love two bodies, because I’ve gained enough weight for two.”

  “I love the way you look. If you weren’t so close to having this baby I’d make love to you.”

  “Payton, I can make love to you.” Reina leaned back, her lips slid¨ing deliciously down Payton’s neck.

  “Not until I can make love with you.”

  “This is a silly rule. I want to make love with you. I love touching you.”

  “Honey, it’s important to me.”

  “I bet I could change your mind,” Reina teased as she kissed Pay-ton. The rule had only been in place a week.

  “I’m sure you could. But I know you understand how I feel and it’s just until you recuperate.”

  “I love you, Payton.”

  “Reina, I love you so much it amazes me. I never thought I would find this with anyone.”

  “Honey, I feel the same way. It just gets better and better every day.”

  Payton and Reina sat in each other’s arms enjoying their close¨ness. They both knew life was changing rapidly within their small family.

  “Honey, let’s go crawl in bed. You’ll be much more comfortable. Besides, I want to give you a massage.”

  “You don’t need to do that, but I sure would like to get out of this dress. Would you help me up?”

  Payton gently helped Reina to her feet and followed her into their bedroom. “Here, let me do that,” Payton requested as Reina strug¨gled out of her dress.

  Payton undressed her very pregnant lover and then helped her into her nightshirt and shorts. She assisted Reina in getting comfort¨able on the bed before she changed her clothes.

  “Reina, I’ll be right back.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “To put your suitcase and the car keys by the door.”

  Reina just grinned as Payton headed down the hall. Payton wanted to be prepared and she had everything organized, but Reina knew when the time came that Payton would panic. It made her happy that Payton was so excited about the baby. Reina knew what to expect and didn’t worry so much. To Payton, all this was brand new and she was terrified.

  “Okay. The suitcase and keys are by the back door and my clothes are ready.” Payton glanced around the bedroom.

  “Payton, come here,” Reina demanded with a smile. “You’ve taken care of everything, now come to bed with me. I would like to hold you.”

  Payton scanned the room once more before doing as Reina asked, being careful not to jostle her. “Maybe I should go check on the cell phone.”

  “Honey, it’s already been charged and it’s on the kitchen counter. Now, come over here.”

  Payton slid next to Reina and put her arms around her neck. “How are you feeling?”

  “Actually I’m a little tired, but I feel surprisingly well, consider¨ing.”

  “Why don’t I rub your back and you try to sleep?”

  “I want to hold you for a while, please? Can we just lay here and hold each other?”

  “Of course. Are you comfortable?” Reina found lying on her side was the only way to get any relief from her backaches.

  “I’ll be perfect if you curl up with me.”

  Payton got as close as possible to Reina, considering her size. Her stomach rested snuggly against Payton’s as their faces lay on the pil¨low inches from each other. Reina’s arms were tucked against Pay-ton’s chest while Payton’s were wrapped around Reina’s neck.

  “Payton honey, wake up,” Reina called softly as she stroked Pay-ton’s cheek. Oh, how she loved to watch Payton sleep.

  “Reina, what are you doing up?” Payton sat up quickly. “Why are you dressed?”

“Honey, it’s time to go to the hospital.” Reina smiled and kissed her.

  “Now? Okay, let me get dressed and call Mrs. Lenahan.”

  “Payton relax. Mrs. Lenahan is on her way. I’ve already called the doctor and told her we’re on our way.” Reina sat calmly on the side of the bed. “You just need to get dressed.”

  “Reina, how long have you been up?” Payton’s face had turned white with panic.

  “Not very long, honey.” Reina hugged her. “Now, go get dressed. I think I’m going to sit right here until it’s time to leave.”

  Payton scrambled out of bed and began throwing on her clothes. She’d seen the grimace of pain on Reina’s face. In minutes she was fully dressed and kneeling in front of Reina.

  “Can I do anything?”

  “Honey, I’m fine. You go let Mrs. Lenahan in and start the car, then come help me.”

  “Okay, Reina.” The fear in Payton’s voice caused Reina to reach out and touch her face.

  “Payton, everything is going to be fine, honey. I love you.”

  “I love you.” Payton leaned forward and kissed Reina gently before standing up. No amount of preparation had made her ready for this moment. She was scared to death. She rapidly headed out of the room and went directly to the garage door. Reina’s suitcase and Pay-ton’s bag were waiting to be loaded in the car. Reina had even placed the cell phone on Payton’s bag. Payton opened the door and trig¨gered the garage door opener. She rapidly placed the bags in the backseat and then started the car just as Mrs. Lenahan pulled up in front of the house.

  “Hey, Ruth, thanks for getting here so rapidly.”

  “How is Reina doing?”

  “She’s doing okay. I’m going to help her to the car. The children are sound asleep and the hospital number is on the refrigerator.”

  “The kids and I will be fine, Payton. Go get Reina.”

  “Thanks, Ruth.” Payton hugged her quickly and then went in to Reina. “Okay, honey. Ruth is here and the car is running. Let’s get you moving.”

  It took Reina and Payton several attempts to get Reina off the bed, causing Reina to giggle as Payton helped her slowly down the hall.

  “Payton, you should see your face.” Reina grinned. “You look scared to death.”

  “That’s because I’m terrified,” Payton answered indignantly.

  Reina just smiled. “Hi, Ruth. Thank you for helping us with the kids.”

  “No problem, Reina. You just worry about delivering this new one.

  “I don’t need to worry, Payton is doing enough worrying for all of us.”

  While Reina and Ruth laughed, Payton glared at them. “I’m glad you two are finding me so amusing. Now can we get you to the car, please?”

  Reina and Ruth exchanged grins while Payton disgustedly assisted Reina out the garage door and into the car. “Ruth, I’ll call you as soon as Reina’s settled at the hospital.”

  “Don’t worry about Max and Molly. They’ll be fine.”

  Payton raced to her door of the car and started to back out. The hospital was twenty minutes away and Payton had practiced the route several times. She knew it by heart. Reina began to pant as they passed the halfway mark and Payton’s irritation with her and Ruth evaporated.

  “How far apart are the contractions?”

  “About twenty minutes.” Reina gasped as she fought against the pain.

  “Twenty minutes? When did they start?”

  “Last night when we went to bed.”

  Payton glanced at her watch. It was a little after three in the morn¨ing. “That’s four hours ago.”

  “Payton shut up and help me concentrate on breathing.” To take the sting out of her words she grabbed Payton’s right hand and squeezed. Payton squeezed in return and started counting for Reina. Ten minutes later they pulled into the emergency entrance.

  “Stay here, I’ll go get a wheelchair.” As Reina started to protest, Payton cut her off. “Don’t argue.”

  Reina grinned at Payton as she held her argument. “I love you, Payton.” Reina leaned toward her and kissed her.

  “I love you. Now, don’t move.” Payton kissed her again and touched her cheek with her palm. “You are so beautiful.”

  Reina’s eyes filled with tears as Payton stepped out of the car and walked rapidly toward the entrance. She was overwhelmed with emotion.

  It was only a couple of minutes before Payton returned with an orderly and a wheelchair.

  “Reina, this gentleman is going to take you inside while I park the car. I’ll be right in to fill out the paperwork while they get you set¨tled.”

  “Okay, honey.” Reina struggled to get out of the car.

  “Let me help you, Reina.” Payton leaned over Reina and spoke softly. “Put your arms around my neck honey, and I’ll lift you up.”

  Reina did as Payton asked and Payton supported her back while she lifted and pulled Reina out of the car and gently set her into the wheelchair. It was none to soon, as Reina’s face indicated she was having another labor pain. Reina pulled Payton into a hug and whis¨pered to her. “Hurry, honey, I want you with me.”

  “I will, sweetie.” Payton stood up, her eyes full of tears. “I prom-lse.

  While Reina was pushed into the entrance, Payton found parking for the car and then ran back to the hospital entrance. Reina was nowhere to be seen.

  “Are you Payton?” A young nurse asked from the desk.


  “Your partner has been taken to the maternity ward.”

  “Do I need to fill out any insurance papers?”

  “No, it’s all been taken care of. Go down the hall to the end and turn left. The maternity ward is the second door on the right.”

  “Thanks.” Payton practically ran down the hall to find Reina. She burst through the double doors and immediately looked around. A nurse came out of one of the rooms.

  “I’m looking for Reina Landers.”

  “Are you Payton?”


  “Follow me. We’re just getting her comfortable.” Payton followed the nurse and found Reina lying in her bed in a hospital gown.

  “Reina!” Payton didn’t say anything else as she rushed to her side.

  “I’m okay, honey. Relax, it’s going to be a little while.” Reina held Payton’s hand. “Sit here.” She patted the side of the bed.

  Payton sat down and sighed. She was terrified beyond belief, and was praying that she could help Reina through everything. “Payton, look at me sweetie. Everything is going to be fine. We’ll have this baby together. It’s our baby.”

  Payton was unable to respond, holding tightly to Reina’s hand. She bent over and hugged Reina snuggly as she tried to control her tears.

  “Did you bring your camera?”

  “Of course.” Reina just laughed as she held an indignant Payton. She didn’t go anywhere without her camera.

  “Honey, why don’t you close your eyes and get some rest?”

  “Why don’t you lay down next to me and hold me?”

  “Are you sure?”


  Payton lay down next to Reina on the outside of the covers. “Roll on your side, honey.”

  Payton pulled the covers around Reina and held her tightly, her face tucked against Reina’s. Reina closed her eyes and leaned against Payton. “I love you Payton.”

  “I love you, Reina.” Payton could feel Reina’s body relax as she breathed slowly. For about ten minutes they lay there, halfway between awake and asleep, until Reina’s contractions began again and her body tensed against Payton’s.

  “Breath, Reina.” Payton panted with her as she worked through the contraction.

  Dr. Levin entered the room briskly. “Reina, how are you doing?”

  “Hello, Dr. Levine,” Reina gasped out.

  “She’s having a contraction.” Payton volunteered, her face pale as she held Reina.

  “Hello, Payton. How far apart are they?”

  “About ten minutes

  “Why don’t I examine Reina?”

  “I’ll step outside.” Payton rolled off the bed and started to leave the room.

  “Payton, stay, please,” Reina asked as she continued her breathing.

  “I will, honey,” Payton pledged.

  “Okay, Reina, let’s get you through this contraction first. How long have you been in labor?”

  “They started around ten last night.”

  “When did your water break?”

  “About an hour ago.”

  “How are your contractions?”

  “They’re lessening now.”

  “Good. Let’s see how soon we’re going to welcome this baby into the world.” While Dr. Levine examined Reina, Payton stood next to her head, holding her hand. “Well, Reina and Payton, I hope you have your nursery ready because this little girl is on her way. Reina, you’re dilated about four centimeters and are well on your way to delivery.”

  “Is the baby doing okay?”

  “Payton, do you see that machine over there? It’s monitoring both Reina and the baby’s heartbeat and they are steady and strong. The baby is just fine and so is Reina.”

  Payton looked at Reina and squeezed her hand.

  “So what name did you two decide on?”


  “That’s a beautiful name. Now Reina, you’ve been through this before but I still want to go over everything. As the baby crowns we will do an episiotomy to allow more space for her to slide through.

  You’ve decided on natural childbirth, so unless you change your mind right now you will be given no drugs for the birth.”

  “I don’t need any drugs. I had Max and Molly by natural child¨birth and I will have Melinda naturally. This is our last child.”

  “Okay Reina, but you know that once you start the delivery it’s too late to give you anything.”

  “I know, Dr. Levine. I will be fine.”

  “Are you sure, Reina?” Payton gazed at the woman who meant more to her than life itself.

  “Honey, I’m sure.”

  “Payton, you and I will make sure Reina and the baby come through this just fine. Now, you go out and ask the nurse at the desk for a gown and hat. We need you suited up and ready to help deliver this baby. I’ll stay with Reina until you get back.”


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