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Dead To Rights_HZA, Vol. 4

Page 22

by Marty Brockschmidt

  For the moment, Abigail was still recovering and spent long hours resting, Chloe though physically well, still had not spoken and didn't show an interest in exploring the compound. However, Chloe would spend long hours, seated with whomever was on watch and seemed to take keen interest in watching the security monitors and following whatever conversations were being held.

  On Red and Lizzie's last tour in the security office, Red was regretting an argument she had with Turk, about Abigail. Red knew how hard it was for a woman, especially an attractive woman, in these times. Turk's analytical observations and cold pragmatism. could be annoying to her. It was her gut that told her that Turk was a good man and right now her gut was telling her, Abigail could be trusted.

  However, as she watched Abigail more, it seemed like Abigail was always apologizing to them. She was sorry for needing to be taken care of, she was sorry for needing help with Chloe, she was sorry for being such a burden. It was like, she could not say I'm sorry enough. Chloe was an odd child to be sure, it wasn't just the fact she didn't speak. It is hard to say how a child should act, after seeing their father killed and mother raped, but whatever that was, Chloe's reaction was not it.

  Chloe was sitting with Red and Lizzie, as they kept an eye on the security monitors. Somehow Chloe had conveyed to Lizzie that she wanted to know what part of the park, each camera was covering. Lizzie had gone so far as to get a map, of the park, to match up to the monitors. Turk's insistence on being extra cautious with the pair, urged Red to stop Lizzie from giving out more information. Red picked up the map, declaring. “Lizzie, I don't think Chloe is up to this right now.”

  “Yes she is, Chloe wants to know all about her new home, don't ya Chloe?”

  Chloe nodded and even managed something, that could be thought of as a smile.

  “Maybe later, Lizzie why don't you read Tom Sawyer to Chloe.”

  Over in the commons building, Tom and Sue were also discussing their new guests. “Thomas Higgins, we can't keep those two under guard forever. They seem decent and lord knows we need all the help, we can muster.”

  “Sue, we don't know anything about them. What if she is with those True Believers?”

  “Oh I can't believe that. That poor woman has gone through some tough times and she doesn't need you, keeping her locked up to boot.”

  “I'm sure she has had a rough spell, haven't we all. Turk says every good lie, has some truth in it.”

  “Turk is not in charge here, you are. What do you think is the right thing to do?”

  “Sue, you’re right it is on me and for now, we are going to continue to limit what those two do around here.”

  “Until when?”

  “Until they come clean with us, or prove they can be trusted.”

  On her third day with them, Emma declared that Abigail had mostly recovered and was asking to be given a chance to help the group. Tom asked Turk to give her an exam, to confirm she had recuperated.

  “Are you a doctor?” Abigail inquired.

  “No, I was a guide back in the day and had to keep my emergency aid credentials up to date. I got a fair bit of training, dealing with trauma.”

  “I see. You sound like you're from these parts. We had come down from Wisconsin, Henry thought it would be easier, than having to deal with winter and that the mountains may be tough terrain for the dead, I mean zeds.”

  “I got a series of questions and simple tests, should give us an idea if a more serious injury has occurred.”


  After checking her balance, reflexes, hearing and eyesight, Turk declared Abigail was on the mend. “Your coming along fine Miss Cross, would you mind if Chloe came in and I give her a check.”

  At first, Abigail seemed to hesitate, but then thought better of it, “Yes that is fine.”

  Margo escorted Chloe in and when Abigail saw her, she smiled. “I remember you, is this your daughter?”

  Before Turk could answer, Margo replied. “Papa bear rescued me and Prescott, plucked us right out of Cain's camp. Me and Papa bear are a team now.”

  Turk blushed a bit. “Alright Margo, let Chloe in so we can get a look at her.”

  “Uh Chloe honey, hop up next to Mommy sweetheart. This man wants to make sure you're not hurt, its ok.”

  “Your daughter, she looks to be about twelve?” Turk asked.

  “No she's f...ten, sorry I'm still a bit addled.”

  “She's big for her age.”

  “Yes, she is going to be tall, just like her father.”

  Turk's last test on Chloe, was to check her reflexes, but when he tapped below the knee he got no reaction. “Well, ain't that the oddest thing.”

  “Wh..What's that?”

  “Your girl's leg, didn't kick. Ain't a big deal, it's a basic neurological test. Does your daughter have a neurological condition.”


  “Doc's haven't brought this up in the past?”

  “No, is there something wrong with Chloe?”

  “Probably nothin, just me makin somethin out of nothin. Keep an eye on her, if somethin else crops up. Margo, take Chloe back out, Mister Tom wants to speak with Miss Cross on her plans.” Turk turned towards Abigail. “Tom Higgins heads up our band, he's a good man.”

  Turk exited, as Tom entered and extended his hand to Abigail. “Tom Higgins, do you mind if I call you Abigail.”

  “Please do.” Abigail replied, as she shook his hand.

  “Abigail, I'm going to just jump right in. Are you hoping to stay here, or is it your intent to head off on your own?”

  “To be honest, Henry and I had problems with groups in the past. They didn't seem to care for children, but you folks have a lot of kids here. I would like for us to stay, if that is possible?”

  “We worked hard on this place and I don't think keeping it is going to be easy. We need to know you'll join us and be there for us, when times are tough.”

  “Mister Higgins, I just been through the worst a person can have done to them and I'm still standing. I grew up in the north and have been hunting since I was eleven, I know one end of a gun from the other. I promise you this, I will do whatever I need to do to keep my daughter safe.”

  “You got spunk, I'll give you that. We'll take it slow. We'll ask that you respect the boundaries we give you, we'll work on gaining each others trust.”

  Abigail did not know when, Josiah would show up with his army, he had wanted to give her time to become a member of this group. Tom was keeping she and Chloe on a pretty short leash, but Abigail already felt closer to these people, than at the True Believer compound. At the compound, the only one she remotely considered a friend was Silas, everyone else at the compound was so suspicious of each other, fearing one misstep, would get them turned over to the Zealots.

  Here, everyone respected each other and did what they could to support the others. Abigail was pleased, when she could find ways to be a help to them. Abigail could see how tired these people were, the park was a large area for such a small group, to keep watch over. Their time off shift, left little time for both sleep and basic chores. Abigail assumed as much as she could, making sure meals were available, clothes and dishes were cleaned and the solar showers were kept topped off.

  Abigail had Chloe help her with these tasks, while trying to determine what Chloe's purpose in their infiltration was. She knew that Chloe could speak, though in an odd emotionless monotone, the only reason that Abigail could guess is if Chloe didn't speak, others would fill the silence. An indirect way to gain information, but it seemed to be working. Abigail was coming to believe her part, was to deliver Chloe into this group and that somehow Chloe, would become their undoing.

  Abigail was curious, why were these people of such keen interest to Rachel and Josiah. Rachel's motivation was fairly simple, there were a lot of kids here and they would be a nice addition to her program. Silas seemed to indicate that Josiah had plans to undermine Rachel and these people were at the core of it. Except these people, seeme
d so ordinary.

  Tom their leader, didn't go around barking out orders, yet somehow everything funneled through him and his was the final say. Turk was just a good ol' boy, blushing when young Margo called him Papa Bear, yet he apparently single handedly took down Cain and his crew, the True Believers most ruthless team. Red oozed a strength and self-confidence that Abigail quickly respected, yet still showed a softer side, when with Turk or Lizzie. Tim managed their security, while still coming off as everyone's best friend. Abigail also noticed Tim, looking at her like Henry used to and while she felt guilty, she also enjoyed the attention.

  Perhaps what made this group so special, was that they were so ordinary. They had stayed together for the past year. They had kept their children and each other alive, yet somehow maintained a grasp on human decency. She had told Tom she would do whatever to protect her daughter, Tom didn't know she meant Zoe. Could she look Zoe in the eye, if she traded the lives of these people for a shot that Rachel was truthful, about giving her Zoe back.

  Abigail's ruminations came to an abrupt end,when Sam, atop the coaster platform, radioed Tom. “Company's comin boss, a whole lot of them.”

  The group quickly took up their designated positions and waited to see how this group, would begin their assault. The answer came quickly, as Sam radioed again. “Boss, looks like they want to talk, they're waving a white flag.

  Tom had Red and Tim join him, at the service gate and posted Turk in the tower, above the Administration building. The group making their way down the service road, was a curious collection. In front was a young, beautiful, blond woman and a nondescript middle aged man. What made the group truly unusual was the shaggy haired, tall, thin man dressed in a long black coat. In one hand this man carried a pole with a scrap of white cloth tied to it. In the other hand, he grasped ropes tethered to two zeds.

  “Those are zeds right?” Tim asked.

  “Sure looks that way to me.” Red answered.

  “Well I got to be honest, I wasn't sure how this thing would start, but I kinda thought it would be more direct.” Tom commented.

  When the trio arrived, the nondescript man and pretty woman stepped to one side to let the man in black, come to the front.

  “Good morning friends. I am Preacher Josiah and we have come to this place…” Pausing to stroke the hair on one of the zeds. “...and show you that the unclean spirits, can be cured. Follow my words and you will survive, ignore me and destruction will come to this house.”

  “Brave talk. You folks keep pestering us and it never ends well for you.” Tom answered.

  “We do have those that misinterpret our belief, those who are evil will be destroyed, but those who hope in Him, will inherit the land.” Preacher Josiah countered.

  “Whatever, what brings you here?”

  “To start with, might I know your name?”

  “Tom Higgins”

  “Thank you Thomas. Our purpose is simple. We are here to deliver the message of the True Believers and bring you into our flock. United, we will all prosper and our descendants will inherit the land.”

  “We've been doing pretty well on our own. Except for the trouble, your people have been causing us.” Tom stated

  “Our intent is not to bring you harm, it is the meek who shall enter his kingdom. I simply ask that you pick up my burden and learn of me, for I am meek.”

  “I can't tell if your giving a sermon, or making a request of us. Make yourself clear, or leave.”

  As Josiah prepared to respond, the blonde woman took the opportunity to speak, “The children are they all well? We would like to see them.”

  “Our children are none of your damn business. It'll be cold day, before I parade them out here for you.”

  Preacher Josiah soothed the situation. “Thomas my apologies for Delilah's abruptness, no offense is intended. A good tree does not produce bad fruit, your children would represent to us the type of people you are. We will be praying that you gain understanding. When you wish to converse again raise a white flag and we will continue. Brother Zachary, Delilah let us take our leave.”

  As the three departed Tom looked at Tim and Red. “What in the hell did you make of that?”

  “The blonde was quite the doll.” Tim tossed out.

  Red scoffed. “Yeah Terminator Barbie.”

  Tim became more serious. “I kinda got the feelin, they were sizing us up. The quiet one, Zachary, he was eyeballing every inch of our walls. That Delilah didn't fit with the other two, at all. Crazy preacher dude with his twisted Bible verses, was just there to keep us busy.”

  “I'm of the impression, he was more crazy like a fox. The way he looked at me, I had the feeling he was using those verses as some kind of code. Be that as it may, it is pretty clear they are not looking at a straight up fight with us. I think they are going to be camped out there for a while, hoping to starve us out.” Tom answered.

  “Come in.” Rachel called out, a bit surprised to hear a knock on her door, this late at night.

  “Mother, thank you for seeing me.” Sister Lucy, a young, raven haired beauty walked in, bowing her head in the Mother’s presence. “I thought you may need help, with Sister Delilah gone and I am here to serve you, Mother.

  Rachel smiled, beckoning Lucy closer. “You come to me Sister, at a time of convenience, you are a devout True Believer, I assume?”

  Lucy stepped up, entering Rachel’s personal space. “I am here to honor your wishes.” Rachel did not show a lot of emotion, trying to figure out exactly what this young woman’s intentions were. “I have admired your strength and beauty, I would...I mean if I can offer you comfort, it would give me a sense of meaning.” Lucy stuttered.

  Rachel listened intently, her mind trying to catch up to the words spoken to her. Although Lucy meant to be clear, Rachel, being somewhat insecure, was not sure what Lucy was offering. The failed relationship with Lucinda, all those years ago, still resonating with her. “I’m a little confused Sister…” Rachel stated, feeling quite flush. “...about your intentions.”

  Lucy was not feeling as confident as she did, when she first walked in and the stuttering didn’t help. She thought she was being direct, but Mother’s reaction proved her wrong. Lucy decided to show Rachel what she meant, instead of more useless words. “My apologies. Let me be more succinct.”

  It seemed like slow motion to Rachel, when Lucy gently cupped her face. Lucy's fingers warm on Rachel's cheeks. Lucy made sure to make eye contact with Rachel, trying to pour all the emotion she was feeling, into that one look. Lucy could feel her heart beating through her chest, with anticipation and love. Leaning in, Lucy placed her soft lips to Rachels, gently at first, before quickly becoming more passionate. Once their tongues met, both women fell deeper into the moment, Lucy letting out a soft moan as she prolonged the kiss. Finally pulling back, both women opened their eyes.

  Rachel could still feel her lips tingling, as she looked into the most sincerest eyes, she had ever seen. Lucy smiled genuinely, before removing her hands, from Rachel's face.

  “You honor me, Sister.” Rachel stated, her body still reacting to the kiss. If Rachel had not quite understood Lucy’s meaning before, she did now.

  “I love you Rachel and I am always ready to please you.” Lucy consciously used the word please, hoping Rachel would eventually accept her as Delilah’s replacement. Lucy bowed her head in respect, before leaving the room. Rachel sat back in her chair, taking in what just happened.

  Even with the True Believers camped a short distance away, chores still needed to be done in their compound. On break from patrol, Margo went up to Turk. “Well Papa Bear, the horses aren't going to take care of themselves and Lizzie wants to spend some time training Blaze.”

  Turk turned to Red. “My dear, fancy a stroll to the barn?”

  “Personally, I'd fancy a little sleep, but who am I to stand in the way of these young ladies, eager to clean up after the horses.”

  The two girls clapped their hands and smiled and then Li
zzie nudged Margo. “Uhm can Chloe come to, I bet she would really enjoy getting outside for a bit.”

  “I suppose, we'll invite Abigail as well, but we'll have to stop at the security office and clear it with Tom.” Turk responded.

  Jax had no idea what they were talking about, but he did pick up that Margo was going somewhere and began bouncing around and nuzzling Margo's hand. “Oh settle down Jax, I wouldn't dream of going anywhere without you.”

  At the pasture, Margo got Chloe and Lizzie cleaning up the horse stalls and she busied herself, brushing out the horses. Watching the girls work, Turk leaned against a post and Red leaned against his chest and pulled his arms around her. Not that Abigail had ever shown romantic interest in Turk, still, it never hurt to stake out your territory.


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