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Accidental Thief: A LitRPG Accidental Traveler Adventure

Page 23

by Jamie Davis

  "He knows we have her but not where she is hidden. We haven’t told him yet. She is safe," Hal said.

  Korran sighed with relief. "That is good news. Perhaps now we can make our bid for safety and move away from here."

  "You can't do that, Korran," Hal said shaking his head. "That only means the Duke wins. If you work with us, we can find a way to defeat him and return the city to the people to rule."

  "If I return to the palace, the Duke will know you failed. He’ll just find another way to get rid of me."

  "I didn't say you have to return to the palace, just not leave on this boat. For one thing, we need those diamonds back to sell the con we have to play on the Duke."

  "These diamonds are bound to support rebellion against the Emperor elsewhere," Elias said.

  Hal noticed the captain had lowered the cutlass finally.

  "They can still do that. We need to borrow them, that's all. Once we deal with the Temple Warden and the Duke, you can have them back and do whatever you want with them. For now, we take Captain Korran and the diamonds back to the city with us. We'll hide him in the safe house with the Duchess while we take the diamonds to the Duke."

  Kay stepped forward.

  "One thing bothers me about this whole situation. If the Duke is secretly supporting the Emperor, why work with us to kill off the other Wardens?"

  "Because he wants it all for himself," Korran said. "Before the Emperor came, he never liked sharing rule with the nobles in the parliament. He was happy to see them all put to death and their families sold into slavery after the Emperor took the city. When the other Wardens were put in place alongside him in power, the Duke couldn't say no, but he didn’t like it at all. But if some upstart from the lower classes started killing off the Wardens for him, who was he to say no? He could claim to be ignorant and then kill you in the end, saving the day for the Emperor, leaving the whole city under his rule."

  "He's a devious bastard, then," Hal said. "He's been playing us since he saw us at Selena's weeks ago. He saw how successful we were at evading the Wardens' forces and decided we were the perfect pawns for his plans."

  "Then it's time for us to play him in return," Kay said. "Now we get him to help us for a change before we turn the tables on him and return this city to the people. We're definitely going to need the diamonds, Captain. They are essential to us getting our deception to work."

  Korran and Elias exchanged glances. The ship's captain nodded, and Korran picked up the small chest on the table and carried it over to Hal, handing it to him.

  "Here you go, Mr. Hood. Take the diamonds and make your plans. We're with you."

  QUEST COMPLETED - Intercept the diamond shipment.

  5,000 experience points awarded.

  Level Up!

  HAL SMILED and took the chest. They'd exposed the final Warden. It wasn't who they'd suspected it would be but that didn't matter. They had exposed the hidden cards in play, and now they had the upper hand. It was time to move to put the final steps in place to defeat the Emperor's Wardens once and for all.


  HAL AND KAY walked back to the Chum Bucket as the sun began to rise over the harbor. The smile on Hal's face showed his mood to all who saw him.

  "Hal, you can stop grinning now," Kay said. "It's starting to get creepy."

  "I can't help it, Kay. I'm happy. Did you see the Duchess' reaction when we showed up at her door with Korran? I don't think I'll ever forget that look between the two of them, not as long as I live."

  "I get it," Kay said. "We did a good thing and discovered everything we hoped to discover. We still haven't succeeded. There are still two Wardens to eliminate, and the final one is going to be the hardest because he's been preparing for us all along."

  "We'll figure it out, Kay. We always do."

  "Don’t you dare say ‘Trust me’," Kay growled.

  Hal laughed. “You keep saying that. Seriously, Kay, we can do this. We've done the impossible time and again. We're walking proof it can be done."

  "So where to?"

  "First we rest. Then we eat. Then we go tell the Duke we have his diamonds and we killed Captain Korran," Hal said.

  "He's not going to be happy when he realizes we’re playing him."

  I know." Hal said. "It's going to be great."


  HAL WAS TOO TIRED to think clearly. His eyes kept drifting shut as he walked back to the hideout. He decided to wait until he got up that afternoon to allot his new ability points and check out his stats.

  He was surprised by the Master Thief ability choices. He hadn't expected them to pop up when he opened the stats menu.

  NAME: Hal Dix

  Class: Rogue

  Level: 10


  Brawn: 14 -- +3

  Wisdom: 8

  Luck: 22 -- +7

  Speed: 14 -- +3

  Looks: 8

  Health: 80/80

  SKILLS: Taunt - 2, Dark vision, Acrobatic dodge - 6, Hide in shadows - 2, Sneak Attack - 3, Open locks - 2, Find/remove traps.

  Experience: 76,600/140,000

  Attribute points: 2

  Skill points: 1

  Master Thief Status Awarded - select 2 special skills from the list below:

  -- Detect lies (detect if someone is lying for a period of five minutes once per day)

  -- Limited invisibility (hide in plain view, escaping notice for two minutes, once per day)

  -- Leap (jump over distances up to fifteen feet in height or thirty feet in length once per day)

  -- Instant kill (kill a target with a single blow or missile attack once per day)

  HAL DECIDED to start with his attribute score points. He went all in on Luck again pushing his luck to twenty-four, and a plus eight on all saving throws. He added to his Sneak attack skill raising it to level four.

  Then he pondered the Master Thief special skills. They all had benefits to a high-level rogue. Given the missions Hal had coming up, he thought only one made sense, though. He selected the Instant kill special skill. It could come in very handy in the coming weeks against the final two Wardens. He also selected the detect lies skill. That was something he'd always wanted in real life.

  After checking in with Griff for any messages, Hal and Kay ate a quick meal and started toward the Caravan District. Hal wanted to see Colin and see if they could get any special equipment to facilitate their descent down the wall to the Temple of the Sun's roof.

  Colin was busy with customers again. This time, though, they were only normal caravan bosses and not members of the Wardens guard. Hal and Kay waited patiently, browsing the merchandise until Colin was finished with the others.

  Once again, the strange shopkeeper managed to pop up from an unexpected direction, startling them with his sudden appearance.

  "How can I help you two?" Colin said. "You've both been so busy lately; I figured you didn't need my help anymore."

  "Colin, how can you say that?" Hal said. "It's when we are facing our most daunting missions that we come back for your expert outfitting advice."

  "So, what is it tonight? Are you planning to finish what you started finally?"

  "That's exactly the plan," Hal said. "We need the best gear you've got for climbing down a forty-foot sheer drop."

  "Ah, you've decided to try the 'death from above' approach to the Temple of the Sun," Colin noted.

  Hal marveled once again how the man almost knew more about what their mission entailed than they did. He walked a fine line playing both sides against each other in the name of profit.

  "I'd rather not say for sure one way or the other, Colin," Hal said.

  "Suit yourself," the outfitter said. "Come along, and I'll show you what I have."

  Colin led them once again through the warren of aisles and stacks of adventuring and caravan supplies until he reached a small room with all sorts of climbing gear. Hal saw ice axes, pitons, crampons, clinging harnesses, and rope in all shapes and sizes.

  "Do you plan
to climb back up once you're finished?" Colin asked.

  "Probably not," Hal said. He thought about the possibility the Duke might have an ambush waiting for them if they retreat back through the palace.

  Colin led Hal and Kay to a wall filled with coils of rope in various thicknesses and length.

  "I've got a few options for you, depending on your nerve. I've got conventional means like a rope and basic climbing gear. That will get you down and back up, provided someone doesn't untie your rope at the top while you're doing your work. Or there’s plan B."

  Colin faced them and reached into his pocket, pulling out two flasks.

  "If you don't plan on exiting the way you came in, and you've got more nerve than most people, you can try these."

  "What are they?" Hal asked. "Potions of flying?"

  "Not exactly," Colin said. "They're potions of levitation. They'll allow you to step off the edge of the wall or cliff or whatever and slowly float down to the rooftop below. I've heard, though, that when used in this way, that first step is a doozy."

  Colin laughed at his joke.

  Hal wasn't so sure. He didn't like hauling bulky rope into the palace and hoping there'd be a place to tie off and belay down to the Temple roof below. He also didn’t like the idea of dropping to his death because he relied on a magic potion he'd never tried before.

  "What do you think?" Hal asked Kay.

  "Rope or magic? Hmmm. I don't know,” Kay said. She smiled. “Honestly, I've always wondered what it would be like to fly."

  "This isn't a flying potion, son," Colin said. "It's a levitation potion. There's a difference."

  "Still," Kay said. "I've heard the only problem with flying is the landing. It seems like these potions would take care of that." She looked at Hal. "I say go for the potions."

  "I was afraid you were going to say that," Hal said. "Alright, Colin, you heard him. We'll take the potions."

  "Do you need anything else, healing, magic resistance, other items?" Colin asked.

  "We could probably use a few more healing potions," Hal said. "Why would we need magic resistance?"

  "Why wouldn't you?" Colin replied. "The Temple Warden is a mage after all."

  "She's what?" Hal asked. "No one said anything about that."

  The fact that this Warden was a mage was a shock to him. It made him rethink his plan for her. He needed a mage to get back home. Could he strike some sort of deal with this woman in exchange for her life?

  "I thought you knew, Hal," Kay said. "That is why she's the Temple Warden. Her magical connections put her on par with the priests and warlocks who run the temples and churches in the district."

  "What sort of magical protection do you have, Colin?" Hal asked.

  "It's difficult to cover everything. Blanket protections are so diffused; they might as well be no protection at all. The Temple Warden is a fire mage of some repute, though. I’d suggest you focus on that. These will help you some."

  Colin produced a gold ring and a pair of copper bracers from within his robes.

  "What do they do?" Kay asked.

  "Both really do the same thing," Colin said. "They both offer some level of resistance to fire magic. The ring and the bracers will offer protection from natural fires used or enhanced by magic. The bracers are also resistant to purely magical heat sources and allow full body protection when surrounded by fire for a period of time."

  "We’ll take them," Hal said.

  Colin handed the items over to Hal. He looked at the ring and bracers in his hands.

  "Kay, do you have a preference?"

  "I'll take the ring," Kay said. "You can wear the bracers."

  Hal handed her the ring. She snugged it over her right middle finger. Hal slipped the bracers over his wrists and secured them in place on his forearms. The copper metal was warm against his skin despite the surrounding air in the building being chilly.

  "Hand me your packs, and I'll fetch the healing potions you requested," Colin said.

  The strange little man disappeared through the stacks of supplies, leaving Hal and Kay alone in the room full of climbing tools.

  "What are you thinking, Hal? I can tell you have something up your sleeve now that you've discovered the Temple Warden is a mage."

  "She's the first mage I've heard of in the city. She could send me home and get me back with my wife and daughter. Maybe we can strike a deal with her rather than kill her."

  "The woman's a monster like the rest of them, Hal," Kay said. "Don't lose sight of all you've seen from the Wardens since you've been here in Tandon. She was behind the mass enslavement of every noble family in Tandon just like the others."

  Hal nodded. He had seen the horrible things the Wardens were capable of, from Selena's body left as a message for him, to the horrible conditions of the slavers compound and the children's auction. He kept it all in mind, just as he weighed all of it against the chance to return home to Mona and Cari.

  Colin's voice sounded out of the air, crackling a bit like over a set of old speakers.

  "I have other customers to attend to; you can pick up your bags at the front entrance. Leave your remaining gold as payment in the bowl atop the sales counter by the door."

  Kay and Hal worked their way back to the entrance. They got turned around and lost several times but eventually turned up at the front doors of the Caravansary Outfitters. Their leather backpacks sat on the counter next to a shallow silver bowl.

  "I don't know about leaving all this gold laying here in the open like this," Hal said. "Anyone could walk in here and scoop them up."

  "I don't think you need to worry about that, Hal. I think Colin is well protected against common thieves."

  "I hope you're right," he said, slipping into his pack's straps and settling them on his shoulders.

  Hal pulled out the small pouch of gold from his belt and dumped them out into the silver bowl. The bowl glowed with a silver-white light for a few seconds, and the gold pieces were gone. One second they were there and the next they weren't.

  "I guess that answers that question," Hal laughed.

  "I told you not to worry," Kay said. "Come on; we still have to organize our diversion with Korran and Griff. Plus, we still need to get to the Duke and tell him what happened with the diamonds and Korran last night, or at least our version of it."

  Hal smiled and followed her out the door. Once outside, he pulled up his inventory menu and checked his supplies.


  Cotton Shirt

  Leather Boots

  All-Weather Cloak

  Studded Leather Armor (+2 to defense)

  Bracers of Fire Resistance (+2 to save vs. fire spells and effects)

  Steel Dagger (2)

  Throwing Knives (8)(+1 to attack/damage)

  Leather Backpack

  Flint and Steel

  Wet Stone

  Lock Picks

  Climbing Grapnel

  Sturdy Rope

  Light Healing Potion

  Healing Potion (2)

  Potion of Luck

  Potion of Levitation

  IT ALL LOOKED good to him. Colin had replenished the healing potions he'd used at the stockyards, and he felt like they were ready to take on the last two Wardens.

  Their trip back to the harbor was quick and without incident. Since the death of the Caravans Warden, the city was easier to traverse. The Temple Warden had pulled her limited forces back to her fortified location in the Temple District, and the guards of the other deceased Wardens were without leadership.

  Most of the guards for the other wardens had deserted as soon as their masters were killed, so there were very few guards out roaming the city. Those Hal did see on the way back to the harbor that night seemed less haughty or sure of themselves. They didn't stop or accost anyone as they patrolled. The city was a different place from when Hal first arrived.

  Their meeting with Korran at the Chum bucket turned into a larger party than expected. Korran organized a reunion of reti
red palace guardsmen and women. They all wanted to help Korran take back the city. Hal and Kay laid out their plans in two parts.

  First, they needed Korran, Griff, and the others to stage a noisy disturbance outside the Temple of the Sun's main gates. That would lure the guards on the roof to the front of the building and away from where Hal and Kay descended from atop the palace wall.

  The second half of the plan was for Hal and Kay to open the outer gates of the Temple to allow Korran and the retired guardsmen to swarm in and assist with taking the Temple from the Warden. It was the second half that was key to the whole plan. Hal was sure the Warden had surrounded herself with plenty of protection. They would need the extra manpower to occupy the Temple guards so the two of them could find and kill the Warden.

  It didn't take long for Korran to organize his armed resistance for the night. All that was left was for Hal and Kay to trick the Duke into getting them onto the battlements above the Temple.


  "KORRAN’S BODY WAS LOST?" The Duke said, his voice incredulous.

  "I'm afraid so, Your Grace," Hal said. "At least we have to assume he is. We killed him on the boat, and his body fell overboard. He was in his armor and sank right away.

  The Duke fumed and paced within his dressing chamber while Hal and Kay looked on.

  "I had not planned on this. You two have failed me. I needed his body as proof of his death and treachery. It makes me wonder if you have what it takes to see this through to the end."

  "Do not doubt our resolve to see the end of the final Warden, Your Grace," Kay said. "We are ready to finish her and free your city from their evil influence once and for all."

  "How can I know this when you failed in your previous mission?"

  "We only failed in one aspect, Your Grace," Hal said, defending his position. "We killed Korran and stopped the diamonds from falling into the Emperor's hands. That should count for something. We cannot be held accountable for pure dumb luck of losing the body." Unless you can control that luck, Hal failed to add.

  "I suppose you did rid us of the hidden Palace Warden," the Duke said. "Now there will be no one to counter my rule once you rid us of that evil woman holed up in the Temple of the Sun."


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