Book Read Free

The Eye of Luvelles

Page 21

by Phillip Jones

  George’s duplicate declared, “This is your final test. You won’t be allowed to leave this place of bonding until I’ve determined you’re ready.”

  The imposter lifted his hands. A wave of force knocked George and Payne across the clearing. They landed on the back side of the mound that sat on the outskirts of the clearing.

  George shook out the cobwebs and peeked back over the top of the hill. “That sum-bitch just tried to jack us up. I knew this was gonna suck. I’m gonna have to go medieval on my own ass. Holy garesh!” George lifted from the ground and released his magic. Fire covered his alternate, only to be deflected by a bubble of protection.

  “Take that … you garesh piece, sort of Master,” Payne shouted, and then the fairy-demon followed George’s assault with an attack of his own. He teleported behind his duplicate and ripped into his shoulder with his claws and then carried his enemy skyward.

  The fight was on.

  Ancients Sovereign

  The Hall of Judgment

  Mieonus, Goddess of Hate, called for a meeting with Lasidious and Celestria and asked them to come to Gabriel’s hall. The Book of Immortality was also present.

  As they sat around the heavy, stone table, Mieonus was the first to speak. “Lasidious, I thought George was on Luvelles.” The goddess pushed her long, dark hair behind her ears and adjusted her elegant, white gown as she waited for his response.

  “Why would you waste our moments by bringing us here to discuss this?”

  Mieonus leaned forward and played with the Book’s golden stand as she responded. “I haven’t been able to find George. Is this some sort of trick you’ve played?”

  Lasidious grinned. “No, Mieonus, there’s no trick. You must think beyond what your small mind is capable of comprehending. Mosley was the one who said George was on Luvelles, not me. Knowing the wolf the way I do, I don’t think he would lie.”

  Mieonus stomped her lifted heel against the floor. “Then why can’t I sense his presence? I should be able to now that I know where he is.”

  Celestria spoke up. “George is inside the Book of Bonding on Head Master Brayson’s desk. I would not worry about it. We don’t intend to share the location of the crystal’s whereabouts until George has had a chance to find his way through the bonding process. We understand you deserve the chance to manipulate George into going after the third piece of the Crystal Moon. Perhaps you should relax.”

  Mieonus pushed her chair back and stood from the table. “Then it sounds as if everything is under control. I shall visit with the Head Master to see what I can learn.” Mieonus nodded in the Book’s direction. “Gabriel, as always, it was good to see you.” The goddess vanished.

  Gabriel rolled his eyes, floated across the table and then lowered his binding onto its surface in front of Lasidious. “You’re playing with the gods as if they’re puppets. In my opinion, this game is a diversion for something larger. I don’t know what it is, but I intend to find out.”

  Lasidious was about to respond, but before he could, Mosley appeared. The wolf moved to the head of the table to address the Mischievous One. “I need to speak under the Rule of Fromalla, and I’d like this conversation to happen within the confines of your home, Lasidious.”

  The Book floated over to the wolf. “Am I to be part of this exchange?”

  “I’m sorry, Gabriel, but I wish to speak with Lasidious and Celestria alone.”

  The Book grunted and floated out of the hall. After a moment, Mosley continued. “If you agree, I’ll meet you there.”

  Celestria looked at Lasidious. After a moment, they agreed and then vanished.

  Mosley followed.

  Once everyone had arrived, they sat around the table near the green flames of the gods’ fireplace that cast an eerie glow. Mosley turned one of the chairs into a platform and jumped on top of it and then lowered to his haunches.

  Celestria lit some of the candles she had placed throughout the room earlier that Peak while Lasidious waved his hand across the table and caused a feast to appear.

  The Mischievous One leaned back, put his feet up next to a roasted bird and then crossed his arms. “Mosley, I’m curious. What could be so important that it would require the Rule of Fromalla to be invoked before we could speak?”

  Mosley swallowed a bite of vestle chick meat. “Shalee is on her way to Grogger’s Swamp. Something unexpected has happened … something that has caused my mind concern. The leader of the Order has sent his son, Kiayasis, to escort Shalee. I was on Merchant Island when Kiayasis introduced himself. He told Shalee the Head Master sent him, but I know this was a lie.”

  “Who do you think sent him?” Celestria responded.

  The wolf scratched the back of his neck. “I would wager he was sent by Boyafed. My question is ... why? Why would the Order care about a sorceress from Grayham? I spoke with Hosseff to see if he had anything to do with it, but it was clear the shade had no idea what I was talking about. After I left, I came to the conclusion that it was the two of you. You were the ones to make this happen.”

  The wolf’s green eyes narrowed. “I know I’m right. So don’t deny it.”

  Celestria smiled and stood from the table. She walked over to Mosley, lowered next to the wolf and then rubbed the fur on the top of his head. “Why is Shalee going to Grogger’s Swamp? What could possibly be there that she would find remotely interesting?”

  Mosley sighed. He looked the goddess in the eye. “I know you intentionally left the clue on your gown for me to find. I smelled its scent. You must give me credit. I have led many packs throughout my seasons, and I know Lasidious was the one who convinced Boyafed to send Kiayasis.”

  The wolf looked at Lasidious. “We have had an understanding between us, though it has remained unspoken. I have given you the respect you deserve by coming to you first. In return, I would ask you give me the same. I have invoked the Rule of Fromalla to ensure your secret stays safe. Level with me, and tell me the reason for this manipulation.”

  Lasidious chuckled as he stood from the table. “Mosley, of all the gods, I like you the most. You’re perceptive and relentless. I did ask Boyafed to send Kiayasis. I figured you would choose Shalee to go after the crystal, and you’re right, we did leave a clue on Celestria’s gown.”

  Mosley sat back and scratched his neck again. “Why would you do that?”

  “Because your team needs to capture this piece in order to keep our game going. If Mieonus’ team seizes it, the Book will require me to surrender the Crystal Moon to the Temple of the Gods. Evil would rule for eternity.”

  Lasidious placed his hands on the back of Celestria’s shoulders. “We’re not naïve, Mosley. We know there must be a balance between good and evil. This is how things should be. I want this piece of the crystal to be captured by your team.”

  The wolf took a moment to digest the Mischievous One’s words and then responded. “Why would you send Kiayasis to provide Shalee an escort? His heart is dark, and he serves Hosseff.”

  Lasidious looked at Celestria. “Would you care to answer that one?”

  Celestria lowered her glass of wine to the table. “We sent Kiayasis because the Order is feared. Kiayasis’ presence will ensure that Shalee makes it to her destination. We all know Luvelles is full of magic stronger than what she commands. She’s traveling through the Kingdom of Hyperia, and as we all know, this is where much of the darkness on Luvelles resides. Beyond what help we’ve already given Shalee, your precious sorceress can find her own way home to Grayham after she captures the crystal. If she stumbles across someone who would harm her, then so be it.”

  Mosley put his paws on the edge of the table and rose up. He snatched a piece of rare meat off a plate and swallowed it. “It seems my questions have been answered, but something is still not right. I haven’t figured it out yet, but I’m sure the answer will present itself during some other series of moments. I’m sure we will speak again. Thank you.” The wolf vanished.

  Celestria glared at Lasidiou
s and belted out a wave of questions. “Do you think Mosley and the Book are putting the pieces of our plan together? Do you think they know we’re stalling? Are we losing our advantage? Do you think they know about our baby?”

  The Mischievous One reclaimed his chair and pulled Celestria onto his lap. He answered with a soft voice. “If they knew anything, we would have been ended by now. They can suspect all they want. The Book can do nothing unless it has evidence we’ve broken a law. Our baby is safe, and we’re still alive. All we need to do it stay the course.”

  The Mischievous One kissed Celestria’s forehead. “Soon, our baby will be old enough to command his power. Garrin will be able to take control of Gabriel with our help. Then, and only then, will there be nothing to worry about. It doesn’t matter if they seek the truth. By the moment they put it all together, it’ll be too late.”

  The goddess cupped the Mischievous One’s face and traced his lips with her tongue. “Your confidence is intoxicating, my pet. Perhaps you should demonstrate more of it.”

  Lasidious grinned. “Perhaps I will.”

  Their lips met. Soft at first and then the pressure built as their heartbeats rose. Lasidious lifted Celestria off his lap, pinned his lover against the wall near the fireplace, and ... well ... fellow soul … the rest will be left to your imagination.

  A New Peak has Fallen Across Western Luvelles

  The Village of Gogswayne

  Gage awoke and stretched his furry body. The badger jumped down from the serwin’s bed and then reached up to grab his cane off the top of the mattress. The badger’s body was given the moments necessary to recoup, and he was strong enough to venture out of Gallrum’s home.

  Now, fellow soul ... allow me to tell you about Gallrum and the master he abandoned. As you know, serwin was the name of Gallrum’s race. But what you don’t know, their race occupied the forest of Shade Hollow. As a child, Gallrum was abducted from his village and bonded to a wizard named Balecut. Like many of those who occupied Gogswayne, Gallrum left his master and sought refuge to escape the abuse.

  The absence of Gallrum kept Balecut from growing stronger. Yet despite the goswig’s absence, Balecut was still considered one of the most powerful wizards on Luvelles, third only to Brayson and Marcus. Gregory was also more powerful than Balecut, but the White Chancellor chose the path of a warlock and commanded a different form of the arts.

  Unlike every other morning, Gage was alone. Gallrum was nowhere to be found inside his quaint, little home. The badger took a deep breath and opened the door. He was surprised by what he saw as he leaned against his cane.

  If the badger would not have known they were underground, he would have sworn the village had been built on the surface. The magic here had to be strong. It appeared as if the village had its own sun. Plants grew, trees blossomed, and a gentle breeze passed through their branches. The ground was wet. It had just rained, and the patchy, gray clouds that floated by seemed to move along like any normal thunderhead.

  Gallrum’s home was located at the end of a well-traveled pathway, and on each side of this path were many storefronts.

  Gage adjusted his robe and began to walk. The structures appeared to be similar to Gallrum’s, though many were much larger, and sold most anything he could think of: flowers, furniture, food, elixirs, and many other items.

  “You must be Gage,” a voice called out.

  The badger redirected his attention. A large brown bear was approaching. “I am. You must be Strongbear. Gallrum told me about you.”

  “I trust it was pleasant?”

  “Most of it.” Gage grinned so the bear would know he was jesting.

  “Wonderful.” Strongbear tossed the badger an item he had quilted. “I made you a blanket. I make everyone something when they arrive. I was hoping you’d be out today. I trust you’re feeling better.”

  “I am.”

  “Recovering after visiting the Ultorian’s city can be difficult. Come with me, and I’ll feed you.”

  “I don’t know that I feel up to moving around that much. Perhaps I’ll eat with you on the morrow.”

  Strongbear lifted Gage from the ground. “Nonsense. I’ll just carry you. Are you with me ... or are you against me?”

  The badger had no idea how to respond. “Ummm ... I’m with you, I suppose.”

  The chubby bear grabbed his belly with his free paw and chuckled. His belly jiggled. “You’re going to make a fine addition to Gogswayne. Let’s get you some food. What-da-ya say? Are you with me ... or are you against me?”

  “Ummm ... I thought I just stated I was with you.”

  “Oh yeah. So you’re with me then. How grand.” The bear scratched the top of his head as if he was lost in thought.

  Gage could see that Strongbear was trying to determine if he remembered the badger saying he was with him. Gage cleared his throat to get the bear’s attention. “Since you’re carrying me, food does sound delightful. Gallrum told me about your diner. He said you have the finest quaggle a goswig could eat.”

  Strongbear’s belly bounced as he chuckled again. “I wouldn’t listen to Gallrum’s idea of fine dining. A serwin considers corgan flies an acceptable meal. Quaggle is an assortment of eyeballs that I pluck from fish and retrieve from a corgan slaughterhouse just outside the city of Inspiration. It takes me nearly 2 Peaks to gather enough eyes to fill Gallrum’s bowl. I’ve never told the serwin that he’s the only one I serve this meal. He tells everyone how grand my quaggle is. The occupants of Gogswayne just allow him to have this fantasy. I’ll feed you something far more pleasant.”

  Gage smiled. “Something more pleasant sounds nice.”

  Strongbear laughed as he began to trot down the path. “I’ve lived in Gogswayne for over 600 seasons, and although I didn’t intend it to happen, the population has a tendency to look to me for guidance.”

  “Let me guess. They’re all with you,” Gage jested, seizing the opportunity to poke fun.

  Again, the bear laughed. “That’s exactly right. I suppose it’s a good position to be in when you want to get something done. But, for the most part, I simply feed everyone and make blankets and other treasures.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever met a sewing bear,” the badger inserted.

  Strongbear lifted a brow and stopped jogging. “I hope you’re not judging my delight for crafting.”

  “No. Of course not,” Gage dismissed. “I would never do such a thing. I apologize if it sounded that way.”

  “Apology accepted.” Strongbear continued to jog down the path. “Don’t judge this old bear by the fur that covers him. I have many skills other than sewing. I also knit.” He stopped in front of his diner, lowered Gage to the ground, then leaned over and whispered, “My other skills aside, I make my own special brew of ale and a wonderful corgan jerky. Are you a drinker?”

  “I have been known to toss down a few on occasion.” Gage winked. “Show me a full mug, and I’ll show you the bottom of it.”

  Stongbear stood up straight and grabbed the bottom of his chin with his paw. “I think I’m going to like you. What-da-ya-say ... come on in and grab a drink? Are you with me ... or are you against me?”

  Gage shook his head. “Didn’t we already determine that?”

  Strongbear laughed, “I suppose we did.” Again, the bear leaned down, “I’m already on my fifth ale this morning.”

  “So, that’s what that smell is.”

  Strongbear stood and pointed at Gage. “I’m going to like you.”


  A Moment of Passion

  KIAYASIS HELD JOSS AT a steady pace, but the krape lord’s energy and desire to run made the task difficult. With there being no direct route to Grogger’s Swamp, their immediate goal was to reach the western shore of Lake Iple within 3 Peaks.

  Shalee was riding behind Kiayasis. They intended to follow the southern edge of the Mountains of Vesper to its furthest point west. From there, they would head for the western shore of Lake Iple and then continue n
orth until Kiayasis commanded the krape lord to circle the Petrified Forest and follow the coast of the inlet to Bestep.

  “Tell me about your family,” Shalee said as she held onto Kiayasis while Joss bounded across the hilly terrain.

  “My father is a good man. He’s the leader of the Order. My mother, I’m sad to say, has passed.”

  “Awww ... how awful. I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be. She lived a good existence. She was a gentle woman. Everyone loved her. She taught me how to treat a lady and how to be a good man. Her name was Gwen, and I remember her for her beauty.”

  “You make your mother sound like a goddess. I wish I could say the same thing about my mother. As much as I’d like to, I can’t think of anything to say, other than she was a little irritating. Don’t get me wrong, there were moments when we bonded, but it all seems to be outweighed by her ability to ruin moments. I did love her, though.”

  Kiayasis twisted just enough to capture Shalee’s eyes. “Despite your mother’s shortcomings, a bit of perfection was born on the Peak you came into the worlds.” He winked and then faced forward.

  Shalee was unsure how to respond. Instead of ruining the moment like her mother would have, she squeezed her arms about the dark warrior’s waist and grinned.

  Kiayasis put his hand on Shalee’s forearms and caressed the length of them with two soft strokes. He then commanded Joss into a gliding run. The beast sprang into the air with his hind legs and used his massive wings to cover a fair distance before the weight forced Joss back to the ground.

  As the krape lord bounced again, Shalee shouted, “Woo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo!”

  Mary’s Home

  Brayson knocked on Mary’s front door. When she opened it, a bright smile appeared on her face. She pulled him inside and then threw herself into his arms. Their embrace was passionate. Brayson took the opportunity to steal his first kiss, and neither wanted the moment to end.


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