by Chris Fowler
Grotta della Monaca 698
Grotta della Zinzulusa 902
Grotta delle Venere 902
Grotta di Cala Colombo 905
Grotta di Porto Badisco 896, 902, 903–4
Grotta Rifugio di Olieni 971
Grotta Sant’Angleo 897–8
Grotta Santa Maria 902
Grotta Scaloria 387, 398, 902–3
Grotte Gazel 387
grottes bergeries (animals kept in caves) 396, 399–400
Grotto del Cavallo 387
Guernsey 1036–8
Gumelniţa culture 246, 941
Gura Baciului 929, 930, 931
Gwernvale 595–6
Gwithian 333, 715
Haddenham 799, 807, 1038
haematite 721
hair-rings 678
Hajdučka Vodenica 931–2
Hajdúszoboszló 929, 942
Halaf culture 263
halberds 699, 701, 702
Halberstadt 372–3
Hall Farm Reservoir 737
Hamangia culture 246, 934
Hamangia-type personhood 160
Hambledon Hill 371, 372, 432, 436, 441, 799, 805, 1035, 1074–5
hammer axes 678–9
hammering 521
Hammer 885
hammerstones 698–9, 703, 880
Hanau-Klein-Auheim 280
Hanstedgård 439
haplogroups 542–5
Hardinxveld 367–8
Hârşova 640, 644
Hauslabjoch Iceman see Ötzi the Iceman
Hauslabjoch pass 701
Hazelton North 338, 369, 372, 595–6, 1027, 1083
Hazendonk group 220
hearths 337, 470, 731, 799
Hebridean Wares 589
Heidelberg-Handschuhsheim 997
Heilbronn 804, 805, 806
Heilbronn-Klingenberg see Klingenberg
Helgoland 522
Hembury 803
Hemmed 352
Hencida hoard 681
henges 337, 463, 465, 473–6, 1035
Herxheim 563, 992–3, 1060
Hienheim 435
high altitudes environments 43–4
Hinkelstein culture 201, 566, 994
Hitra 883
Hitzkirch-Seematt 292
Hjelle 439
Hjelmars Rör 3 665
hoards 721
deposition of stone axeheads 526–7
long blades 490
metal 681
Hoca Çeşme 261
Hochdorf-Baldegg 292
Hockwold-cum-Wilton 333
Hódmezővásárhely-Bodzáspart 929, 942
Hódmezővásárhely-Gorzsa II 929
Hódmezővásárhely-Kökénydomb 929
Hódmezővásárhely-Kopáncs 929
Hoëdic 221
Hofplatz model 275, 278, 280, 282
Hohlestein 206
Hohlenstein-Stadel cave 997
Holland see Netherlands
Holm of Papa Westray North 365
Holoka 767
Holzmaar 29
Homolka 768
Horgen culture 108, 109, 114, 296
horizontal settlements, south-eastern Europe 238–40, 243
Hornstaad 202
Hornstaad-Hörnle 298, 299
in Balkans 163–6, 240, 245
in Circum-Alpine villages 300–3
differences between neighbouring households 263, 283, 297, 315, 488, 489, 490, 559, 567, 685, 1057
gardens 401, 450–4, 456–7
interpretation from house remains 256, 279, 1056–7
LBK 278–81, 317, 489
as mode or scale of production 66, 391, 395, 401, 402, 561, 1063, 1076
pottery breakage 737
pottery production 561–2, 567
shifting 67
social organization 70, 72, 300–3, 317, 319
at Italian enclosures 784, 786, 787
house models (ceramic) 245, 624, 626, 627, 628, 629
houses 12–14, 66, 1055–6
abandoned 276, 338, 450, 784, 976
Anatolia 261–2
Bell Beaker 612
Britain 327–8, 329–35
building 184, 754, 1083
burning 164, 259, 339, 450
Cyprus 264
design 336–7
emergence 1055–7
and gardens 401, 450–7
Greece 257–259
Iberia 260
internal layout 163–4, 301–2, 336–7
Italy 259–60, 783, 786, 790
Ireland 128, 327–8, 329, 464
at lake settlements 107, 297–303
Levant 262–3
lifespan 299–300
Linearbandkeramik (LBK) longhouses 273–8, 311–14, 320–2
front sections 314–15
central sections, 315
origins 275
rear sections 316
structuring principles 274–5, 277, 311–14
variation and change 320–1
Mediterranean region 81, 93, 180, 255–66
rebuilding 276, 787
Rössen 201
social behaviour 455–7
societal norms 309–10
south-east Europe 66, 70, 72
southern Scandinavia 345–55
standardization 163–4
at tells 70, 72, 73, 236, 237 239, 240, 242–6
and tombs 337–8, 826
see also farmsteads; households; settlements
‘house societies’ 242, 1061
Hov 500
Hüde 438, 439, 713, 721
human bones
arrangement 1027
burnt 337, 805, 989, 1015
in caves 898, 900, 903, 906, 934, 936, 938, 941, 944, 997
cleaned 805
defleshed 776, 989, 993, 1009, 1028, 1084
deposition in enclosures 776, 799, 801, 804–6, 993, 996, 998, 1015–6, 1035
displaced in burials 936, 943, 1013
fragmented 805, 1009–11
gnawed by animals 804, 1028, 1035
at houses 337, 350, 352, 464
at the Manfredi hypogeum 905
in megalithic tombs see burial, chambered tombs
at settlements 220, 898, 931, 932, 989, 996, 1005, 1017
in wetlands 1017
see also burials; mortuary practices; skulls
human representations see anthropomorphic art
Hungary 391
Bell Beakers 608
cemeteries 930
flat, extended or horizontal settlements 169, 391
hunting 392
Neolithization 102–3
roundels 764
Spondylus shells 645–6, 651, 652
subsistence practices 413, 414
tells 238, 239, 243
rock art 877–9, 884–5
subsistence strategies 419
see also Mesolithic; Neolithization; Pitted Ware culture
hunter-gatherers 41, 101, 102, 107, 123, 203–4, 260, 294, 316, 430, 441, 900, 1051–2, 1077–9, 1081–2 see also Mesolithic; Neolithization
Mediterranean region 92, 177, 180
Natufian 178
pottery 203, 535–6, 537, 543
sacred animals 747
hunting 14, 43, 68, 69, 81, 82, 84, 92, 93, 94, 123, 184, 185, 204, 218, 261, 279, 294, 302, 355, 386, 392, 398, 401, 402, 413, 414, 415, 419, 420, 746, 1026, 1078
beliefs concerning 747
depictions of 841–2, 859, 879, 904, 905, 964, 975, 976, 979, 980,
and social relations 413, 753, 905, 1076, 1081–2
Hurst Fen 732, 736–7
husbandry see farming
Hutton Moor 475
Hygind 806
hypogea 785–6, 970
Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni 970
axeheads (stone) 517, 519, 527
Atlantic 224, 517, 694, 814, 829, 844, 848, 921, 977, 1078, 1095
ll Beaker presence 608, 610, 613,1098
burial practices 611, 972–9
domesticated animals and plants 396, 397
domestic space 260
metal 693–7
Neolithization 94
rock art and megalithic art 815, 829, 839–52, 973, 975–6, 979
schist plaques 527, 977–8
social differentiation 1062
tombs 222, 224, 815–6, 826, 921, 922, 976
see also Spain
identity 11–12, 187, 188, 979, 1083
and animals 751–5
and art 631, 878, 980–1, 1076
community or collective 166–7, 236, 302, 319, 401, 781, 1029, 1055
and houses 265–6, 275, 276, 283, 300, 309–10, 452, 455, 1055
and funerary practices 19, 164, 260, 612, 614, 831, 932, 935, 937, 980–1 990–1, 994, 996, 1012, 1018, 1023, 1026
and metalwork 704, 1103
and mines 500
and monuments 468, 469, 781, 833
and personal ornaments 649–50, 667–8
and pottery 182, 350, 538–9, 566–8, 580, 582, 586, 935, 1062
and stone tools 486, 488–9, 491, 516, 523, 526, 527
and subsistence practices 367, 401, 453–4, 457
and weapons see warriors
see also age differentiation; personhood; sexual differentiation; social status
idols (schematic art) 843, 845, 977–8
Ile Longue 1036
Ilıpınar 929
Impressed Ware pottery (Britain and Ireland) 589, 596–7, 781, 787
Impresso or Impressed Ware
enclosed settlements 781, 787–8
occupation sites 68–9, 93, 94, 1078
origins 89
pottery 68–9, 90, 91, 93, 539–40, 541
anthropomorphic figures on 845, 975
schematic art designs on 845
see also Cardial
Inden 1 769
indirect percussion 487–8
individuality 987–8
in burial practices 988–1000
Indo-European language 140–1, 144–5, 187, 1097
Ipogeo Manfredi 387, 398
Ippesheim 105–6
Irchonwelz 281
Ireland 223–4
axeheads 523, 526
Bell Beakers 608, 614
causewayed enclosures 223
chambered tombs 822–5
copper 616, 716–7
copper mining 716, 1098
domesticated animals and plants 128–9, 223, 365, 440, 1074–5
gold 712, 715
houses 329–34
megalithic art 829, 874–7, 885–6
Mesolithic–Neolithic transition 221–3, 440
mortuary practices 611, 1027–9, 1036, 1040
passage tombs (passage graves) 825, 874–7, 879, 885
plants 440–1
pottery 586–99
red deer, introduction 751
rock art 872–4, 879–81, 886
tin ore 712
movement of plants and animals from the continent 127–8, 222, 440
settlement occupation 334–7, 736–7
rock art 872–4, 879–81, 886
villages 334
wild species, role in subsistence 440–1, 747
Irish Stone Axe Project (ISAP) 517
Irlbach 557
Iron Gates region, Danube 370, 376, 392 394
Istállóskő Cave 929, 936
Italian Peninsula, metals 697–702
Italy 398
art 857–67, 962–8
animal husbandry 397, 399, 400
axeheads 517, 523, 524
Bell Beakers 608, 609
burial practices 960–9
caves 399, 897–906
cereals 37, 395
copper artefacts 679, 697–702
domestic space 259–60
enclosures 779–90
flint blades 486
flint mines 502
lake levels 29
Neolithization 93–4
mortuary practices 611, 960–2
pottery 90–2
quarries 524
wild animals and plants 395, 398
Jablines 280, 500, 505, 506, 507, 509, 510
jadeitite 201–2, 720
jadeitite (jade) axes 521–2, 525, 721, 1095
Jaričište 929, 931
Jászladány 681, 929
Jericho 139
jet 718
jewellery 677, 678
evidence of personhood 990–1
gold and silver 682
grave goods 934, 943, 946
shells 643, 644, 648, 649–50
see also personal ornaments
Jistebsko 517
Jonquières 805
Jovades 387, 398
Junacite 929
Jungfernhöhle cave 563
Kalythies cave 386, 394, 929
Kamegg 769
culture 5, 73, 86, 158, 197, 242, 243, 262, 540, 677, 930
site 158, 166, 237, 240, 241, 647, 929, 930, 948
see also Kodžadermen–Gumelniţa– Karanovo culture
Karbuna 649, 679
Karelia 206, 881
rock art 879
Karleby 59, 665
Karsdorf 372–3
Kastri 648
Kastria 386, 394
Kefala / Kephala 370, 386, 394, 929, 938
Keszthely pottery 559
Khiamian 81
culture 83, 84
site 362, 369
Vounous 264
Kideris Mose 713, 717
Kilgreany Cave 125, 128
Killeaba 1032
Killin 522
Kilverstone 335, 730, 735–7, 739–41
Kinbeachie 329, 330
Kisköre-Gát 929, 937
Kitsos cave 386, 394, 648
Kivik 883
Kleinkems 500, 502
Klingenberg 767, 770, 800, 803, 805, 807
Klintebakke 576, 579
Klokkehøj 1008, 1009, 1011
Knap Hill 795, 801
Knap of Howar 334, 362, 365
Knappers (site) 880
knapping 259, 489, 491, 503, 507, 508, 590, 610, 720, 721, 735
debris 487, 735, 880 see also knapping, waste
techniques 483–8
traditions 483, 485, 487, 490
waste 281, 483, 490 see also knapping, debris
Knossos 64, 88, 183, 184, 386, 393, 402
Knowe of Yarso 1027
knowledge 75, 92, 219, 317, 449, 454, 467, 476, 503, 507, 590, 642, 650, 828, 1012, 1078, 1094, 1105
astronomical 104, 105, 912
of building materials 819, 820
of environment and land 177, 315, 453, 745, 1052
esoteric 472, 820
metallurgical 696, 711, 717, 1107
reproduction of 964
ritual 1060
technological 184, 500, 609, 1099
transfer/transmission of 99, 490, 511, 527, 587, 590
Knowth 338, 362, 470, 473, 476, 825, 829, 876, 881, 1039
Kodžadermen-Gumelniţa-Karanovo culture (KGK) 73, 246, 677, 939
Kojadermen-Gumelniţa-Karanovo culture see Kodžadermen- Gumelniţa-Karanovo culture
Köln-Lindenthal 282, 765–6
Kolomyïshchina II 419
Kong Svends Høj 820, 828
König Surbold 820
Konyár-Ziegelei 929, 936
Köpingsvik 362, 366, 367
Kornsjövägen 350
Körös culture 5, 120, 158, 391, 413, 418, 455, 545, 546, 746, 931, 1052, 1053, 1056 see also Starčevo–Körös–Criş complex
Korsnäs 362, 366
Kouveleiki 362, 370, 386, 394
Kovačevo 240, 241, 386, 390, 929, 931
Kozludža 649
Krasnoye Selo 500
Kreisgrabenanlagen 104, 201, 766, 768, 771 see also roundels
Kremikovci 241, 242, 540, 929, 930
sp; Krems-Wachtberg 543
Kretuonas 420
Krumlovský les 500
Krzemionki 500, 502, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 516, 521
Kujavia 277, 414, 754
Kümpfe 557–8, 563–4, 565
Künzing-Bruck 767
Künzing-Unterberg 766, 769, 771–3, 775
Kurgan culture 5, 246
kurgan hypothesis 140, 144
kurgans 113, 140, 1099–100
Kutná Hora 768
Kvarnby-S. Sallerup 500
Kvistofta 12, 665
Kyndeløse 1011
La Balme de Thuy 387, 398
La Cabanne des Clausis 703
La Capitelle du Broum 703, 713, 716
La Chasse 797
La Chaussée-Tirancourt 816, 1030, 1034
Laconi 965, 972
La Coterelle 799
La Creusette hoard 490
lactase persistence 434, 545–6
lactose tolerance 143, 369, 1058, 1076
La Draga site 93, 183, 260, 387, 396, 397
La Folie 607, 611
Lagnano da Piede 90, 783
Lagozza culture, or Lagozza-Chassey culture 5, 860, 960, 961 see also Chassey-Lagozza culture
La Grande Rivoire 387, 396
La Hoguette 101, 102, 104, 197, 200, 206–7, 556, 1026
Laigh Newton 329, 331
Lake Constance 108, 111, 202, 292, 295–7, 299, 302, 679
lake levels 29, 31, 300
lakeside dwellings 105, 202
lakeside settlements 107, 108, 111, 114, 491
lake villages
Circum-Alpine region 13, 36, 292, 296–7, 299, 396, 769
Greece 258
La Lámpara 387, 396
La Marmotta 387, 395, 397
Lambay 517–9, 521, 522, 598
Landbogården 1009–11
actions in/use of 14, 38, 44, 202, 345, 355, 364, 401, 526, 1083, 1107
agricultural 897, 901
altering/transforming 216, 385, 500, 501
cultural 401, 403, 787, 896, 897, 905
enculturation of 398, 402, 403
forested/wooded 76, 392, 797, 833
miniaturized 624
monumental/monuments in 19, 43, 168, 221, 346, 465, 474, 509, 822, 831, 832, 847, 906, 918, 962, 977, 981
natural 816
open 66, 72, 790, 808, 833, 1106
perception of 42, 376
rock art in 849–51, 872, 874
sacred 465
settlements in 295, 296, 339, 345, 350, 840, 843
Landshut-Sallmannsberg 282
Langelandsvej-Starup 802
language 144–7, 151
distribution 140, 144
and genes 139–40, 150, 187
Indo-European see Indo-European language
movement of 7, 144, 146, 1098
Languedoc 92, 185, 703, 712, 713, 716, 922
Langweiler 279, 765–6
Lánycsók 929, 931
La Pijotilla 696, 973, 977
La Pileta cave 844, 845
La Razza di Campegine 789, 790
La Revilla del Campo 387, 396
La Sarga 842, 843
Late Glacial Maximum (LGM) 34, 41
late Neolithic 4, 5
animals 294, 369, 413, 415, 431, 439, 751, 753–4, 905, 943
climate 32, 46