by Chris Fowler
southern Scandinavia 216–17
in storage pits 455–6, 998
at settlements 246, 935, 941, 960, 989, 991, 996–7, 1017
wagons in 113
in wetlands 1017
see also mortuary practices; cemeteries; chambered tombs; human bones; skulls
Bury Hill 797
Butmir culture 70–3, 158, 244
Buxheim 767
Buz-ki site 204
Bygholm 713, 714
Bylany 282, 562, 563
Cabeço da Arruda 814
Cabrières 704
Cairnholy I 824, 828
Caldeirão 975
Calden enclosures 767, 802
enclosures as 776–7
monuments as 105
Callis Wold 1031
Camí de Can Grau 387, 398
Camp-à-Cayaux 505
Campo Lameiro 849
Camster Long Cairn 338
Camunnian style of rock art 858
Can Hassan copper 674
Can Tintorer 713, 720
Cana Barn 475
Capo Alfiere 787
caprines (sheep and goats) 413, 419, 434, 546 see also goat; sheep
Cardial 92, 93–4, 215, 224, 395, 429, 487, 540, 746
Cardial Ware 91, 93–4, 182–3, 185, 845, 975 see also Impresso or Impressed Wares
Carinated Bowl 335 see also pottery, early Neolithic bowls (Britain), first Neolithic bowls (Britain)
Carizüela 975
Carlshögen 1009, 1011
Carnac 126, 815
Carpathian Basin 111, 158, 160, 197, 240, 556, 648, 679–80
burial practices 935–8, 941–4
political economy 1103
Carpathian Starčevo culture 556
carvings, rock art 873, 878–9
Casa Montero 500, 504, 505–6, 510
cassiterite see tin ore
Çatalhöyük 674, 750
Catalka 675
Catalunya 260
of organisms 748–9
structuring 774
Catignano 963
cattle 372, 413–14
age at death 433, 441
and aurochs 103, 122–3, 128, 413, 746
Britain 127, 128, 440–1
bucrania 755
burials 222, 677, 680
burial of bones 472, 755, 805–6
carvings of 221, 973–4
ceremonial consumption 754
dairy 433–4, 441, 546
farming 103, 122–3, 125–6, 435, 441, 546, 746
herding 84, 88, 92, 1075
increased importance 1076
Ireland 125, 128, 223, 440
labour 302, 389–90, 398, 401, 415
in lake-settlements 294
lifestyles 750
Linearbandkeramik (LBK) 1058
for meat 393, 397, 401, 441, 597
reproductive cycles 129
size 431, 435–6
skulls 464, 755, 806
and social identity 752–4
see also animals; farming
causewayed enclosures 467, 795–808
Caven 863
caves 388
animals kept in 399–400
art, Italy 963–4
underground religion 895–909
Çayönü Tepesi 674
c-ditches 784, 785
cemeteries 168, 491, 641–2, 934–5, 680–1, 685, 941, 945, 929, 939, 989, 994, 996, 999, 1024–6, 1032, 1060, 1061, 1085, 1105
Cemmo boulders 859, 863
Cenad 929
Cendres 397, 399
cenotaphs 941
central Europe 6, 1053–4
agriculture 197–201
enclosures 763–77
extent 196
mobility 99–115
settlements 201, 202
subsistence practices 412–16
centralized complexity 1095
ceramic design 72–3
ceramics see pottery; see also figurines; house models
cereals see plants, cereals
Cernatul de Jos 929, 931
Cernavodă 677, 929, 934
Cernica 648, 929, 934–5
Cerny group 487, 753
Cerro de al Virgen 387, 398, 694
Cerro Virtud 694
chaîne opératoire 641
Chalcolithic see Copper Age
Chalk Hill 372
Cham/Řívnáč culture 766, 767, 768
chambered tombs 18, 814–28, 830–3
allées couvertes or allée sépulcrales 816, 1030, 1084
art see megalithic art
Bell Beakers at 611–12
burial/entombment see burial, at chambered tombs (entombment)
Clyde cairns 824
Costwold-Severn 824, 1028
court cairns 824, 1028
dolmens 817–9, 1008
forecourts 824
Hebridean 824
Iberian 829
radiocarbon dating 223, 815, 826
rock-cut tombs see rock-cut tombs
megalithic tombs 182, 221–2, 224, 338, 694, 814–5, 817–28, 875, 972, 976–7, 1006–8, 1084–5
acoustic effects 828
burial/entombment see burial, at chambered tombs (entombment)
closing or destruction (condemnation) 1034
deposition of animal bones at 126, 366, 752, 1028, 1032
deposition of material culture in 524, 584–5, 661–4, 666, 697, 714, 815
distribution of 41–2, 797, 831–2
orientation of 43, 918–23
origins of 221, 825
passage graves see passage graves
portal dolmens see portal dolmens
tholos tombs 814, 977
timber chambers 817, 1027
wooden mortuary structures preceding 822
chambers, mining 504
Champ Châlon 1027
Champ Durand 806, 1035
Channel Islands 522
axes 519
Chara 1 623
charcoal 396, 398, 399
charring 389, 735–6
plant remains 430–1
vs. waterlogging 396
Chasséen South 803
Chassey-Lagozza culture 697, 975 see also Lagozza-Chassey culture
Chaves 387
Chez Reine 797, 799
Chigborough Farm 330
as offerings 805
as potters 562
burial 455, 611, 932–3, 936, 941, 942, 943–4, 1040
burials in caves 898, 900
burials in flat graves 1013
Chiozza da Scandiano 961
chisels, metal 675
chronology of the Neolithic 4–6
Church Hill 500
Ciclame 387
Ciclami 400
Ciempozuelos style 607
circular enclosures 104–6
Circum-Alpine region 111 see also Alpine
lake settlements 291–304 see also lakeside settlements
Cissbury 500
city-states 1099–100
Clacton 732
Clairvaux Station III 387, 396
Claish 329, 332, 336, 337, 1077
clay figurines 630
indicators of personhood 160, 161–2
clay preparation 560
clay working 591–3
clearance 43
cleaving 521
climate 27–9
influence on lake settlements 293–4
Mediterranean region 176, 177
spread of agriculture 207
climate change 29–34, 46, 1063–4
cause of mobility 85
‘climax period’ (Chalcolithic/late Neolithic) 158, 159, 160, 161–2, 170
burial practices 168
settlements 167
clothing 721
Cluj 929, 931
Clyde cairns 824
Ćmielow settlement 490
coastal settlements 40–3
marine resources 367–8, 369
Coldrum 1028
Collared Bowls 589
Colline Metallifere 702
colour in pottery 536, 538, 539–40
Combe Obscure 387, 400
communities 1059–62
contact between 10–11, 197
Copper Age 166–9
as definition of Neolithic 1074
tell settlements 236, 245
Comunidad Valenciana 696
Condé-sur-Ifs/Ernes 815–16, 831, 1026
Coneybury 440, 731
Connemara 124
construction materials 764
contact between communities 10–11, 197
Contrada Casone 783
cooking 337
pottery 593–4, 597, 599
vessels 748
Copa Hill 713, 716
connection with amber 665–6
Italian Peninsula 697–702
jewellery 934
origins 674–5
socioeconomics 696–7
in southern Scandinavia 217
Copper Age/Chalcolithic 73–6, 158, 675–6
burial practices
and art 976–9
Italy 961–2
communities 166–9
early 677
early to middle, burial practices 939–48
households 163–6
Iberian peninsula 694
Italian peninsula 699–702
late 678
middle 677, 680
personhood 159–62
rock art 881
social networks 169–71
societies, ephemeral 1097, 1098
copper artefacts
central Europe 201
north-western Europe 714–15
copper axes 515, 681, 683, 701–2, 720
amber shaped as 665
copper beads 674, 712
copper daggers 486–7
copper extraction 716
copper metallurgy
central and eastern Europe 107, 111
link with Bell Beaker phenomenon 610
copper mining 698–9, 703
copper production 695–6
copper smelting 716
Corbally 464
Corded Ware culture 5, 36, 109, 113–15, 415, 609, 962, 1059, 1096–9
metallurgy 678–80
Corlea 713, 715
Corsica 184
burial practices 972
metals 703
Cortaillod 699
Coţofeni 680
Cotswold-Severn tombs 824, 1028
court tombs 338, 824, 1027–8
Cova 387, 396
Cova de l’Or 185, 387
Cova de la Sarsa 387
Cova de las Cendres 185, 387
Cova Fosca 387
Cowie 332, 333
Crannon 626
cremation 938, 944, 1027–8, 1029
Scandinavia 1015
single burial deposits 1032
Crete 88, 184, 197
Criş culture see Starčevo–Körös–Criş complex
Croz del Cius 702
Csáford 681
Csepel group 608 see also Bell Beakers
Cuartillas 260
Cùccuru S’Arriu di Cabras 971, 973
Cueva de los Murciélagos 387, 396
Cueva de Romeral 814
Cueva del Toro 387, 396
Cugnaux 804
Cuiry-lès-Chaudardes 275, 278, 279, 280, 282, 311, 312, 753, 1057
social equality 317
cult houses 352
cultigens 125–7
cultural change 10
cultural identity see identity
cup-and-ring motifs 848, 860–1, 880–1
cursus monuments 465–8, 474
Cyclops cave 386
Cyprus 82–4, 184
domestic space 263–5
Cys-La-Commune 640
daggers 699, 702
copper 486–7, 676, 677
flint 610
metal 678
in rock art 703, 863–6, 873
Dagstorp 348, 352
Dagstorp-type houses 347
dairying 400–1, 415, 433–4
increase 1076
tolerance gene 545–6
Dalladies 880
Dalmatia, animal husbandry 397
Danilo 387, 395, 397, 640
Danilo culture 556
Danube basin 197
Danube Gorges 539
Danube region
Bronze Age tells 1103–4
pottery styles 559
Danube valley 412–13
Danubian cultures 279
Danubian see Linearbandkeramik
Darion site 219
data, treatment of 773–5
Decea Mureşului group 929, 942
decentralized complexity 1095, 1106
on amber 658
copper powder 674
megalithic art 829–30
on figurines 628
on passage tombs 875
pottery 536–8, 539–40, 575, 580
rock art see rock art
schematic art 843–6
techniques 560
in tombs 815
wall paintings 904–5
decorative motifs 558–9, 564–5, 567–8
antlers 415, 506–7, 508, 902, 943
bones 398, 934, 936
in decorations 627, 753, 785, 863, 871, 877–8, 905
elk 420, 419, 885
hunting 81, 84, 92, 386, 746, 905
red deer 204, 392, 414–17, 419, 432, 435, 438, 751
roe deer 204, 392, 416–17, 432, 435, 438, 440
Defensola 500, 505, 507, 510
Déhus 1036–8
deities 464, 467, 468, 543, 752, 831, 866, 1024
demic diffusion model 139–40, 141, 145–6, 150, 265
demography, linked to mobility 70–3, 85
Den of Boddam 500
dendrochronology 299
Bell Beaker settlements 612
flat graves 1014
foraging to farming 150
houses 346–8
megalithic tombs 1007–8
see also Scandinavia, southern
axeheads 525–7
structured, pits 733–4
Dereivka 417, 418
Derenburg 372–3
Deszk-Olajkút 929
Devnja cemetery 929, 939
diet 40, 218, 361–388, 418,
age differences 373–6
local variability 368, 371–2
sex differences 373–6
shift at outset of the Neolithic 223, 364–6
diffusion and population growth 139–40
Dikili Tash 257, 625, 640, 642, 648
Dimini 257, 640, 641–2, 929, 938
Dimitra 642
Dispilio 642
dissolution of bodies 991–4
ditches 731, 781–91
axes deposited in 526, 807
burial practices 782
causewayed enclosure ditches 795, 797–804
c-ditches 784, 785
circular (Kreisgrabenanlagen) 766
combined with palisades 763, 766, 769–70
combined with wall constructions 770
deposition in 584, 806–7
entrances 770
functions 775–6
around settlements 766, 768
system-ditches 797–9, 802
v-shaped 768–9, 771, 773
see also enclosures
Divostin 386, 392, 452, 455
DNA studies (modern DNA) 103, 142–3, 206, 215–16 see also ancient DNA
Dnieper-Donets culture 203, 204, 416–18
Dnieper Rapids 370, 376
cemeteries 417
Dobrudža 935, 945
dogs 81, 419, 753
Dolmen de Coutignargues 921
Dolmen de Matarrubilla 916
Dolmen de Menga 914–15
Dolmen de Soto 965, 968
dolmens 817–19, 821, 1006, 1007–11
portal 824–5
Dolní Vĕstonice 543
Dolnoslav 158, 169
Dolnoslav-type personhood 160
Dombate 815
domestication see farming
domestic space 315
Anatolia 261–2
Cyprus 263–5
design 336–7
Greece 257–259
Iberia 260
and identity 265–6
Italy 259–60
Levant region 262–3
Mediterranean region 256–66
religious iconography 470
social lives 449–57
societal norms 309–10
see also houses
domus de janas tombs 971–2, 973
Donja Branjevina 929, 930
doorways 336
Dorchester upon Thames 467, 474
Dösjebro 346, 351–2
Dourgne 387
Dragsholm 658, 1013
Drenthe 527
dress 841, 977, 1024
dress ornaments 721, 866, 1024 see also ornaments
Dresden-Prohlis 556
Drumirril 880
Dudeşti 929
Dudeşti-Boian culture 934
Duggleby Howe 1031–2
Dullenried 295
Durankulak 158, 164, 246, 640–2, 648, 929, 934–5, 939–41
Durrington Walls 334, 337, 734
Dürrnberg 206
caves as 898, 902
societal norms 309–10
see also houses
Eagle’s Nest, Lambay 518, 519
Early Holocene (c. 10000–6000 BC), Mediterranean region 177
early Neolithic (EN) 4, 5
animals 122–131, 218, 386–98, 400, 413, 415, 419, 434–42, 546, 746, 747, 750, 754, 1057–9, 1075–7, 1081
axeheads, regional patterns 523 see also axeheads
cultivation 107, 122–131, 386–98, 419, 434–42, 1075–7,
climate 29, 177,
flint mines 510, 511, 1083
houses 273–81, 309–22, 329–31, 338, 339, 346–8, 464, 1083
mortuary practices 223, 339, 658, 898, 900, 930–933, 960–1, 975, 981, 988–94, 1007, 1015, 1017, 1024–28, 1031, 1033–36, 1084–5
pottery 537, 575–8 see also Barbotine, Cardial; Early Northern Comb Ware; Fuchsberg; Körös; La Hougette; Limburg; Linearbandkeramik, pottery; pottery, Agean region, Monochrome, painted pottery; pottery, early Neolithic bowls (Britain); pottery, first Neolithic bowls (Britain); pottery, Funnel Beaker (TRB); pottery, Impressed Ware; Stengarde/Satrup; Svalekint; Virum; Volling; Wangels/Flintbek
religion 463–4
sea levels 42
settlement 37, 66, 91, 221, 334, 729–31, 901, 906, 1052, 1054–7
eastern Europe 6
extent 196
pottery 203–6
spread of agriculture 99–115
see also Bug-Dniester/Cris; Cardial; Early Northern Comb Ware; Funnel Beaker (TRB); Impressa; Karanovo I–II; Körös culture; La Hougette; Limburg; Linearbandkeramik; Starčevo–Körös–Criş culture
Eaton Heath 737
Echiré 1035
eclogite 201–2
Ecsegfalva 386, 391, 392, 393, 1056
Edera 387, 399, 400
egalitarian societies 317–22