by Chris Fowler
social context 850–1, 884–6
techniques 844, 860, 877
Scandinavia 877–9, 881–5, 1006
Schematic style 843–6, 850–1
Valcamonica–Valtellina area 701, 857–67, 966
rock-cut tombs 182, 702, 816, 906–8, 962, 970–2
domus de janas 971–3
hypogea 611, 785–6, 905, 970, 1037
tomba a forno 961
tombe a grotticelle 962, 971
roe deer see deer
Røkke 878, 884
Romagnano Loch 699
Romania 391, 645
dating of tells 238
see also Iron Gates region, Muntenia
Romigny 488, 493
Roque Fenestre 703, 713, 716
Roquemengarde 704, 712, 713, 718
Ross Island 713, 716–7, 1098
Rössberga passage grave 1009
Rössen culture 5, 10–1, 124, 201, 994
longhouses 278, 282, 284
Röszke-Ludvár 628
Rothley 470–1, 1039
Roucadour 387, 398
roundels 201, 766, 768–9, 773, 774 see also Kreisgrabenanlagen
routines 14–15
rhythm 448–9
subsistence 376–7, 389–401, 752–4
use of domestic space 280–1, 328
Rowden 731
Rückstrom theory 605–6
Rudna Glava 73, 158, 170, 201, 685
Rudston 468
Rupe Magna di Grosio 860–1
amber 658–61
Copper Age 675
pottery 203–6
rock art 871–2, 879
steppes 196–7, 203
Saaremaa Island 420
Sabatinovka 158
Saint-Véran 703
Sălcuţa culture 158, 941 see also Salcuţa-Krivodol-Bubanj Hum
Sălcuţa tell 238, 241
Salcuţa-Krivodol-Bubanj Hum 246, 677
Saliagos 648
salt trade 202, 652, 1103–4, 1106
Salzkotten-Oberntudorf 767, 776
Salzmünde 576, 766, 998
Sammardenchia 387, 395
San Cristoforo delle Vertighe 702
San Marco 185, 787–8
Santa Barbara 785–6, 905
Sant’Anna 787
Santa Tecchia 387, 397
Sardinia 183–5
burial practices 611, 971–3, 980
metals 702–3
obsidian 92–3
statue-menhirs 972–3
Sarsa 387, 397
Sarup 796, 797, 799, 800, 801–3, 805–7, 827
Sarup Gamle Skole 797, 799, 1016
Sarup type enclosures 1009, 1016
Šašinci 929, 931
Saspów 500
SBK (Stichbandkeramik, Stroke-Ornamented pottery) culture 5, 200–1, 275, 278, 281, 556, 566–7, 773, 766
Scaloria see Grotta Scaloria
scalping 993, 1018
Scandinavia 5
amber 657–68
Bell Beakers 608
bog hoards 721
burial practices 223, 1005–19
diet and economy 218, 366–7, 373, 437–9, 746–7
DNA 143
enclosures 795–808, 1086
houses and settlement 346–55
isostatic uplift 42
megaliths 816–22, 826
metal use 75, 679, 714, 716–7, 720
Neolithization 216–9
pottery 573–86
rock art 872, 877–9, 881–5
stone axes 515, 522, 526
see also Battle-Axe culture; Ertebølle culture; Funnel Beaker culture; Pitted Ware culture; Single Grave culture
Scania see Skåne
Schela Cladovei 158, 386, 393, 417
Schematic style rock art 843–6, 850–1
Schipluiden 362, 367, 368, 370, 438
Schletz see Asparn-Schletz
Schönstedt 998
Schwanfeld 100, 279, 282
Schwell(balken)bauten 298
Scord of Brouster 334, 431–2, 440
climate 30, 33–5
diet 365, 441
houses 329–34, 464, 1077
megalithic monuments 822, 824
population levels 148
pottery 589
rock art 873
see also Britain and Ireland; Orkney Islands; Shetland
sea levels 41–3, 217
Black Sea 42
Mediterranean 177
seafaring 41 see also maritime colonization
seasonality 447–57
Šebastovce 929, 944
secondary products 159, 181, 393
secondary products revolution 401, 415, 755, 969, 1058
consequences of 388, 430, 1073, 1079
and domestication 255–6
pre-Neolithic 81, 130, 178, 195, 216–7, 265, 543, 582, 660, 900
see also architecture; domestic space; houses
Seeberg 295
Seekirch-Stockwiesen 109, 295
Sélédin 518
Selevac 386, 392, 393, 624, 625
Serra Cicora 961
Serra d’Alto 785, 961
Serra del Palco 787
settlements 12–14, 1054–9, 1063–4, 1095
Bell Beaker 612–13
Britain and Ireland 329–39, 729–30, 736–7, 739–40
burials 930–44, 960, 991–2, 996–7, 1017
central Europe 107–8, 199, 201, 202, 278, 295–7, 766
density 169, 296, 1096
eastern Europe 203
lakeside 35–6, 108, 111, 114, 291–304
in the landscape 35–40, 68, 93, 107, 295–6, 339, 345, 350, 353, 840, 843
layout 74, 166–9, 243, 259–60, 280–2, 301, 350, 450, 452, 766
Mediterranean 181, 185, 694, 781–90
patterns of occupation 296–7, 561
population size 66, 70, 263, 317, 388, 1097
size 72, 82, 91, 159, 295, 347, 1097
south-east Europe 63–75, 157–9, 388, 685, 1103–4
horizontal 236, 238–40, 243
tells 66, 70–2, 74–6, 235–47, 1095
Scandinavia 345–55
submerged 42
task-specific areas 302, 753
villages see lake villages
see also early Neolithic, settlement; enclosures; houses; late Neolithic, settlement; middle Neolithic, settlement; sedentism; Siedlungskammern; Tripolye settlements
sexual differentiation
and age 160–2, 562, 753
in art 841, 905, 92, 964, 966–7, 975
in place or presence of burial 455, 610, 902, 937, 962, 991
in burial position 114, 115, 610, 937, 942, 989, 1014, 1032, 1101,
in diet 373–6
in grave goods 168, 562, 611, 946, 962, 989, 1014
see also males; females
SGC see Single Grave culture
shaft-hole axes 75–6, 678, 927, 942–3, 946
shafts, mining 501, 503–7, 698, 720, 1036, 1083
shamanism 467, 885
Shanidar Cave 674
sheep 122, 129, 397–8, 413
Britain and Ireland 127–8, 597
diet 366, 389, 393
domestication 64, 746
as grave goods 934, 943
for meat 393–4, 397–8, 400
in Mesolithic/pre-Neolithic contexts 101, 124–5, 185–6, 197, 1078
for milk 400–1, 546
penning 399
predominance 392–3, 397, 401, 753, 1058
symbolic importance 749, 751–2, 900, 908
wool 76, 389
shell figurines 630, 647–8, 902
shellfish 217, 223, 364, 365, 413, 416
shell middens 125, 216, 218–21, 223–4, 345
shell ornaments 40, 160, 644–5, 648–50, 681 see also Glycymeris glycymeris Linne (Dog cockle); Spondylus gaederopus Linne (Spiny oyster); ornaments
/> exchange networks 82, 170, 415, 639–42, 645–52, 898
impressions on pottery 90, 93, 204, 539–41 see also Cardial
production 642–5, 649
as temper 473, 538
Shetland 334, 338, 522, 822
Sicily 90, 92, 183, 185, 523, 608, 611, 961
‘Sickle God’ 946
Sidari 89
Siedlungskammern 296–7
Siggeneben Süd/Stengade II group 576, 578
Silbury Hill 612
silver 677, 678, 681–2, 702, 703, 716
Single Grave culture (SGC) 348, 352, 355, 491, 576, 580, 584–6, 1014, 1018–9, 1098–9
Sion 387, 398, 470
Sipplingen-Osthafen 292, 295
Siracusa 779–80
Sitagroi, Greece 238, 241, 626, 640–2, 647–8
Sitochoro 2 623
Skåne 349, 351–2, 575–6, 578, 664–6, 1005
Skara Brae 327, 334, 470
Skateholm 419, 658
skills and identity 159–63, 449, 453–4, 485, 488, 490, 510–1
Skogsmossen 347
Skoteni/Skoteini caves 386, 394, 938
Skotino Cave 929
Skraeppekaergård 348
animals 464, 751, 754–5, 785, 806, 905, 908, 931, 933–5
display of 805, 831, 898
in enclosures 799, 805, 996, 998, 1015, 1035
plastered 263
removal and secondary deposition 263, 822, 831, 903–4, 927–8, 931, 936, 941, 961, 1010–11, 1027
worked skull-caps 993, 1018
Skumparberget 439
slag 696–9, 702–3
Slatina 241, 386, 391, 629, 929, 931
Slieve Breagh 333
slit-shaped pits 770, 772
smelting 696–7, 699, 702–3, 716
social identity see identity
social networks 64–5, 67–8, 76, 169–71, 203, 283–4, 555, 566, 685–6, 787, 808, 1082, 1086, 1094, 1106–7 see also exchange networks
social organization
complex societies 169, 216, 415, 685, 1094–6, 1098–1100, 1106–7
equality 317–22
hierarchy 168, 866, 941, 1059, 1101
see also households
social status 75, 246, 279, 318, 697, 753, 943, 946 see also prestige goods
Somerset Levels 525, 1038, 1083
Somogyvár 675
Sopot 71, 645
Soufli 929, 930, 938
south-eastern Europe 6, 1051–3
animals 389–94
burial practices 680–6, 927–48
figurines 161–2, 621–32
horizontal settlements 68–9, 166–8, 238–40, 242–3, 388
houses and households 163–5, 257–8, 1055–6
metals and metallurgy 73–6, 162, 170, 201, 515, 675–8, 680–6
mobility and networks 67–77, 169–70, 644–8, 650–1, 1059–62
Neolithization 42, 63–7, 87–9, 184, 536–46, 1052–3
personhood 159–62, 632, 946
plant use 72, 389–91
pottery 160–1, 537–46
tells 70–3, 166–8, 235–47, 258, 388
southern Europe see Italy; Mediterranean region; Spain; Portugal
Spain 185
animal husbandry 386, 396–8, 401
burial 814–15, 914–5, 972–4
Bell Beakers 608, 1098
flint and flint mining 485–6, 504–6, 510
Neolithization 93, 178, 183, 185, 224
plant use 396
rock art 839–51
settlement and houses 260, 1098
see also Iberia
speleothem luminescence 34
Spiennes 487, 500, 505, 521, 713 see also Petit-Spiennes
spiral pendants and copper spirals 677–8, 713–4
spiral ornaments (pottery, rock art) 469–70, 558, 566–7, 829, 848, 860–1, 866, 875
spirits 464, 747, 936, 978, 987, 1039 see also ancestors
Spodsbjerg 438
Spondylus gaederopus Linne (Spiny oyster) 75–6, 639–42, 645–52
as grave goods 990–1
jewellery 934
production 642–5
Spong Hill 736–7
Square-Mouthed Pottery culture (VBQ) 5, 788–90, 860
St Michel 126, 815
stable isotope analysis 34, 40, 218, 223, 361, 363–77, 390, 400–1, 418, 419, 439
Staines 805
Stakaneset 519, 521
stamp seals 536–7, 539 see also pintaderas
Starčevo culture 5, 86, 102, 170, 242, 386, 392, 452, 541, 1053
Starčevo-Körös-Cris complex 67, 68–9, 100, 102, 104, 197, 275, 391, 412, 413, 416, 487, 540, 546, 930
Stare Gmajne 109
Alpine area 703, 857, 862
Britain 1038
development into stelae 981
Iberia 976, 978
Alpine area 470, 699–701, 860, 862, 866, 964–8
Iberia 846, 974, 978
Mediterranean islands 972
Stavroupoli 257, 386, 393
Stele, stelae see statue-stelae
Stengade 346
Stentinello culture 5, 90–1, 785–6
Stentinello site 785
Stephansposching 562–6
Stephansposching-Wischlburg 767
Stepleton enclosure 805
steppes 196–7
pottery 203
see also Pontic Steppe
Stichbandkeramik see SBK
Stollhof 681
stone extraction see quarrying; mining
stone artefacts see arrowheads; axes; beads; hammerstones; hoards; ornaments; quartz; querns; stone figurines; stone plaques
stone circles 43, 469, 865, 871, 879–801, 898, 911–12, 923, 976
stone figurines 622–3, 630
Stonehall 597
Stonehenge 43, 334, 467–8, 476, 612, 730, 873, 911, 913, 1032, 1035, 1085, 1087
Stones of Stenness 337, 473, 476
stone plaques 939
stone working see knapping; mining; polishing; quarrying
storage pits 44, 454–6, 335, 454–6, 563, 732, 998
burials in 181, 202
Store Valby 576, 579–80
Štramberk-Kotouč 681
Street House 1027
Strichbündelamphoren 580
Stroke Ornamented pottery see SBK
structured deposition 733–4
bogs 1017
chambered tombs 524, 584–5, 661–4, 666, 697, 714, 815
enclosures 584, 804–7, 776, 799, 801, 993, 996, 998, 1015–6, 1035
pits 167, 222, 281, 337, 402, 440, 469–70, 474, 733–4, 799, 802–5, 992, 996–8, 1011, 1035, 1083
see also axeheads; human remains; skulls
Stubline 929, 946–7
Su Coddu 702–3
subsistence economy 64–7, 68
subsistence practices 14, 15, 361–4, 376–7, 388–90, 411–2, 420–1, 430–1, 1075–7
Baltic region 419–20
central Europe 196–7, 372–3, 412–16, 434–7
Levant, Anatolia 177, 261
north-west Europe 126, 220, 365–8, 371–2, 432–4, 437–41
Scandinavia 218, 365–7, 439, 1074
south-east Europe 68–9, 70, 370, 390–4, 400–3, 1057–8
southern Europe 93, 178, 368–70, 394–403
Ukraine and Russia 204, 416–19
see also dairying, farming, food
Sümeg 500
Surskaia culture 417
Sutz-Lattrigen 295, 296–7, 299, 302
Suvorovo-Novodanilovka 677, 683
Svaleklint group pottery 575–7
Svodín 281, 766, 769, 770, 937
Sweden see Scandinavia
Sweet Track, Somerset Levels 464, 525, 1083
Swieciechów 500
flint 502, 516
Swifterbant 220, 367–8, 437
husbandry 36, 414–15, 753
burial 996
rock art and statue-stelae 470, 857, 860
see also lakeside settlements; lake villages
swords 1105–6
system-ditches 797–9, 802
Szarvas-Szappanos 929, 931
Szegvár-Tűköves 241, 243, 929, 946–7
Szentgál radiolarite 199, 651–2
Szentgyörgyvölgy-Pityerdomb 100, 556
Szihalom-Pamlényi-tábla 929, 943
Szolnok-Szanda 929, 930
Table des Marchand/Gavrinis 476, 752
Tadrat Acacus 186
Tägerup 345
Tagus estuary 178, 224
Talheim 199, 278, 522, 755, 994
Talljanky 158, 167, 419
Tankardstown 128, 432, 441, 595
Tanzgasse 702
Tărgovište 163, 929, 941
taskscape 385, 944, 946
Ta Trapna 970
Tavoliere 91–2, 185, 258, 779–4, 902–3
Tečić 929, 931
tells (settlement mounds) 235–7, 1095
Bronze Age 1102–5, 1107
burials on 934–6, 938–9, 942
south-eastern Europe 66, 70–2, 74–6, 167–9, 237–47, 257–8, 685, 1055–6, 1060
subsistence practices 388, 391–1, 401, 452, 753, 1057, 1075
Temple Period 908, 959, 970–1
Tenja-Orlovinja 681
tephras 32, 44
Terramare-Benacense culture 858
Terrina 703
Tĕšetice-Kyjovice 766, 769, 775
Téviec 221
Tharrounia 370, 929, 938
Thayngen-Weier 298
Theopetra 88, 370, 386, 394, 642
thermohaline circulation (THC) 28, 33
Thessaly 65–6, 87–8, 184, 197, 240, 246, 527, 537, 540–1, 623, 627–9, 631, 1052, 1078
The Trundle 1035
Thickthorn Down 1031
Thieusies 801–2
tholos tombs 814–15, 914, 919–20, 977
Thornborough 474–5
Tibava 679, 929, 942
Tievebulliagh 522
timber circles see post circles
tin ore (cassiterite) 712
Tinj-Podlivade 387, 397
Tirano-Lovero 863
Tisza culture 236, 239, 243, 935–7, 946–7
Tisza-Herpály-Csőszhalom culture 158, 243, 935
Tiszaföldvár 929, 942
Tiszapolgár culture 107, 245–6, 677, 941–3
Tiszapolgár-Basatanya 168, 929, 942, 943
Tiszaszölös hoard 681
Tiszaug 929, 942
Tiszavalk-Kenderföld 929
Tomaszów 500, 502
Tomba Branca 973–4
tombs see chambered tombs; passage tombs; rock-cut tombs; tholos tombs
tooth ornaments 392, 401, 413, 419, 650, 658, 746, 753, 907, 936, 942, 946, 989, 995, 997, 1014, 1024, 1026, 1032
Topole-Bač 929, 932, 933
Torbhlaren 880
Torre Sabea 92, 387, 397
totemism 752, 872, 885
Towthorpe 1031
trade see exchange networks
Transdanubia 199, 243, 559, 935, 942, 1053
transhumance see farming, herding, transhumance