by Chris Fowler
cultivation 431, 439–41
enclosures 766–70, 905, 1086 see also henge monuments, post circles, stone circles
figurines 972, 977–8, 1038
houses 257, 331–5, 337–9, 353–5
metals 169, 695, 704
mortuary practices 182, 260, 465, 608, 785, 825, 898, 906, 934–9, 944–6, 971–2, 977, 996–8, 1009, 1029
personal ornaments 646–7, 651, 662
pottery 72, 354, 581–2, 589–90,
rock art 850, 879–83
settlement 260, 613, 788, 1095 see also tells
statue stelae and menhirs 964, 972, 978, 1037
tells 70–2, 107, 169, 245–7
see also Altheim; Bell Beakers; Butmir culture; Corded Ware; Grooved Ware; Horgen culture; Lengyel culture; Michelsberg; Münchshöfen; Pitted ware culture; Single Grave culture; Tripolye culture
La Vaquera 387, 396
La Vela 788
group 944
site 929
LBK see Linearbandkeramik
Le Câtel menhir 1037
Le Chenet des Pierres 387, 395
Le Crès 362, 369, 375
Le Grand-Pressigny 487, 488, 490, 491, 493
Le Manio 815
Le Petit-Chasseur 611
Le Pinacle 522
lead 674, 712, 720, 722
lead isotope analysis 170, 702, 716, 717
leaders 318, 323, 901, 1105, 1106
leadership 301, 1061, 1095, 1100
Leceia 613, 696
Leirfall 882
Lengyel culture 5, 71, 107, 201, 243, 274, 276, 278, 281, 284, 311, 321, 414, 574, 576, 766, 772, 774, 928, 930, 935, 936, 937, 943, 1059, 1060 see also Epilengyel; Protolengyel
houses 276, 277, 281
pottery 200
site 201, 769, 929, 937
Lepenski Vir 37, 158, 163, 169, 241, 242, 362, 386, 392, 412, 537, 539, 650, 752, 929, 930–3, 941, 948
Lerna 241, 929, 938
Levant 34, 84, 176, 177, 182, 183, 186
domestication in the 64, 81, 175, 178
domestic space 262–3
influences on Europe 87, 88, 178, 184, 264, 543, 545
Neolithization 81, 82, 175, 178
pottery 89
spread of Neolithic from 84–7
Levantine style rock art 839–43, 845–6, 849–52, 973, 975, 977
levigation 591
Lhéry 488
Libiola mine 698, 699, 702
Liepen 1 831, 1010
pottery 556
region 219, 312
Limensgård 349, 354
Limensgård-type houses 347, 349
Lindebjerg 1013
Linear Pottery culture see Linearbandkeramik
Linearbandkeramik (LBK) 5, 99–104, 199–201, 219, 296, 412, 429, 546, 677 see also Alföld Linear Pottery culture
architecture 276, 311–14, 320–2 see also houses
adzes and axes 521–3, 1062
boundaries 87
burial practices 103, 516, 522, 641, 988–94, 1060–1
contact with other cultures 10, 11, 158, 199, 217, 416, 556
crisis 199, 284, 1063
DNA 143, 150, 206–7
domesticates 126, 199, 413–4, 434–7, 752–5, 1053, 1056–8
earliest LBK 100–2, 104–5, 199, 557–60, 765, 769, 937, 989, 1053–4
emergence 100–02, 1053–4
enclosures 765–6, 796, 992
expansion 102–04, 126, 145–6, 199–201, 275, 315, 429, 545, 640
flint knapping 487, 489
homogeneity 320–2
households 278–81
houses 13, 100, 199, 273–84, 309–16, 322, 990, 1053, 1056–7, 1061
hunting 746
isotopic analysis 372–5, 1054–5
longhouses see houses
pottery 199, 281, 283, 555–68, 1062 see also Music-Note style pottery
shell ornaments 641–52
Linkardstown tombs 1028
Linköping 352
Links of Noltland 470, 598, 1038
Lipari 92, 184, 698
Lismore Fields 127–8, 329, 330, 432, 441, 738, 1074
Ljubljana Marsh 109, 298
Llandegai 330, 467
loam pits (LBK) 274–5, 277–8, 280–3, 312–4, 753–4, 992, 1057
Lockerbie Academy 329, 332
Locmariaquer 126
loess 764
and the Linearbandkeramik 37, 100, 104, 199, 219, 1060
Mesolithic settlement on 102–3, 413, 434, 437, 764
Lohals 1013
Loma de Belmonte 695
Loma de Huéchar 695
Loma de la Rambla de Huéchar 695
long barrows 43, 201, 833, 1006, 1007, 1031
and longhouses 337, 346, 826, 1083
in Britain 218, 223, 338, 371, 464–5, 1031–4, 1084
Passy long mounds 1024–6
in Scandinavia and north Germany 346, 578, 659, 797, 817, 833, 1006–7
long blade production 486–91, 508
longhouses see houses, LBK longhouses
Los Millares 694,–6, 814, 845, 914, 920–1, 972, 977, 1098
Lough Gur 327, 330, 333, 336
Low Countries 219–20
Neolithization 126, 147, 150, 367, 376, 437, 1074, 1079
Lugo di Grezzana 790
Lugo di Romagna 387, 395, 780, 788–90
lunette entrance 785
Lunigiana 701, 866, 965, 966–7
lunulae 715
Macedonia (FYROM) see FYROM
Macedonia (Greece) 65–6, 87, 184, 237–8, 246, 628–9, 939, 1052
Macroschematic art 845–6
Madžari 626
Maes Howe 337–8, 472–3
Magheraboy223, 803, 807
Magoula Koutsouro 623
Măgura-Buduiasca 386, 391
Majkop culture 112–13, 1099
Makó/Kosihy-čaka 5, 675
Makri 257–9
Makriyalos 181, 257–8, 386, 392–3, 402, 456, 523, 629, 642, 1058
Mala Triglavca rock shelter 387, 400, 546
Malăk Preslavec 929
and axes 115, 353, 516, 523, 969, 1062
and flint working 488, 510
grave goods 641, 699, 939, 944–6, 702
representations of 160, 829, 841, 866–7, 905, 932, 947, 964–7, 975, 978 see also anthropomorphic art, phalli
social roles 140, 491, 756, 936, 1100–1
Malmö 218, 349, 353
Malone 526
Małopolska 414
burial practices 970–1
caves 906–8
temples 913
Manfredi hypogeum 387, 398, 785–6, 905
manuring 364, 389–90, 393, 437, 450, 1055, 1074
marble 162, 527, 629–30, 651, 697, 932, 937, 943–4, 946, 972, 980
Marievka 418
Marin 299
marine environment 40–3
marine resources 129, 178, 216–18, 366–9, 420, 439, 644, 941, 1074
shift away from 223, 365–6
maritime colonization 87, 89, 92–3, 185, 1078
maritime contacts, Bronze Age 1104–7
maritime images in rock art 871, 878–9, 882, 885
Marmara region 65, 261–2
Marne hypogea 1037
Maroslele-Pana 929
between hunter-gatherers and farmers 140–4, 185, 219
bridewealth 750, 753
mobility 63, 70, 72, 140, 146, 1078
pottery production 562, 614
virilocality 279, 562, 567–8
Mas d’Is 93, 387, 397
Masseria Candelaro (Valente) 782, 961
Masseria Centonze 784
Masseria di Gioia 387, 397
Masseria Fonteviva 782, 784
Masseria Fragennaro 785
Masseria Giuffreda 781
Masseria La Lamia 781
Masseria Monte A
quilone 783
Masseria Palmori 782, 783
Matera 259, 779–80
material culture
boundaries 10, 157, 199, 300, 606
commonality 1061–2
change in 8, 104–5, 275, 580–1, 660, 678, 1059
diversification 67, 283, 489, 651
and habitus 449–50, 967
identity 265–6, 568, 580, 631
cultural 10–1, 35, 66, 128, 350, 516, 586, 1061
personal 160, 168, 640
interaction 72, 76, 261–2, 353, 1076
mobility and migration 67, 113–4, 127, 222
representations of 841–2, 884, 979
uniformity 310, 317, 605–6, 996
see also amber, deposition, flint, metal, pottery, Spondylus, stone
Matrensa 785
mature farming period 160–3, 168–170
Maumbury Rings 1035
Maxey-Etton 465–6, 470
Maydanetskoe 419
Mayen 767, 799
meat consumption 317, 402, 441, 754, 1075
‘meat’ mortality pattern 393–4, 397–8, 400, 401
Mediterranean region 6, 175–7
axeheads 518–19, 524 see also jade/jadetite
burials 181–2, 920–3, 959–62, 975–7
domestic space 256–66
economy 181, 394–403, 1086
movement across 41, 121–2, 175, 429, 1078, 1098–9
Neolithic evidence 180–4
Neolithization 64, 81–95, 147, 177–80, 184–8
pottery traditions 182–3, 556
sea and coastline 40–2, 176
stable isotope analysis 364, 368–70
winds 27–8
megalithic art 516, 815, 825, 829–30, 839–40, 846–7, 849–50, 860, 875, 973, 976, 1037
megalithic tombs see chambered tombs, megalithic tombs
megalithic yard 911
megaliths see megalithic tombs, menhirs, portal dolmens, statue stelae
Megara Iblea 785
Méhtelek-Nádas 386, 391
Meisternthal 105
Melos obsidian 64–5, 88, 184
men see males
menhirs 221, 224, 527, 699, 752, 815, 829, 846, 865–7, 1085 see also statue-menhirs
Menneville 199, 755, 1034
Menteş 929
Mersin-Yumuktepe 674
Merzbach valley 275–8, 283, 766
Merzbachtal see Merzbach valley
Meseta 185, 387, 396, 608, 612–3, 696, 844
amber 657–8, 667
architecture 242, 345–6, 467
axes 223, 518
burials 216–7, 220–3, 753, 900, 931–2, 945
DNA 103, 142–3, 150, 206–7, 224, 542–3, 1053–4
contact to Neolithic societies 68–9, 197, 217, 219, 877, 1078
continuity with Neolithic 66, 85, 90, 101–2, 219–20, 416–7, 420, 487, 871, 901, 1053, 1078
domesticates, use of 103, 121–6, 197, 386, 414, 437, 442, 1076, 1087
isotopic evidence 218, 223, 365, 367–8, 370, 417–9
Mediterranean region 88–9, 177–8
pottery, use of 101, 182, 185, 197, 544, 556, 573–5
rock art 877, 879, 881, 885
see also Ertebølle culture; Swifterbant culture; shell middens
Mesolithic–Neolithic transition see Neolithization
axes 74–6, 676–9, 683, 697–9, 701–2, 720 see also copper axes
beads see copper beads
decline 680, 714, 718
exchange 75–6, 107
figurines 630
as grave goods 681–5
hoards 159, 680, 683, 714, 721
ornaments and small objects 162, 677–8, 698–9, 702, 71–4
sources and sourcing 170, 712, 717
see also copper; gold; daggers; lunulae
Anatolia 73, 174
and Beaker populations 608, 610, 678, 694
chronological inconsistencies 678–80
knowledge of 717, 720
origins 674–5
south-eastern Europe 73–5, 675–8
and social stratification 75, 169, 673, 680–1, 685–6, 697, 701, 704, 718–22, 1062, 1086, 1096–8, 1100–7
metalworking 695–6, 698, 702–3, 716–7, 720–1 see also goldworking
see also copper metallurgy
Mezőkövesd-Mocsolyás 929, 935
Michelsberg culture 5, 108, 124, 202, 487, 574, 766, 996–7
Michelsberg enclosures 769, 770, 776, 795, 799, 802–3, 805
middens 335–6 449–50, 452, 454, 1083 see also shell middens
middle Neolithic
burial 825, 879, 903, 930–3, 971, 975, 994–6, 1005, 1025 see also chambered tombs; passage tombs
diet and economy 366–7, 369–71, 414–5, 419–20, 439, 660
enclosures 202, 218, 768–9 see also Kreisgrabenanlagen, roundels
figurines 970, 972–3, 975, 986
houses 92, 259, 274, 276–8, 281, 284, 347–53
pottery 89–90, 538, 578–80, 584, 589, 596–8, 903 see also Impressed Ware, Peterborough Ware
religion 465–9
settlement 92, 259, 355
see also Battle-Axe culture; Grossgartach culture; Hinkelstein culture; Rössen culture, Stichbandkeramik culture; Pitted Ware culture
Miel 767
migration 9–10, 70, 102, 114, 141, 186–7, 206, 613, 1078, 1098
models 99, 102–3, 186, 219, 222, 539, 979
pottery as evidence 538–46
see also mobility
Milchtopf vessels 941, 943
Mildenhall pottery 731, 735
milk consumption 389–90, 400–1, 415, 433–4, 545–6 see also dairying; lactose tolerance; lactase persistence
Millan(d) 702
millet (broomcorn millet) 122, 204, 420
miniature axes 162, 523–4, 527, 661, 665, 667, 906, 946, 970
miniature house models and furniture 164, 621–2, 626, 628–9, 632
copper 696, 698–9, 703, 716
flint 499–503, 508–11, 521, 1083
chronology 508–9
scale 510
tools 506–7
see also quarries, shafts
mires, raised 29–34
Miskovice 312
Mitreo 387, 400
mitochondrial DNA see MtDNA
Mittelelbe-Saale area, burial practices 998–9
Mjeltehaugen slabs 883–4
Bell Beaker Phenomenon 613–14
Britain 328, 740
Bronze Age 1096, 1104–5, 1106–7
central and eastern Europe 99–115, 279
linked to population 63, 70–3
Mediterranean 84–5
metals 717–18
seasonal 170, 177, 394–5, 398, 401
in south-east Europe 63–77, 240
see also migration; farming, herding, transhumance
Moigrád hoard 681–2
Mojácar 695
Molenaarsgraf 612
Molino Casarotto 387, 398
Mondsee culture 108, 699
Monkton-up-Wimborne 1035
Mont Bégo 701, 703, 857, 859
Mont Viso 522
Monte Loreto 698–9, 702
Monte Rocca 790
Montefrío 920–1
Montesei di Serso 702
Monti Lessini 184
monuments 17–19, 1085–7
to ancestors 1034, 1084
astronomically influenced 104–6, 474, 476, 913–22
carvings 846–7, 873
construction of 467–8, 827–8
cosmology 43, 473, 476, 777, 1038
and houses 338, 999
and landscape 832, 840, 981
origins of 215–9, 222–3
see also dolmens; enclosures; henges; long barrows; megaliths; passage graves; post circles; statue-stelae; stone circles
tion 346, 476, 527, 694, 981, 1034
Mórágy-Tűzkődomb 929
Moravian Painted Ware 5, 774
Morbihan 126–7, 202
Mortlake Ware 589, 596
mortuary houses 1005, 1015–6
mortuary practices 19–20, 223, 258, 263, 907, 927–1041,
and ancestors 221, 464, 753, 831, 1011, 1012, 1012, 1014, 1016, 1033–1034, 1035, 1040–1, 1084, 1085
burial of the dead see burials
in caves 898–901, 902–4, 906–8, 962, 992, 1036
copper age 167–9
display of shell ornaments 651
dispersal of remains 1035–6
feasting 754–5, 831
scattered remains 1017
see also burial; cemeteries; cremation; human bones; secondary burial; skulls
Mossby 346–7
Mossby-type houses 347–8, 349, 355
Motagan I 799
‘Mother Goddess’ representations 622, 886, 964, 993, 1036
Motzenstein 563
Mound of the Hostages 1029, 1039
movement see migration, mobility
mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) 142–3, 542
cattle 103, 122, 125, 413
human, ancient mtDNA 143, 206
human, present-day populations 142, 206–7
pigs 413, 435–6
see also ancient DNA (aDNA)
Muldbjerg 438, 439
Mulino Sant’Antonio 387, 398
Münchshöfen culture 201–2, 697, 766–8, 997
Munkwolstrup 818
Muntenia 246, 935, 941, 944–5
Murge 91, 785
Murgecchia 785
Murgia Timone 785
Murr 563, 566
Music-Note style pottery 199–200, 559
Myrebjerg mose 1017
Myrrini 626
myths 468, 886
ancestors 476, 832, 1024
animals in 752
origin myths 474, 476, 527, 645, 828, 935, 944–5, 1039
Nämforsen waterfall 878–9
Natufian hunter-gatherers 81, 177–8
Natufian period 130, 263
Nea Nikomedeia 88, 183, 241–2, 536, 929, 931
Near East
climate 85, 177
domestic architecture 256, 262–3
domestication 64, 121–3, 130, 178, 255, 750
metallurgy 674–5
migration out of 542, 545–7
Neolithization 81–2, 85
pottery 536
see also Levant; Natufian hunter-gatherers; Natufian period; Pre-Pottery Neolithic A–C
Near Eastern haplotypes 103, 142, 150, 206, 543
Nebelivka 419
neck rings 677
Neolithic package 64–5, 90, 92, 125–7, 180, 195, 240, 256, 402, 450, 537, 660, 732, 787, 1073–4
Neolithic revolution 195, 255
Atlantic Europe (incl. Britain and Ireland) 220–4, 365–6, 441–2, 1075–9
central Europe and Alpine area 99–104, 107, 197–201, 411–3, 1053–4
and diffusion 66, 85–7, 103–4, 123, 179, 198
Eastern Europe 203–6, 416–9
Mediterranean region 89–95, 177–86, 368–70