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The Team's Return (A Team book Book 2)

Page 5

by S G Read

  ‘Do not worry, by the time we have lost them in our prison system for a few years, they will be in no shape to do anything by the time they are found; if they are found at all that is!’ The pilot assured him.

  The smile returned to Stuart's face.

  ‘Good!’ He declared.

  One of the armed policemen walked up holding Ben by one arm and reported to the sergeant. The sergeant in turn turned to the pilot who looked at Ben.

  ‘Well?’ He asked.

  ‘I was only after a souvenir!’ Ben replied. ‘You know something to-’

  ‘I do know what a souvenir is!’ The pilot replied interrupting him, then spoke to the sergeant.

  The sergeant laughed before he replied. The pilot listened then translated.

  ‘You are welcome to anything off the helicopter but remember you have to take it through your customs.’ The pilot said and explained to the policeman.

  After Ben had found something to try to take home, they piled into the helicopter they had commandeered.

  ‘Can we go round the bamboo bit?’ Stuart asked. ‘I'd rather not get blown up now!’

  ‘They have also been dealt with.’ The pilot assured him. ‘The nest is now empty! It is necessary however that you show us where the plane crashed!’

  They directed the pilot to the mountainside where the wreckage of the plane was strewn, well the front half of it. The boys saw for the first time the wreckage of the other half and after several circuits to enable Simon to look in vain for his missing father they returned to the hotel.

  ‘I forgot there was a dead man in the freezer with me!’ Stuart said as they were landing.

  ‘I will look into it, they may well have buried him in the jungle somewhere but we will look!’ The pilot replied.

  The four boys who had stayed at the hotel gathered as they landed. When they all walked into the hotel lobby together, Captain Torres was there to meet them.

  ‘Will you never cease to amaze me?’ The captain said he was sitting in the same armchair he had sat in, when they had first reached the hotel. Now he looked a lot healthier. ‘I have been listening on the radio to the raid on the house but before that it is a mystery, there was a long radio silence, then everything seemed to happen at once! Are you all well?’

  ‘We're okay.’ Simon replied. ‘It was the druggies who needed help!’

  ‘So I am led to understand. I think there are some questions that I must ask my brother but first things first, you were going to tell me how I came to be in a dinghy when I woke up, instead of on that wooden thing!’

  ‘That was a travois.’ Ben explained. ‘Stuart made it!’

  ‘No; not that one!’ Stuart argued ‘That was travvy mark two, Stevey made that after we had to take it apart to get it behind the waterfall!’

  ‘We will talk more when we are more comfortable.’ Captain Torres said as he pulled himself to his feet. ‘I have had a room prepared, there is food and drink.’

  ‘Good-’ Simon started to speak.

  ‘We know you're hungry!’ The rest of the boys chorused.

  ‘Too right!’ Simon added.

  They followed the limping captain to the room which had been prepared and in between eating and drinking the boys related their journey from the plane as far as the hotel. The pilot and the sergeant had followed them into the room and the pilot could be heard translating for the sergeant, which caused the boys who had gone with them in the helicopter, to laugh.

  On the second occasion Captain Torres asked. ‘What is amusing you?’

  ‘Laurel and Hardy over there!’ Ben replied, not one to control his tongue very well.

  ‘Oh the need to translate! I have told my brother to learn English but he is a very stubborn man!’

  ‘We found that out!’ Sherman retorted. ‘And how!’

  They talked for some time, some of the time more than one would speak at once, which brought complaints from the pilot. ‘How am I expected to translate when you all talk together?’

  ‘Boys; one at a time please or I am afraid that Pablo will suffer a heart attack or something!’ Captain Torres interceded.

  When they had related the journey to the hotel, Ben started to narrate the story of the trip to show the sergeant the position of the wrecked aeroplane and the house which Stuart had been taken into when he had been captured. The sergeant and the pilot discreetly left the room when he began. Captain Torres was angry at first and turned to his brother only to find him gone but as the story was related, he began to laugh. Especially when Stuart picked José out of the line of men. After they had exhausted the stories of their adventures, the captain struggled to his feet.

  ‘Now I am afraid that I must go, there is a great deal for me to do, a police captain is not allowed to be sick very long and I have made some arrangements which I think you will like!’

  The boys followed him out and were met by the Attaché.

  ‘Ah, Mr. Fforbes-White. I think my brother owes you an apology, I have arranged for the boys to phone home before they leave; their flight is at three of the clock tomorrow morning, if that is acceptable?’

  The Attaché did not answer straight away, instead he turned to the boys.

  ‘Well is it?’ He asked.

  The response was an overwhelming ‘yes!’ The boys all believed that with the captain in charge again, they would actually be able to talk to their parents. The Captain walked away leaving the pilot to supervise their phone calls home, after a tearful telephone reunion with their parents and arranging for their parents to meet them at the airport, the boys headed for the beach for the last time. Ben was aiming to top up his suntan.

  ‘Things are certainly different when Captain Torres is in charge!’ Stuart announced as he flopped on to one of the many sun beds.

  ‘Look out here comes that doctor!’ Simon warned.

  They watched the doctor approach, speculating as to what he wanted.

  ‘I look for Stuhat Selhars.’ He said apologetically when he arrived.

  ‘That's Stuhat!’ Ben answered pointing to Stuart.

  ‘So sorry.’ The doctor was extremely apologetic. So much so that Stuart was worried. ‘We have-’ He struggled over the words. ‘Dropped your blood.’

  ‘What! You want more blood! But I'm just going home; surely it can wait until I get there!’ Stuart complained.

  ‘You will come please?’

  Stuart stood up.

  ‘Why don't you just cut my arm off and be done with it!’

  The doctor walked off with Stuart following, when Stuart was far enough away Ben laughed.

  ‘He is always the centre of attention.’ He declared.

  ‘I'm glad it's him and not me!’ Sherman grunted. ‘I hate needles!’

  ‘I wonder if the others will be on the same flight!’ Simon mused, changing the subject without even noticing.

  ‘That's a point; we'll see J.C, Colin, John, Stevey and Toby!’ C.J replied.

  ‘I'm actually looking forward to seeing Toby!’ Antony said with a rueful laugh.

  ‘That has got to be a first!’ Ben cried. ‘I wonder what the hospital was like.’

  They lay there for a while in the sun.

  ‘If Captain Torres was there, did they get to phone home earlier than we did?’ Sherman asked.

  ‘Probably!’ Ben replied. ‘He does seem to get things done!’

  ‘Yes, it's a shame the doctor is so-’ Simon stopped talking when he saw Stuart start walking across the sand towards them.

  ‘So what?’ Ben asked.

  ‘Here comes Stu!’ Simon said changing the subject again.

  They watched as he approached, holding his arm.

  ‘That doctor is-’ He complained when he was in earshot. ‘Well, he's a pain in the bum! You can't understand what he says, he makes just putting a needle in like torture; and he keeps losing my blood sample!’

  ‘What if he's really count Dracula!’ Simon suggested.

  ‘Don't be silly!’ Ben replied. ‘All count
Dracula likes is blood!’ Ben put the knuckles of his right hand in his mouth. ‘Oh no what am I saying!’ He added dramatically.

  ‘Very funny!’ Simon scolded. ‘Look out here he comes again!’

  When Ben turned to look, Simon said ‘Sucker!’ and laughed.


  It was a tired group of boys who climbed into the waiting bus, none of them had slept; with the exception of Ben, who had fallen asleep on the beach in the evening sun and had paid the penalty. Luckily it was not a serious case of sunburn but it felt it to him and he did not like his new nickname; lobster! The bus was very old and very noisy, as it made its way to the airport. One building greeted them, which appeared to house everything, the control room, which of course they were not allowed near; several armed guards saw to that. The duty free shop, which was closed. That annoyed Ben as he still had some of the one hundred dollar bills in his pocket. Like all airports, you did not walk in and climb on the aeroplane, the boys were told to sit and wait by the helicopter pilot who accompanied them on the bus.

  ‘Hi Stu.’ Stephen said from behind Stuart.

  Stuart turned. ‘Hi Stevey, you're a better colour now!’

  ‘I didn't half get a shock when I looked in a mirror at the hospital.’ Stephen declared. ‘I thought you were kidding!’

  ‘You'll soon be flying for the second time in your life!’ Stuart replied.

  ‘Yes; and if you mention you know what's, I'll hit you!’ Stephen warned.

  ‘It's you know who's actually.’ Toby corrected.

  ‘Hi Toby!’ C.J greeted. ‘Is J.C with you?’

  ‘Yes and Denis.’ Toby answered. He had black hair and dark brown; almost black eyes.

  The boys greeted each other like long lost friends then sat down to wait under the watchful eye of two armed guards.

  ‘Are they here to protect us or keep us out of trouble?’ Ben asked.

  ‘I think it is hard to keep you out of trouble!’ Captain Torres replied from the doorway. ‘Is there anything you need?’

  ‘Is that shop going to open?’ Ben asked.

  ‘It will open very soon; have you any money to spend then?’

  Ben thought for a moment, rummaging in his pockets as he did so. ‘A little, I was hoping to buy something for the flight!’

  ‘I have some money with me which you can spend.’ The Captain gave each boy a few coins. ‘This came to us care of senor Colebora. I am sure you will put it to a better use than he would!’

  When the shop finally opened the boys piled in through the door, some started to sort through the sweets; others were looking for something to take home for their parents. Some tried to afford both.

  ‘Take what you want!’ Ben whispered. ‘I've still got some hundred dollar bills and I don't want to take too many of them on the plane! Pass it on.’

  A whispered message was passed from boy to boy and their choice of presents changed, as did the amount of sweets. Finally, with their booty in carrier bags they settled down to wait. The captain rejoined them.

  ‘You all look happy now but I recollect a story that was told to me about some wine.’ He held out his hand. ‘I do not think that it would be a good idea to send you home-’ He paused. ‘Well shall we say worse for wear with drink?’

  Ben handed him a bottle of whisky from his carrier bag.

  ‘Thank you.’ The Captain smiled and walked over to the shop.

  ‘Sorry lads.’ Ben said apologetically.

  ‘It was a good try Ben.’ Sherman replied. ‘But we've still got the coke!’

  The attaché arrived just as the speaker next to them, informed them to board the plane.

  ‘I have made all the arrangements with the custom and excise boys, you should have no trouble going through the customs when you arrive, they will be expecting you!’ He explained. ‘Have a safe journey.’

  ‘I hope it will be safer than the journey out here!’ John replied.

  ‘I am sure it will be.’ The attaché watched them as far as he could then walked over to Captain Torres. ‘Thank you for your assistance captain.’

  ‘You are welcome; they are a fine group of boys. I hope they do well.’ He replied. ‘I owe them my life.’

  The two men walked to the lounge to watch the plane take off. An armed policeman walked up and whispered in the Captains ear. The captain laughed and issued an order in Spanish. Even the attaché smiled.

  The boys were shown to their seats but they could choose who they sat with. Stuart sat down next to Stephen.

  ‘That one looks a bit dodgy!’ Stephen whispered as Sherman passed them.

  ‘Don't let Sherman here you! I think he's got the axe in his bag as his trophy!’ Stuart whispered back.

  The plane shuddered and started to move.

  ‘We're on our way home!’ Antony said holding his arm aloft.

  Stuart looked at Stephen's knuckles. He was relaxed and not gripping the arms of his seat; he looked round at Stuart.

  ‘If we could survive the other landing, this one will be a piece of cake!’ He said with a smile.

  The engines roared and the plane lifted off. As soon as it was airborne the FASTEN YOUR SEATBELTS light blinked and went out. The boys in the seats in front unfastened their seatbelts and turned to face the boys behind; kneeling on their seats.

  ‘Now what?’ J.C asked.

  ‘Now we celebrate!’ Ben replied.

  ‘What with?’ J.C asked. ‘Captain Torres nobbled our whisky!’

  ‘But he didn't get the coke!’ Sherman answered holding the bottle aloft. ‘We thought ahead for once. If the girl who sold us the whisky dobbed us, then we needed a back up plan!’

  ‘What; we could drink coke instead?’ Antony asked. ‘That doesn't seem like much of a plan!’

  ‘It would if you knew what we knew.’ Sherman answered lowering his voice to a whisper. ‘We drunk enough coke to be able to tip the whisky into the bottle, then we topped the whisky bottle up with water!’ He unscrewed the cap and let J.C sniff the contents.

  A big smile covered J.C's face but it disappeared almost immediately. A stewardess took the bottle from Sherman's hand and gave him an identical bottle.

  ‘Sorry.’ She said in perfect English. ‘But Captain Torres has ordered this! This one is exactly the same!’ She sniffed the top of the bottle and withdrew her nose immediately. ‘Perhaps not it is not. Now I understand the order! Sorry boys but I am to make sure you get home in one piece or my father will not be pleased!’

  ‘Don't tell me, your father is Captain Torres.’ Stephen said astutely.

  ‘None other, enjoy your trip!’ She walked away with their bottle.

  ‘Now what?’ J.C said repeating his earlier question.

  ‘We could play a game as long as it's not spot the ‘you know what’!’ Stephen suggested.

  ‘Spot the ‘you know who’!’ Toby corrected.

  ‘What about eye SPY?’ Stuart suggested stressing the spy.

  ‘It doesn't really seem to be the sort of game for intrepid jungle adventurers returning home to be playing.’ Simon replied ‘let’s do our likes and dislikes in the jungle!’

  ‘Okay.’ Stuart agreed. ‘I like pythons they're good eating!’

  ‘But they've got hard heads!’ Stephen added.

  Ben and Simon nodded in agreement.

  ‘I like rivers!’ J.C said remembering the cool water on his body when he first met the river. ‘Even if they are a pain some times.’

  ‘I like eating.’ Simon announced.

  ‘That's not a jungle thing, you like eating all the time!’ Toby pointed out.

  ‘No, only when I'm hungry!’ Simon argued.

  ‘As I said, all the time! You are always hungry!’ Toby retorted.

  ‘I hate waterfalls.’ Stuart said wistfully.

  ‘I hate the sh-’ J.C stopped in mid sentence as Captain Torres daughter arrived.

  ‘What do you hate?’ C.J goaded knowing what J.C was about to say.

  J.C looked up at the stewarde
ss and said. ‘Dysentery, I hate dysentery!’

  The others laughed.

  ‘I hate the rain!’ Antony announced.

  ‘What about the mossies?’ John asked.

  ‘I didn't mind them as long once we could keep them away!’ Ben replied.

  ‘It's hard to believe that we'll soon be home.’ Sherman said with an infectious yawn.

  ‘Yes we'll be sleeping in our own beds tonight!’ Colin said happily. ‘That's one thing I won't miss sleeping on the jungle floor listening to you lot snore!’

  ‘My own bed.’ Toby echoed.

  ‘I don't think it’ll be the same without all the jungle noise.’ John added. ‘Do you think we’ll be able to sleep?’

  ‘I know I will!’ Toby replied.

  ‘Why, are you going to raid J.C's dad's whisky?’ Ben asked.

  Toby smiled.

  ‘If I can.’ He answered. ‘As long as Captain Torres doesn't phone him up!’

  ‘I don’t think he wanted us getting off the plane at the other end drunk, it would have looked bad for him I expect.’ Stephen explained. ‘I don't think he'll follow us home.’

  ‘Thank God for that!’ J.C replied. ‘If he told my dad that his whisky was half water I'd have to go back to the jungle to hide!’

  The others laughed then one by one they settled into their seats and fell asleep; much to the pleasure of the rest of the passengers. They were all awake by the time they crossed the coastline and were over England. They all squeezed into the seats by the window, not easy as only two of them had window seats.

  The tannoy crackled into life. ‘This is your Captain speaking, we will be landing in approximately thirty minutes the temperature at Heathrow is 4 degrees centigrade.’

  ‘Isn't that like cold?’ Sherman asked Ben.

  ‘Yes and to us it's going to feel like its freezing!’ Stuart said answering before Ben had a chance to.

  ‘Coats on you lot!’ Sherman announced.

  ‘Don't you mean Swiss cheeses on?’ Simon asked as he put on his rather holey coat.

  The others looked at him.

  ‘You're not going to wear that are you?’ Toby asked in horror. ‘You'll look like a tramp!’

  ‘It's all I've got! Unless you were going to let me wear yours?’ Simon replied. ‘I can't wait until my dad sees the holes in-’ Simon stopped talking tears welling up in his eyes; he bowed his head sobbing quietly.


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