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The Eye of Luvelles

Page 46

by Phillip Jones

  “What do you mean? Other than killing Shalee, everything else will be a walk in the park. I just need to put the finishing touches on the war with Marcus, and—”

  Lasidious stopped the warlock mid-sentence. “About the war ... let it develop on its own. Don’t worry about Marcus for now. Your moments need to be spent elsewhere. You need to go to Harvestom.”

  “What? How in the hell do you expect me to explain that to Athena? I can’t move us to another world. She would freak out. She would hit every stinking wall in the house. I don’t want to live with a pissed-off, pregnant woman, Lasidious. It’s dangerous, even with all the power I’ve got. And what would I tell Mary? How would I explain it that she has to leave Brayson?

  “Normally, I like your ideas, Lasidious, but this one sucks garesh. If I have to choose Athena, her family, and my unborn baby over getting Abbie’s soul out of the Book, I’ll do it. I won’t lose Athena. She means everything to me ... and so does her family.”

  The Mischievous One listened to George rant as he scooped the warlock’s image out of the fire and set it on the table. After putting his feet up, he leaned back and put his hands behind his head. “I’m not asking you to leave Luvelles, George. I have seen to it that you have the ability to call upon the power of the Ancient Mystics for a reason. I built your confidence so the Eye would grant you the power you need for this next task. You have the ability to teleport between the lower three worlds.”

  “What do you mean, ‘lower three worlds?’”

  “I mean you can teleport to Harvestom, Luvelles, and Grayham. You can move freely between them. As you know, as long as you’re familiar with where you’re going, you can travel to your destinations within a matter of moments. You’re the only mortal on the lower three worlds with this ability.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Blah, blah, blah. Whatever. I don’t have knowledge of Harvestom. How do you expect me to get there? And why can’t I teleport to the other two worlds?”

  Lasidious took a deep breath. “To answer your question ... you cannot teleport to the other two worlds because you’re not powerful enough to pass through the magic that fills their atmospheres. It’s that simple.”

  “Okay, but that doesn’t help me get to Harvestom.”

  Lasidious leaned forward in his chair. He reached into the flame with his finger and touched the image of George on the head. “I’ll give you a vision of a key location on Harvestom, but beyond that, you’ll need to learn its lands on your own. The power necessary to give you more locations could alert the others of the Collective as to what we’re doing. We cannot allow this. You don’t have to fight with Athena to save Abbie. Your family can stay on Luvelles.

  George rolled to a more comfortable position. “So this leaves me with another question. Are you telling me that I’m still weak, magically speaking, compared to the other two worlds? That’s pretty hard to imagine if I am.”

  Lasidious smiled as he leaned back in his chair again. “I understand the limitations of your mind. It wasn’t so long ago when you felt magic and talking jaguars to be unimaginable. I’m sure you don’t believe you’re all-powerful. You’re far from it, I assure you. There has never been a man, or an elf for that matter, since the creation of the new worlds, who has been able to summon even the most basic power of the Ancient Mystics before Brayson Id. He found a way to rise to this level throughout his seasons. But even he is considered powerless compared to the Ancient Mystics on Trollcom. Trollcom is heavily populated by them, and the trolls also wield a magic similar in strength. Don’t be foolish, George. You’re doing well, but you’re not ready to stand against what you would face on the upper two worlds. You would be considered a meager irritation against their magic ... like a bug they would simply swat.”

  George quickly responded, “But once I find a way to match their magic, I’ll be considered powerful, right?”

  Lasidious laughed. “No, George. Even the Ancient Mystics are considered powerless to those who dwell on Dragonia. The dragons have power that rivals the weakest of the gods’. Their power gives them the title, Swayne Enserad. This is the final level you must master before becoming enlightened. Even the Swayne Enserad have trouble mastering their power. In the last 10,000 seasons, not one being has managed to become enlightened and ascend to godhood. I intend to see to it that you’re the first.”

  “Holy garesh, Lasidious! You’re grooming me to become a god? Athena’s going to want a much better house if I acquire that kind of magic.”

  Lasidious smirked. “There’s no place more beautiful than the hidden god world. Once I control the Book of Immortality, you’ll have your daughter’s soul, and your family can move to Ancients Sovereign.”

  Lasidious dropped his feet to the floor. “You’re the most powerful being on the lower three worlds, save one ... the Priestess of Harvestom. But we shall speak of her later. For now, your growth would be considered adequate since your arrival on Grayham, don’t you think?”

  The warlock thought a moment. “I suppose you’re right. So I’ll need to become an Ancient Mystic and then a Swayne Enserad before becoming a god. Am I understanding you right?”

  Lasidious smiled. “Yes.”

  “Does this mean you’re going to need my help getting Abbie’s soul out of the Book? Because that wasn’t part of the plan.”

  Lasidious pulled back his hood. “Getting Abbie released is something we can accomplish before you become enlightened, providing you live long enough.”

  “ What do you mean by that?’ What the hell?”

  “It means you have to avoid being ended while on the other worlds, just like you have avoided this outcome on Grayham and Luvelles. I wouldn’t worry though. Aside from a small task we need to accomplish on Trollcom, a task you won’t need stronger magic for, you won’t see the upper two worlds again for nearly a season. You have work to do on the lower three. A prophet’s work is never done.” Lasidious winked.

  George rolled onto the flat of his back. “Oh, hell no! You’ve got to be kidding me! You want me to become your prophet? Are you out of your damn mind?”

  George waited for a response, but when one never came, he continued his rant. “I can see it now. You want me to run around praising your supposed good name. What a joke that is. I’m going to laugh my ass off for Peaks.”

  Lasidious had to grin. “It’s all part of the plan to get your daughter back, George. You don’t have to believe to preach. You learned that on Earth. All you have to do is share the good word, and allow the people to decide what they believe for themselves. Do you want your daughter back? It’s your choice.”

  The warlock thought long and hard before he responded. “Make no mistake, Lasidious, I don’t like this idea one bit. In fact, it makes me sick to my stomach. But if that is what it takes to get my Abbie back, then I’m on board with your pile of garesh. And by the way, I think you mean you want me to be your false prophet.” A grin appeared on George’s sleeping face. “It appears a false prophet’s work is never done.”

  Lasidious smirked. “George, you wound my pride with such cutting words. I thought we were better friends than that. Do you really dislike this idea as much as you claim?”

  “No doubt! I don’t just dislike it, I hate it. I hate it a lot, in fact. But like I already said, if this is what it takes to get my Abbie back, then so be it. We both know you’re just as full of garesh as I am, so stop playing wounded. You couldn’t care less if I liked the plan or not, so let’s just be honest for a moment. You and I get along simply because we have something in common. I have something you need, and you have something I want. This relationship is based on our desire to accomplish selfish goals that happen to benefit the other. And as I’ve stated twice already, as long as this gets my Abbie back, I’ll do whatever it takes ... even be your false prophet ... providing ... and I do mean providing ... it doesn’t affect my ability to keep Athena and her family safe. I won’t sacrifice my love for Athena to retrieve my daughter’s soul from the Book. I would let t
he idea of seeing my daughter again go before I fail Athena in our marriage. It’s bad enough that I’ve had to lie to her already. I can’t allow deceiving her to continue. You and I need to be careful with how we treat my relationship with her and the rest of her family. I hope you’re on the same page as me on this one, because if you’re not, I’m done.”

  Lasidious grabbed hold of his chin in thought. “It seems we each appreciate the other’s position. I agree.”

  “Good!” George’s tone changed to something a bit happier. “I’m sure Brayson will be thrilled to keep his position as Head Master. I’ll have to do a little creative thinking, but I’m sure I can pull this off. So what’s my role on Harvestom to be, and when can I get a little more of this Ancient Mystic magic? I feel like I’m always on a gentle high because of it.”

  “Whoa! Slow down, George. First things first. I have things to tell you. We have plans to make. I also have something to say about Brayson’s phoenix and the hidden god world. First...” The conversation continued.

  The Underground Village of Gogswayne

  Gage was standing beside the entrance to Strongbear’s cave using the tip of his cane to draw pictures in the dirt while he waited. The brown bear had gone into such a deep hibernation that he was struggling to come out of it. The use of magic had been substantial to bring back the change of season, and now, it was only a matter of moments before the big bear would emerge.

  Gallrum had left to report Strongbear’s condition to Ultor, and Gage was dreading how angry the bear would be once he realized the village had conspired to put him to sleep. Gage was considering the idea of having Gallrum deliver the news upon his return, justifying his decision on the fact that he did not have the seniority to deliver such news.

  Mary’s Home, the Next Morning

  Just Before the Peak of Bailem

  The family gathered at Mary’s home for breakfast. George was sitting next to Brayson as they watched more than 30 people, along with Payne, move throughout the house. Kepler had come and gone. The jaguar had reported that his power to control skeletons was no longer his to command, and then the cat left to retire to his lair beneath the rocks to sulk.

  Meanwhile, Payne was showing off. He was flying from one family member to the next, doing his best to impress them with his newfound ability to form complete sentences.

  As George studied his surroundings, all he could do was marvel at how his life had turned into one big fantasy. Never in his wildest imagination, would he have believed that many of the things he had seen in movies while on Earth could have been founded on potential facts. He could only assume that there had been beings on Earth who understood the reality of what the gods were. They must have known what was on the other worlds that were scattered throughout the galaxy prior to the Great Destruction. He was not sure if any new concept could be given the title “fiction” any longer.

  Brayson looked up from his plate of greggled hash. “George, I’m sure you have much on your mind, but have you made a decision?”

  George finished chewing a piece of his chicken-fried corgan steak, and swallowed it. “This is a conversation that’s best left for your office. What do you say we head out?”

  It was not long before both men appeared inside Brayson’s office. George moved to the window and looked out. After Brayson showed him how it functioned, George commanded the window to find Shalee. The window zoomed in across the world and settled on the entrance to the Void Maze, but it could not penetrate the magic surrounding the maze to produce her image.

  George turned from the window. “How long has she been in there with your brother?”

  Brayson looked confused. “How did you know she’s with my brother? Did the goddess tell you this?”

  “I’ll explain, but first, tell me how long they’ve been in the maze.”

  Brayson moved to take a seat. “I would imagine that with my brother’s past knowledge of the dungeon and considering the fact you’ve ended most everything inside it, they should be arriving at the Source’s Temple at any moment.”

  George nodded. “This is good, but there are a few problems we need to chat about. I’ve got some things to say that aren’t going to sit well with you. But I need you to hear me out before you respond. This is going to sound bad, and it’s gonna be tough to swallow. I’m not kidding when I say that this is going to require you to have an open mind.”

  Brayson frowned. “I’m listening.”

  “First ... I’ve decided that the god we serve isn’t worth our service. Mieonus was the one who commanded me to do the hurtful things I did. One of these things was what caused the death of your friend, Amar.”

  Brayson stood and put his hands flat on the top of his desk. His stare was piercing. “The goddess would never!”

  George held up his hand to curb Brayson’s protest. “Like I said ... hear me out.” The new warlock teleported to the top of a bookcase and sat on its edge. Looking down at Brayson, he continued. “Mieonus asked me to do things that totally go against my nature.” He pointed at Brayson. “This included an order to end you. She said she would retrieve my daughter’s soul from the Book of Immortality if I obeyed.”

  Brayson motioned to speak, and George stopped talking. “Why would your daughter’s soul be in a book? Why isn’t her soul in the Heaven that Mieonus provides for her faithful?”

  George brought his leg up to tighten the lace of his left boot. “All souls are placed inside a book. You have been deceived if you believe your soul will live in the presence of Mieonus. My daughter has been trapped inside this book for over 14,000 seasons.”

  The Head Master scowled. “I don’t believe you.”

  George shrugged. “Whether you believe me or not doesn’t change the fact that your god is evil. Like I said, she commanded me to end Amar and you.”

  “Why would she do that?” Brayson protested.

  The warlock sighed. “Look man, I don’t understand the goddess’ reasoning. I can’t explain the crap she does. All I know is, I’m tired of hurting people, and I refused to end you just to satisfy her whims.”

  “But why would the goddess want me ended in the first place, and why would she choose you to do it? I’ve been a faithful servant.”

  George jumped to the floor and then responded. “Mieonus said she wanted a stronger leader to govern Luvelles. She said you’ve failed to choose a side, and she despises your neutrality. She wanted me to get rid of you so that I could bring darkness over all Luvelles. She wants evil to thrive.”

  “Mieonus isn’t evil, George. Why are you trying to deceive me?”

  The new warlock took a seat on the edge of the desk. He looked Brayson dead in the eyes. “I’m not deceiving you. I could’ve destroyed you already, and you know it. I spared your life because I made the decision that I’m tired of ending people. I’m sick of living with hate in my heart and causing others misery because of it. Dude ... whether you know it or not, your goddess despises you. I wouldn’t lie about such things, and soon, you’ll be getting confirmation of this truth from the god I now serve. But hey ... all I’m asking for is that you listen for now.”

  The Head Master nodded and motioned for George to continue.

  “Here’s the facts. There’s only one god strong enough to maintain a heaven for his followers. I was visited by him last night after I returned home. Many truths have been revealed since then. I—”

  Brayson interrupted. “None of this makes sense. What do you mean there’s only one god powerful enough to maintain a heaven? I have served Mieonus for more than 500 seasons, and you expect me to believe this?”

  George remained patient. “Look, like I said, you’ll receive confirmation. You’ll totally believe me after that. Dude, I know this sucks, but Mieonus has manipulated your faith in her so that I could meet the Source. I knew everything I needed to know about the Eye long before you gave me advice about believing in myself.

  “I hate to say it, but my choices will have repercussions. Mieonus will come after m
e for this. I can only pray that my new god will protect me.”

  Brayson thought a moment. “Tell me more about this god.”

  “Lasidious came to me in a glorious light and spoke with me while Athena lay sleeping next to me. At first, I was frightened, but then Lasidious assured me that he had not come to harm me. He said he loved me. He said he knew my mind, and he was proud of me for going against Mieonus’ command to end you.”

  George picked up the Book of Bonding off Brayson’s desk and set it on his lap. He used the book to prop up his crossed arms. “Brayson, Lasidious told me to leave you in your position as Head Master.”

  Brayson lowered to the edge of his chair.

  George continued. “Lasidious told me the others keep their followers’ souls inside a book called the Book of Immortality.”

  Brayson stopped him. “When you say ‘others,’ do you mean the gods?”

  “Yes. Lasidious also said Mieonus lied to me, and she doesn’t have the power to retrieve my daughter’s soul from this book unless the others on the hidden god world agree to release her.”

  Brayson sat back. “Wait a moment. What hidden god world are you talking about? I know nothing of it.”

  George scratched the top of his head. “I’m not sure about that part. But it was clear that Lasidious wanted me to know the truth. He told me he knew about the passings I’ve caused and the murders I’ve committed while serving Mieonus. He said they would never be glorified, no matter how pure my intentions were to retrieve my daughter’s soul.”

  George traced the name on the Book of Bonding as he continued. “If it wouldn’t have been for the Source reminding me of the goodness inside me, I would’ve ended you. I would’ve never had the chance to have Lasidious come to me. I would’ve never been given the chance to spread his words of love and kindness ... his words of peace.”


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