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Dead To Rights_HZA, Vol. 4

Page 33

by Marty Brockschmidt

  As they entered towards Silas, his head suddenly tipped back and Silas erupted a loud snore. Relieved that he had only fallen asleep, Clay retrieved the shotgun in his lap and Abigail gently prodded Silas, awake.

  Silas came to with a start and briefly looked for his weapon, before realizing he was looking at Abigail. “Some guard I made, falling asleep on duty.”

  “It'll be our secret, all anybody has to know is you protected these children.” Abigail replied, giving the old man a gentle hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  Clay hustled back and ordered the two men to come up and open the doors. Silas had sealed and sent Hannah off to retrieve Riley and then to ask folks to gather at the dormitory to greet their children. Shortly after, the doors were opened and the children exited the dormitory.

  Sofie was pleased to see the family reunions that were occurring and proud of her husband. for making them happen. However, she was a bit annoyed that while everyone else were taking time to connect as families, Clay was off handling all the myriad of details, that were now on his plate. If Sofie were being completely honest with herself, she was also a bit jealous of the way Clay was relying on Hannah.

  Turk, Margo and Mitch rode into the compound and caught up with Clay, at the warehouse. As they approached, Clay ended his conversation with the man he was talking to. “Be nice to them Don, if anybody gets real pushy, have them come talk to me and we'll sort it out. I'll have Hannah find someone to relieve you, in a couple of hours.” Switching his attention to the approaching trio, Clay hailed. “Turk, you made it back, everything okay?”

  “All good, just a couple of overactive imaginations.” Turk replied, winking at Margo.

  “Ah good.” Clay replied, then nodded his head towards the guard. “Apparently, some of our people figured the warehouse has an open door policy now and began helping themselves. I was imagining all sorts of things happening today, but this is not one of them.”

  “I hear ya, the fight was a bit of a fizzle, but in the long run, it's all just figurin out how to live together.” Turk acknowledged.

  “I was hoping to talk to you and Tim. We're planning a town meeting a little later today and hoped the two of you, could be there?” Clay asked.

  “I reckon we can work that into our calendar. We was hopin to head out in time to be home before dark though, if we could have the loan of a truck and horse trailer?” Turk countered.

  “Anything, we owe you a big debt.” Clay answered, sincerely.

  “Glad to help, but seein as how you opened that door, I do have a couple of other requests. The younguns here will look after the horses, if they could have access to some water and maybe rope to keep the horses from strayin. And if you could steer me in the direction of Silas, I'd like to greet him proper.” Turk concluded.

  Turk made his way to the dormitory and found Silas laying on a bed. in one of the bed chambers. Abigail and Zoe were there, keeping him company. Turk entered the room, announcing. “I don't mean to intrude, I just wanted to deliver a message to Silas, from Josiah.”

  “We were just finishing up here, Zoe and I will leave you two be. Silas, I'll be back a little later to check on you.” Abigail declared, giving the old man a hug, before she left.

  “You must be the mysterious Turk, Abigail has been filling me in, on your exploits.” Silas greeted, offering his hand to Turk.

  Turk shook the offered hand. “Seems to me, you was the hero of the hour around here.”

  “Nah, just came here to take a nap.” Silas grinned.

  Turk pulled up one of the other beds and reclined, so he could still face Silas. “Sounds good to me, I could stand to take a load off too.”

  “You said something about a message?” Silas prompted.

  “Not sure what it means, but Josiah said 'Tell Silas, Queen's gambit declined' I figured you knew what that meant.” Turk answered.

  “I don't know if you play chess, but Josiah and I were avid students of the game. Josiah struggled for a long time, as to what to do. That was his way of telling me he had made a decision, he was no longer going to be Rachel's pawn. He was done with the role of Preacher.” Silas explained.

  “I got to meet him in the worst possible way, but he struck me as an honorable man. I wish I could have gotten to know him better.” Turk offered.

  “If you don't mind, I'd like to return with you to visit my friends grave, say my goodbyes as it were. If you’re up to it, I could teach you chess and reminisce about my old friend.” Silas offered.

  “Of course you’re welcome to come along. There is some fence mendin that needs to happen, between our groups, havin you visit us, would help to get a load of questions answered.” Turk professed.

  Margo woke Turk just after noon, to take him to the town meeting. Clay had organized a community luncheon, as a forum for his meeting. Clay's first order of business, was to throw his hat in the ring, offering his services as supervisor. It was really a formality, but it did set everyone at ease.

  Clay's next two objectives, were to resolve the status of the over twenty orphans in their care. Clay tabled everything else, until they could assemble a list of priorities and assign people to the problem. Jokingly, Clay identified the best way to get picked to deal with a problem, was to complain about it.

  In closing, Clay identified Tim and Turk as their friends and encouraged everyone to be open to working, with their new allies. Taking Turk by surprise, Clay announced that Tim would be staying on for a bit, to help organize their security.

  Tim helped Turk get loaded up, giving Turk a chance to question Tim's motive for staying. “You staying, was that your idea, or Clay's?”

  “I made the offer, they can use the help, that's for sure.” Tim motioned, with his head, towards Abigail fussing over Silas, as he climbed into the truck. “I just thought now that she has her daughter back, this would give me chance to get to know Abigail too.”

  “Good luck with that. I told Clay, once Tom and Red were back on their feet, we would head back here. We gotta start working together, on some things.” Turk said, shaking Tim's hand, in farewell.

  As they pulled out, Silas started up the conversation. “I'm a numbers person by nature and occupation. I can't help, but ponder where are all the people are at? Even if only one percent of the population survived, that should leave a few million.”

  “I'll trust ya on the math. When this first went down, those that could took whatever they wanted from those that couldn't. Folks got real distrustful in a hurry. Silas, you know first hand in a lot of groups, the stronger members prey on the weaker. Hell even for me, it took the allure of a woman to bring me out.” Turk confided.

  “The way I see it, there are three kind of people left, the ruthless, the smart and the lucky. The unlucky are either dead, or would be better off if they were. If we don't figure out a way to bring back some order, than we are all going to find ourselves on the short end of the stick.” Silas observed.

  “See em yet?” Tom yelled up to Prescott, who was keeping watch, in the tower. Turk had radioed not to long ago, announcing his imminent arrival.

  “No, but it shouldn’t be long now.” Prescott answered, while searching the landscape with his binoculars. The mood in the camp was upbeat, after Turk had radioed, everyone waiting anxiously for Turk, Margo and Mitch to come home.

  Tom limped over to Will and Emma, who were on gate duty. “How’s the ear?” Will reached up, feeling the bandage covering the wound.

  “Better, how’s the leg?” Tom shrugged his shoulders.

  “Coulda been worse.” Tom replied, placing his hand on Will’s shoulder. “I think we were all lucky.”

  “Open the gate, open the gate!” Prescott exclaimed. “Turk’s here!” Prescott ran down, to join the others.

  “They’re back.” Sue and Miri had just about finished the welcome home supper, they’d prepared for the occasion. Both women headed toward the gate, joined by Sam and Caleb on the way.

  “You made it.” Tom happily greeted his fri
end, with a warm handshake. Before Turk could respond, Sam gave him a one armed hug, relieved his buddy had made it home.

  “Damn good to see you. We was all worried, but she kept tellin us, you'd be back.” Sam smiled.

  Prescott was next, nervous that Turk may be mad that he hadn't gone along to the cabins. “I'm sorry, I disobeyed you, I just knew my place was here.”

  “A man owns his decisions. I couldn't be prouder of you son.” He whispered to Prescott, hugging him close.

  “You two ok?” Miri and Sue fussed over Mitchell and Margo. Off in the distance, barking could be heard, Margo’s eyes lit up as she ran toward the bark. Since Pete had started to feel better, getting back to the greenhouse was his therapy. Although the concussion was healing, his guilt over Mitch was not. For some reason, Jax sensed this and was following Pete around, both had been in the greenhouse, when Turk and company arrived.

  “Jax!” Margo called out happily, when she saw him approaching. Margo got down on her haunches, Jax coming at her full speed and knocking her over, excitedly licking her face. Margo laughed, hugging him, as he continued to jump around. Pete smiled, seeing the reunion, between Margo and Jax.

  “Glad you’re alright, sweetie.” Pete walked over, giving the young girl a hug. Pete, Margo and Jax, started back to the gate, Pete a bit nervous, about how Mitchell was feeling. He knew he let the boy down and felt extremely bad about it. Approaching the group, Pete saw that Arianna had a tight grip on her brother. Arianna did not cry often, but he could clearly see the tears in her eyes, happy tears, but tears nonetheless. Mitch turned, hearing Jax bark. He was off like a shot, before anyone knew what was happening.

  Pete stopped, when he saw Mitchell break into a run. Little did Pete know, Mitch was just as worried about the older man, as Pete was about the boy. Once Mitch reached Pete, he jumped into his arms, Pete almost losing his balance, catching him mid air. “I’m so glad you're ok.” Mitch sobbed.

  “We’re both alright...thank God.” Pete replied, holding the boy tight.

  While the reunion was taking place, Silas watched intently, at the sheer relief and happiness he was witnessing. These people were truly a family and he was glad, he and Josiah were right about them, these were the people his group needed. Turk brought Silas into the group, as he introduced him to his friends. “Everyone this is Silas, he was instrumental in bringin down the True Believer cult.” Silas could see the uncertainty in their eyes, after all, they’d been through a lot and were still stand offish. Tom was the first to extend a hand.

  “It's good to meet you, sir.” Silas shook his hand, as Tom introduced him to everyone. Turk sidled up to Tom.

  “He’s a good man.” Turk stated, confidently. “Now, there is someone I need to see.” Tom smirked, knowing where Turk’s thoughts were.

  “She’s in the infirmary and I know, she’s waitin on you.” Turk wasted no time. Even though he new Red would be alright, it didn’t help him worry less.

  “Turk!” Lizzie exclaimed, before jumping into his arms.

  “Hey Niblet, I missed you.” Lizzie kissed his cheek, happy he was home.

  “We missed you too.” Lizzie replied. “Margo and Mitch are back too?” Turk nodded, as Lizzie raced out the door, excited to see her family.

  “Welcome home.” Tracey greeted Turk, she and Lizzie were keeping an eye on Red. Turk squeezed her hand as she smiled. “I guess I’ll go say hello to the kids.” Tracey made her way out, leaving Turk and Red alone.

  “Well darlin, I see you are bein well taken care of.” Turk knelt next to Red’s cot, taking her hand in his and kissing it. Red smiled, pulling Turk into a steamy kiss.

  “I’m not that injured.” She joked. “Lizzie rarely leaves my side and Tracey has been great, we have a caring bunch here.” Turk leaned in for another kiss, resting his head on her chest and sighing. Red ran her fingers, thru his hair.

  “I know you’re tired, you deserve to rest.” Red stated, as she kissed Turk’s head.

  “We are all in need of a rest, but we have so much to do now, we have so much to build.” Red cupped Turk’s face.

  “All in good time, but for now, I would love for you to just hold me.” Red inched over, allowing Turk to settle in next to her. Red snuggled in, resting her head on his chest. After a few more soft kisses, the couple fell asleep.

  “It’s over here.” Prescott led Silas, towards Josiah’s final resting place. Silas stood by the grave, remembering his friend, before the shit hit the fan.

  “He never let me down, I wish you all could of met him.” Prescott just nodded, letting the older man have his say. After a few minutes, Silas pulled a chess piece from his pocket. “Check and mate my friend, this last was truly your most well played game.” Silas said, before resting the Bishop atop the grave.

  Prescott waited for the older man to finish. “My Grandfather taught me the game. I’d be honored to respect his memory over a match.” Silas, intrigued by the comment, slowly followed Prescott, back toward the park. “The opening to you, Mister Rigby”


  Communications director, Steven Holdap, entered the office in the pentagon. The woman seated there, was shuffling through a mass of papers. “Madam Secretary, correction, Madam President, it is time to leave.”

  Three days ago, Candace Cho had been the secretary of agriculture, with no presidential aspirations. An undefinable pandemic had arisen, suddenly and an emergency meeting was called at the Pentagon for all available members of the cabinet, House and Senate. Candace was all alone representing the President’s cabinet and only seven members from the House and three from the Senate, attended the meeting.

  To Candace, this outbreak underscored the divisiveness that gripped the country. Two of the Senator’s at the meeting, Charlene Tiller, from New York and Nansen Blom, from California, were so out of touch with middle America, where Candace hailed from. It was a struggle to get anything done with those two and they constantly worked their own self-serving agendas.

  The pentagon meeting, pulled no punches. Whatever this outbreak was, it most likely spelled the end of civilization, as they knew it. The best they good hope for was to save remnants of the government, in the hope that once this disease burned through the majority of the population, this last vestige of the government could orchestrate a rebirth of society.

  The eleven of them had been taken into an unnecessarily large meeting room, by Steve Holdap. Waiting at ease in the front of the room, was Army three star General Conner Briggs and Marine Sergeant Major Theodore Smith. “Obviously, we were expecting a larger crowd, but you are the last surviving members of our government. Well, at least the unaffected surviving members. I guess you all have a choice, but our plan for you is to transport you to the Cheyenne Mountain complex. General Briggs, the floor is yours.”

  Before the General could speak, Nansen stood up. “We appreciate what you all have done and the preparations you have made, but I think I speak for the majority and our first order of business is to decide, who is in charge.”

  Candace was not surprised by the move and steeled herself, before responding. “Nansen, our Nation’s founders and our history, has established a clear ascension order. This is not the time to throw that away. No one could have perceived this specific set of conditions, still, there is a plan in place if a catastrophe hits, the members of our government.”

  Charlene stood up, next to Nansen. “That is exactly the point, this is like nothing anyone could have planned for and outdated rules, no longer apply.”

  General Briggs glowered at the two. “Madam President, you have the full support of the military, do not worry about any political grandstanding. You all can hammer out the details when the dust settles, but for now you all need to work together, on the immediate crisis.”

  Nansen began to protest, but Charlene stopped him, with a touch on the arm and a conspiratorial nod, indicating they should bide their time. With the interruption ended, Steve handed out a debriefing packet, to everyone.

  Candace opened her packet. What information was available, was laid out with pragmatic, military precision. The numbers of infected was frightening, as was the speed at which the disease had spread. Even more concerning, was the dwindling number of military bases, still in communication and the governments of all other countries, including Canada and Mexico, had ended two days ago. The packet also contained several photos of the infected, gathering in masses. Including a couple of gruesome pictures of infected individuals, apparently attacking and consuming other people.

  Candace pushed back the cold chill of panic, trying to take hold of her as General Briggs began. “I have no good news for you, I wouldn’t even go so far as to say, you are the lucky ones. The Cheyenne Mountain Complex, was built to withstand any number of catastrophic situations, including biological. We have moved four hundred soldiers, combined from the Army, Air Force and Marines. There is also a civilian population of two hundred plus, already in residence, within the complex. There is essentially unlimited water resources and there is enough food stores to last you, several lifetimes. The complex generates its own energy, you will be able to survive quite comfortably, though probably a somewhat monotonous existence.”


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