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Goddess's Saga 1: Touch of the Goddess

Page 9

by Maria Hammarblad

  Stephan sighed.

  “We should put the lid back on. These are nano-cribs, keeping the right temperature. I don’t know how vulnerable they are at this stage, but we shouldn’t risk anything.”

  She nodded in agreement, and plopped down on the floor to watch him close the box.


  The computer sounded like it gave a lecture.

  “B’vil-ayes are known to be a docile species who drift on the winds of Barh’lot. They have light bodies supported by exoskeletons, giving strength, durability, and speed. They mature quickly and are highly intelligent. These properties make them a perfect source of labour.”

  Stephan said, “I’ve heard of them. People use them in diamond-mines where other species would die within days.”

  Oh, great, they get to suffer a miserable existence in an environment completely alien to them before succumbing to pressure and poisonous gasses.

  “You know what? If people are too cheap to pay for robots, they don’t need to get it done at all.”

  “I don’t like this. I bet the station management is working together with those gentlemen you encountered.”


  He lifted an eyebrow and she elaborated, “They were working. They’re not doing anything anymore.”

  “I guess not... You know, I think the station head will get a visit from a ghost.”

  Maria looked into his eyes and a shadow of a smile crept over her lips.

  “You’re very handsome for a ghost. I’m coming with you.”

  Please, let’s not argue about this.

  Saying something as if it was already settled worked on most humanoids, but usually not on Stephan, and he didn’t fall for it this time either. He gave her a stern look.

  “Absolutely not. I’m not dragging you further into this.”

  “What? Why? You’re the one who died, not me.”

  Maybe a bit blunt, but it gets the point across.

  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.

  “I’m really sorry I died. I can’t promise it won’t happen again, but I’ll try not to do it anytime soon.”

  He paused to press his lips against her forehead, and when he continued it was in a more serious voice.

  “You know I worry for you, right? You’re precious to me.”

  Of course, big guy, do you want me to sit around and knit too? Why don’t you just add a really manly, “Let me deal with this?”

  “All those guards will be looking for you, they seem pretty on edge out there. Don’t you think they might overreact if they see you?”

  As much as she hated it, he had a point. However, if he worried for her, she worried for him too, and she had seen him die just hours earlier.

  “You’re a mother hen. I’m a hundred times as old as you are, so I should be in charge.”

  “You can be in charge all you want, as long as you do it from here.”

  ~ 13 ~

  Every fibre of Stephan’s being screamed she must be protected at any cost.

  He heard how poorly his words conveyed the message, but how could he possibly ask her to stay in a way that wouldn’t offend her?

  “I can’t help that I worry, babe.”

  Maria poked his chest with a finger.

  “I worry too.”

  She just watched you die. Try something else.

  “I want to see the station head. Assuming they know about you he won’t let me anywhere near if he thinks you’re there.”

  “You’re making things difficult.”

  “I’m sorry. I need to find out how much he knows about the trafficking, and these eggs, and everything. That’ll be much more difficult if he’s running or hiding.”

  And I want to shoot someone for good measure.

  “What if I go as someone else?”


  The woman in front of him changed. Maria Callaway disappeared and was replaced by a busty blonde with sparkling blue eyes and peroxide locks cascading down an outfit much like the ones worn by the girls in the casino.

  Stephan stepped backwards.


  “I can become anyone your heart...” she rubbed the front of his pants with a wry smile “...or any other part of you desires.”

  Her voice and accent had changed too.

  This is too creepy. I mean, the idea has interesting possibilities, but this isn’t the time.

  In the next second, a dazzling redheaded beauty watched him, pulling a finger temptingly down her cleavage, and he made a grimace.

  “Stop it. I get the point.”

  Please turn back into yourself.

  The wish went unanswered; she disappeared.


  She didn’t answer, and talking to empty air seemed silly.

  “You know, you don’t have to do this to impress me.”

  An invisible hand took his and squeezed it, and her voice echoed in his hand.

  “You won’t even know I’m here. Let’s go.”


  She lifted his hand and kissed it with invisible but warm lips. Stephan still didn’t move, couldn’t move.

  “Would it make you feel better if I turned into a shirt you can wear?”

  “You’re absolutely crazy.”

  Her laughter sounded a bit too merry.

  “Yes, but you love me.”

  He shook his head and walked out of the ship with long strides. The blonde had tempted him, few men got the opportunity to try a girl with such an extremely sexy appearance without cheating, but invisibility was creepy.

  Leaving the ship and breathing air that didn’t smell like her was a relief. When he saw the closest guard’s mouth fall open, he flashed a wide smile and waved.

  Dead man walking. I’m going into a base filled with people who already killed me once, unarmed, and possibly dressed in my girlfriend. Oh well, at least I’m not bored.

  This urge to investigate pointed towards a developing conscience. This could become a problem. In the past he never thought twice about operating on the wrong side of the law; the law didn’t help him when he needed it, so why should he uphold it? If he had to steal something or kill someone to survive, well, too bad. If he started worrying about morals in one matter it could easily spread into a... sense of right and wrong.

  He suppressed a shudder.

  Stop fretting and concentrate on what you have to do.

  Armed guards stared and kept their weapons trailed on him but didn’t approach. It wasn’t all that long ago Maria strolled here arm in arm with him, heading for dinner, but now it seemed another lifetime. He had died and returned to life since, so it truly was another life.

  The guards had built an improvised roadblock to keep whoever might approach from the ship from entering the base. A few of them peeked out over a wall of laser-proof shields.

  What did she do to make them this jittery? Setting a bar on fire and separating a few criminals from their miserable existences doesn’t cut it.

  A voice woke him from his musings.

  “It’s impossible, you’re dead.”

  The man’s eyes darted around and Stephan stopped a couple of steps from a wall of rifles. He crossed his arms over his chest and made a point of looking alive and unafraid.

  “Jim Benton, it’s a pleasure to see you too. I’d stop and chat but I’m a bit busy.”

  The guard captain was pale and fine drops of sweat glittered on his forehead, even though he stood behind his troops.

  Are all these armed men trembling with fear of a woman with a sword?

  “You’re supposed to be dead.”

  “Well, I’m not, and I’ve come to see the boss. I have some cargo for him. From what I hear, you’re finding it difficult to get on my ship to collect it. I think he’d talk to me. If not, I’m sure I know a few other people who would be interested in it.”

  Did Maria stand by his side or was she still in the ship?

  Did she think the troops looked funny

  It was unnerving to have so many weapons follow his every move, but he was still able to see the comical in the situation.

  Jim went over to a wall-mounted communications terminal. He was too far away for Stephan to make the conversation out, but looked exasperated.

  Shifting his attention to the guards, he tried, “Could you guys please point those somewhere else?”

  No one answered. If anything, they seemed even more determined to shoot.

  Jim returned after a mere minute, pulling a hand over his forehead.

  “You’re never getting out of here alive. You know that, don’t you?”

  Stephan shrugged; this sudden concern for his well-being didn’t seem sincere. His old drinking buddy cuffed his hands behind his back and two men pushed him through the corridor towards an elevator. As the doors closed behind him, he heard Jim call out, “It was nice knowing you.”


  The elevator seemed to rise forever.

  It finally came to a halt at the very top floor, and even the doors seemed to hush as they slid open. Thick handmade rugs on the floor dampened the sound of their steps, the walls were filled with art from many worlds, and ancient statues stared into nothingness from designed niches in the walls.

  I bet every single piece is stolen.

  In his opinion, it looked like someone collected things to create an aura of wealth, without taking good taste into account. As beautiful as many of the items were individually, the overall impression became tacky.

  One of the guards shoved the muzzle of a gun into his back.

  “Don’t just stand there, move along.”

  I chose to come up here. We could have left.

  He stopped dragging his feet and marched down the hallway to a big door clad with red leather. A plant and a golden statue of a lion flanked the entrance on each side.

  “Are you guys taking me to a restaurant? Looks like they have good spring rolls in here.”

  One of the guards said, “Can I kill him?”

  The other answered, “Shut up, idiot.”

  I wonder if he’s talking to me or to his colleague.

  A second later, the doors swung open on noiseless hinges, and Stephan spotted a familiar old man inside the room. He forced himself to smile.

  “David Red, hospitality here has decreased since my last visit.”

  The doors closed behind him as quietly as they opened. The guards probably waited right outside, hoping for an excuse to storm in and shorten his expected lifespan. Oh well, every day now was overtime anyway.

  Dammit, I have to stop thinking about being dead.

  David had ebony skin, dark eyes, and a head crowned with a mane of hair white as snow. Each one of his handmade suits could probably feed a starving family for a decade.

  Stephan took a few steps further into the room, and David held out a remote control to rewind a holographic recording. It seemed to be a rehearsed act, and the impression of watching something staged grew stronger from David’s mild tone of voice.

  “Stephan Forks.”

  The old man spun his chair to face his guest, and continued with a chuckle, “I always knew you were one stubborn son of a bitch, but I didn’t expect even you to survive that.”

  He held the remote out and started the recording again.

  It was hard not to wince when Maria called out, “Stephan, no!” and he saw himself fall to the floor.

  “You look quite dead there. Close contact with the floor. I’d offer you a drink, but I doubt you’d take it after last time.”

  Stephan kept his eyes on the recording.

  I guess it could be forged, but why would anyone go through all that trouble?

  A part of him knew his girl wasn’t quite human. She told him the first day they met and proved it over and over again. Hearing was still not the same as seeing and the holographic recording showed a being more stunningly beautiful, stronger, and more fearsome than any mortal could fully understand.

  I need some time to think about this. This is the person who shares my life, ship, and bed. This is who she really is. I wanted to protect her, how vain is that? What is she doing with me anyway?

  There was no time and this certainly wasn’t the place.

  He managed to watch all the way through without showing any emotion.

  When the recording stopped, showing green flames and smoke, he lifted an eyebrow and shrugged, feeling David’s scrutinizing stare. It was difficult to stop fretting, and he had to force his thoughts back to the present when David commented, “A remarkable young woman. I’m sure you understand we’d very much like to... talk... to her. I take it she healed you somehow. Maybe even brought you back to life?”

  David’s eyes normally held the cold and calculating gaze of a machine, but at this moment, they glowed.

  He fears her and I can see why, but he sees money too. I guess she presents endless opportunity for fame and power.

  “Yes, that’s my girl.”

  The pride in his own voice surprised him, as did the feeling of his handcuffs opening.

  “I could make this very easy for you, and it could turn out very good for you. Just help me find the girl, help me get her into a secure holding area and give me my cargo, and I’ll pay you twice... No, three times the original agreement. You can be on your way in no time, wealthy, without a care in the world. That kind of money would buy you your own bar, and some fresh girls to replace the one you lose.”

  “How many times have you practiced saying that in front of a mirror? Lemme guess, if I don’t, you’ll kill me and take my ship, the cargo, and the girl anyway. But...”

  He tried to look as if he just thought of something.

  “You know, thus far you haven’t managed to kill me.”

  Taking a couple of steps closer, he leaned his head to the side.

  “Those men from the bar worked with you, didn’t they? Or at least with your permission. It’s easy to look a little to the side if it lines your pockets, right? You have no idea of where the girl is, or what to do with her if you find her, and you can’t even get close to the ship, because she won’t let you touch it. Come on, Red, you’ll have to do better than this.”

  David seemed taken aback, but recovered quickly.

  “It’s not like that at all. Slavery is illegal, remember. Are you saying I encourage it?”

  “Come now, David, you have a finger in everything that happens here. Just tell me, how many percent do you get?”

  The older man leaned back in his chair and smiled.

  “Okay, you got me. But it’s just a few girls, no big deal. When did you get such a nitpicky conscience?”

  He sounded accusing when he added, “You used to be fun, a happy drunk. Now you’re just a disappointment.”

  Stephan tossed the cuffs on the table and wrinkled his nose.

  I want to punch that smile away.

  “Does it matter?”

  There was a nice plush chair standing close to the wall, and he pulled it out to face David’s desk. He didn’t care where he put it; anywhere that wasn’t the original position would be fine. He had been around long enough to expect traps everywhere, and it would be a shame to have the floor open under him, or an electrified net falling down over his head.

  “That’s better. Now, let’s talk about my cargo, shall we.”

  His host replied immediately, “Where did you find that girl?”

  ~ 14 ~

  Maria groaned inside when Stephan watched the recording.

  Dammit, I didn’t want him to see that. He’s not supposed to see me lose control. Oh well, done is done and we’ll deal with it later. Probably at great length...

  She itched for doing something, and when Stephan looked comfortable in the chair she allowed herself to become semi-opaque behind David.

  C’mon lover, see me.

  Waving caught his attention, and she spun a finger against her temple and rolled her eyes before starting to imitate the old man as he spoke. She kept i
t up until Stephan couldn’t suppress a smile.

  David stopped in mid-sentence.

  “What’s so funny?”

  Stephan ignored the question and asked in a pleasant voice, “You want to meet her, don’t you?”

  The old man leaned back in the chair, pretending to think about it.

  “To be honest, not really. But it would be in the best interest of my business, and thus in both mine and yours too.”

  “I can arrange that.”

  “Good, good. I hoped you’d see things my way. I understand giving her up must be hard, but it’s in your best interest.”

  Stephan made a little rotating gesture with his finger in the air to make David turn around, and Maria couldn’t resist the temptation.

  She leaned forward and shouted, “Boo!”

  David bounced out of his chair and landed on the floor, crawling backwards away from her until he hit the wall. His throat worked, but no sound came over his thin lips.

  “I think I broke your human.”

  “He’ll be fine, babe.”

  “He’s so peculiar. What is he doing down there?”

  “Hiding from you. I think he expects you to set him on fire.”

  “I don’t normally do that.”

  “I know.”

  Maria watched the old man a moment longer, shrugged, and sauntered over to kiss her lover.


  Stephan hadn’t forgotten the recording, but as soon as Maria came close, her warm, soft lips against his combined with her fragrance chased all the worries away.

  She smells like lilacs. I bet I’ll forget all about the other her within days. If she stays close, it’ll all seem like a dream in a couple of hours.

  This was the first time he suspected the attraction he felt for her might be more than just infatuation, but he was beyond both caring and speculating.

  He wanted her, needed her, more than anything or anyone he’d ever encountered.

  “You take the chair babe, it’s comfortable. I’ll only be a minute.”

  He rose to his feet to make room for her and walked over to David, pulling the old man up from the floor, placing him back in position behind the desk, and patting his shoulders a couple of times.


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