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Ackland, G.J., M. Signitzer, K. Stratford and M.H. Cohen 146
Acosta, P. 843–5
Ahlström, T. 1009–10, 1012
Allard, P. 281
Ammerman, A.J. and L.L. Cavalli-Sforza 85, 139–40, 141, 146
Anati, E. 858, 864
Andersen, N.H. 1008
Andersen, S.H. 218
Antanaitis, I., S. Riehl, D. Kisieliené and K. Kelertas 420
Antanaitis-Jacobs, I., M. Richards, L. Daugnora, R. Jankauskas and N. Ogrinc 419
Arcà, A. 858
Arnaud, F., M. Revel, E. Chapron, M. Desmet and N. Tribovillard 29
Arnaud-Fassetta, G., N. Carcaud, C. Castanet and P.-G. Salvador 39
Atkinson, R. 912
Axelsson, T. and A. Strinnholm 662–4
Bailey, D.W. 524, 527
Bakels, C. 101
Balaresque, P., G.R. Bowden, S.M. Adams, H.-Y. Leung, T.E. King, Z.H. Rosser, J. Goodwin, J.-P. Moisan, C. Richard, A. Millward, A.G. Demaine, G. Barbujani, C. Previderè, I.J. Wilson, C. Tyler-Smith and M.A. Jobling 206
Bánffy, E. 102
Baptista, A.M. 848
Barber, K.E. 30, 33
Barclay, G.J. 329
Barfield, L.H. 701
Barrett, J. 1033
Battaglia, R. 859, 863
Battaglia, R. and M.O. Acanfora 863
Behre, K.-E. 103, 124, 414
Belle, E.M.S., P.A. Landry and G. Barbujani 142
Bennike, P. 1009, 1012, 1017
Berger, J. 749
Bernabo Brea, L. 89
Besse, M. 609
Birkenhagen, B. 280
Bishop, R.R., M.J. Church and P. Rowley-Conwy 441
Björhem, N. and U. Säfvestad 353
Bogucki, P. 283, 411
Bökönyi, S. 392, 413
Bonsall, C., R. Lennon, K. McSweeney, C. Stewart, D. Harkness, V. Boroneant, L. Bartosiewicz, R. Payton, and J. Chapman 418
Bonstetten, Baron A. de 825
Borić, D. and T.D. Price 539
Bostyn, F. 281
Boulestin, B., A. Zeeb-Lanz, C. Jeunesse, F. Haack, R.-M. Arbogast and A. Denaire 199–201
Bradford, J.S.P. 779
Bradley, R. 338, 874, 876
Bramanti, B., M.G. Thomas, W. Haak, M. Unterlaender, P. Jores, K. Tambets, I. Antanaitis-Jacobs, M.N. Haidle, R. Jankauskas, C.-J. Kind, F. Lueth, T. Terberger, J. Hiller, S. Matsumura, P. Forster, and J. Burger 103, 150
Braudel, F. 176, 186
Breuil, H. 841, 843, 845
Brindley, A. 589
Britton, K., G. Müldner and M. Bell 364
Broodbank, C. 642
Bueno Ramírez, P. and R. Balbín Behrmann 850
Burenhult, G. 884
Buttler, W. 640
Camerini, V. and G. Li
onetti 779
Cantuel, J., A. Gardeisen and J. Renard 392
Cappers, R.T.J. and D.C.M. Raemaekers 368
Cassano, S.M. and A. Manfredini 779
Cauvin, J. 543
Cavalli-Sforza, L.L. 141
Cavalli-Sforza, L.L., P. Menozzi and A.A. Piazza 542, 543
Chapman, J. 239, 641, 733, 928
Chapman, J. and B. Gaydarska 160–1
Chappell, S.J. 523
Charman, D.J., C. Caseldine, A. Baker, B. Gearey, J. Hatton and C. Proctor 34
Childe, V.G. 99, 109, 140, 157, 195, 237, 238, 538–9, 605
Christiansen, A.-M., P.M. Holm, U. Schuessler and J. Petrasch 516
Cladders, M. and H. Stäuble 275
Clark, G. 516
Clark, J.G.D. 139, 187, 542, 640
Clarke, A. 524
Clarke, D. 605
Clarke, D.L. 650
Cleal, R. 587, 588, 589
Coon, C.S. 539
Cooney, G. 524
Cooney, G. and S. Mandal 526
Coudart, A. 273, 277
Coward, F., S. Shennan, S. Colledge, J. Conolly and M. Collar 125
Cowie, T. 589
Craik, J. 650
Cummings, V. 886
Cunnington 795
Darvill, T. 329, 331, 332–4
Davis, R.V., A.C. Davis and M. Markham 517
Davison, K., P.M. Dolukhanov, G.R. Sarson and A. Shukurov 147
De Marinis, R.C. 858
Dowd, M. 1036
Drucker-Brown, S. 468–9
Duke, C. and J. Steele 500
Ellen, R. 749
Eogan, G. 860
Eschasseriaux, Baron 795
Evans, J. 88, 188
Fedele, F. 865
Fergusson, J. 825
Ferrario, C. 858
Fischer, U. 115
Fokkens, H., Y. Achterkamp and M. Kuijpers 611
Fowler, C. 650
Fried, M. 1108
Frirdich, C. 102, 283
Fuglestvedt, I. 885
Furholt, M. 108, 114
Galbenu, D. 644
Gamble, C., W. Davies and P. Pettitt 147
Garwood, P. 589
Gehlen, B. and W. Schön 103
Gibson, A. 589
Gibson, A. and I. Kinnes 589
Gimbutas, M. 140, 236
Gjessing, G. 885
Glob, P.V. 114
Godelier, M. 318, 323
Gosden, C. 449
Gose, P. 456
Grogan, E. 332, 334
Gronenborn, D. 102
Grønnesby, G. 885
Günther, H. 885
Haak, W., O. Balanovsky, J.J. Sanchez, S. Koshel, V. Zaporozhchenko, C.J. Adler, C.S.I. Der Sarkissian, G. Brandt, C. Schwarz, N. Nicklisch, V. Dreseley, B. Fritsch, E. Balanovska, R. Villems, H. Meller, K.W. Alt, A. Cooper, and the Genographic Consortium 206
Haak, W., P. Forster, B. Bramanti, S. Matsumura, G. Brandt, M. Tänzer, R. Villems, C. Renfrew, D. Gronenborn, K.W. Alt, and J. Burger 143
Hachem, L. 279
Hafner, A. 114–15
Halstead, P. 1076
Hampel, A. 273
Harris, M. 448
Hawkins, G.S. 911
Heggarty, P., W. Maguire and A.M.S. McMahon 145
Helms, M.W. 641
Hendon, J. 454
Herity, M. 875, 1028
Herne, A. 589, 594, 596
Hesiod 913
Hesjedal, A. 885
Heyd, V. 608
Hill 733, 737
Hodder, I. 239, 281, 641, 1080
Hoffmann, T., A. Lang and R. Dikau 38–9
Holden, C.J. and R. Mace 753
Hoyle, F. 911
Husserl, E. 448
Ingold, T. 448
Jeunesse, C. 641
Jones, A. 749, 875, 877
Karsten, P. 666
Kaul, F. 1008, 1011
Keeley, L.H. 219
Keiller, A. 795
Keiller, A., S. Piggott and F.S. Wallis 516
Keller, F. 292–3
Keller-Tarnuzzer, K. 292
Kertész, R. 102
Kind, J. 102
King, R. and P.A. Underhill 542
Kinnes, I. 588
Klassen, L. 714
Klopfleisch, F. 555
Kossian, R. 1017
Kotova, N.S. 417
Krause, R.A. 591
Kristiansen, K. and T. Earle 1094
Kruk, J. and S. Milisauskas 1096
Laeng, W. 859
Lanting, J.N. 608
Larsson, Å. 1015
Larsson, L. 657, 667
Last, J. 610
Latour, B. 1081
Leach, S. 1036
Lemonnier, P. 318
Leonardi, G. 863
Lichter, C. 928
Lillios, K.T. 517, 527
Linderholm, A. 143
LiPuma, E. 987
Lüning, J. 100, 102–3, 278
Macklin, M.G. and J. Lewin 38, 39
Magny, M. 293
Makkay, J. 239
Mallory, J.P. 1097
Malmer, M.P. 351, 353
Maran, J. 112, 113
Marciniak, A. 281, 414
Marro, G. 859
Marti-Grädel, E., S. Deschler-Erb, H. Hüster-Plogmann and J. Schibler 753
Marx, K. 1081
McDonald, J.D. 544
McFadyen, L. 827
McKinley, J. 804
Midgley, M. 414
Migal, W. 492
Milisauskas, S. 414, 416
Milojčić-von Zumbusch, J. and V. Milojčić 540
Mizoguchi, K. 610
Morris, B. 746
Müller, H.H. 414
Müller, J. 641, 998
Nandris, J. 539
Newell, R.R., D. Kielman, T.S. Constandse-Westermann, W. Van Der Sanden, and A. Van Gijn 649
Nielsen, E.K. and E. Brinch Petersen 217
Nikolov, V. 629
O’Connell, M. 124
O’Sullivan, M. 875–6, 1029
Oelze, V.M., A. Siebert, N. Nicklisch, H. Meller, V. Dresely and K.W. Alt 373
Ottaway, B.S. 713–14
Papathanasiou, A. 369
Paret, O. 292–3
Perlès, C. 523–4
Pétrequin, P. and M. Bailly 293
Pétrequin, P., A. Sheridan, C. Cassen, M. Errera, E. Gauthier, L. Klassen, N. Le Maux, and Y. Pailler 524–5
Piggott, S. 109
Pinösch, S. 292
Price, T.D., C. Knipper, G. Grupe and V. Smrcka 613
Primas, M. 686
Quitta, H. 100
Rapoport, A. 300, 309
Ray, K. and J. Thomas 750
Reilly, S. 1027
Reinecke, P. 775
Reinerth, H. 292–3
Renfrew, C. 141, 144, 145–6, 150, 187, 470–2, 641
Rice, P. 591
Richards, C. 337, 827, 1029
Richards, C. and J. Thomas 463, 734
Richards, M.P. 371
Risch, R. 517
Robb, J. 4, 1080
Robin, C. 280
Rowley-Conwy, P. 10, 217–18
Ruddiman, W.F. 45–6
Ruggles, C. 912
Ryan, W.B.F., W.C. Pitman, C.O. Major, K. Shimkus, V. Moskalenko, G.A. Jones, O. Dimitrov, N. Görür, M. Sakinç, and H. Yüce 42
Ryder, R.J. and G.K. Nicholls 145
Sahlins, M. 1063, 1076
Sangmeister, E. 605–6
Sarauw, T. 608
Schachermeyr, F. 237
Schlichtherle, H. 111, 112
Schulting, R. and M. Wysocki 1028
Séfériadès, M. 641
Shackleton, N. and C. Renfrew 641
Shanks, M. and C. Tilley 1009
Shennan, S. 606, 609
Sheridan, A. 470, 588, 589, 613–14
Sheridan, A., S. Schulting, H. Quinnell and R. Taylor 1036
Sherratt, A. 415, 609, 1102
Sherratt, A.G. 239, 242, 243, 401
Sielmann, B. 102
K.-G. 367
Skeates, R. 524
Skoglund, P. and H. Malmström, M. Raghavan, J. Storĺ, P. Hall, E. Willerslev, M.T.P. Gilbert, A. Götherström, and M. Jakobsson 216
Smith, I. 588
Smith, I. and T. Darvill 596
Smith, M. 1028
Smith, M. and M. Brickley 1028
Smyth, J. 339
Speck, J. 292
Stäuble, H. 276, 280–1
Stäuble, H. and J. Lüning 280
Stone and Young 732
Strathern, M. 987
Strien, H.-C. 199
Strömberg, M. 1009
Stroulia, A. 523
Suter, P. 114–15
Tacitus 466
Tauber, H. 364
Theocharis, D.P. 238–9
Thom, A. 911–12
Thomas, J. 195, 335, 365, 732, 733, 1035
Tilley, C. 832, 1013
Tillmann, A. 102
Tinner, W., E.H. Nielsen and A.F. Lotter 414
Tipping, R. 46
Tompa, F. 235
Topping, P. 336
Tresset, A. and J.-D. Vigne 753
Tsoraki, C. 523
Tsuneki, A. 642
Valamoti, S. 455
Van Andel, H.T. and N.C. Runnels 541
Van der Leeuw, S.E. 591
Vanmontfort, B. 147
Vasić, M. 237
Vogt, E. 292
Vybornov, A.A. 203
Waddington, C. 880–1
Wahl, J. 804
Waters, T. 411
Watkins, T. 1073–4
Wentink, K. 527
Whitehouse, R.D. 895, 905
Whittle, A. 279, 280, 283, 523, 752, 753
Whittle, A. and L. Bartosiewicz 392
Willms, C. 645
Woods, A.J. 591
Woodward, A., J. Hunter, R. Ixer, F. Roe, P.J. Potts, P.C. Webb, J.S. Watson, and M.C. Jones 611
Worm, O. 817
Worsaae, J.J.A. 817
Wright, K. and A. Garrard 667
Zvelebil, M. 1073
Zvelebil, M. and P. Rowley-Conwy 102, 217
4.2 ka event 33
8.2 ka event 29, 39, 207
Abensberg-Arnhofen 500
Abeurador 387
Abruzzo region
caves 897–901
cremation burials at Grotta Continenza 92, 961
enclosed settlements 788
Abu Hureya 178
Åby 350
Acquaviva 699
acropolis-polis settlements 239
actinolite-hornblende schist rock type (AHS) 517
of animals and plants 63, 107, 129–30, 176, 362
of people 317, 319, 546
Adlestrop 1028
aDNA see ancient DNA
Adriatic basin 68–9, 89–90
Aegean region 64, 87–9, 122, 184