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Rainier, Heather - Maya's Triple Dare [Divine Creek Ranch 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 31

by Heather Rainier

  During her recuperation, her men had backed off from making love to her as often as she might’ve liked. She’d practically had to beg the first time, after reminding them her doctor had released her from any restriction regarding intercourse. Her only limitation had been the bulky cast on her arm which had been removed earlier in the week.

  The closing on the house went without a hitch, and they had the rest of the hot June afternoon and evening to look forward to. They had made reservations at a quaint little bed-and-breakfast on the outskirts of San Marcos, which was owned by a friend of Maya’s.

  After Charlotte had them situated in their little cottage, she showed them the room’s features. It was a well-known fact among the local BDSM and kink community that The Lasso Inn catered discreetly to an unconventional clientele.

  With a naughty twinkle in his eyes, Kendall pointed to a fern-bedecked plant stand located by itself in the corner of the room. “Is that what I think it is?”

  Maya giggled and nodded. “Yes. Charlotte gave Morgan and me one just like it for a Christmas present several years ago. Her husband builds them himself.”

  “Yes,” Charlotte said in her genteel, Southern accent. “Zane has made quite a niche for himself online in the kinky, convertible furniture business.”

  The innocuous-looking plant stand was in actuality a convertible St. Andrew’s Cross, completely ready to use with eyebolts for securing a naughty sub by their wrists and ankles.

  Charlotte also demonstrated a sliding panel on the side of the bedroom armoire that hid an assortment of impact play toys, such as floggers, paddles, whips, and canes. Maya stifled a snicker at the eager gleam in Kendall’s eyes.

  “I put something special inside for y’all,” Charlotte said, opening one of the doors indicating a gaily wrapped present inside. “Think of it as an early engagement gift, but don’t open it until later tonight. The girls still want to take the two of you to supper. If you open it we may not see you for the rest of your stay.” The merriment in Charlotte’s blue eyes and the pink in her cheeks made Maya wonder what was in the gift.

  Closing the cabinet, her lovely, blonde friend led them out the French doors and showed them their private patio. “There’s a wedding reception being held later tonight. Unfortunately,” she added gesturing to the pavilion roof on the other side of the cedar fence, which gave them complete privacy, “the pavilion backs up to your cottage. I hope it won’t be too much of an inconvenience.”

  Maya shook her head and started to reassure Charlotte, and then noticed the devilish twinkle in her eyes. “You kinky little minx!”

  Charlotte shrugged and giggled. “I just thought you’d want to know, that’s all. Nobody will be able to see onto your patio. And with the band playing they probably couldn’t hear either.”

  Maya replied, “That’s good to know.” Kendall never said a word, but Maya noted the mischievous grin on his face.

  When Maya had let the rest of her friends know she was back in town overnight, Sheryl, Trina, Linna, and Charlotte all insisted on taking them to supper once more.

  Linna, one of the realtors Morgan had worked with, quizzed Kendall about Divine, asking him what the real estate market was like and if decent housing was easily available. Sheryl was less bashful this time and wanted to know whether the citizens of Divine gave Maya a hard time for being in a polyamorous relationship.

  Kendall replied, “Unfortunately, we have to fly under the radar as much as possible. We have some unfriendly folks in town who are making it a little difficult for the girls right now.” He told them about the blog and the continued harassment they’d been dealing with.

  Maya nodded. The girls grew quiet and gave her their attention. “For some reason the bulk of their gossip and moral outcry seems to be directed at us, the women in the relationships. That’s why I think it must be a woman behind the blog being written. The men are painted almost as innocent, beguiled victims.”

  “Still no idea who is behind the blog?” Sheryl asked as she sipped her soda.

  Kendall replied, “The last I heard, the guys who are investigating the blog and the attacks at the shop had some leads they’re working on.”

  Trina, one of her former neighbors and fellow book-lover, hmphed in disgust and said, “I should move there just so I can stalk those jerks and kick their asses. Kendall, do you know any single, cowboy hotties who aren’t spoken for yet? One? Two? Three, maybe?”

  “Trina, it would take one hell of a cowboy to keep you under control. He might have to use a rope,” Sheryl said with a snicker.

  “And a paddle!” Charlotte chimed in.

  Linna choked on her iced tea and added, “And a gingerroot butt plug!”

  “Ouch!” Maya said as she shushed them all. Restaurant patrons were staring. “I don’t think she’s that bad.”

  Kendall laughed at Trina’s straightforward questions and told her irrepressible friend that he knew several cowboys who hadn’t been claimed yet. The other women laughed uproariously when Trina whooped for joy and declared she was moving to Divine.

  Maya wished they all could. She would miss her friends very much. When she told them so, they fought tears and promised they would come for a visit.

  When they returned to the cottage, the wedding reception was in full swing under the twinkling lights strung abundantly from the ceiling of the pavilion.

  After dead-bolting the front door, Kendall strode toward her with a predatory gleam in his chocolate brown eyes, unbuttoning the cuffs on his button-down shirt. She watched his tanned hands, his fingers moving nimbly on the buttons. Thoughts of him using those sensuous fingers on her had her pussy tingling with longing in a split second.

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Kendall crooked a finger at her, and she went to him as if drawn on a marionette string. He removed her lightweight summer dress and thong then allowed her to unbutton his shirt front. She slipped the shirt from his broad, thickly muscled shoulders, and he stood and removed his jeans and boxers.

  After they were both naked, Kendall removed something from his suitcase and tugged her hand and drew her to the French doors leading onto their private patio. Noiselessly, he opened it, and they stepped out into the moonlight completely naked. Conversations and laughter filtered to them through the privacy fence, but no movement from the other side was visible. A thrilling sizzle of heat rushed through her as the warm, evening breeze rushed over her nude body, culminating in her drenched pussy.

  “Come sit in my lap,” he murmured, taking a seat in a comfortable-looking, padded patio chair.

  He drew her to him so she faced him, straddling his thighs with her ass perched on his knees. The warm, nighttime breeze sent a shudder through her whole body, and her pussy quivered with need. She caressed his cock as she kissed him and whispered, “Aren’t you glad I got back on the pill?”

  “Babydoll, you have no idea how glad I am.”

  Maya lifted up and wrapped her arms around his neck. He positioned his cock and sighed blissfully as she slid down on him.

  On the other side of the fence, a conversation concerning the colors the bride had chosen to decorate her new home in continued. The band started the next song, and there was a smattering of applause.

  “They’re a few feet away from us and have no idea,” Maya whispered. She balanced on her tiptoes and reveled lustily in the feel of his strong hands gripping her hips as she moved fluidly up and down on his cock. She tucked her knees in beside his hips and leaned forward, changing the angle of their connection, and had to stifle a groan at the pleasure coursing through her body.

  “Imagine the fence disappearing, Maya. They can see you sitting in my lap, riding my cock.”

  She held on to him as she pictured the wedding guests watching in fascination as Kendall and Maya made love under the moonlight. Some would be shocked, but others would watch and be turned-on by the sight of their sweat-sheened bodies joined together and the way Kendall held her so securely in his arms.

  She love
d knowing they watched her but kept her eyes focused on Kendall’s face. The feel of him inside her without the latex barrier was divine, so hot and slick.

  “I’m so close, Kendall.”

  “Me, too, babydoll. They’re watching you. You’re so beautiful like this, and they can’t take their eyes off of you.”

  Resting her cheek on his thick shoulder as they continued moving together, she closed her eyes and imagined it. The moonlight was shining down on them, their entwined flesh luminous in the lunar glow. She heard a very faint whirring sound and had to stifle a cry when he gently applied one of the battery-operated toothbrushes they’d used as a vibrator to her clit. He began thrusting hard as the telltale spasms started within her.

  His whispered voice did her in. “They might enjoy what they’re watching, but they can’t ever touch. You’re mine.”

  Oh, so completely, totally yours!

  They moved together until they reached the silent crescendo. The orgasm slammed into her, and she raised her lips to his to mute her cry. His arms tightened around her as he thrust powerfully several times before becoming motionless with a shaky groan. He held her tight, and his body practically vibrated with his orgasm. He tilted his head back as his cock pulsed inside her, and she watched his handsome face in fascination as he bit his lower lip.

  When he was finally able, Kendall whispered, “Wonder what other household items we can pervert.”

  Maya had to put her hand over her mouth to suppress her laughter. “Speaking of kinky and perverted, we can open Charlotte and Zane’s gift now.”

  Kendall assisted her as she lifted off of him and led her back into the cottage. After closing the door, she opened the armoire and took out the gift. They unwrapped it together, and Kendall slit the tape on the cardboard box with his pocketknife. Inside, amidst frothy, white packing peanuts were two smaller boxes. She pulled out the one on top.

  Kendall studied the picture on the label and said, “Now that looks kinky. What does it say?”

  Maya read the description. “Genuine leather forced orgasm belt. Oh! She didn’t!”

  Kendall let loose with an evil chuckle as he removed the other box and turned it so she could read the packaging. “The hell you say.”

  It was a Hitachi Magic Wand. She pulled the fitted leather belt from its wrappings and held it up. The belt had buckles at the waist, and two adjustable straps that extended down between the legs, and more adjustable buckles at both hips. The belt was fitted with an opening at the apex of the thighs so that the head of the magic wand could be secured into the belt. With hands cuffed and restrained there would be no way out of that contraption until Kendall let her out.

  “Thank you, Charlotte,” Maya said breathlessly, now certain it was going to be a long, wild night.

  Maya giggled as Kendall started undoing the buckles and said in a groovy, suggestive voice, “And thank you, Mister Hitachi. Bow-chicka-wow-wow.”

  * * * *

  “Maya, I’m so jealous right now,” Grace said as they walked up to the nondescript but clean-looking storefront in the old downtown district of Morehead. They’d just had lunch at Nikolai’s Café, and Maya was anxious to get started at their next destination, Desired Ink Body Art. Grace had wanted a tattoo since getting a look at the one on her hip.

  “Having to wait until after the baby comes will give you time to design the right tattoo. You don’t want something generic that came out of a book, do you?”

  Maya chuckled when Grace whined as she said, “No, but…”

  “This will also give you a chance to see what it’s like to get a tattoo. You may change your mind.”

  “Doubtful, but you’re right. Ethan said he would help with the art, and I do want it to be completely unique.”

  They walked into the cool, dry air of the tattoo studio.

  After confirming her appointment, Maya handed him her drawing, and they got started. The artist, Jim Durbin, pulled up a chair for Grace to sit in when she told him she was a writer and wanted to observe Maya getting a tattoo as research for a book. Jim took one look at Grace’s rounded abdomen, smiled, and pulled a surgical mask from a box on the counter. She hooked the mask behind her ears and settled quietly.

  Maya got comfortable on his table and exposed her left hip.

  He tucked drapes into the waistband of her yoga pants and said, “I don’t normally recommend including names on tattoos. I know we talked about this when you visited the shop last week, but are you sure you want to add names? You can always think it over and I can do them later, if you really want them.”

  “Jim, I’m positive. I want you to add the names.”

  He nodded. “If you’re sure.”

  “One hundred percent sure.”

  He sterilized the area and went to work. Jim embellished the existing tattoo, crafting a third rose. He deepened the shade of red on the existing roses then added swirling ribbons where the roses were bunched together. Jim replicated Maya’s design then tattooed the wording along the ribbons.

  Maya settled in as he worked with the tools of his trade. She breathed through the rapid, microscopic pinpricks, gradually settling into a place where the pain was exceeded not by her will to ignore it, but by her excitement at the thought of how her men would respond to the new tattoo. By the time Jim was done, she was euphoric and “floaty,” as though she was in subspace.

  “It’s perfect, Maya,” Grace said, as Jim cleaned the area and covered it.

  * * * *

  “Couldn’t you just trust me to keep my eyes closed?” Maya asked later that afternoon as Richard tied the blindfold at the back of her head. They were seated in the backseat of Boone’s truck about to go she knew not where.

  Boone chuckled and said, “Maya, the blindfold is sexy on you and you might as well get used to wearing one.”

  “That’s right, babydoll,” Kendall said as he climbed into the truck. “We plan to have one on you regularly for playtime.”

  She didn’t put it past them either. They were constantly surprising and amusing her. Just that morning, she’d caught them while they were in the bathroom brushing their teeth. They’d grinned at her with devilment in their eyes before going back to their daily hygiene ritual. Kendall lifted his toothbrush to her, and she laughed so hard she snorted. They were all brushing their teeth with the battery-operated toothbrushes they’d used as vibrators on her.

  The month of May and the beginning of June had gone by quickly between her convalescence from her injuries and the guys finalizing the plans for the new house, for which they were breaking ground that weekend.

  Ace and Kemp were still working the investigation into the Divine Morality blog with limited success. Maya prayed they would find the culprit soon because she could tell how much it troubled her men. They’d had several leads in the club and were still working to find the connection. They had their hands full with the attacks that kept occurring at Discretion which was disquieting for all the men. Kemp and Ace were devoting part of their time to watching over the ladies, which Maya didn’t think they minded very much. Summer seemed pleased about it, too.

  They journeyed down the drive and turned onto the state highway. Her excitement rose as she realized they headed in the direction of the JWB.

  Finally, the truck slowed, turned, and pulled to a stop. She heard murmurs, and then gentle hands released the blindfold as Kendall spoke. “This is the first surprise.”

  Maya blinked and opened her eyes, squinting them as they adjusted to the bright afternoon sun. All three men gazed at her, and she smiled then looked around, wondering where the surprise was. Boone pointed out the windshield. She leaned forward slightly and gasped.

  “You changed the name!”

  They had taken the old ranch emblem down from the pipe arch entry, which had been the JWB brand logo with a circle around it. In its place was the new brand, MWTD, within an oval. Welded to the pipe underneath was the name of the ranch spelled out, “Maya Warner’s Triple Dare.”

Oh, my God,” she whispered in a rush.

  With one voice, they spoke quietly, their hearts in their eyes. “Marry us, Maya.”

  Maya’s heart was bursting with love for them as she replied, “Take me down to the creek, and I’ll give you my answer.”

  The men grinned and looked curiously at her when she didn’t say more. They parked at the homesite, which had been completely bulldozed and cleared of all debris. All that remained was bare dirt where the footprint of the house had been, in preparation to start the new house that weekend. Boone parked the truck and helped her down while Kendall and Richard gathered the blanket and the picnic basket. They had packed a romantic picnic supper and had even brought along a bottle of wine.

  Laughing playfully, she allowed Boone to talk her into taking a piggyback ride for part of the walk to the creek. She waited patiently until after the blanket was spread in their secret little spot and then said, “I want to take advantage of the lovely evening and the privacy down here by eating naked. Anyone interested?”

  Maya chuckled as her sexy, handsome lovers doffed their clothing with speed and agility. They were naked and seated in a semicircle around her before she even got started disrobing.

  She bit her bottom lip as she gazed at them. Their eyes were on her, waiting, and her heart lurched at the love she saw there. Slowly she removed her shirt and bra and gave Richard a crooked little grin when he groaned appreciatively. He made her feel so beautiful. They all did.

  “I want to show you something. Then I’ll give you the answer to your proposal.”


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