Victory Lane (Shady Falls #1)

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Victory Lane (Shady Falls #1) Page 14

by Shelly Davis

  After that, all the guys came over to me and either shook my hand or patted me on the back. When only Kyle, Margie, Julius, and the redhead were left, Kyle spoke. “I knew it would be your car. Good job. We’re goin’ out to celebrate.”

  The redhead went and stood right at Julius’ side and gave me a fake smile, “I guess congratulations are in order. By the way, I’m Audrey. I work for Turner Racing. I kind of run these guys’ lives.” She touched Julius’ arm affectionately. He pulled away from her, the look on his face said he was annoyed with her presence. The look on her face said she seemed to think he belonged to her. She was claiming ownership and making sure I knew it. I’d seen this same pissing contest many times with guys in my classes and their girlfriends. It never took long for them to see I wasn’t after their guys. But this chick was irritating the shit out of me. Julius kept shrugging her off, making it clear he wasn’t interested. She didn’t get the hint. She looked over at Kyle too, but the look she gave Julius was gone. Of course, Margie probably would have killed her if it hadn’t been.

  “She doesn’t run their lives,” Margie said with annoyance in her voice. “She’s Axel’s secretary. She sends me anything that is scheduled through the PR department, and I keep everyone at Fuller Enterprises on schedule. She works at the corporate office in Tennessee. She’s never at our building.”

  Audrey looked annoyed with Margie. She was obviously trying to let me know that she was in Julius’ life, but Margie wasn’t playing along. Sometimes women are so annoying and territorial, especially when the guy they want clearly doesn’t want them.

  Julius pulled away from Audrey and glowered. He walked over to me and a smile spread across his face. “Congratulations,” he said. He turned to Kyle and Margie. “I’m thinkin’ a drink in one of our rooms would be better. I don’t feel like goin’ out tonight.”

  Margie smiled. “That sounds perfect. I volunteer your room since it’s the biggest.”

  Julius’ smile widened, “Fine, sounds good to me.”

  “We’ll go and grab some beer and food, I’m starvin’,” Kyle said. “I’ll go with Margie. Can you drive Toni back with you, Jules?”

  “Yeah, of course,” Julius said instantly, his smile spread across his face.

  Margie and Kyle walked up to me. Margie gave me a hug. “You are too cool, girl.”

  Then Kyle wrapped his arms around both of us. “Damn girl. Thanks for provin’ my instincts right. I can’t wait for the world to meet you.”

  I froze, pulled back and looked at Kyle, Margie, Julius, and Audrey standing there.

  “What do you mean meet the world?” This was my biggest fear. What if Todd saw? What if he came to find me because I was on television? What if he got me this time? I knew he was probably aware of where I was. He knew I was going to school in Mooresville, but he never came to find me. But if I’m on television, if they’re talking about me, that could cause him to try to come after me.

  “We’re gonna introduce our newest crew member at the five hundred,” Margie said but she appeared worried, like she could see I was struggling with this. She seemed to want to ask a question or to say something to me, but stopped herself. I let out a calming breath, happy to be able to dodge her questions for now.

  “Unless you have a problem. Then, of course, you’d be in breach of contract and Axel could fire you,” Audrey added, her sickly sweet tone was starting to piss me off. I hate fake girls, I always stayed away from them if I could, but here was the fakest of the fake standing in front of me. I wondered if the others could see through her or not. Judging by the way that Margie looked at this woman, there was no love there at all.

  “There’s no problem. I just wasn’t expecting it, that’s all.”

  “If you don’t want to, Toni. You don’t have to,” Julius said. He placed his hand on my shoulder and smiled, calming my nerves. He also seemed to observe my demeanor, as if he knew there was more to my nervousness than just being on television. He glanced to my right where Audrey stood and rolled his eyes a little, “It’s not in your contract. Axel just thought it would be good publicity for the team. But it’s up to you.”

  I sucked in a deep breath. His calming voice and his genuine brown eyes made me feel less worried about my past and more confident. I should be beyond that part of my life. I couldn’t dwell there forever. “It’s fine. I can do whatever you want.”

  Surprisingly my meaning went way beyond the racetrack. I was starting to feel like I would do just about anything this man wanted me to do, just to see him look at me the way he did last night and how he was right now.

  “Let’s go celebrate,” Margie said. She turned to Julius and smiled. “We’ll see y’all back at the hotel.”

  “Doesn’t Toni have her own car?” Audrey asked. “I needed to talk to Jules about some things.”

  “No, she doesn’t,” Julius said, glaring at the woman. “She came with Ky and me this mornin’. She’s goin’ back with me. Whatever you need to discuss with me can either be right now or in the mornin’ before we go back home.”

  “I’m gonna go get cleaned up and into some normal clothes,” I told no one in particular. Margie was staring daggers at Audrey, Kyle appeared to be amused, and Julius seemed like he had little tolerance for her. I didn’t know what was happening there, but I had a feeling there was some kind of past there between Julius and Audrey, and I didn’t want to know anything about it.

  I left without another word to shower and change. I didn’t want to witness anything Audrey would have to say to him anyway. I was sure whatever it was would probably piss me off and I had no right to those feelings. He didn’t belong to me, nor did he even want to belong to me. He probably didn’t want to belong to anyone.

  When I came back out to the garage area a bit later, Kyle and Margie were gone. Standing there where I left them were Julius and Audrey. They seemed to be in a heated discussion. While they talked, she advanced toward him, forcing him to step away from her. He looked like he was barely holding in his distaste for the girl. It kind of made me happy that he didn’t seem to be interested in her at all.

  I walked toward them, and although I wasn’t trying to be sneaky, neither of them saw me moving through the cars and toolboxes scattered around the room.

  “Well, I thought we could have our own little party tonight. It’s been a while, Jules,” Audrey said.

  Julius shook his head as if he couldn’t believe her. “Audrey, it ain’t gonna happen, ever again. It was one night, two years ago. It meant nothing. You were just there and I had an itch that needed scratched.”

  My heart sank at hearing those words. I was sure he had plenty of opportunities to be with whatever women he wanted, but I guess I didn’t expect to see one front and center.

  She looked sad and sighed, “I don’t have a problem with you going around with other girls, Jules. But you have to give me something to hold on to.”

  “There’s nothin’, Aud. We had one night. Nothin’ more. I don’t do nothin’ more than one night. I told you that then and things haven’t changed. Now I’m goin’ to get a shower.”

  I felt sick. How could I even for one second imagine this man would be more or could give me what I long ago lost? But for one moment I had hoped that maybe he could be different. Maybe there could be possibility in the way he looked at me. I always forbade myself from dating guys in shop. I was disappointed in myself for even thinking about abandoning that rule, especially with him. But the damn crush I had on him from way back when he drove in the truck series clouded my judgment. Why couldn’t I be attracted to a normal guy? Why did I have to pick the most unattainable man I’ve ever met? I was more screwed up than I ever realized and it just pissed me off.

  She grabbed his arm as he turned away from her. Part of me wanted to make my presence known at that moment, but I didn’t. I could see the anger in his eyes when he turned back toward her. His brown eyes were black with resentment, but surprisingly he didn’t scare me. There was nothing in his eyes or hi
s face that made me think he was even remotely unstable. He just looked furious. He glared down at her and like she was crazy.

  “Audrey,” Julius growled in warning. “I don’t put my hands on you. Don’t grab me like you have any control over me.”

  “You put your hands on me once,” she insisted. Her sickeningly sweet voice still dripping from her mouth. She didn’t even seem to notice the disdain with which he glowered down at her. “You know it was a good time, Jules. You know I could give it to you again.”

  Julius sighed. He pulled away from her and shook in head as if he couldn’t believe she was still pushing this issue. “That’s enough. Toni will be back soon and we need to go. Ky and Marg will be waitin’ for us.”

  “So that’s what this is,” Audrey’s voice became cold and spiteful, a drastic contrast to her previous demeanor. Could she be more fake? “You got a thing for your new mechanic? I saw the way you looked at her. Do you think she’s better than me? What will you do when you have sex with her and she’s still around? Will you have her fired?”

  “Toni is none of your fuckin’ business, Audrey, and neither is what I do. Stay the fuck out of my business.”

  “And I suppose she’s your business?” Audrey asked. “You’re amazing, you know that? I was ready to give you whatever the fuck you want and you want a fuckin’ grease monkey?” Audrey drew her hand back and smacked Julius across the face. The slap echoed through the garage like a clap of thunder through the valley.

  Julius stood over her, unmoving. His scowl deepening. He didn’t move to do anything to her, just stood there, glaring at her, breathing deeply as he apparently tried to calm himself down. He wasn’t lashing out at her, wasn’t moving to hurt her in any way. He just stood there, staring at her as if he couldn’t believe she just put her hands on him.

  I was surprised to find I wasn’t afraid of him, at all.

  “You might as well start packin’ you bags. I’m gonna make sure your job with Turner Racing is over,” he growled.

  “Oh god, Jules … I’m …”

  I chose that moment to clear my throat and let them know I was there. Julius turned around and saw me standing there. Immediately his posture changed, he seemed to relax. But I didn’t, I was pissed. I’d been hit so many times and I was powerless to stop it. Why did people think it was okay to put their hands on others? I strode up and got between Julius and Audrey. I was inches away from her, glaring.

  “What the fuck is your problem?” I growled in a low voice. “How dare you think it’s okay to put your hands on someone else. What would you have done if he did that to you? I can tell you, you would have had him arrested for assault.” I stepped closer, forcing her to back up. A look of terror crossed her face. “Get the hint; he doesn’t want anything to do with you. All you are is pathetic. Standin’ here cryin’; beggin’ a man to fuck you. God, I hate women like you.”

  I turned and Julius just stood there, staring at me. He didn’t look angry or annoyed anymore. He only looked curious. His eyes traveled over my body and even though I knew I needed to stay away, I liked how I felt when he looked at me. Especially when he had the Barbie doll standing in front of him.

  His eyes didn’t leave mine for a few moments. But then he turned his vicious gaze to Audrey once more. “Don’t approach me again,” he snarled. “Don’t come around me or anyone on my crew, do I make myself clear? I will be lettin’ Axel know about this little incident. He can decide what happens to you. But as far as I’m concerned, you need not have anything to do with Fuller Enterprises, ever again.”

  Turning back to me, he smiled gently, “You ready, Toni?” he asked. “A beer never sounded better than it does right now.” His eyes moved down my body, but then back up quickly. The unease in his expression made me curious. I didn’t know what he would have to be worried about.

  “You don’t wanna change?” I asked.

  “No, I’m good,” Julius said in a tone that was firm and sure. He slid his arms out of his fire suit and tied them around his waist. His heather grey tee shirt was sweat soaked and it clung to the ridges and valleys that made up his chest. He was ridiculously built and tall, especially for a racecar driver.

  “Jules, can we talk before you leave tomorrow?” she pushed. “I’m so sorry …” I almost wanted to ask her if she was stupid or something. How can any woman make herself look so desperate?

  “No, there’s nothin’ to meet about,” he told her. “I’ll be talkin’ to Axel about your behavior this evening. I have nothin’ more to say to you and I could give a shit less about your apology.”

  Audrey pouted, and it was the most ridiculous thing I’d ever seen. I couldn’t understand why women thought pouting worked. Of course, it would have worked on Todd. He loved it when girls acted weak and pathetic to get his attention. Jake and Cade couldn’t stand girls like her either. This girl was about as fake as could be. Was this the kind of girl that Julius liked?

  Julius turned to me, he smiled slightly but then it fell. I wasn’t sure what he saw in my face. Was my frustration evident in my eyes? I hoped not.

  I plastered a smile on my face and nodded, “I’m ready to go when you are.” Audrey stood there and sulked but didn’t say another word. When she met my eyes, her sadness turned into a glare. Bad things were promised in that look, but I didn’t care. I saw how terrified she was when I spoke to her. She couldn’t hide the fear in her eyes. As much as she wanted to try, she couldn’t affect my employment with Fuller Enterprises. She’d be lucky to have a job come Monday morning.

  “Great, Ky and Marg went to grab food and drinks. They’ll be meetin’ us back at the hotel.” His smile was back and it widened, “You’re stuck with us now.”

  My smile matched his, the thought made me giddy. I was stuck with them … with him. That was definitely something I could deal with.

  Chapter Ten


  After the confrontation with Audrey, we went back to the hotel in relative silence. I didn’t know what to say to him as we rode through Daytona toward the hotel. But then Julius broke through the silence.

  “So, what you did with the car was impressive. I must admit, I was a bit worried about drivin’ the car you worked on.” He gave me a self-deprecating smile, as if he was ashamed to admit it. Shockingly, I wasn’t surprised by his confession and I wasn’t upset by it either. He glanced toward me after his disclosure and almost looked like he was ashamed of himself.

  “I understand. You’re drivin’ two-hundred miles per hour in a car that was bein’ worked on by someone you don’t know. You know Kyle and you trust him, you don’t know me. I’d be nervous too. I’m glad you gave me a chance though. I appreciate it.” He may never understand how grateful I was for the chance he, Kyle, and Axel were giving me.

  “You earned it, Toni. You’ve proven yourself better than I could have imagined. I’m sure you’ve had to do that a lot since you started working on cars.”

  “What? Prove myself?” He nodded and smiled at me, encouraging me to go on. “Yeah, every time I start somethin’ new I have to prove myself all over again. It gets kind of annoyin’ but at the same time I think it’s made me better. I can’t ever relax or just assume people are gonna treat me the same. I’ll be honest though, this was the fastest I was ever accepted. I’m sure there are guys that might have a problem, but for the most part they’ve been cool.”

  “I’m glad. I know Ky gave them lots of warning before you came. Everything that the school gave him, he shared with the team.”

  I figured, but then I wondered why he acted like such a jerk the first time we met. “Can I ask you a question?” When he didn’t respond, I just continued. “Why then did you act like I was some kind of spy or somethin’ the first time we met? You almost seemed mad I was there.”

  He was quiet for a long time, and I wondered if he was going to answer me or not. When he finally spoke, I was shocked by what he had to say.

  “I wasn’t mad, Toni, I was surprised. I knew about you, I saw
some of the things the school sent, but it was hard to see what you looked like in those films.”

  “Okay?” I said in a questioning manner.

  “I’m sorry; I just wasn’t prepared to see this gorgeous woman under the hood of my car. I know I was kind of a dick, even after I figured out who you were. I was just so thrown and that was my kneejerk reaction.”

  I had no idea what to say to him. He didn’t mince words or make lame excuses, he just told me exactly what he was thinking and it startled me. Calling me gorgeous also threw me. This wasn’t the first time he called me gorgeous or beautiful. I didn’t know how I was supposed to respond to him. I’ve never been comfortable with people giving me compliments and coming from him, I was tongue-tied. We turned into the parking lot and pulled in front of the building to the valet. I wanted to find something to say to this man. I wanted to act like the confident woman I often pretend to be, but I couldn’t come up with anything to say, I could barely look at him. So I silently walked with Julius into the building and to the elevator.

  Once inside the elevator, Julius tugged on my sleeve to get me to turn and look at him. When I didn’t meet his eyes, he slowly placed his finger under my chin and guided my gaze to his. “Toni, I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I told you before, I say what I’m thinkin’ and I don’t lie. Don’t worry, okay. Just do me a favor, stop hidin’ from me.”

  “I’m not–”

  “You do, Toni. And it’s okay. When you feel more comfortable with me, you’ll be able to talk to me more. I can wait.”

  Now I was dumbfounded. How can he be so sweet? “Thank you, Julius,” I whispered.

  He released my arm and turned. I could feel the hard length of him standing so close to me. Sometimes I felt I could feel him even if he wasn’t touching me at all.

  We met Margie and Kyle in the hall and the four of us went to Julius’ room to eat and hang out. I learned a lot about how Margie and Kyle got together. I learned that Julius was in a serious relationship a long while ago, but no one said what happened. He seemed to get irritated and sad when the subject came up. I wanted to be curious, but I was busy dodging personal questions myself. I avoided all talk about my past as best as I could, but it was difficult. Of course, Margie was aware of some of it, but I wasn’t sharing with Kyle and Julius. We sat around, ate, drank, and watched movies all night long. It was the most fun I’d had in a long time. I sat on the couch, between Julius and Margie, growing more tired by the minute. I knew I should have gotten up to go back to my room, but I just couldn’t. I was so comfortable, I didn’t want to move and felt myself slowly drifting off.


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