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Cowboy Untamed

Page 16

by Vicki Lewis Thompson

  He ignored the pain as he returned to the truck, opened the door and discovered that Sapphire had been busy in his absence. She wore nothing but a smile.

  She held out her arms. “I thought I’d help things along.”

  “Oh, lady, what you do to me.” He scooped her up and nudged the door closed with his shoulder.

  “I have a fair idea.”

  “I’m about to give you all the information you need on that topic.” He managed to lay her on the blanket without dropping her. Then he took off his shirt, rolled it up and bent down to tuck it under her head.

  She caught his face in both hands. “Kiss me.”

  With a groan, he fell to his knees. The first contact with her warm lips snapped his control and he couldn’t seem to stop kissing her. His hungry mouth sought the hollow of her throat, the curve of her shoulder, the fullness of her breasts.

  He nipped and suckled his way down, then dipped his tongue in her navel, which made her squeal. He liked the sound so much that he did it again.

  “I’m sensitive there!”

  “Good.” Sliding his hand between her thighs, he began an assault on her belly button with his tongue while his fingers kneaded the moist recesses that would soon welcome his cock. The more he explored, the wetter she became. She lifted her hips with a husky moan, inviting him deeper.

  Women had wanted him before, but not like this. Sapphire’s response was instantaneous, a rush of heat and desire that humbled him with her generosity. He recognized that she couldn’t help wanting him just as he couldn’t help wanting her, but he still considered her response a precious gift.

  Learning what would make her come was such a joy. His tongue licking the tender crevice of her navel made her gasp and giggle, but it was the steady stroke of his fingers that teased an orgasm from her shuddering body. She called his name as she arched upward.

  “I’m here.” Sliding his fingers free, he eased between her thighs and covered her pulsing center with his mouth.

  She said his name again, this time on a sigh of pleasure. Savoring her juices, he settled in and took her up again until she was gasping and thrashing against the blanket. When she came a second time, he nuzzled and licked until her tremors subsided.

  Now. Pushing to his feet, he pulled the condom from his pocket, unzipped his fly and put it on. The moon peeked through the trees to give him a glimpse of her lying sprawled on the blanket in reckless abandon.

  Her hair fanned out in disarray and her breasts quivered with each ragged breath. The moonlight caught the sheen of passion on her silken thighs. She’d given herself without hesitation, like some wild thing he’d met in the woods. He rejoiced in her total surrender, even if it was only for tonight.

  As he knelt beside her, she reached for his hand and laced her fingers through his. He had just enough light to see the gleam in her eyes and her knowing smile. Realization hit him with the force of a lightning strike.

  She got it. She understood his urge to celebrate with raw, uncivilized sex in the woods because she knew how rarely an artist’s creation turned out exactly right. His world shifted. He’d never shared that depth of understanding with anyone.

  Taking her other hand, he slid his fingers through hers and pressed their joined hands against the blanket as he moved between her thighs. His body blocked the moonlight, but it didn’t matter whether he could see her eyes. Slowly pushing his cock into her warmth, he felt a connection that took his breath away.

  Maybe this wouldn’t be the hard-driving, no-holds-barred experience he’d anticipated, after all. He loved her with long, sure strokes. Each time he locked his body against hers, he paused a moment to breathe, to treasure the beauty of being so intimately joined with Sapphire, the woman of his dreams.

  Her nipples brushed his chest with each deliberate thrust and her fingertips pressed into the backs of his hands. He didn’t want this to end but his climax edged closer. Giving in to the demands of his cock, he gradually increased the pace.

  Ah, that was good, too. The sweet friction seemed more intense than before. She moaned and tightened around him, sending shock waves through his entire body. He pumped faster. Every sensual pleasure was amplified—the earthy smell of sex, the liquid sound of each stroke, the satin touch of her thighs as she raised her hips and wrapped her legs around his waist.

  They were in shadow, but if he closed his eyes, he saw color everywhere—the red of desire, the blue of trust, the yellow of creativity, the green of hope and the entire rainbow that was love. The first ripple of her climax rolled over his cock and he bore down. Panting, he rode the crest of her orgasm and claimed his own. Their cries mingled in the cool night air.

  Later, after he’d carried her back to the truck and helped her dress, they smiled and kissed, but no significant words were spoken. He didn’t plan to say them now. He knew what he knew and she had to be aware they’d crossed a line.

  He’d see how things went for the next two days. He was scheduled to leave for Cody on Sunday. If he hadn’t found a time before then to make his case, then he’d make it on Sunday. He wasn’t leaving town until he’d said what was in his heart.

  * * *

  NOW SHE’D GONE and done it. She’d fallen in love with him. But she couldn’t tell him so or he’d say it back to her. Then they’d have a problem because she didn’t know what to do about this love situation.

  Lucky for her, conversation wasn’t necessary for the rest of the night. When they were both naked, they managed to communicate quite well without saying a word. They made love again after they reached her house, and making love was the only way to describe it. They were now incapable of just having sex. Then they slept like a couple of hibernating bears until her alarm went off.

  They fooled around in the shower before leaving the house and she managed to enjoy the heck out of that without blurting out something stupid. She sensed he was waiting for her to say it because she was the one with hang-ups about artists. She was counting on their busy schedule to keep her from making a huge mistake. Once those three little words were out, there was no taking them back.

  She suggested they drive separately to the Art Barn because she had lots of errands today. That was very true, but she also needed some privacy so she could think. That didn’t work out quite as smoothly as she’d imagined, because they left together and the lack of traffic at that hour meant his truck stayed in her rearview mirror the whole way.

  At every light, he was right behind her, and when he caught her looking in the mirror, he smiled. That smile jacked up her pulse every damn time. But just because she’d fallen in love with him, didn’t mean she had to do anything about it.

  If she hadn’t gone out to Thunder Mountain Ranch with him, she might have avoided the love part. That fateful decision was totally on her because she’d been all set to stay home until she’d looked at those wolves. She didn’t regret being there when he’d presented the sculpture to Rosie, though.

  She didn’t regret anything. Their moment of clarity in the woods would be a cherished memory forever. Two people seldom communicated on that level, and because of that, she might always love Grady Magee.

  That didn’t mean she was ready to take a chance on him as a life partner, not with her track record. For all she knew, his glaring faults were obvious but she was too blinded by love, artistic bonding and great sex to see them. Once he left and took his powerful charisma with him, she might realize how wrong they were for each other.

  She doubted that he was viewing it that way, though. For that matter, he might be blind to her faults, too. The world was full of miserable people who leaped into commitment in the heat of the moment and then had to figure out how to extricate themselves from bad situations.

  This week observing Grady making a sculpture for his beloved foster mother was bound to make him seem like a hero. No wonder she’d fallen for him after last night’s emotional episode. No wonder she’d had the lovemaking experience of her life afterward.

  So her privat
e thinking time had brought her around to that hot topic and she arrived at the Art Barn feeling restless and aroused. She might as well have had him sitting in the passenger seat of her truck. At least then she could have glanced over to admire how his faded jeans hugged his thighs.

  George’s tan truck was in the parking lot, which was a good thing. She’d be less tempted to steal a kiss or ten from Grady. She shut off the engine, grabbed her purse and hopped down.

  Grady pulled in next to her and got out. She waited for him and tried hard not to look besotted as she watched him approach. From the way he was staring at her, she almost expected him to kiss her before they walked in.

  But he surprised her. “Before I forget, your left taillight is out.”

  “It is?” She’d thought he’d been intent on her mouth and he’d been focused on her truck’s taillight.

  “Yeah, and I want credit for not kissing you out here in broad daylight.”

  She gazed at him. “Admirable.”

  “Better not push it, though. I’m weakening.”

  So was she. “Let’s go in.”

  He nodded and fell into step beside her. “Unless you think I’ll spook Fred, I’d like to help with the ferals this morning so I can see the progress you’ve made.”

  “I’d like you to see it, too. It’s possible he’ll revert back to the way he was, but let’s find out what happens if you’re there.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll need to feed Gandalf and pay attention to him, so just holler when you’re ready.”

  “I will.” Because her mind was a traitor to the cause, she immediately remembered how she’d hollered last night during that episode in the woods. So had he. They’d probably frightened the wildlife.

  After they got inside, George poked his head out from his workspace. “Hope you don’t mind, Grady, but I fed your cat. He’s back here hanging out with me.”

  Grady laughed. “I’m sure he gave you the pitiful face.”

  “Yeah, he did. I didn’t think you’d mind if I put some food in his bowl. Oops, here he comes. Guess he loves you best, after all. Fickle cat.”

  “If you had tuna, you’d be golden,” Grady said as Gandalf trotted toward them, tail in the air.

  “Go ahead and love on him.” Sapphire watched as the cat loped up and marveled at the transformation. With his coat brushed and his manner confident, he looked like a whole different animal. “I’ll fill the bowls.”

  “Okay.” Grady crouched down and started talking to Gandalf while giving him a full-body massage.

  Sapphire forced herself to turn away and go about her business. Creative men were her weakness. Being kind to animals added a whole new layer to their appeal. If she wanted to blame anyone for the fiasco of falling in love with Grady, she could probably start with the cat.

  She filled the bowls with dry food and called for Grady. He appeared in the kitchen doorway with Gandalf riding on his shoulder. “He wants to go, but I’ve told him he can’t.”

  “Better not. No telling what would happen. We don’t know if he was accepted by the colony. I’d advise keeping him inside until you leave for Cody.” She was proud of the matter-of-fact way she said that, as if his departure was just another event that would take place in the course of this weekend.

  Grady gave her a long look, though, as if trying to decipher her comment. “Good advice,” he said at last. He set Gandalf on the floor. “Stay here, buddy. I’ll be back in a little bit.”

  “You’ll have to watch him as we go out.” She was amused by Grady’s assumption the cat would obey a command. “He might try to slip through the door. You’re leaving with food. He might want to know what that’s all about.”

  “I’ll watch him.” Grady picked up two sets of stacked bowls. Sure enough, Gandalf followed him as he walked to the front door. “I said stay.”

  The cat gazed up at him, tail twitching.

  “I mean it, Gandalf.”

  George came down the aisle toward them. “I’ll hold him while you go out there. I agree with Sapphire. He’s gonna want to follow you and he shouldn’t be out there. He wasn’t born to be wild.” When he scooped up the cat, Gandalf wiggled in his arms. “Better go before he scratches me.”

  “Thanks, George.” Sapphire opened the door and they both made it out before Gandalf got loose.

  “He could learn to stay.” Grady paused to glance back at the closed door. “He just hasn’t been trained.”

  “I suppose if you worked on it long enough. I’ve seen trained house cats, but they’re not like dogs, who will do anything to please you.”

  “It would have been a whole lot easier if I’d stayed inside with him.”

  “It would, but I’m glad you wanted to come out here. You’re the only one who knows how much I’ve wanted to domesticate Fred. I’m hoping he’s there waiting for us.”


  “We’ll see in a second.” They rounded the corner of the barn and, sure enough, Fred sat with the others, his attention fixed on the spot where he knew she’d appear. Her heart melted. “There he is.”

  “I’ll be damned. He doesn’t seem like the same cat.”

  “I know. I really think you and Gandalf had an effect on him.”

  “Gandalf will be happy to hear that.”

  That made her smile. She studied at him. “You’re so—”

  “In love with you.” He turned his head and met her gaze.

  Her heart hammered and she felt slightly dizzy. “Grady...”

  “I swore I wouldn’t say it before you did. You don’t have to respond at all. It’d be better if you didn’t. My timing sucks. But the words have been lodged in my throat for hours. I was ready to choke on them. So they’re out there. Now let’s get these cats fed.” He broke eye contact and set his bowls on the ground.

  She did the same and they both dropped to their knees to watch the cats. Or rather, Grady did that while she looked at Grady. His throat moved in a slow swallow and a muscle tightened in his jaw. He’d nicked himself while hurrying to shave after their sexy time in the shower. She wanted to lean over and kiss that spot but she didn’t dare.

  Instead she forced herself to turn away and stare at the cats lined up in front of them, although her thoughts were still on the Stetson-wearing man beside her. So in love with you. She contemplated what would happen if she admitted to loving him back. He’d expect that to change things, to pave the way for them to be together.

  If anything, it was exactly the opposite. Loving him meant she was in that addled state that allowed people to screw up their lives. She wasn’t thinking straight, and oh, by the way, neither was he.

  In the three weeks since they’d met and fallen in lust, he’d built an elaborate fantasy involving her. Yes, they had a great time together and her artist’s soul communed with his. That was nice, but it didn’t guarantee happiness. Some issue was lurking in the background waiting to zap them with a dose of cold, hard reality. She just didn’t know what it was.

  The cats finished their meal and began grooming themselves, except for Fred, who sat and gazed at Sapphire. Snow White came over for a scratch and Sapphire gave her attention while continuing to watch Fred. When Snow White wandered away, Sapphire blinked at Fred. He blinked back. Slowly, she extended her hand in his direction.

  He looked at her outstretched hand. Then he stood. His body tense and poised for flight, he gradually inched toward her.

  She held her breath. Tail twitching, he edged close enough to sniff her hand. She stayed as still as possible, although her hand shook from the effort of keeping it in that position. Then, to her astonishment, he rubbed his head against her curved fingers.

  Her gasp of surprise startled him and he dashed away. Halfway to the woods he paused and looked back. A second more and he was gone, disappearing into the shadows.

  With a sigh, she glanced over at Grady. “I scared him.”

  His smile was tinged with sadness. “It happens.”

  “But I’ll get there.” />
  He nodded. “You will, and that gives me hope.”

  She gazed at him in confusion.

  “I think I know why you’re so attached to Fred.”


  “He’s a lot like you.”


  GRADY WISHED HE’D kept his mouth shut. His ill-timed declaration of love affected his interaction with Sapphire for the rest of the day. She was wary and skittish whenever their paths crossed. Just like Fred.

  Oh, she loved him, too. He didn’t doubt that for a minute. But now he was paying for the actions of those other guys who’d professed undying love and later kicked her in the chops. She believed he might be capable of the same thing.

  The day would have been more awkward if they hadn’t both been busy getting ready for the fund-raiser. In checking his materials for the cougar, he noticed he was missing a couple of things. He ended up calling around town to find them and eventually driving to a junkyard outside town. He made it back just in time for his scheduled TV interview, which would be part of the nightly news to ramp up attendance.

  Sapphire’s efficiency was something to behold as she made sure everything on her list was accomplished by either her or one of the other co-op members. Rented tables and chairs were picked up, mini lights were hung throughout the barn, and every stall was dusted and swept.

  A velvet rope strung down the middle of the barn aisle was designed to facilitate traffic flow, and the same style of rope cordoned off each stall so that visitors would keep a respectful distance from the artists at work. Sapphire and Arlene painted a large banner to hang across the front entrance.

  Grady found out from George that Rangeland Roasters, a local coffee shop, had volunteered to set up a cart outside next to the entrance. Scruffy’s had agreed to operate a cash bar on the other side and offer happy-hour munchies. All profits from food and beverage sales would go to the shelter. Stan Ferguson’s jazz trio was playing free of charge.

  “She’s thought of everything.” George folded his arms and glanced around. “This event wouldn’t have happened without her. Hell, the co-op wouldn’t have happened without her. I wouldn’t have become friends with you, either, come to think of it. Gonna miss working across the aisle from you when this is over.”


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