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Seduced by the Prince

Page 17

by Cristina Grenier

  “Gee, thanks, Max!”

  He chuckled, and Tina was glad they had broken through the ice that had been growing between them over his omission.

  “It is a religious as well as a civil ceremony,” he told her, “and very important to our people. There will be oath taking and prayers for my rule, and for the consort whom I will ultimately choose as my life partner.”

  “Everyone thinks it’s me, don’t they?”

  “It is inevitable that they do,” he told her, “because I am escorting you today as my honored guest. But you shouldn’t feel pressured by their hopes. It would not be the first time that the Prince’s son chose a woman outside the people’s expectations.”

  Tina wasn’t sure that that made her feel any better, but she only smiled at him and turned her eyes out to the crisp morning, the streets lined with people waving flags and screaming. The din was muffled by the sound-proofed interior of the car, but Tina could imagine the energy of the gathering, despite the cold temperatures.

  “By the way, Max, thank you for the coat. It’s beautiful! I promise I won’t get anything on it.”

  “If you do, it can be cleaned. I want you to enjoy today, not find more things to worry about.”

  He reached over and took her hand in his, resting it on the seat between them so that neither one had to move, and he held it until the car stopped before a resplendent cathedral.

  Chapter 13: A Great Way to Start A Holiday

  Tina walked into the basilica on the arm of the soon-to-be Sovereign Prince of Lauenstein, aware of all the eyes that fell upon her, eyes full of questions, astonishment and, she dared to hope, admiration. Max paused by the pew where she would be seated, and an usher took over, escorting her to her seat while Max continued to the high altar. He stood before the priest, who intoned seriously after the opening hymns and prayers, and Tina tried not to gaze around her like Alice in Wonderland. She had no wish to see herself in the papers with satiric captions attached to her gawping face.

  The hymns were sung by choir and congregation, the oaths were sworn, the prayers for the new sovereign were made, and as Max had said, prayers for his choice of a life partner. And suddenly, all eyes were upon her again. She could feel them boring into her, but she kept her eyes forward and her complexion cool. Then Max was led to the throne-like chair where he was made to kneel. More prayers, and then the crown was placed on his head. He rose to his feet and was proclaimed His Serene Highness Prince Cedric Maximillian Kastelic, Sovereign Prince of Lauenstein. A sweet, high note rang out as the cathedral’s combined choir began the final hymn. Then the congregation rose to sing the national anthem and the ceremony was complete.

  Except for the part where Max came to stand beside her pew while she was helped out of it. He raised his arm, and she placed her hand on it. The recession was as slow and stately as the procession had been an hour before. Only this time, when Max emerged with her into the late morning sunshine, the crowds cheered and whistled and clapped wildly. People threw flowers at him as he walked down the steps to the open horse-drawn carriage waiting at the end of the red carpet.

  Max stopped and turned to her with a smile. “I don't believe I’ve told you this as yet, but you are ravishing today. I can’t wait to see what you will do later!”

  He helped her into the carriage and then walked round to the other side and was helped in himself. He pulled the thick velvet blanket over her knees and legs, and when all was ready, the coachman clicked his tongue and the horses pranced forward. The air was crisp and cold, but not enough to make Tina uncomfortable. She smiled quietly at the crowds they passed through, while Max smiled and waved, switching hands as he alternated sides to wave to. The coach took the circuitous route back to the palace, winding its way through the streets which were all jammed with people.

  Finally the carriage drew up under the shelter of the back entrance to the palace, and Max helped her out, escorting her up the stairs and into the warm interior. An honor guard awaited his arrival, and escorted them to a sitting room where a small reception was being held for the staff to welcome their new leader. All the members of the household were present, and after Max helped her off with her coat, he went to get her a drink. He brought it back to her just as the door opened and an old man was pushed in in a wheelchair. Tina recognized him at once, dressed as he had been in that portrait, though he was much thinner and clearly not in as robust health as he had been in the portrait in the study of the guest house. She turned as he came closer and prepared to curtsy.

  “Good morning, my son,” he said, and Max leaned down to kiss his father’s cheek.

  “Good morning, Papa. This is Ms. Leontyne Cooper, my partner for today. Tina, this is my father, Prince Albert.”

  “Good morning, Your Highness,” Tina said, making her curtsy and smiling. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.”

  The old prince raised her hand to his lips with quiet charm and said, “The pleasure is mine, Ms. Cooper. I hope that you will enjoy your stay here with us.”

  She noted that his hands shook as he released her. “I’m sure I shall, Your Highness.”

  Peter called everyone to order and spoke a few words on behalf of the staff, congratulating the new sovereign and wishing him God’s best blessings. Glasses were raised and a toast made, and cheers rose as they drank to their prince’s heath. Then Peter invited everyone to help themselves to the snacks, reminding them that the reception would begin in six hours and that they could therefore not linger.

  Tina found that she enjoyed the warm and friendly feeling of the gathering. Although everything had been done in a dignified manner, it was still clear that these people held Max in high esteem, and were genuinely fond of him and of his father. She had had no idea that royalty could be so down-to-earth. She nibbled on dainty sandwiches, sampled a delectable chocolate confection that was more cream than cake, sipped fruited teas and champagne.

  After an hour, Max took her aside. “The car is waiting to take you back to your suite. Come and bid Papa farewell until later.”

  She walked with him over to where his father sat listening intently to something one of the servants was saying. The old prince chuckled and raised his glass, and the man smiled and tipped his glass as well.

  “Papa, Ms. Cooper will be leaving now. I will accompany her, but I’ll be back in time to dress for the reception.”

  Tina raised her brow at that. She didn’t think there was anything planned between the ceremony and the party later, but she might be mistaken.

  “Rest well, Ms. Cooper, tonight’s reception promises to be an exhausting affair. My own reception all those years ago was nothing to what will happen here this evening.”

  Max chuckled, shaking his head at his father. “There’s no need to try and scare Tina away, Papa,” he protested. “She’s a strong, fearless woman. She can handle the challenge.”

  Tina just smiled at the men and followed Max out to the limousine which took them back to the guest house. Inside, Max followed her up to her suite, and once the door was closed, he hauled her up against his body.

  “Aren’t you even a little bit curious about why I came back here with you?”

  She smiled, toeing off her shoes and picking them up to take into the bedroom. “It crossed my mind to wonder why, but I suppose you have your reasons.”

  “I have another gift that I wish you to wear this evening,” he told her, and she wasn’t sure whether that was his reason, or just a distraction from the conversation because he didn’t want to tell her his reason. She chose to go where he led.

  “Oh? And what is that?”

  He pulled a long jeweler’s box from his pocket and handed it to her. “I believe you told me the dress you’ll be wearing this evening is red? I think these will go nicely with that color.”

  Tina opened the box to find the most exquisite emerald necklace and matching drop earrings, along with a beautiful bracelet, all set in yellow gold.


  It was getti
ng harder and harder to resist him. He was pulling out all the stops to impress her with the truth of his feelings, though she didn’t think he had just bought these trinkets on a whim. Which meant it had been at least two weeks, and perhaps more, of him thinking about her and how he wanted to please her.

  “Max, this is too much!”

  “Do you like them?” he asked, ignoring her protest.

  “Of course! They’re exquisite!”

  “Then they are yours. Wear them this evening.”

  “Thank you.” She stood awkwardly in front of him for a moment before saying, “I guess I’d better get changed.”

  “Would you like me to leave now, then?” He asked the question as he jerked her chin up.

  “Max, stop it!” Tina wasn’t ready to face his feelings or his regret or his desire.


  “Because…because I'm tired and you’re horny but neither of us should be hooking up in a palace that looks like a castle.”

  He laughed softly, pulling her close. “You sound as delirious as I feel. One more kiss to tide me over until this evening, and I will leave you alone for now.”

  She could see he meant what he said, and in truth she did want to be left alone for now. Sighing in defeat, she stepped right into his body and pulled his head down so she could kiss him. He smiled against her lips, licking them slowly as he kissed her back.

  “Now with tongue,” he demanded, and offered her his own.

  “Max!” She slid her tongue out so he could taste her, and they both groaned at the contact.

  “More?” he asked, reaching behind her. “What if I help you to change? Will that earn me some more brownie points?” He pulled the zipper down on her dress, sliding his hand beneath it to feel her skin.

  “Why would you earn brownie points for helping me do something I don’t need help with?” she asked, laughing quietly into his face.

  “Because you want to forgive me, and this gives you a way to do it without losing face?”

  He sounded so hopeful, and Tina didn’t miss the question behind the words. He wanted to know if she forgave him for his deception. She smiled against his lips, suddenly needing him more than she needed to hang on to her outrage.

  “If you promise not to gloat, maybe I’ll let you help.” She leaned into him, and the heat of his erection thrilled and excited her. She gasped in shock, because she hadn’t realized how far gone he was until that moment.

  “You’re ready to rumble, aren’t you?” she teased him.

  “This isn’t a wrestling match,” he informed her with a smirk. “It’s more that I'm ready to tumble.”

  Now it was her turn to laugh, but she had to ask, because things were going far faster than she had anticipated after the rocky beginning to her holiday a day earlier.

  “What are we doing, Max?”

  “I’m getting to know you. What are you doing?” He nipped an earlobe as he spoke.

  She thought about it for a moment before saying truthfully, “I think I’m getting to know me, too.”

  He leaned back to examine her features. “And what are you discovering? Let’s compare notes.”

  She deliberately leaned in again and rubbed her body against his. “I think I like to tease my lover,” she began. “Teasing makes me so hot and bothered that I guess I hope it will do the same to him.”

  “Mmmm.” Max pressed in against her before replying. “It does, believe me.” He kissed her slowly before releasing her lips to say, “What else are you discovering?”

  She reached up to pull his ear down to her ears and whispered, “Teasing makes me want to talk dirty to my lover. Like this!” She licked his ear and said, “Come fuck me, lover!”

  Max groaned and pulled her body tightly against his own. “Is that all you can think of? What would make you talk dirtier?”

  She licked her lips and sighed. “I’m also discovering that I don’t have a very large dirty vocabulary. In fact, it’s limited to words like ‘fuck’ and ‘cock’ and ‘pussy’. Very, very limited.” She lowered her eyes for a moment before raising them bravely and adding, “And I’m discovering that perhaps I don’t have a larger repertoire of dirty talk because doing it makes me feel shy.”

  That had been hard to say, but she needed Max to know who he was dealing with. She was not an experienced woman in sexual matters, and given her mistrust of men, she was very afraid of making a fool of herself, so she couldn’t say the things she wanted to, to drive up the tension and gain greater pleasure.

  Max seized her lips and pushed his tongue between them, forcing her to open for him. They kissed furiously for a minute or more, drowning in each other’s taste, before he pulled his mouth away to say,

  “Want to know what I’m learning about you?”


  “When you forget to worry about what everyone else might think of you, you are a passion bomb waiting to explode.”

  He slid a hand down the front of the dress she was still wearing, pulling it up over her hips as he did so, until her stockings and panties were bared. Then his slipped a hand beneath the waistband of her panties and slid his finger down to her slit, searching for her clitoris.

  “Max!” she wailed as he found it and began to rub her.

  “Open your legs for me, lyubimaya,” he ordered her.

  Tina spread her legs as far as she could in the confining dress, and Max groaned with her as he stroked her to madness.

  “Please, Max, faster, touch me faster!”

  “Like this?” He slid his finger faster over her hot button. “Don’t you think this is better?” He slid his digit down to her hole and tipped it in to collect some of the cream pooling there, before returning to her slit and stroking up and down the length of it without directly touching her clit.

  “Don’t tease me!” she begged him.

  He chuckled. “But I thought you said you liked teasing!”

  She bit his lip hard and when he growled and stroked her clit once, her whole body shuddered. “Do that again, baby, please.”

  “Baby? I think I like teasing, too, if it means you’ll keep calling me ‘baby’!” Max slid his finger over her clit again, and she gasped and rose up on her tiptoes.

  “Shit! Don't stop, Max, don’t stop!”

  Max pulled his hand out of her panties. Tina opened her eyes — when had she closed them? — and glared at him. “Why?”

  “What’s my new nickname?” He gazed into her eyes as he licked his finger clean.

  “Max, please!”

  “Call me ‘baby’ when you beg me!”

  He smiled wickedly at her, then relented and slid his fingers back inside her panties, kissing her as he riled her up again. Before long, Tina was screaming into his mouth as her orgasm hit.

  When she was calm again, Max led her into her bedroom and finished undressing her. Then he fetched the robe from the bathroom and slipped it on her tying it closed over almost her naked flesh.

  “Get some rest, lyubimaya,” he said. “I plan to dance every dance with you tonight.”

  She frowned as he walked away. “Max!” He stopped and turned back to her. She could see that he was still as hard as stone. “Why?”

  “I won’t take you again until you trust me completely. I will do anything else to give you pleasure, but I want you to know for sure that it is me you want, the man who hid himself from you, and not just my body. Sleep now. I’ll see you later.”

  Of course, Tina couldn’t sleep. Max had turned the tables on her, giving her such sweet pleasure but denying her the one thing she wanted most, because he knew she still had doubts. She couldn’t blame him for that. It was what she would do. By the time Ana arrived to help her dress for the reception, she was a mass of nerves and desire. She hadn’t been kidding when she told him that teasing him was teaching her about herself. She loved the person she was when she teased him. That woman was free and open and unafraid. Tina was determined to get that woman back.

  The red dress she had
chosen to wear to the party was a princess gown, lace over satin, sweetheart neckline, off-the-shoulder and fitted to the waist. Tina loved the way it moved. She knew that when they danced it would swirl around like her like a cloud. She swept her hair up, leaving a few curls to frame her face and dangle at her neck. The black cloak she had worn to dinner with Max that first time would keep her warmer on the ride to the palace.

  The limousine arrived exactly an hour later, and once again she was escorted out to the car by a liveried footman. This time, Max was not there. She supposed it made sense for him to wait for her there. She slid into the seat and closed her eyes, willing the butterflies that were beginning to flutter around to calm down. It was just a party. Nothing could go wrong…could it? When the car stopped in front of the brightly lit palace, she was gripping her hands together to keep them from trembling.


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