The Oxford Handbook of Neolithic Europe

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The Oxford Handbook of Neolithic Europe Page 159

by Chris Fowler

  Aegina 648

  aesthetics 160–2

  age differences 160–2

  in diet 373–6

  in mortuary treatment 702, 898, 905, 932, 939, 990, 1013, 1014, 1029, 1032, 1040

  see also children

  agent-based modelling (ABM) 45

  agriculture see farming

  Ai Bunar 158

  Aichbühl culture 997

  Aichbühl 202

  Ain Ghazal 263, 674

  Ain Mallaha 178

  Aiterhofen 640, 990

  Ajdovska Jama cave 929, 944

  Ajmana 929, 931, 932

  Ajvide 366, 1014

  Al Claus 703

  Alcalar tombs 815

  alcohol 609

  Aldenhovener Platte 562

  Alentejo region 608, 814, 917–20

  Alepotrypa cave 386, 369, 370, 647, 929, 939

  Alföld Linear Pottery Culture (AVK) 935, 937

  Alfriston 1031

  allées couvertes or allée sépulcrales 816, 1030, 1084

  Almazaraque 260

  Almhov 353

  Almizaraque 695, 696


  foreland 13, 35, 103, 107, 396, 1056, 1064

  jade/jadetite 16, 521, 522, 721

  lake villages see lake villages, Alpine

  region 29, 130, 294, 296, 297, 712, 714, 857, 1038

  Alsónyék-Kanizsa-dűlő 929

  Altheim 699, 767, 768, 775

  Altheim culture 766, 767, 768, 997

  Alvastra 438, 1016

  amber 657–68, 718

  amber beads 658–9, 661–8, 721

  Amesbury archer 606, 613–14, 1098

  Anatolia 180, 181, 184, 1053

  domestic space 261–2

  ancestors 43, 167, 221, 276, 453, 463–4, 489, 652, 701, 703, 747, 831, 905, 908, 978, 987, 1009, 1011–12,1033–4, 1040, 1084–5

  ancient DNA (aDNA) 142–3, 545, 547, 833, 1078–9

  domesticated animals 76, 122, 128, 393, 435, 437, 746, 1054

  Iberia 224

  LBK 103, 143, 1053–4

  south-east Europe, Chalcolithic 76

  Sweden (TRB and PWC) 216, 439

  see also mtDNA

  Anghelo Ruju 973–4

  angle de chasse 484

  animal husbandry see farming


  assemblages 431–4, 747–8

  Baltic region 419–20

  biographies 749–51


  in burials 927–8, 934–5, 936, 942, 943, 995

  in caves 905

  treatment 806

  ceremonial consumption 754–5

  classification 748–9

  consumption changes 365–7

  domestic see cattle; farming; goat; pig; sheep

  figurines 623–4, 627–30

  kept in caves 396

  kept in houses 299

  in lake settlements 294

  as motifs on amber 658

  in rock art 871, 877, 879, 885

  sacred 747, 749

  scavenging human remains 804, 1028, 1035

  secondary produce (milk, wool, labour) 415

  shell figurines 647–8

  slaughtering 402

  and social identity 751–5

  and social status 745–56

  south-eastern Europe 391–4

  spatial division in settlements 302

  subsistence practices with 389–90

  Ukraine 416–19

  wild 36, 81, 398, 401, 418–19, 746–7, 751

  badger 419, 746

  beaver 419, 439, 1032

  boar see wild boar

  brown bear 419, 747

  in decorations 221, 849, 885, 1006

  deer see deer

  fox 392, 419, 747, 866

  as grave goods 935, 943, 1024

  hamsters 130

  hares 392, 746

  marten 392, 419

  mice 130

  otter 419, 439

  pigmy shrews 130–1

  remains 282, 413, 439, 898, 1057

  seals 40, 363, 366, 419–20, 1074

  spiritualism 936–7

  voles 130, 470

  wild cat 419

  wildfowl 419, 1074

  wild horse 416, 419, 439

  wolf 419, 747

  Anta de la Marquesa 918

  Anta Grande de Zambujeiro 814

  Antelas 815, 847

  Antequera 914–15

  anthropomorphic art

  breasts 160, 627, 804, 807, 816, 830, 966, 972, 1037–8, 1039

  hair 932, 964, 969, 971, 1036

  engravings 865–7, 966, 972 see also statue-menhirs; statue-stelae;

  figures on vessels 975

  figurines 82, 536, 565, 622–5, 627–30, 776, 962–4, 976, 993, 1036, 1076

  painted figures 845–6, 908, 972

  pendants 971

  phalli 160, 464, 807, 866, 906, 1039

  ‘plaque idols’ 977–8

  vessels 622, 625

  antimony 702, 703, 716, 717

  antler sleeves 415

  antler tools 506–7, 508, 943

  Anza 386, 392

  Anzabegovo 929, 930

  Anzabegovo-Vršnik culture 540, 541

  Aosta 701

  Apulian Tavoliere 185

  aquatic resources 370–1, 413, 417 see also lakeside settlements

  Arbon-Bleiche 3 111, 292, 298, 302, 303, 753, 1057

  archaeoastronomy 913–17


  Anatolia 261–2

  Cyprus 83, 264

  Greece 257–259

  Italy 259–60

  see also enclosures; cursus monuments; houses; monuments; palisades; tombs

  Arco 701

  Arconciel/La Souche 197

  Arenal de la Costa 387, 398

  Arene Candide 185, 387, 395, 399, 400, 644, 961, 963

  Armeau 435

  Arnesano 906

  Arnhofen 504


  Bell Beaker 605, 611, 718

  Britain and northern France 732, 1026, 1028, 1032

  central Europe 199, 219, 768, 775

  Mediterranean area 93, 699, 702, 904, 962, 969

  Mesolithic 87, 346

  on rock art 841, 850

  Scandinavia 352, 354, 881

  south-east Europe 73

  arsenic 717

  arsenical copper 695, 699, 716

  art see decoration; anthropomorphic art; rock art; megalithic art

  artefacts 15–17

  aesthetics 160–2

  copper age 162

  copying between communities 11

  in lake settlements 300

  value and social status 75

  Ascott-under-Wychwood 372

  Aşikili Höyük 674

  Asparn-Schletz 199, 994, 1060

  astronomy 43, 911–23

  enclosures as observatories 776–7

  influence on architecture 104–6

  Astuvansalmi 881

  Aszód-Papi földek 929

  Atting-Rinkam 275

  aurochs 419–20, 435–6, 753, 806, 933 see also cattle

  Ausevik 881, 882, 884

  availability phase 217

  Avgi 929

  awls 678

  amphibolite 517, 519, 520, 651

  axes or axeheads 201–2

  battle axes 115

  miniatures shaped in amber 664–7

  Britain 222–3

  bronze 884

  as carvings in rock art 873

  copper 676, 678, 681, 683, 701–2

  flat 699

  deposition 525–7, 807

  flint 515–27

  functions 522–5

  hammer axes (Pločnik) 678–9

  hoards 681

  Ireland 223

  jade 1095

  metal 720

  miniature 524

  polishing 523

  social identity 527

  southern Scandinavia 217

  stone sources 506, 515–27

  types 679

  Azmak 929, 930

  BAC see Battle Axe culture

  Backstone Beck 880

  Bad Abbach-Alkofen 767, 768

  Badbury barrow 873

  Baden 677

  Baden culture 108, 111

  Baden-Württemberg 996–7

  Bagnolo 863, 864–5

  Baia Hamangia 158

  Balaci 681

  Balbridie 329, 332, 336, 738

  Balearic islands 185

  Balfarg Riding School 598, 599

  Balkan-Anatolian cultural complex 542

  Balkans 158, 161–2, 184, 197

  colonization 1052–3

  communities 166–9

  burials 934–41

  farming 184

  figurines 624

  households 164

  routines 449–50

  shell exchange networks 651

  shells 648

  social networks 170

  tell settlements 246

  Ballaharra 1032

  Ballygalley 330

  Ballyglass 330, 338

  Ballyharry 128

  Ballymacaldrack 595

  Ballymacdermot 824

  Baltic Sea region

  amber 657–8, 661, 1105

  ceramics 8, 203, 206

  isostatic rebound 42

  metallurgy 712, 713

  shell middens 216

  subsistence practices 14, 216, 217–8, 366, 419–20, 439, 660

  see also Scandinavia

  Baltic Sea 40, 216, 363, 606, 658

  Bandkeramik see Linearbandkeramik; Stichbandkeramik

  Barbotine pottery 540

  Barca 929

  Bardal 878

  Barkaer 346

  barley 122, 126, 294, 390, 391, 395, 420

  hulled 204

  in the Aegean region 122

  in Ireland 128

  movement to Britain 127, 128

  naked 396

  Barnhouse 334, 470, 599

  Barranc d’en Fabra 260

  Barrow Hills 1031

  Barsebäck 3 665

  baskets 454, 506, 564, 841

  Battle Axe culture (BAC) 348, 351–3, 355

  flat graves 1013–14

  see also middle Neolithic B

  Battonya 640, 644–5

  Bauma Serrat del Pont 387, 396

  Baume d’Oulen 387, 400

  Baume Ronze 387

  Bautahøj 818

  Bazoches 801


  amber 658–9, 661–8, 721

  animal tooth 1014

  clay 564

  copper 674, 712, 941, 942, 944

  fossil shell 1024

  limestone 937, 942, 943, 944

  metal 720

  spondylus shell 642–50, 943, 989

  variscite 815

  Beaker pottery see Bell Beaker pottery

  beer 609

  Beaurieux, Aisne Valley 202, 996

  Beckton 333

  Bečmen 681

  Bedburg-Garsdorf 435

  Beek-Kerkeveld 492

  Beijing 777

  Bejsebakken 612

  Bélesta 387

  Belgium 126, 219–20, 1079

  Bell Beaker culture 719

  burials 611–12, 614

  expansion 1098–9

  pottery see Bell Beaker pottery

  rock art 882–3

  settlements 612–13

  Bell Beaker metal 717

  Bell Beaker Phenomenon (BBP) 605

  archipelago 606–8

  expansion 678

  mobility 613–14

  Bell Beaker pottery 114, 115, 581, 605–6, 609–10, 678, 694, 718

  in burials 611–12

  Ben Lawers 880

  Benta Valley 1104

  Berettyóújfalu-Herpály 244–5, 929, 936

  Bergerac 488

  Bernburg 640, 649

  Beşenova Veche 929, 931

  Beusterburg 767, 801

  Bickse-Galagonyás 929, 936

  Big Men societies 323

  Biggar Common West 591, 594–5

  bioarchaeological evidence 411–12

  Bischheim culture 201–2

  Bjärstamon 350

  Bjerggårde 806

  Björnsholm 345

  Black Sea 40, 42, 639

  Black Sea coast 417, 539, 935, 939, 944, 1059, 1097

  Blackpatch 500

  blade cores 492

  blade production 483–8, 490–1

  Blagotin 386, 393, 929, 930

  Blandebjerg 579

  Blasthill 592, 593

  Blicquy culture 484

  boats 41

  Bocca Lorenza/Gurnitz 698

  Bodrogkeresztúr complex 943

  Bodrogkeresztúr-Kutyasor 929, 937

  bog deposition 1017

  bog surface wetness (BSW) 30–4

  Boghead 335

  Bogø 819

  Bohemia 559

  Bohemian cups 607

  Boleráz pottery 111, 677

  Boleráz-Cernavoda III 76

  Bollbacken 350, 1015–16

  Bømlo/Hespriholmen 522

  bones see individual species (e.g. human bones); see also skulls

  Bonu Ighinu culture 972

  Borgeby 1013

  bornite 703

  Bosnia 72–3

  Botoš 648, 929, 936

  Bouco-Payrol 703

  Bougon 1027, 1030

  Boulder Borno 1 863, 864

  boulders, rock art 865

  bovids see cattle

  Boyne Valley 877

  Bozejewice 276

  bracers 611

  Breitenloo 292

  Briar Hill 799, 805

  Britain 222–3

  anthropomorphic art 1038–9

  axehead sources 517, 524

  axehead deposition 525–6

  Bell Beakers 607, 608, 610

  bracers (wristguards) 611

  causewayed enclosures see Britain, enclosures; causewayed enclosures

  chambered tombs 822–5, 827–8

  copper 717

  dairying 441–2

  deforestation 38

  diet 40

  domesticated plants and animals 127–8, 365, 373, 440–2, 1074–5

  enclosures 795, 797, 800–1, 804–5, 806, 1075, 1085–6

  fluvial activity 38

  houses 13, 327–39

  Mesolithic–Neolithic transition 221–3, 440

  long barrows 464

  monument complexes 465, 472 see also henges

  mortuary practices 223, 610, 1027–9, 1031–2, 1035, 1084

  movement of plants and animals from the continent 127–8, 222, 440

  passage graves 472

  petrology 516–17

  pits 335, 730–741

  plants 440–1

  pottery 469, 586–99

  settlement occupation 334–7, 736–7

  rock art 872–4, 879–81, 886

  tin ore 712

  villages 334

  wild species, role in subsistence 440–1, 747


  axeheads 202, 518, 524, 527, 815

  long mounds 815

  menhirs 527, 815

  megalithic art 829, 860, 1036, 1039

  Mesolithic burials in shell middens 221

  monument complexes 43

  passage graves 815

  statue-menhirs 1038

  stone rows 828

  tombs 221

  Brixlegg 201

  Brochtorff Circle 970–1

  Brockley 522

  Brodzany-Nitra phase 943

  Bronze Age

  expansion 1093–6, 1099–108

  pile dwellings 298–9

  pits 730

  rock art 858–9, 882–4

  Broom Heath 736–7

  Bruchsal-Aue 799, 805, 806, 996

  Brunn am Gebirge-Wolfholz 556

  Brunn-Wolfholz 278

  Brześć Kujawski 640

  Büdelsdorf 799, 803

g-Dniester culture 203, 204, 416

  Bukovic 387, 397

  Bulgaria 161, 391, 1076, 1103

  cemeteries 491, 641, 934–5, 941, 945

  Copper Age 73–4, 170, 675, 681

  crops 390–1

  figurines 622

  house models 629

  spondylus shell ornaments 646–7

  tells 237

  Bundsø/Lindø 579, 1018

  Burgäschi/Ost 292

  burials 337–9, 1084–5

  age differentiation 168, 702, 898, 928, 932–3, 990–1, 1014, 1029, 1032, 1040

  Atlantic France 221–2

  Britain 223

  in caves 898–901, 902–4, 906–8, 962, 992, 1036

  Chalcolithic/Copper Age 167–9, 683–5, 694, 939–45, 961–2, 977

  in chambered tombs (entombment) 19, 814–28, 830–3, 962, 970, 1040

  disarticulated 831, 962, 970, 998, 1008, 1027

  disturbance 1012, 1030

  individual/intact burial 830–1, 1008, 1009–10, 1012, 1026

  collective/multiple/successive burial 816, 830, 962, 970, 998, 1008–9, 1026–7, 1030, 1040

  re-arrangement of bones 822, 831, 962, 1011, 1026–7

  removal of bones 1008, 1011, 1012, 1027, 1084

  of children 88, 455, 611, 898, 900, 932–3, 936, 941, 942, 943–4, 960, 1013, 1040

  of cremated remains 92, 216, 350, 464, 465, 610, 799, 900, 934, 938, 944, 991, 1015, 1027–8, 1029

  Scandinavia 1015

  single burial deposits 1032

  in ditches 782, 784

  double burials in graves 936, 1013

  re-arrangement of bones 1013–14

  removal of bones 1014

  around houses 960, 992

  within houses 181–2, 976

  at enclosures 776, 805, 993, 996, 998, 1015–16, 1034–5

  excarnation/exposure before burial 782, 805, 975, 996, 1028, 1031, 1040

  disarticulation before burial 804–5, 1031 see also human bone

  flexed 263, 610, 931, 934–6, 939, 941, 942, 944–5, 1032

  fragmentation 991–4

  gender differentiation 12, 610–11, 936–7, 942, 946, 962, 990–1,1101, 1104

  grave goods see grave goods

  Greece 258

  Iberian peninsula 972–9

  integrity of bodies 1023

  Italy 260, 960–9

  LBK 988–94

  Lengyel culture 201

  Levant region 263

  under long barrows or long mounds (unchambered) 1026, 1031

  Low Countries 220

  Maltese islands 970–1

  mass burial 977, 991–2, 994

  Mediterranean 181–2

  Michelsberg culture 202

  in mines 1036

  multiple burials in graves 220, 221, 702, 931, 943, 989, 996, 1032

  north western Europe 1023–41

  northern Europe 1005–19

  personhood 988–1000

  position of body in grave 937–8, 941, 942, 944–6, 1026

  presentation of bodies 1023–4

  representation of bodies 1024, 1036–9

  rock art in 883

  in rock-cut tombs 962, 971

  under round barrows (unchambered) 1007, 1032, 1085

  Sardinia and Corsica 971–2

  secondary burial 258, 537, 563, 831, 898, 992, 998, 1009, 1012, 1015

  single burials in graves 971, 989–90, 1013, 1024–6, 1029, 1031–2, 1040

  south eastern Europe 927–48


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