by Chris Fowler
models of 64, 84–5, 99, 180, 186–8, 195–6, 206–7, 256, 385, 402–3, 542, 746–7
Northern Europe and Scandinavia 216–9, 366–8, 419–20, 658–9
primary indicators 195
role of monuments in 180, 221–4
south-east Europe 63–7, 87–9, 538–46
see also Neolithic package, Neolithic revolution
Nerja 387, 397, 844
Ness of Brodgar 334, 472
Nether Largie Mid and North 873
Nethercourt Farm 1031
Netherlands see Low Countries
axe hoards 527, 721
Bell Beakers 607, 610–2
diet 367, 438
Mesolithic–Neolithic transition 126–7, 147–8, 220, 367–8, 1074
Neto-Via Verga 387, 397, 698
Nevali Çori 261, 674
Newgrange 470, 476, 825, 828–9, 876, 880–1, 913, 915
Newton Kyme 475
Nin 387, 397
Nitra 168, 374, 640, 641
Niuet 387
Nobbin 827
Nogaredo al Torre 387, 398
non-megalithic burial monuments 578, 822, 1015
North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) 28, 29, 33
north-western and northern Europe
amber 657–68
burial practices 610–2, 804–6, 816–31, 1005–19, 1023–41
climate and environment 32–4
domesticates 125–31, 746–7, 750–1, 754
enclosures 797–804
metal 711–22
pottery 573–99, 609–10
rock art 872–9, 881–5
see also Britain; France; Ireland; Low Countries; Scandinavia
climate 29
economy 186
emergence of pottery 183
Northton 597, 713, 716
Norway see Scandinavia
Noyen culture 795
Noyen sites 799, 801–2, 806, 1036
Nunwick 475
oats 420
Ober-Meilen 292
Oberntudorf 767, 776, 803
Oberschneiding-Riedling 767
Obertraubling-Oberhinkofen 767
Obre I and II 69, 70–2, 241, 640–1, 645, 647
obsidian 64–5, 67, 82, 84, 92–3, 184, 488, 502, 650–1, 1077
as grave good 941–4
in Mesolithic graves 216, 900
in Neolithic graves 469, 683, 902, 907–8, 931, 934, 937, 939, 942–3, 970
as paint 721, 904, 970, 993
Ogmore-by-Sea 596–7
Ogna 883
Okolişte 70–2, 239, 241, 1057, 1061
Ökologiekreis hypothesis 102
Öland 347, 366, 1005, 1013
Oldenburg-Dannau LA191 435, 438, 576, 580
Oleneostroviskii Mogilnik 419
Olival da Pega 520, 814
Olszanica 280, 283
Omurtag 640, 644
Or 397
Orgon 703
axeheads 524
burial practices 338, 751–2, 1028
figurines 1038
houses 334, 336–8, 470
isotopic studies 129, 365–6
Mesolithic 468
pottery 598–9 see also Unstan Ware
red deer 751
as religious centre 470–3, 476
tombs 822–5, 829, 879, 1027, 1029
vole 130
Orlovo 640, 644, 647
Ormaig 873
ornaments (personal) 702
amber 658–64
antler, bone and teeth 392, 398, 401, 900, 945, 995
as grave goods 182, 611, 648, 699, 932, 934–47, 976–7, 989–91, 1024
metal 162, 470, 677, 699, 702, 712
representations of 841, 857, 865–6, 976, 979
shell 94, 639–52 902
stone 170, 720
Oro cult (Polynesia) 474
Orsett 799
Os Carballos 848, 850
Osijek 681, 683
Osimo-Anvoìa 966
Oslo fjord 218
Ossimo 860, 863
ossuary hypothesis 1009, 1012, 1018, 1084
Ostorf 362, 370, 1013
Ostrovul Corbului 929, 941
Ötzi the Iceman 486, 701–2, 859, 968–9
Ovčarovo/Ovcharovo 75, 158, 167, 241, 244–5, 929
oven models 626, 629
Oxie 346, 576–8
Ozieri culture 699, 702, 971–2
Packwerkbauten 298
Padina 241–2, 931–2
painted pottery
Anatolia and Levant 87, 183, 536
Greece 183, 537–40
Italy 90, 183, 788
South-east Europe 158–9, 183, 536, 547
see also Moravian Painted Ware
Pala Pinta 844
Paliambela-Kolindros / -Kolindrou 239, 386, 929
palisades 763, 766, 770, 772–3, 775, 801–3, 827, 1086
around settlements 70, 219, 243, 450, 769, 785, 788–90
Palmela points 612, 704
Panaghia 648
parasites, movement of 130
Parekklisha-Shillourokambos 83, 84
Paris Basin 128–9, 201–2, 574, 608, 816, 1030, 1036–7
LBK 100, 126, 278, 311, 429
Parknabinnia 1027
Paros 648
Parţa 158, 164, 241, 243
passage graves
art in 470, 840, 846, 860, 872, 874–6, 879–81, 886, 1036
astronomical significance 914–15, 917–22
Britain and Ireland 337–8, 470, 825, 829, 874–6, 1027–9, 1084
France 221, 815–6, 914, 1027
Iberia 814, 914–5, 918–21, 977
northern Germany and southern Scandinavia 355, 584, 662, 665–6, 817–22, 827–8, 831, 1006–11
passage tombs see passage graves
Passo di Corvo 90, 92, 387, 397, 784
Passy long mounds 1024–6
Pavlov I 543
pecking 521
Pen Haut Salaün 220
Pendik 261
Pendimoun 93, 362, 369, 387, 400
Pen-y-wyrlod 371
personhood 987–8
in burial practices 988–1000, 1023, 1027
and ornaments 649, 651, 658, 660
in south-east Europe 159–62, 167, 932, 937, 944
Pestenacker 295, 299, 302
Peterborough Ware 469, 589, 596, 731
Petit-Spiennes 505, 506 see also Spiennes
petrographic analyses 516–17, 538
petrology 515–7
Peu-Richard enclosure 795
Pfahlbauproblem (pile-dwelling dispute) 291–3
Pfyn culture 5, 36, 111, 296–7, 699
phylogenetic analyses 144–5, 545
Piancada 387, 398
Piano Vento 786–7, 962, 964
Pico Ramos 387, 396
Pietrele 73, 239, 241, 246, 647, 685
pigs 122, 753
avoidance of 749
domestication 81, 122–4, 393, 413, 431–2, 434, 435–6, 437, 746, 1076
human food competition 316
introduction to Britain 127
preference for 302, 753
productivity 389, 392
as placed deposits and grave goods 470, 806, 934, 942–3, 1010
as sign of wealth 751
see also wild boar
pile dwellings 296–9
dispute (Pfahlbauproblem) 291–3
see also lakeside dwellings; lakeside settlements; lake villages
Piledal-type houses 354–5
pilgrimage 14–15, 465–9, 474, 476
pintaderas (clay stamps; see also stamp seals) 87, 197, 902
Pipton 371
pit dwellings see pit houses
pit grave culture (Catalonia) 975–6
Pit Grave culture/Yamnaya culture see Yamnaya culture
pit houses 350, 352, 354–5, 732, 768, 933
Pitnacree 596, 822
pits 335–6, 729–33
itain 730–1
clusters/scatters 335, 346, 735–6, 739–40
fill mechanisms 280, 735–7
functions 731–2
mining 503–5, 508, 510, 698, 1036
structured and special deposition in 167, 222, 281, 337, 402, 440, 469–70, 474, 733–4, 799, 802–5, 992, 996–8, 1011, 1035, 1083
see also fire pits; loam pits; slit-shaped pits; storage pits
Pitted Ware culture (PWC) 5, 218, 1074, 1096
amber 666–7
burial 1013–15, 1017–9
diet and economy 349, 367, 373, 439, 747
DNA evidence 143, 367, 439
figurines 1006
pottery 582
settlement 348–51, 355, 366
Plakuder 681
Plancher-les-Mines 523
Baltic region 420
Britain and Ireland 127–8, 440–1, 738
central Europe 436–7
cereals 127, 391, 395, 396, 414 see also barley, einkorn, emmer wheat, millet, oats, wheat
adaptation 129–30, 176, 362
chaff 277, 395–6, 441, 455–6
charred remains 389, 396, 430–1, 599
cultivation 103, 436–7
as imprint on pottery 204, 738
domestication 64–7, 72, 122, 124, 127–9, 186
flax 126, 127, 294
fruits 395
apples 420
blackberries 92, 395
figs 84, 395
grapes 395
olives 84, 176, 395
raspberries 420
sloes 92
strawberries 391
hemp/hops 420
isotopic values 363, 371
legumes 122, 126, 364 390, 391, 395, 396
bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia) 122, 395, 396
broad beans 395, 396
chick pea (Cicer arietum) 122
grass pea 396
lentil (Lens culinaris) 122, 126, 364, 395, 396
peas (Pisum sativum) 126, 364, 395, 396
linen seeds (see also flax) 204
northern Europe and Scandinavia 438–9
nuts 395
acorns 395
hazelnuts 391, 395, 420, 431, 440–1, 738, 1077
water chestnut 391, 398, 420
plant–people relations 450–3, 455–7, 1039
poppy 101, 126, 294, 395, 396
pulses see legumes
south-eastern Europe 390–1, 538
south-western Europe 390–1, 394–6
storage 390–1
variations in consumption 1075–6, 1077
weed assemblages 197, 396
wild plants 88, 391, 415–6
see also farming; fields; gardens; garden agriculture; manuring; Mesolithic, use of domesticates
Plas 863
plaster 84, 234, 257–8, 263–4, 334, 470, 783, 787
plastered skulls 82, 263
Platia Magoula Zarkou 626, 629, 929
Pločnik hoards 679, 681
Pločnik type hammer axes 678–9
ploughs 221, 316, 389–90, 393, 415–416, 808, 829, 857–8, 866, 1058
plough marks 338
Po plain 699
Podgoritsa 239, 241, 451, 685
Poduri 241, 386, 393
Pokrovnik 397
flint mining and working 490, 500–2, 516, 521, 610
see also Kujavia Polgár-Bosnyákdomb 239, 942
Polgár-Cibó-hát 942
Polgár-Csőszhalom 158, 201, 235, 239, 241, 243, 246, 281, 386, 392, 753, 929, 935–6, 1057, 1095
polishing (stone) 162, 485–6, 523, 721
Poljanica culture 244, 934
Poljanitsa (Poljanitza, Polyanitsa) 158, 164–7, 241, 244, 929
pollen data 34, 37, 124, 393, 414–15
Polyanitsa see Poljanitsa
Pontic steppe zone 111–13, 677
Pool Farm 873
decline 84, 147–8, 150, 1074
density 63, 66, 70–2, 139, 146, 430
increase 44, 70, 82, 107, 139, 147–8, 150, 199, 263, 376, 541–2, 1079, 1102
movement see migration
porcellanite 517, 522, 526
porphyry (porphyritic andesite) 517–9, 522
portal dolmens 223, 824–5, 880
Portiragnes 93, 387, 397
Porto Badisco cave 896, 902–5, 963, 964, 980
Portoferro 973
Portugal see Iberia, Atlantic
Poses 279, 280, 281
post circles 334, 338, 469, 474, 476, 880
post-climax Chalcolithic 158, 159, 162
Postoloprty 281
pottery 16
Adriatic Impressed Ware 89–90, 540–1,
Aegean region 89
monochrome 537, 538, 539, 540
painted 537, 539
as grave goods 563, 610–2, 936, 942–3, 977, 1024, 1032
Battle Axe culture 352
Bell Beaker 114, 115, 581, 605–6, 609–10, 678, 694, 718
Boleráz 111
Britain and Ireland 586–99, 731, 735
Cardial 91, 93–4, 182–3, 185, 845, 975
Carinated Bowls see Carinated Bowls
central Europe 197, 202
decoration and design 90, 127, 202, 536–40, 558–9, 560, 564–8, 575, 578, 580, 586, 590, 860, 1006, 1056
deposition 562–6, 584, 735–40, 787, 900
early Neolithic bowls (Britain) 588–9, 595–6
eastern Europe 203–6
Ertebølle 573–4
exchange 220, 538, 651, 697
firing 561, 591–3, 721
first Neolithic bowls (Britain) 588, 594–5
Funnel Beaker 573–4
Grooved Ware see Grooved Ware
Impressed Ware see Impressed Ware pottery (Britain and Ireland) or Impresso/Impressed Ware
indicator of Neolithization 195–6, 361, 416, 535
LBK 199, 281, 283, 555–68, 1062
lipids in 390, 400, 434, 545–6, 593–4, 597, 599
Mediterranean 68, 89–92, 182–3, 185, 556, 970
Mesolithic 101, 182, 185, 197, 544, 556, 573–5
northern Europe 217, 346–8, 573–99, 609–10
Peterborough Ware see Peterborough Ware
and population movement 538–46
production 302, 536–8, 560–2, 567–8, 582, 590–4
Single Grave culture 72, 354, 581–2, 589–90
south-eastern Europe 537–46
temper 69, 591, 596
bone 101, 536, 556
grog 538, 558, 598, 609
mineral 538, 558, 560, 596
organics 68, 456, 536, 538, 557, 993
shell 473, 538
Unstan Ware 589, 597
variation 559, 595–6
Pottery Neolithic stage 82, 263
Praia a Mare 185
Pranu Meteddu 972
Předmostí 543
Pre-Pottery Neolithic (PPNA–C) stage 42, 81–5, 87–8, 94, 178, 263–4, 674, 1074
pressure flaking 484–7, 698
prestige goods 180, 182, 184,,246, 413, 489, 568, 606, 641, 651, 1095, 1102
metal 469, 686, 697, 719
Prissé-la-Charrière 816, 1027
Prokovnik 387, 395
Promachon-Topolniča 626
Proto Bronze Age 675
Proto-Indo-European language 140, 144–5
Proto-Celtic 1098
Protolengyel 937
Proto-Neolithic stage 81
proto-urban communities 1097
Pryssgården 354
Puech Haut 704
Puglia region, caves 901–6
punch technique 487–8
Pupicina 387, 399, 400
PWC see Pitted Ware culture
Quanterness 362, 1029
quarries 503, 720, 976
for axes 515, 517–8, 521–4
quarrying 519–22 see also mining
quartz 523
and monuments 807, 828
and rock art 860, 880
as temper 538, 596
querns/querntones 561–2, 807
Quinzano 961
Radingrad 164
Rævehøj 821, 1010–11
Raigmore 330, 337
Rakitovo 240–2, 625
Rákóczifalva-Bagi-föld 625, 929
Rakushechnyi Yar 203–4
Ramshög passage grave 1009
raw materials
circulation 67, 92, 102, 162, 488–9, 501–2, 517, 697, 716–7, 1078, 1095
management 415
in pottery production 560, 609
in tomb construction 827–8
red deer see deer
red flint (Helgoland) 522
Red Skorba style 970
refuse disposal 280–1, 455, 735–6
religion 14–15, 463, 775–6, 865
and astronomy 916
in Britain 463–76
and Neolithization 85, 221, 539, 543
pottery decoration 567–8
underground 895–909
see also ritual; ritualization; pilgrimage; water cult
Remedello culture 5, 699–701, 864–5
Remedello-type daggers 700–1, 703, 713, 859, 863, 864–5, 866–7
Rendina 92, 387, 397, 963
Resmo 362, 366–7
Reute 111
Ri 500
Ri Cruin 873
riebeckite felsite 522
Riekofen 767
Riesebuch copper 717
Rijckholt 202, 487, 500, 506–8, 510, 521
Rinaldone culture 5, 699, 702, 962
ring-idols 630
Ringsjön-Sjöholmen 1018
Ripa Tetta 783
Ripoli 788
ritual 463, 733–4
and animals 747, 751, 754–5, 785, 850, 885
buildings 81, 164, 180, 242, 258, 261, 350, 970–1
caves 401, 895–909
centres 202, 263, 469
in craft/production 490, 500, 521, 863
domestic 164, 186–7, 320, 328, 456, 470
enclosures 775–6
natural features 43–4
and pottery 114, 565–6, 568
role in cultural expansion 677, 1097, 1100–1
as a strategy for control 454, 468, 977, 1060
see also burial; feasting; mortuary practices; religion; structured deposition
Řívnáč/Cham culture 766, 767, 768
rock art 18
abstract motifs 843, 845, 848, 860, 863–5, 872–3, 876, 964
animal depictions 401, 841, 848, 866–7, 877, 879
artefact depictions in 703, 841, 848, 866–7, 873, 964
Britain and Ireland 872–4, 879–81, 886
dating 842, 844–6, 848–9, 858–9, 864, 879–84
at enclosures 872–4, 879–81, 886
Galician-Atlantic 848–9
human depictions in 841, 845, 848, 866–7, 877, 879, 964, 975–8 see also statue-stelae
Iberia 398, 839–52, 973–5
Italy (see also Valcamonica–Valtellina area) 699, 963–4
in the landscape 843, 845, 848–51, 873–4, 878–9
Levantine style 841–3, 850
at megalithic sites 825, 828–9, 840, 846, 865, 874–6
Mesolithic 877, 879, 881, 885