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Addicted to a Dirty South Thug 3

Page 23

by Shan

  I was gonna tell Cuba about my son that was on the way, but the timing never seemed to be right. She had already lost two of my seeds and I just didn’t wanna hurt her like that. I knew what it would do it to her, which is why I just stayed silent about it.

  I reached under the bed for my phone and when I couldn’t feel it, I got down on my knees to look for it. It was sitting underneath the bed next to a pill bottle. I grabbed them both just as my phone began to ring.

  I answered the phone while looking at the writing on the bottle. It was prescribed to Cuba and it was some shit called Misoprostol. I didn’t know what the fuck this shit was, but I knew I didn’t remember her telling me she was taking any medicine. The only reason I was even wondering about the shit was because I suspected that she had been taking birth control. I felt like Cuba didn’t wanna get pregnant again because she feared she would only lose it. Not only that, I was still a little paranoid about her and if she ever got the urge to use drugs or not. Every now and then, I would check through her things and make sure shit was cool. Usually, everything would be and I would never find anything, but this was something I must’ve missed.

  “Khian!” I heard my ma yell through the speaker of my phone.

  “Oh shit,” I said forgetting that someone had called me. “What’s up ma?”

  “Why didn’t anyone pick up Emon today?” she asked me and I frowned.

  “What you mean? He’s not supposed to get out until the 10th,” I said as I read the instructions on the prescription bottle; Insert 4 inside of vagina cramping will begin after 2-3 hours.

  “Khi, I told you that he got out on the 7th of this month. He called me and said that he’s getting in a cab because no one picked him up.”

  “Fuck,” I cussed. “You told me the 10th! His release date was always the 10th! You know how important it is for me to pick him up, you think I would get that wrong?”

  “I told you that his date got moved up a few days after we left from down there.”

  “You didn’t tell me that. It’s cool, ma. I’ll leave to go and get him now.”

  “It’s too late now. That was hours ago, Khi. I had called you, but you wasn’t answering your phone.”

  “You know me and Cuba been moving all day. I hadn’t really paid attention to my phone, but let me call you back ma,” I said and hung up the phone. I took a picture of the pill bottle and sent the picture to Cuba.

  Me: What is this?


  I waited a few minutes for Cuba to answer and when she didn’t, I decided to google the shit from my phone. I couldn’t help it. Curiosity had got the best of me and I wouldn’t be able to let it go until I figure out what it was for. Even though it was obvious it wasn’t for either of what I had been thinking, I still wondered. I read through a little passage I had found on WEBMD and was about to click off and handle this situation with Emon until I scrolled further and read;This medication is also used in combination with another drug (mifepristone) to end a pregnancy (abortion). Side effects that may or may not occur include nausea or stomach cramps, diarrhea, dehydration, fever, cold sweats…

  Reading this shit, all I could think about was the night I had come home from jail and Cuba was sick and shit. She was throwing up, sweating hard as fuck, and had a damn fever. It was the same night I had gotten shot and the same night she had supposedly lost our child.

  “Did this bitch kill my seed?”

  Chapter 25


  I got the text from Khi asking me what the medicine was that I guess he had found wherever my ass couldn’t find it when I had looked for it when I thought that I had looked everywhere possible. Shit had been so crazy that it had slipped my mind to even go back for it and I had completely forgotten about it up until now.

  Shit, fuck it and fuck him; I thought as I tossed the phone into the passenger’s seat. I did what I felt I had to do for my own sanity and that was to get rid of my damn child. All I did was worry about whether or not it was gonna come out all fucked up or something because of that shit that Briana had pumped into me. I know what the doctor said and I was well aware that they were running test on me, but who’s to say that it would’ve been one hundred percent.

  I just didn’t wanna take that chance and bring a baby into this world that was always sick and suffering because of something that had nothing to do with it. It didn’t matter what Khi thought though now because I was leaving Khi and this time I promised myself that I wasn’t gonna go back. I couldn’t believe that he cheated on me with that hoe Selena. That time that Briana had blurted it out that day when me, her, and Selena were all together and she kept fucking with me that bitch really was telling the truth. Khi had fucked Selena…but damn why’d he have to get her pregnant?

  It was so fucked up because I had gone back and forth so many times about if what I was doing was right when it came time to use those pills and a few times I had talked myself out of it. My thoughts got the best of me eventually and they drove me wild. Every time I would close my damn eyes, I would see that bitch Briana stabbing me with that needle. At night when I was able to sleep, I would dream that my child came out addicted to heroin and struggling to breathe. It was like everything was pushing me to do it, and the day that Khi got locked up, I felt like it was best so I made the decision.

  Most times I felt right about it, but times like this, I felt like God was punishing me for what I had done. Selena was gonna get to give Khi his first son—the son that I was supposed to get him. Man he doesn’t know how bad that hurts. I shook my head as more tears fell down my face. I quickly wiped them away and tried my best to focus on the road. It had just started to pour down and with my window being broken and all the crying I had been doing, it was becoming hard to see.

  I turned my right signal on and got ready to get off at the next exit, but my car hit what felt like a huge hole in the road and caused my wheel to shake uncontrollably. I tried to steady it, but the front tires seemed to lock up and forced me to swerve off the road. I slammed down on the brakes just in time.

  “Oh fuck!” I yelled out when I tried to back up but the tires seemed to be still locked up. I punched my hand into the steering wheel and took my seatbelt off. It was raining hard as hell, but I needed to get out to see if I would be able to see what was going on.

  I pushed the door open, quickly stepped out and didn’t notice anything wrong. When I walked around to the other side, I instantly noticed that my front tire was bent and damn near hanging off. I frowned and shook my head confused as to how that could even happen after hitting a damn pothole.

  Walking back around to the driver’s side, I got back in the car and closed the door behind me. I went to pick up my cell phone that sat in the passenger’s seat when I could hear someone pulling in behind me. Looking through the rearview mirror, I could tell by the sign on the front that it was Tahoe. I decided to send Tangie a text to let her know what happened and not to worry about me.

  Me: Ran over a pothole and my car all fucked up. About to call Roadside assistance. Be there soon.


  Just as I was about to make the call to roadside assistance, there was a shadow standing over my car. I looked up and the guy looked oddly familiar. Even through the rain that fell onto his face and in mine, I could see that I had known him from somewhere.

  “Hi,” I told him.

  “Yuh need some help?” he asked me and I shook my head. He had a deep accent sounding as if he was from the islands or somewhere nearby them.

  “No, I’m about to call roadside. My rim is all fucked up, so I think I need a tow.”

  “Yuh should make that call from my truck. It’s not safe for yuh to be sitting on the side of the road like tis. Let me take yuh to a car service place and we can tell them where yuh car is.”

  “No that’s okay. I’m okay,” I told him with a smile.

  “Yuh the pretty girl that I saw trying on the dress that day. Did yuh walk down the aisle yet?” he asked me and I tossed my head
back now realizing where I had seen him at. He was the sexy ass nigga that was a built like a damn God and staring me down the day I was trying on wedding gowns. The only difference between then and now was that he didn’t have any dreads.

  “Oh, my God, I’m so embarrassed for the way I was looking at you that day.”

  “Don’t be. Come on, let me take yuh. I got mi little brother with me and we were just headed to get something to eat. I don’t mind at all.”

  “I looked through the rearview mirror and then up at him. Shit it was raining hard as hell and I was stuck in the middle of the highway. I knew that if I sat here and waited for a tow truck to come that I would be waiting for at least an hour and by then I would be soaked in water and sick as hell by morning.

  “Okay…let me just grab my purse,” I told him and grabbed my bag from the passenger’s seat. I took the keys out of the ignition and tossed them into my purse before I got in the car and ran behind him to his truck. He opened the back door for me and I hopped inside. The moment he closed the door, I reached for my seatbelt to put it on and that was when I raised my head to see who was sitting in the front seat. I had never met him in person and had only seen pictures of him around my house.

  “Cuba, this is my little brother Emon. Emon, this is Khi’s wife, Cuba,” the guy said and laughed as he turned around and violently snatched my cell phone and purse from my hand.

  Shit; I thought to myself on what to do next. This nigga knew my name, who my husband was, and had Emon tied up in the front seat of the car. I guess this was why Khi said never leave home without him or any of his goonies. I had evaded our old home with hopes to get away from him and his whack ass security and I did just that only to find myself into some trouble that I wasn’t sure I was gonna be able to get out of.

  The fuck was I gonna do now?

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