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City Of Sin_A Mafia & MC Romance Collection

Page 46

by K. J. Dahlen

  “You were always the best. The night I tried to fuck you and you wouldn’t give it up to me... I bet you suck dick really well… I mean your mouth has to be good for something other than fucking spewing shit that’ll get you killed.” His hold released slightly, and I took the chance to take a deep breath, both my lungs and brain thanking me for it. I felt wetness against my skin and knew he was licking me. His tongue was scratchy and I knew the second I got the chance, I would cut it out.

  “You behave, and you just might walk away from all of this alive.” That was a lie. A big huge fucking lie.

  “Don’t lie to me. If I’m going to die, at least be man enough to tell me,” I croaked out, even with his hand wrapped around my throat. I knew he wouldn’t kill me. At least not yet. He needed me. He knew Zerro would never come if I were dead.

  “You’re right, who the fuck am I kidding. You’re all going to die.” He laughed heinously as he shoved me back. My body landed against the hard floor, and I stayed there for a moment trying to get my bearings and to bring oxygen back into my body.

  “If I’m going to die, so are you…” I knew I shouldn’t have said it, but I didn’t care. The monster needed to know if I died, he did, too. I would make sure of it.

  “No, sweetheart, you don’t understand what loving that fucker has done to you. It’s you who’s going to die. I’m going to slit your throat right in front of him so he can watch the light leave your eyes. Then, when I think you have suffered enough, I’ll put a bullet in your head and turn you into pig feed.” His description had my stomach rolling around in knots on the verge of spewing all of its contents.

  “Nice to know,” was all I said. He must not have heard me because he walked away. My head lay on the cold concrete, and it made me feel better.

  “You look like shit,” Devon said, his voice causing me to squeak and sit up straight. I had thought I was finally alone.

  “Now isn’t the time for small talk. I can’t even tell you how fucking angry I am with you. You betrayed us, asshole.” I was seething. My rage was more than just angry. He had brought me here.

  “Bree, just calm down. I didn’t do anything wrong. I promised to protect you, and none of that has changed, all right?” He sounded convinced, but I wasn’t. I knew better. Everything that had happened to me rubbed away the naïve girl I was before. I knew in the end death would be cast upon us all.

  “This wasn’t a part of the plan. Did you tell Zerro?” I asked, eager to know if he knew what was taking place.

  “No. He will know soon though. I’m assuming my cell should be ringing shortly.” Devon spoke nonchalantly as if I wasn’t being held captive by a deranged Mafia lunatic.

  “Perfect. Maybe you should’ve let him know about your changes before you just up and kidnapped me.” I was exhausted. I wanted this all over, and even though I knew I had to be strong, I wanted to cave and to be weak.

  “Shhh…” he said gripping my chin hard. Tears showed behind my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. Mack came into view, and Devon shot me a warning glare. A look that said you say a fucking word and it’s your death.

  “Was she smarting off to you, too?” Mack asked with a sick smile on his face. I wasn’t sure I would make it through the next twenty-four hours without barfing numerous times. The man made me sick.

  “Yes. She’s defiant, isn’t she?” Devon’s voice turned cruel, and it was as if his own personal mask had slipped into place. Whose side was he on?

  “Very much. Alzerro likes them sassy,” Mack said, licking his lips as if he couldn’t wait to take a bite out of me.

  “I bet he does. He should realize she’s missing here real soon. Prepare for him to come with guns a blazing.” He laughed at his own joke, and Mack followed suit with happiness filling his facial features. What a sick bastard he was.

  “It’s just me and you. The other men will be sticking around the outside to protect the building. We’ll know he’s here before he even steps foot on the premise.” Mack seemed awful full of himself. To me, it was too early to be boasting.

  “A little full of yourself, aren’t you,” I growled. Devon’s simple glare turned into a full on angry stare. I didn’t care if it got me hurt. I wouldn’t go down without a fight.

  “Bragging isn’t my specialty, Princess…” The words rolled off his tongue with ease. “You shall find out real soon when Alzerro the King is brought to his knees to watch you bleed out.”

  With anger in every word, I spat at him. “You’re a fucking monster. A fucked up, psychotic asshole hell bent on getting revenge for what? Because you couldn’t have me? Because you weren’t born into the family? Tell me, Mack, what is it that pushes you over the edge? Did he fuck som—” My words were cut off as his hand came down across my cheek. A burning sensation radiated through my face and down my cheeks. I fell back on the concrete, my head hitting the floor like a bouncy ball. My mind reeled, as everything began to spin. I shouldn’t have said those things. I should’ve kept my mouth shut because now all I would be facing was death—the dark, ripping your fucking heart out kind of death.

  “Take her to the room. I don’t care what the fuck you do with her. Rough her up, fuck her, hit her, do whatever you want with her.” I could hear Mack’s voice over the pounding in my ears, and as I stared off into the distance, I watched him walk away. His footsteps echoed in every part of my mind.

  Then everything went black.

  When I came to, I was on an old mattress in a room that smelled like dust and paper. A body lay next to mine, and as I rolled over slowly, I could feel my heart racing. Nothing had happened, at least not yet. My body felt okay, my cheek hurt like a bitch and my wrists ached, but aside from that, I was okay.

  As I took in the body, I noticed it was Devon. His bright green eyes shone back at me. His face held no emotion, and I wondered if I was really even safe with him.

  “I told you to keep your mouth shut. I told you to stay quiet, Bree. You didn’t.” He was frustrated with me, and I couldn’t blame him. I was dumb to think this situation was similar to the one I had gone through with Zerro. My defiance would win me nothing.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—”

  “Mean to what? Almost blow my cover? Are you crazy right now? I could’ve killed the bastard simply for hitting you. Instead, I had to stand there and do nothing,” he said grinding his teeth with sheer force. He was pissed.

  “I won’t do it again,” I said sounding completely defeated. What had happened to the strong woman I once was? Was I finally considering I might die? I wasn't weak, but merely staring down the barrel of a loaded gun. I didn’t want to die.

  “You’re right, you won’t. There won’t be a second chance, Bree,” Devon said blowing a breath. The room was cold, and a shudder ran through me as the air settled deep into my bones.

  “What do we do next?” I was hesitant to ask if Zerro was going to come. I didn’t know what the fuck was going on. I just knew he should’ve been here by now.

  “Nothing. You sit here and pretend like I’m hurting you. It’s expected of me. If he thinks I’m lying in the slightest, he’ll kill both of us,” Devon exclaimed examining me.

  “How do we do that?” I wasn’t going to let him actually touch me.

  “Like this...” he simply said reaching over to tear the top of my shirt. Cold air hit my chest with only a piece of fabric draped over the right side of my boob. My shoulder and upper arm were completely exposed. Then he pulled out a knife, and I backed up, wondering what would come next. Instead of him turning the blade on me, he simply ran the blade against his own skin. Small, thin, pink scratches showed on his face and throat.

  He looked as if I had actually attempted to attack him.

  “Does it look believable?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I said, wanting to cover up. I felt too exposed. I was no longer safe here, and more than anything else, it terrified me.

  “He’ll come, Bree. He always does.” The way he said it made me feel as if he
knew Zerro more than I gave him credit for.

  “How do you know? What’s your past with him anyway? And whose side are you on?” I peppered him with questions, anything to get my mind off the present.

  He stared at me blankly for a moment before smiling at me. He was so young, couldn’t be much older than I was. How he had managed to get in the FBI, I didn’t know. Nor did I have the intention of asking. He was a looker, and someday, he would make a woman proud.

  “There is no side, sweetheart. Just the winning and losing. I go with whoever has the best fighting chance.” As his words entered my mind, and I repeated them to myself, I understood what he was saying.

  “You traitor. You fucking, lying traitor,” I yelled, my voice full of fire and rage. He wasn’t choosing a side he was playing both. The fucker was playing both teams until he knew who was going to win.

  “Shhh…” he whisper-yelled, placing a hand over my mouth to shield any further yelling on my behalf. Instead of responding, I looked at him with the need to slice him open.

  “I’m not a fucking traitor. I work for the good guys. If I didn’t think I could protect you, I wouldn’t have made the deal. Now shut your mouth before he comes in here,” he said giving me a cold stare. Slowly, he removed his hand from my mouth, and the need to throw obscenities in his direction was large. Instead, I kept my mouth shut not wanting to cause further delays.

  Minutes passed, maybe even hours, and slowly but surely, my eyelids grew heavier with every passing second. We didn’t look at one another or even utter a word, and as I closed my eyes, and then opened them back up fighting sleep, I saw the genuine concern in his eyes. He wouldn’t let anything happen to me. At least not yet.

  “Go to sleep. If he comes in, I’ll make up some lie,” he mumbled, placing his head against the wall.

  I nodded, leaning my head against the hard mattress. In a moment’s time, my mind was headed to a place where death couldn’t touch me.

  Alzerro King’s arms.



  “They have her, Zerro.” Jared rushed into the house. His voice was full of panic, and as I stood there staring and doing nothing, I felt the guilt eating at me. I should’ve fucking told her. I should’ve warned her.

  “I know,” I simply murmured. I hated myself more than anything in this one moment. Jared and James’s eyes both turned to me, fire deeply buried in both of them.

  “What do you mean you know? You knew this whole fucking time and you never told one of us? You never thought it was a good idea she knew there was a change?” Jared was angry, and he had every right to be. I had put Bree in danger on purpose. And for what? The element of surprise.

  “It needed to happen this way. If I had let you know, you would’ve acted strangely.” There was nothing more or less I could say for them to understand. I had to do it this way, and it killed me. It would kill me even more to go in there and see all she had to endure because of me.

  “Needed…? You’re fucking crazy…” Jared aspirated loudly, his arms flying into the air. “I should’ve known. I should’ve known you never fucking loved her. She was nothing but a pawn to you. Nothing but an inn—” I couldn’t listen to him saying things about me that were so untrue. So I did something about it.

  Picking him up by the front of his shirt, I shoved him against the wall, getting right in his face. I didn’t care how we had been friends forever or that he was Bree’s brother.

  “Never. I mean never accuse me of not caring about her. Never accuse me of being anything less than being in love with her. I would bleed for her, take a bullet for her, and give my own fucking life just so she could take one last breath if I had to. Never tell me I don’t care.”

  I released him with a shove as I watched the anger leave his face. Yeah, that’s right, fucker, I love her. And I’ll do anything in my fucking power to keep her alive. Even if it means I have to put her life in the hands of someone else.

  “You—you should’ve told us, Alzerro,” James stuttered over his words. I was certain he was shocked as shit. I didn’t care if my feelings were known. I was an open book from here on out. All that mattered was getting in there to kill Mack, take Bree, and to run as far we could get.

  “Oh, really. Told you what? How I was feeding Bree to the monster? Or if she died, it would be her blood on my hands. Fuck no. I didn’t need any more judgment for having to do than I already have.” I was fueling my own rage as I spoke words I had kept hidden all day.

  Bree knew something was wrong. She knew I wasn’t being me, and when I left the bathroom after fucking her, I slipped into the old person I used to be. Knowing I would have to do it again really soon made me feel even worse.

  “We’re not judging you, Alzerro. Nothing of what we have said is judgment.” James was trying to cool me down, but it wasn’t working.

  “It is. I allowed my mother to die, and I will not be the reason Bree dies,” I growled, my teeth clenching so hard I wondered when my jaw would snap.

  “Bree is strong. She can handle this,” Jared added, concern etched into his features. What the fuck did he care? The fact was she shouldn’t have to be strong. She shouldn’t have to go through all of this.

  “She shouldn’t have to, Jared. That’s the fucking point. It’s why when all this is over we’re going to go away so she never has to face any of this again.” The shock showed on his face and answered any and all questions I had.

  “You’re going to leave the Mafia behind?” Jared asked. The air was sucked out of the room as I continued to wrap my head around my choice. I didn’t know how I would do it. After Mack was dead, it would be my job to rebuild the legacy, or let it crumble…

  The FBI would be all over me, and I knew there was a small chance Bree and I wouldn’t get a happily ever after, but I’ll be damned if I didn’t fight for it tooth and nail. She was mine. She was getting whatever she wanted.

  “Yes. I’m leaving. I don’t want in anymore.” I threw the words out there as if I had a fucking choice in the matter. I knew I didn’t, but I still wanted to address my choice.

  “You know they won’t let you go…” Jared commented with his stating the obvious banter. As if I didn’t already fucking know it. But who were they?

  “I’m Alzerro fucking King. I make my own choices. I don’t need anyone telling me what I’m going to do. Stand in my way and you’ll die.” My voice was deadly as I slipped into the old person I was—part of me had never truthfully left.

  “Where do we go from here?”

  I turned looked to James. There was no way I was bringing him into all of this. Bree had already lost one father… She shouldn’t lose her real one.

  “You aren’t going unless it’s to drive the vehicle.” My phone chimed in my pocket, and as I glanced up at the clock on the wall, I realized it was time to go. Six is the time we agreed.

  Reaching into my pocket, I retrieved the phone. Sliding my fingers over the screen, I read the message.

  Devon: She’s asleep. Hysterical, of course. Mack’s getting antsy.

  That was all the message said. Not that I expected much more from him. I couldn’t expect him to give me the whole fucking update in 160 characters. I wouldn’t be okay until she was in my arms.

  “We go now,” I commanded. My gun was strapped to my side, and on my backside, knives were hidden where I could easily grab them. My black boots were in place. I was ready to take his heart and rip it the fuck out.

  “Then let’s go. I’m ready.” I wanted to tell Jared he couldn’t come, but I needed someone else. I needed someone to take her and get the fuck out of dodge if shit got bad. I knew it would—this was Mack, and he played nothing less than dirty.

  I stood in silence as I watched Jared pull out his piece and place it at his back. He was trained well.

  James slipped into his coat and out the door. For a second, I wanted to breathe in the air inside the house. Her scent surrounded me and invaded every part of my body. She wasn’t just mine; she was a pa
rt of me. Her body lived through mine. I stopped outside the car looking at the house where, for just a small amount of time, I had a taste of normal life. I didn’t know what would happen after all of this, but I knew if I had one wish, it would be to be able to come back here… When all this was over.

  “Coming…” Jared questioned opening his door before hopping in the back seat. I nodded my head, jumping in the SUV as I told James the address to the place.

  This all had to end with Bree alive. I owed her my life.

  Pulling up to the abandoned factory, I sighed. There wasn’t a car in sight. We were miles off a beaten path, and if someone called the police, I wasn’t sure they would find us. Good, I thought to myself. So when Mack was screaming for me to stop breaking his bones over and over again, no one would hear him.

  “Ready for this?” Jared asked as if he could simply talk me out of it. There was no way I was leaving her with that monster; after all, I had trained him to be that way.

  Gripping my gun in my hand hard, I opened the car door and signaled for James to circle around as if he was turning around somewhere. Then I crept to the nearest door and busted into the place like I owned it. My heart was racing, and my palms were sweaty. I wasn’t sure what I would discover—if he had downright killed Bree knowing I would come or not.

  As I pushed through the door, my eyes took in all the metal beams surrounding us. Machinery was pushed out of the way and littered throughout the building. In the center of the room was a small body lying on the floor. Even from the distance, I could see it was Bree.

  Her hair was matted, and though she wasn’t bound or tied to anything, I knew there had to be a reason she was lying on the ground.

  “Nice of you to join us.” Mack’s sickening voice sounded throughout the room as I watched him grip her by the back of the head. She cried out in pain as our eyes met across the room. Terror filled them and I almost slipped. I almost let the mask fall from my face, even just to give her a chance to see I was here.


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