Stealing Ryder (Sharing Harper, 2)
Page 6
“Cum with me, baby,” he moaned between thrusts.
“I can’t…hold…it,” I cried, as he pounded into me over and over again, each time getting deeper and deeper.
“No. Not yet,” he demanded, shoving into me so quickly that my hands were slipping off the railing and I couldn’t hold it any longer.
“I need…to…”
Holy shit. I couldn’t stand it anymore. The built up pressure was growing and I needed to explode all over his warm cock. My pussy was swollen with pleasure, and his erection was still thrusting deep inside of me. My stomach was now slamming against the railing of the balcony as his grunted.
“Now,” he commanded with force, not faltering.
I let go, crying out with immense pleasure, and felt a release escape from my core. I felt a rush of warm liquid all over me, and we came together. As our orgasms ripped together, we both cried out towards the vast ocean.
“Yes, baby. Yes,” Ryder breathed.
He pulled out of me and I felt my knees buckle as I collapsed on the nearest recliner. He didn’t say much, but walked back into the house. I closed my eyes and let the night breeze glide over me as I steadied my breath.
When I heard the patio door slide back open, I saw him there, with his cock at half-mast, carrying two glasses of ice-cold water. How did I get so lucky to be with someone like him? He was sensitive enough to understand my needs without even needing direction.
I couldn’t believe I had ever thought about being with another person, because no one could compare to the amazing moments we shared together. I needed him in my life, forever embedded in my core.
He slipped into the same tight chair and gave me my water. We both sat smashed together, watching the stars above us tinkle in the night sky. It felt like hours that passed us by, just sitting there in silence.
“Please don’t ever scare me like that again,” he whispered, sounding like a small child.
“Me? Scare you? You scared me, Ryder; you still do.”
“I know, baby; but you have to learn to trust me. I love Kylee, but not like that. I love her because she is the mother of my daughter. I love you, but you scare me. I am scared you’re going to slip through my fingers.”
“I would never. I don’t know where I would be if you weren’t here today. Plus, the sex…is just too good to give up now.” I smiled, and he shook his head and laughed at me.
“You do have the best pussy.” He looked over at me and we both busted up laughing.
“I love you, sweets,” he said, kissing me gently on the lips. “Oh, I have an idea.” He jumped up and walked back inside.
When he came back, he had his hands full of pillows. He pulled a couple of the recliners together to make an L-shaped sofa and told me to come over.
He added the comfiest cushions to the recliners, and we both slipped on our underwear before laying on the makeshift couch.
He held me tightly against his chest, seeing as there wasn’t much room on the couch, and he put the blanket over us.
“Goodnight,” he whispered in my ear. I turned over to face him, my chest pressed tightly against his. I had never slept outside, just mere feet above the beach. It was invigorating.
I had done so much more in my time with Ryder than I had done with anyone else, and I wanted to keep exploring.
I wasn't done writing our romance.
Chapter 5
I got onto the plane and put my bag up in the overhead compartment above the first-class seat I had upgraded at the counter. I flashed my credit card and flexed my arms to the kind flight attendant at the desk, and boom, upgrade sealed.
I was one of the last on the plane because I had debated on whether or not I should leave. I’d been having flashbacks of this morning with her, as she showed me the ins and outs of her body. I wanted to show her I loved her over and over again. When she finally convinced me to go, I remembered the pain on her face as I walked into the airport. Dropping my smile, I realized I missed her. I was scared and alone. I sounded like a dumbass for admittin’ that, but I needed her here with me. I realized that Harper needed to go on with her daily routine. I couldn't be that obsessive, overprotective prick. I promised that I'd call her once I landed at Hobby Airport in Houston.
In a few short hours, I would be back “home”, or rather the place I called home growing up. I arranged for a car to pick me up from HOU airport to take me directly to Sugar Land without stoppin’. Kylee took Evelyn to Houston a couple days ago to visit, but the less time I could spend there, the better. I wasn’t about to give Pops the chance to weigh me down with questions about the goddamn law firm.
The plane took off, so I put on my headphones and listened to some Dustin Lynch.
When we landed, I grabbed my bag, and walked right to the waiting town car. I needed a Bud and quick. The driver took us down the highway; the same one I used to take to the Reliant Stadium. Instantly, I was antsy. My knees started bouncin’, and my fingers tappin’. This damn weekend couldn’t end soon enough.
After an hour, the driver pulled up to Knox’s mansion. Damn, he did so well in life that I almost envied him. He came out of the house with two beers in his hand
“Christ, dude. Thank God you remembered,” I said, giving him a pat on the back and grabbing the rest of my stuff from the driver.
“I’m just glad you’re here. I see you lost a bit of your accent,” Knox joked.
“Yeah, a little; but I didn’t lose my taste for a good ole’ Bud.”
Knox laughed. When we got inside of his house, he led me to the left wing.
“Got your stuff in there, let me know if you need anything. Meet us outside when you’re done. Savannah’s here and she wants to meet ya,” he said.
I dropped my stuff down on the bed and pulled out my suit, throwing it over the chair. I studied the bed and it dawned on me I was going to have to spend the entire weekend without Harper. One of the only times we wouldn’t be spending the night together since we started bein’ official and all. I was goin’ to have the worst case of blue balls I’ve ever had.
I grabbed my phone and gave her a call.
“Hey, baby. I miss you and you just left,” she said when she picked up. She was a recipe for an instant hard-on.
“Damn, I miss you. Reconsider coming, please? I can get you on the first plane here, you can be here tonight. The wedding isn’t even until Saturday.”
“You know I can’t; I have school and want to spend time helping Skye. It’s okay,” she murmured into the phone.
“I need you,” I growled, imagining her sweet ass in the bed right in front of me.
“Me too, baby; me too,” she said into the phone in her sweet husky voice. Not only was it going to be hard being in this ghost town, but having her away from me was harder.
We talked for a while; then, when I finished my beer and needed another one, we hung up the phone, promising to talk later. I walked outside where I could see Knox and a couple others hanging by the pool.
I heard the country music pumping and opened the door, only to be welcomed by a cooler of every beer ever made. I picked up another one before heading over to the group.
“Yo, Knox,” I hollered.
“Ryder, come here. I want you to meet Savannah.”
He gestured to the pretty blonde in the corner. She reminded me of Kylee and I could see why they were friends. They hung out in the same sort of circles.
“Pleasure to meet you, ma’am,” I spoke in my southern accent, using ‘sir’ and ‘ma’am’ was a sign of respect down here. It always confused the hell outta me when I got rude remarks when I said them in California.
“It’s nice to meet you, Ryder. I have heard a lot about you. This is my friend Brooklyn, and the rest of the gang.”
I waved to the group, and finished with introductions.
“When’s Kylee comin’?” I asked Savannah.
“She said she is coming with Evelyn tonight after dinner. I m
ust apologize, Ryder. No one knew y’all even got a divorce.”
“It’s all good.” I looked over at Knox, who immediately changed the subject.
“Kylee said her parents are going to watch Evelyn here tonight while we go to my club. You in for old time’s sake?” he asked me, not wanting Savannah to press on the divorce issue.
“I’m down.” I needed to get drunk tonight with my buddy, who was about to be a married man.
“Congrats, again, you two,” I said, before water-falling the rest of my beer and grabbing another one.
We hung out for a couple hours on the porch, and by the time Kylee came, I was already buzzed.
“Hey, babe,” she said, coming over to Savannah and kissing her on the cheek. She was clearly in her element. She looked more relaxed and wasn’t desperately clinging to me for attention.
“Where’s Evelyn?” I interrupted, pissed she was acting all stupid. She couldn’t be comfortable here. Nope. No fuckin’ way! I didn’t want her thinkin’ ‘bout moving back to this hellhole.
“She’s upstairs with my mom. She’s staying here watching her for tonight. Hello to you too, Ryder.”
I shrugged her off and went upstairs to change, and to say hello to my daughter.
After dinner, we all got together and took one of Knox’s stretched limos to the club. While everyone started mingling, I immediately went over to the bar to grab another drink. The buzz from earlier was starting to wear off and it was pissing me off. I missed my girl, who was stuck at home because of some self-centered little bitch here,and the fact I was back in Texas wasn’t a good combo.
“Slow down, buddy,” Knox said, coming over to me.
“I’m good dude, no worries.”
“Tell me about this Harper girl,” he asked, while grabbing a couple beers for us and walking towards his VIP section.
“I love her, man. I know I sound like such a pussy, but she has been the best thing to ever happen to me. Kylee and I just never clicked. It was fucked up from the start.”
“She should have come; I would have loved to meet her. If I knew she meant this much to you, I coulda rearranged somethin’.”
“Yeah, she should have,” I said, pounding the beer and leaving Knox to go grab another one.
I noticed Kylee on the dance floor with the girls. She was dancing with her hips moving back and forth, and my dick started to get hard. The damn thing never cooperated with my heart, which was back home in San Diego. I hated loving Kylee. She was fucking beautiful, no denying it; but Harper drove me mad, like a damn cowboy not able to ride his horse, mad. I loved Kylee, but not in the way I desired Harper.
I looked around the club and realized this wasn’t home anymore for me. I missed Harper’s sexy little ass in those yoga shorts she always wore, and her perky tits, which spilled over her V-neck shirts. I shot her a quick text, reminding her how much I needed her here.
At club. Miss you. Come here.
Need you. Now.
Kylee got my attention and waved me over to the group of our friends. Fuck it! I'd at least try to enjoy myself. Maybe Kylee and I could get friends.
We danced together, and every time she tried something I pushed her away; but for the most part, it was chill. Knox and I competed with each other to see who could out drink the other, and I won. I still had it in me, but the rest of the night started to blur around midnight, when my head was spinning, and Knox and I cheersed to our third shot of Jim Beam.
At 2am, the club closed, and we headed back to Knox’s place. I was shitfaced and needed to crash. I told ‘em goodnight, but everyone else was too hammered to even notice, so I just walked to my room. It was hot, too fucking hot in Texas.
When I got to the room, I stripped off my clothes and passed out in bed. I didn’t hear anything else from that point. The house could be burning down for all I knew, I was too drunk.
My brain was pounding against my skull. Fuck this. I was hammered last night. I needed a Motrin and Gatorade…yesterday. I got up and grabbed the glass sitting next to me. Suddenly, I felt someone’s body rustling next to mine, and could hear someone moan.
The fuck is going on?
I messed up so badly if it’s who I thought it was. I needed to get the hell outta here. I turned around and saw Kylee’s naked ass tangled in the sheets. I couldn’t remember sleeping with her. I looked around for the used condom, but thankfully didn’t find any, unless my dumbass didn’t use one. Goddamn it. Fuck!
I pounded my fists into the nightstand, which immediately jerked Kylee out of her sleep.
“What the fuck are you doin’ in here, Kylee? Put your clothes on, now.”
This was a complete betrayal to Harper. I don’t know what I would do or how I would begin to tell her. Goddamn it, Ryder, you fucked up, I groaned to myself in frustration.
“Chill out, Ryder. I know you’re beating yourself up, but I had to sleep in here. Mom kicked me out of my room because I was too loud and drunk with Evelyn in there. I have a shirt on.” She motioned to her shirt, which she pulled down past her ass.
“In fact, I even placed this pillow barrier between us. Don’t worry. Please.”
I noticed the pillows that were placed in a line down the bed. Maybe this wasn’t that bad. God, I needed to tell Harper anyways. I didn’t want to hurt her, and this would. I needed to call her…now.
“Leave, Kylee. I will meet you downstairs in 10.”
“Ry, its okay. I promise. She’ll understand,” she said apologetically.
“There was almost 30 other rooms you could have passed out in. It will never happen again.” I gestured to the door and she walked out.
I grabbed my phone, and my insides were about to explode, but I needed to call Harper now.
It rang...once…twice…
“Good morning, baby.” I was such an ass. I was going to ruin her day. Why does it always happen that I can fuck up so royally?
“I need to talk to you.” I was direct.
“Shit, what did you do? Ryder, I swear to God…”
“Listen to me before you go freakin’ out on me. I was drunk last night with Knox. I came home and I went to sleep. Kylee couldn’t go back to her room because she was drunk, so she crashed here.”
“WHAT. THE. FUCK?!” Harper screamed into the phone.
“No, I swear to you. She had clothes on and put pillows in the middle of the bed. She didn’t do anything. I didn’t do anything. I could never. Please, Harper, believe me.” At this point, I didn’t care that I was begging for her forgiveness. I never wanted to bring Kylee here. The urge to reach through the phone and wrap my arms around her was so strong; I had to hold myself down just to get composed.
“There wasn’t a couch or another bed she could’ve slept on?”
“I don’t know! I swear to you right now, I was so drunk I didn’t even hear her come in. I was passed out, dead to the world.”
“That doesn’t make anything right, Ryder. Why do you do this to me?” She sounded hurt. I made her feel pain.
The world was coming down around me. I was a disappointment to her. I couldn’t live with myself knowing her heart was breaking and there was next to nothing I could do about it.
“I didn’t mean to. I promise, Harper. Come out here. Come today. I need you, please.”
“I’ll think about it, Ryder,” she said, and clicked the phone off. I guess it was better than a no.
I stripped down and got in the adjoining shower. I was becoming my father. A miserable prick who messed up in every way possible. A man who hated anyone but himself. I needed to stop. I needed Harper more than she could even imagine. I needed to taste her, to make love to her, to feel her right next to me. I loved her, so why was I always messing up around Kylee?
When I got dressed, I headed downstairs; Knox laughed and poured me a cup of black coffee.
“Big day tomorrow, bro,” I said, look
ing over at Kylee and Savannah, who were playing with Evelyn.
“Yeah. I can’t wait.” He stared at Savannah. He loved her, needed her, and did everything for her; so why couldn’t that be me?
“You nervous? Ever think you’ll fuck this all up?”
I was hoping he could indirectly give me something to go off of.
“Never. When you love someone, you don’t fuck up, you just know.”
Shit. He was right. I needed to get out of here, clear my head. Get away from Kylee and all this shit. I knew exactly where I needed to go. I went to Evelyn, kissed her on her head, and asked Knox if I could borrow his Lambo. He threw me the keys and I headed out the door.
I couldn’t deal with knowing how badly I'd fucked up with Harper. This wasn't the first time, but I'd make damn sure it would be the last. I was pissing the second best thing—behind Evelyn—to happen to me away.
I revved the engine, holding the stick shift in my hand as I pressed the gas. Damn, I needed a car like this. I sped down his driveway and onto the street, driving out of Sugar Land and back towards Houston. The top was down and I could feel the wind around me, but I didn’t give a crap. I was on a mission. I knew where I needed to go.
I drove to Reliant Stadium and sped past the employee entrance, flashing my old badge. It wasn’t a game day, so it was quiet. I pulled up to my old spot, and threw the car into park. I missed the feeling of exhilaration, knowing you’re approaching the field. Ironically, it was eerily quiet, but I could imagine the pass coming down the middle as I dove to catch the ball and running it to a touchdown.
I walked onto the field, explaining to the security guard who I was and how I was here for old time’s sake. The green Astroturf under my feet crunched, and the white lines chalked on the field had me aching to play. I loved the game. It was my life here. The guys were my family; the field was my home.
I looked up into the now-empty stands and could feel the crowd roar around me, chanting the team’s mantra, and screaming my name. One game. One game was all it took to lose everything. I never blamed Kylee for losing in that game, but it was the day I found out Evelyn was mine. I was distracted, didn’t know where the rush was coming from, and ended up on the bottom of the pile.