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Fatal Dose

Page 22

by K. J. Janssen

  “How ironic that I should be the one to kill him. I almost had given up any hope that we would ever catch him.”

  “Justice takes peculiar turns sometimes.”

  “It certainly does. I don’t like to kill another human being, but somehow this feels good, especially after what he did to Susan. It feels exactly as I thought it would. As far as me being the one to kill him, it was his move and it was either him or me.”

  “It looks like Marshall Mason was just an innocent bystander after all. He took the bullet Tarkington intended for you. I’m glad he wasn’t a married man with a bunch of kids.”

  “I am too, but his death still weighs heavily. I know I couldn’t have done anything, but still…”

  Dennis interrupted, “I understand how you feel, Mark. Every time I think about the Bennetts I wish I had been more cognizant of the dangerous position I was putting them in. Well, every case is different. We just have to move on.”

  “I know that you’re right. I guess that the best thing we can do right now is to make sure that none of them died in vain. What’s our next move?”

  “I reserved the Major Case Room for ten o’clock. It’s time for us to finalize our plan. It’s about five to, so we better get on over there.”

  The three ASAC’s, Wendy, Milt and the PDS team were already seated when Dennis and Mark arrived.

  “I’ve got some great news. That sniper that Mark shot the other day turned out to be Mel Tarkington. It appears that for some reason he was out to kill Mark. He was using the name Walter Simmons, and had a false passport and driver’s license. That’s what took us so long to determine his real identity. Thanks to Special Agent Matthews’ marksmanship, we finally brought him to justice.”

  Chuck and John congratulated Mark, and the rest of the group raised their beverages in a toast.”

  Dennis resumed, “Now we have an even greater task before us. We are hours away from what promises to be the greatest operation that the Cleveland office has ever been involved in. If all goes well, the next forty-eight hours will see the demise of the drug cartel in the Midwest, the closure of Atronen and the downfall of Marco Vennuti. This has to go off without a hitch.”

  Dennis spent the next two hours going over the schedule they were to follow. He gave out assignments to everyone and cautioned them not to discuss their plans with anyone who was not participating in the operation.

  Melbourne’s spy took it all in. He was not concerned about what the FBI was planning to do. He was comfortable that Melbourne was planning a way to circumvent the operation that the FBI was putting in place to thwart the delivery of the drug shipment.


  The operation went off without a hitch. At exactly three o’clock on Saturday morning, twenty-nine agents participated in the interception of four short-haul moving vans that were loaded with the pharmaceutical contraband at a cross-dock warehouse in Ft. Wayne, IN. The vans were stopped four miles from the warehouse with an ICC Shipping Manifest Order. When their cargo areas were searched, what was listed as household goods on the manifests turned out to be a total of over two thousand cartons of counterfeit pharmaceuticals.

  Dennis relayed the details of their operation to the Director in Washington and requested that Justice issue the federal warrants to seize and search all Atronen facilities.


  Marco arrived at Room sixty-nine at The All Sports Club around eight on Saturday morning. It was the room that BAM used for their meetings. The room was reserved for the day, more than enough time for him to finish what he needed to do.

  Marco’s world was slowly crumbling around him. During the last five hours, a major shipment of counterfeit prescription drugs intercepted on its way to a West Coast destination. The use of decoys and diversions that he designed was not enough to evade the web that the FBI and State Police Departments had woven. This was the shipment that Melbourne had warned him not to mess up. He knew what would be in store for him next.

  Room sixty-nine was Vennuti’s special place where he came to practice his karate moves. Marco had not attended a dojo since he earned his black belt certification, preferring to tone his body and mind on his own schedule.

  Today, Marco planned to take care of loose ends; the loose ends being Wendy Farrell and Marcia Maxon. Following that, he intended to disappear to Isla Fortalenza with Sarah Applebee, that is, if she was willing to join him. If not, she would become a hapless victim along with the other loose ends. He thought about Sarah for a minute. I sure hope she wants to come with me. I’d hate to lose such a good lay. I can see the two of us on a beach, sipping exotic drinks, without a care in the world.

  Marco shed his street clothes and donned his karate gi. It was all white and made of Egyptian cotton. Around his waist he fastened his black belt. He walked over to one of the floor-to-ceiling mirrors and gave a nod of approval at what he saw. He checked the wall clock. It was eight-fifteen. There was plenty of time to go through his moves and be ready for his visitors. After thirty minutes of parries and kicks, he stopped to pick up his nunchakua weapon consisting of two heavy sticks connected at one end with a short chain. Marco had a top-of-the-line Black Dragon nun-chuck and was expert at using it. His workout was intended calm down his mind and body. He spent twenty minutes practicing his moves. He was ready for the first of his visitors to arrive.

  Two hours earlier he called Wendy and explained that he needed to see her. He sold her on the story that he had a regularly scheduled workout at The All Sports Club and agreed to meet her there at nine o’clock in Room sixty-nine. A similar call was made to Marcia with the time scheduled for fifteen minutes later.

  At nine, Wendy knocked at the door. When she received the early morning call from Marco she thought that the news about the drug shipment intercept wasn’t on the street yet. She decided that it would be best if she knew where Marco was in case Dennis procured the necessary warrants to have him picked up. To her way of thinking, the chase was about to end and she was going to be a major player.

  Marco opened the door and waved her in. “I’m glad to see that you are punctual. Please come in. It’s nice to meet such a beautiful lady in person.”

  As Wendy passed by him, Vennuti struck her on the back of her neck, sending her to the floor. Her head hit the concrete hard and she was immediately unconscious. He moved her body out of the way and closed the door, picked up her sling-pak and tossed it into the corner of the room. Minutes later, she was chained hand and feet to the wall, with duct tape covering her mouth. He spoke to the motionless body. “I don’t know if you can hear me, Wendy or Deborah, but I’m going to give you a quick summary of what’s going to go down. First, I want you to see what happens to someone who crosses Marco Vennuti. After I’m finished with the other one, I’m going to give you the thrill of your life Marco Vennuti style, before I slit your throat. I guarantee you’ll leave this earth with a broad smile on your face.”

  As she regained consciousness, Wendy heard the end of what he said. She struggled to free herself from the manacles without success.

  “I’m glad you’re conscious. It would be a shame for you to miss any of this. Actions have consequences, as you’re about to learn the hard way.”

  A knock at the door interrupted Marco. He looked at the clock. It was nine-fifteen. “That will be our other guest. I love it when people are on time for their appointments.”

  Wendy tried to scream a warning to whoever was at the door, but to no avail. Tears began to flow down her face. She slumped helplessly against the shackles that held her.

  Marco moved quickly to the door. He opened it and asked Marcia to step in.

  As she did, out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of someone chained to the wall. Immediately her guard was up. She turned and tried to get past Marco, but he was too big and too quick for her. He punched her in the jaw and as she fell back, slamming her head against the wall. As she fell to the floor, the sound of her skull hitting the concrete resounded arou
nd the room. Marco pushed the door closed. “Why is everybody in such a hurry to leave here? My feelings are getting hurt.” He reached down to check her pulse. “Damn it, I wanted you alive. I wanted to find out what that big shot boyfriend of yours found so attractive. You’re not much to look at, but you must have been quite a lay. It’s a shame I’ll never find out.”

  Marco dragged her lifeless body to the center of the room. He turned to Wendy, held up Marcia’s head by her hair and said, “Now you’re the only one to experience Marco Vennuti the stud and not the warrior. I’m really great at both. I guarantee you’ll enjoy it. I know that I will, with that body of yours.” He released Marcia’s hair and once again the sound of her skull hitting the concrete floor could be heard throughout the room.

  Wendy shuddered as she heard the sound and realized the fate he intended for her. Tears fell uncontrollably down her cheeks. She squirmed in vain as she thought about what he was intending to do to her. Maybe when he releases me I can catch him off guard. He’s so full of himself, that he may slip up somewhere. I can only pray that he does.

  Marco picked up his water bottle and took a long swig and turned to Wendy. “I’m glad I got to go through a complete practice before you got here. I’ll be at my best when we get together. Did you know that martial arts practitioners are the best sex partners? It has something to do with the discipline. You go ahead and cry it out, sweetie. I’m going to take a short break to re-energize; then I intend to enjoy your body for a while.” He stepped over to the wall and unbuttoned her blouse. He felt her breasts. “You sure have an awesome pair of tits. I’m going to enjoy sucking on those while I introduce you to Marco Junior. You’re in for a real treat.”Gesturing to a king-size mattress lying on the floor in the far corner of the room, he said, “We’re going to use that mattress over there. Geez, I’m getting a woody just thinking about it.”

  Wendy squirmed against his touch.

  Marco smiled “I know you’re anxious, darlin’.” I can see it in your eyes, but you’re just going to have to wait. Here, let me show you what you’re going to experience.” He removed his black belt and stepped out of his gi. He stood before her, naked woody and all. “I bet you never saw a man as beautiful as this and so well endowed. If having sex with an Adonis is on your ‘bucket list’ you just hit pay dirt, sweetie. I’ll be with you in a minute.”

  Wendy averted her eyes at first, but then, out of curiosity, she looked at Marco standing there in the buff. Her instinctive feminine side was aroused for a moment; he was, after all, a perfect male specimen, one that you would expect to model at a prestigious art school. But reality quickly returned. What am I thinking? That pig is going to rape me and I’m defenseless to stop him.

  Outside in the hall, Mark was quietly sliding a key into the door lock. A half-hour earlier, he got a call from David Hartman, who was managing the All Sports Club from protective custody, that Marco reserved Room sixty-nine for the day. His assistant provided Mark with a copy of the key.

  Mark opened the door just enough to peek in. What he saw shocked him and he entered the room quickly with his gun aimed at Marco. “Get your hands up, Vennuti. You’re under arrest. Now step away from that woman.” Mark didn’t see the nun-chuck Marco was holding by his right side.

  As he moved away from Marcia’s body, Marco protested, “You’ve got no right to barge in here. This is a private session. Get out of here right now.”

  Mark saw that Wendy was squirming, apparently okay except for the shackles, so he ran over quickly to check out the body lying on the floor all the while keeping his gun trained on Marco. He was shocked when he discovered that it was Marcia. He reached out to check for a pulse. As he did her body shifted and he took his eyes off of Vennuti for just an instant.

  An instant was all the time that Vennuti needed. With lightning speed, he raised the nun-chuck above his head and delivered a blow to Mark’s gun hand. Mark doubled over with pain as the gun flew from his hand and slid across the floor towards the door. Marco raised the weapon a second time and struck a powerful blow to Mark’s left kidney and a third to the back of his head. It was the last blow that sent him past the threshold of consciousness; Mark crumbled to the floor.

  Marco turned to Wendy. “Is this your doing? It looks like I may have to change my plans for you. You need to be punished, not pleasured.” He used the roll of duct tape to cover Mark’s mouth and bind his hands and feet. He removed Mark’s wallet and found his FBI ID and shield. “So, I was right. He is one of yours. Too bad he got involved in this. Now I’m going to have to off him, too. It look like this is a day of retribution for the FBI.”

  He walked over to Wendy. “I think it’s time for us to do our thing. As he reached out to release Wendy, Marco had his back to the door. He did not see the woman enter the room, using the key that Mark left in the door. She closed the door quietly behind her. She raised her finger to her mouth to signal Wendy not give her away. She inched her way over to the gun that was about twenty feet from the door. As she reached down to pick it up, Marco suddenly turned and spotted her.

  “Put that gun down, darlin’, you could hurt yourself. What are you doing here, anyway?”

  She raised the gun and pointed it at him. “I should be asking you that question, you cheatin’ bastard. I came here to see if you wanted to have a late breakfast with me. Instead of you doing your karate exercises, I find you standing there naked, with a man tied up on the floor and two women you apparently are doing something with.” Her voice quivered as she said, “I gave myself to you completely, Marco, on the condition that you’d be faithful to me. That commitment apparently doesn’t mean a damn thing to you.”

  “Sarah, this not what you think.”

  “Don’t try that old line on me. I’ve got eyes. What kind of a fool do you take me for?”

  As she spoke, Sarah Applebee moved along the wall towards Wendy. Marco tried to move closer to get into range to use the nun-chuck, but she waved him back. When she reached Wendy she pulled the tape from her mouth.

  Immediately, Wendy warned her, “Don’t take your eyes off of him. He killed Marcia, overpowered the man lying there and he was planning on raping and killing me. I’m an FBI Special Agent and the man on the floor is an agent also. Just turn the keys on the hand shackles. I’ll get the others.”

  Sarah turned the keys releasing the hand shackles, leaving Wendy to release her feet.

  Marco took advantage of the split second that Sarah needed to locate the keys. He was too far away to strike a blow, so he threw the nun-chuck directly at her. She saw it just in time to step out of the way. As it bounced off the wall, she fired two shots in his direction.

  Marco clutched his chest as blood started to flow from the wound. As he was falling to the floor, he said, “You stupid broad. Look what you’ve done. I was going to take you away with me.” Those were his last words, as the reign of terror bearing the name of Marco Vennuti came to an end.

  Sarah handed the gun to Wendy and together they removed the tape from Mark’s mouth, wrists and ankles. He was still unconscious. Wendy retrieved her sling-pak, pulled out her cell phone and called 9-1-1. Her second call was to Inspector Bagnold.

  “Milt, this is Wendy.”

  “Wendy, where the hell have you been? Why haven’t you answered your phone? Dennis and I have been trying to contact you for hours. Justice just gave us the go ahead to raid Atronen. Dennis is over there now. I need you here right away and if you know where Mark is, give him the message.”

  “Milt, stop talking for a minute, I’ve got a situation here. I’m at the All Sports Club, Room sixty-nine.” She related the story of how she was lured there by Vennuti. “He’s dead. He was shot a few minutes ago by his girlfriend. Mark is here, too. He’s unconscious. I think his wrist could be broken and he might have a concussion. I called 9-1-1. There’s something else, Milt,” she said as her voice dropped “Vennuti killed Marcia in cold blood. She didn’t stand a chance. I saw it all. It was horrible. There was nothing I c
ould do. I was chained to the wall and had to watch his attack on Marcia and then on Mark. If it wasn’t for Sarah Applebee, showing up, I’d be dead by now.” She stopped for a moment and added, “How are we going to tell Dennis about Marcia?”

  Milt was quiet on the other end as she told him the story. He thought about things for a moment. “Look, Wendy, you’re going to have to remain at the site until I can get some agents there to secure the crime scene. I’ll call Chief Jacobson, too. As soon as the agents have the situation under control you may as well get over to the hospital and stay with Mark. We’ll take care of things at Atronen. As for Dennis, I guess I’ll have to be the one to tell him about Marcia. It will be the toughest thing I’ve ever done in my life. I’ll call you if something else comes up.”

  Wendy put the sling-pak under Mark’s head and went over to the door to unlock it. She approached Sarah, who was sitting next to Marco’s body, crying. “Sarah, I’m going to have to cuff you and read you your rights. You’ll have to remain here until the agents arrive and go with them to the Bureau for questioning.”

  “I understand. I’ll cooperate in any way I can. I feel so foolish for letting that man use me.”

  “Well, for now, just have a seat over there while I find something to cover Marcia’s body.” She found a blanket near the mattress and draped it over the body. She noticed that Marcia had a smile on her face as if she somehow she knew that Marco demise was near.


  The receptionist buzzed Milt. “I have a man on the line who says that he needs to talk to Special Agent in Charge Peterson.”

  “Dennis is out of the office and may not be back for several hours. Did he say what it was about?”

  “He said it was about one of our agents. He said that it is very urgent.”

  “Okay. Put him on line two. I’m in Peterson’s office right now. Hello, this is Inspector Bagnold. To whom am I speaking?”


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