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Goddess's Saga 1: Touch of the Goddess

Page 21

by Maria Hammarblad

  He had never seen her dressed like this. She wore a long white toga, and the thin fabric seemed to caress her body just like he wanted to do.

  Down boy, I’m not in shape for that.

  She didn’t seem to move through the room, but was suddenly close enough to touch him.

  “Oh you poor man.”

  Do I look as bad as I feel? Strange that she can stand being in the same room.

  “I love you, but please let me die in peace.”

  Speaking was difficult.

  His lips and tongue seemed thick and didn’t obey.

  A second later, her soft lips touched his forehead and all the pains washed off him, leaving hardly a memory behind. A lock of her hair fell over his face, and the sweet perfume of everything her filled his nostrils.

  Only now did he realize his eyes hadn’t opened properly before; they’d been swollen after the fight with Frank. Now when he could both see and move, he sat up and met her eyes.

  “Babe, I’m so sorry.”

  I don’t remember shit, but apologizing seems like the smart thing to do.

  “It’s my fault. I should have warned you better. C’mon, Cratus made you something to wear.”

  Everything from shirt to shoes was black, of course.

  He sure likes that colour. Or, the absence of colour, depending on how you see it…

  Maria insisted on helping him with all the buttons. It was strange to have her kiss him like that when putting clothes on. Every instinct told him they should be coming off.

  At least, deeming from the way she kissed him, he couldn’t have caused too much trouble.

  In the outer room, Heather, Cratus, and Frank sat bent over a chessboard. Heather explained without looking up, “We’ve been playing all night, and he wins every time. I think he’s cheating. He’s moving the pieces in the wrong direction or something.”

  Frank grinned and got up to slam his giant fist down on Stephan’s back.

  “Good game yesterday, good game. We’ll take him next time. Now you’ve gotta help us beat this cretin on his own turf.”

  The corners of Cratus’s mouth twitched just a little, enough to show his fangs.

  “Yes, you’ve been trying hard, haven’t you?”

  They’re actually nice. They’re going above and beyond to make me feel like I belong. I can see why she loves them.

  Maria tugged Stephan over to a chair and plopped herself down on his lap. Cratus winked at them as he continued to tease Frank and Heather with his irritatingly calm voice.

  “Now, a Goddess of Whisky and Fire wouldn’t need many skills at this game, but I would expect the self proclaimed God of the Battlefield to do better. It is a game of strategy. You know what strategy is, right?”

  Frank jumped up, clearly offended.

  “Hey, you, I’ll take you yet!”

  Heather said dreamily, “Oh yeah, we forgot to set something on fire yesterday.”

  Okay, they’re all insane, but I still like them. Is life here always like this?

  Cratus won that game too.

  “You’re like playing a computer.”

  Frank snorted.

  “All human technology leads to nothing but trouble. People should stay on their own planets and wage war in the old-fashioned way.”

  Stephan lifted an eyebrow, and Frank elaborated, “Everything you invented after the catapult has been a disaster. Now, in the old days, when people fought with swords, there were skills and adventure.”

  Heather giggled and Stephan shrugged. He wasn’t going to be lured into another discussion or fight.

  Maria said, “C’mon, let’s go have breakfast.”

  He could have sworn the room didn’t have a balcony, but now it was there, holding a table filled with food.

  Maria lingered behind, and he heard her say, “Cratus, can I ask you something?”

  The winged being led her out on the balcony with an arm around her shoulders.

  “No dearest, not now. Everything will be clear in time.”

  I bet they’re talking about that cursed map.

  Heather said, “Thongs, yes or no?”

  Frank hollered, “Yes, or nothing.”

  I can see his standpoint on that…


  Maria said, “Yes,” and Frank grimaced, “Of course, no. We’ve just been through this.”

  It seemed like they sat in the sun for an eternity. It might have been hours, days, or minutes; he lost all sense of time.

  They might never have left if a scream hadn’t echoed over the valley.

  Frank rolled his shoulders.

  “It’s time for you to go.”

  What the hell is that? Their pet dragon?

  Maria took his hand.

  “Father’s wife is on her way to the castle. There’ll be hell to pay. I mean, I wouldn’t be happy to be locked up either… We should leave.”

  Cratus nodded.

  “It was good to see you, little one.”

  He turned to Stephan and shook his hand.

  “Until we meet again, my friend.”

  Heather poked Stephan in the chest and sounded feisty.

  “You take care of my sister, you hear.”

  Her words made Cratus chuckle, but his voice was a little too casual when he remarked, “He will.”

  A second later they were back on the ship, and in that familiar environment, everything that happened seemed like a dream.


  Cratus and Frank stood side by side, looking out a window in a high tower. Cratus had his arms crossed, and Frank played with a jewel set dagger.

  Behind them, Maria’s father sat in a deep chair, resting his chin in his hand.

  “Are you sure about this?”

  Cratus shrugged.

  “It is inevitable. Everything will work out for the best.”

  Frank glared.

  “Why? Because you say so?”

  Ruffling his wings, Cratus bared his fangs in a smile.

  “Shouldn’t that be enough? I keep telling you I know everything. If it makes you feel better, it’s all according to the prophecy.”

  Their King rose up from the chair and went to join them by the window. The day was very nice, just like all other days.

  “You mean the prophecy you made?”

  Cratus grinned.


  About Maria Hammarblad

  Maria Hammarblad is a Swedish author and bass player living in Florida since late 2008. Her fascination with books started early. Before she could read or write, she made her mother staple papers together to resemble books. She drew suns in them and claimed they were "The Sun Book." They were all about the sun. The four-year old also claimed her existence on Earth was a mistake, the result of a horrible mix-up, and that her real family would come to bring her home to her own planet at any time. This didn't happen, but her fascination with books and other worlds stayed with her.

  Today, she lives in the Tampa Bay area with her husband Mike and their rescue dogs. Besides novels, she also writes award winning screenplays. Through the years, she has played with a number of Swedish rock bands. She also enjoys photography, and volunteers at a local dog rescue.





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