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Bound by Blood Box Set

Page 6

by Lane Hart

  It was such a relief to hear Sam’s voice, and he must have been yelling for me to actually hear him so far away. He was towering over the drunk’s back, looking even bigger than normal, probably because he wasn’t slouching in his natural carefree way but trying quite effectively to look more intimidating. He stepped around the drunk and pulled me to his chest, his arms going around me as he looked down at the stumbling man.

  It was pretty amusing to watch the drunk’s eyes widen as they rose up taking in the full height and size of Sam, then he turned around without another word. I exhaled the breath I’d been holding and relaxed into Sam’s chest.

  “Thanks,” I said with a smile when I looked up at him.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude but it looked like he was being overly persistent. If I was wrong and you didn’t want me to-”

  I shook my head and laughed cutting him off. “He didn’t have a chance.”

  “Good,” he said smiling. “Now, come dance with me, then I’ll get you another drink,” he said pulling me by the hand to the dance floor.

  “Oh no!” I screamed not ready to embarrass myself in the room full of people.

  “Oh yes,” he said giving me a wicked grin over his shoulder that I couldn’t resist.

  “But I don’t know how to dance,” I whined. Although, the song was great. My body wanted to move to it on its own accord and talk dirty to Sam.

  Trying to figure out what to do, I looked around at the other people grinding on each other and flushed. Yes, I very much wanted to do this with Sam, only maybe with less clothing and no audience.

  When we came to an empty spot in the crowd I gasped as Sam grabbed my hips and pulled me to him, pressing my backside against the front of his body. I put my hands on top of his as they guided and worked my hips, swaying me to the beat of the music.

  “Easy, right?” Sam asked, his lips against my ear.

  “I have no idea what I’m doing,” I told him over my shoulder.

  “You’ve got this,” he said, then I felt his lips and soft scruffy chin graze my bare shoulder, making goose bumps spread.

  Letting my hip go Sam moved my hair to the side, and started a trail of kisses, across the open back of my dress and up the side of my neck. It was getting rather warm in the club so I reached and pulled all of my hair up off my neck, securing it with the elastic band I always wore on my wrist. Sam made a growl of approval before his lips went back to my neck and his mouth became almost frantic. I was pretty sure he was going to leave marks but I couldn’t have cared less.

  While his mouth stayed on me, Sam’s massive hand sprawled across my stomach, pulling me tightly against him and pressing his increasing arousal into my backside as we danced. If you could call it dancing. It felt more like what I could expect if I was lying in bed with Sam, just the two of us together before he made love to me. Heat started spreading all through me, along with nervousness at the thought that he was way out of my league.

  Sam kept up the steady stream of stimulation for a few more songs before turning me around, putting us face to face. He pulled me to his hard chest, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist and putting his knee between my legs. I threw my arms over his thick muscled shoulders as he kept us moving in rhythm with the loud pumping music.

  “That’s much better. Now I can see your beautiful face,” he said, then his lips pressed a kiss against my ear. “And I didn’t think it was possible for you to get any sexier until you pulled your hair up.”

  I couldn’t help but smile even though his compliments surprised me.

  I looked up at Sam and his green eyes blazed with a heat that removed all my doubts. That and his lower body made it very clear that he wanted me. Forgetting everything I’d been worried about, I pressed my lips to his. This time the slow and gentleness was skipped as our tongues plunged hungrily into each other’s mouths. My hands on the back of his neck were pulling him to me while his hands around my waist pressed my entire upper body and intimate parts against his. Both of us wanted to be closer to each other, even though that was impossible.

  I lost myself in his hands and mouth as our bodies rubbed against each other. I knew I wanted Sam right here and now, and I felt intoxicated from the unexpected feeling of an aching longing.

  Our lips reluctantly separated after the dance floor became more crowded and someone jostled into us.

  “Sam? It is you!” yelled a female voice behind me.

  The music was so loud it was hard to hear but it almost sounded like Sam groaned.

  Suddenly an overwhelming jealousy was slapping me in the face when a very tall and very pretty brunette appeared beside us. The woman/model in question was wearing a bright red dress about as short as mine with the only difference being the piece of fabric that was completely missing from between her breasts all the way down to her flat stomach, and the fact that her legs were much longer than mine since she had to be at least five or six inches taller than me. I was glad when Sam’s grip on me didn’t lessen with her interruption, and he barely even looked in her direction. Now I was certain that she had jostled into us, or more specifically, into me.

  “Sam! How’ve you been? I thought I would have heard from you by now. It’s been what, a week?” she yelled but still felt the need to get closer to give him to say. I’m sure her close proximity had nothing to do with her trying to give him a better view of her cleavage. Right.

  He’d told me he didn’t have a girlfriend so what the hell was she, some hook up? Oh shit.

  “I’ve been busy, and it’s been at least a month,” was his clipped response. He looked annoyed and maybe even a little worried as his eyes stayed on mine. “This is Kate by the way,” he said introducing me but not her, making me feel a little better about the whole situation.

  “I’m Jessica. It’s nice to meet you,” she said, and I could tell that was a complete lie. “You look so damn young I can’t believe they even let you in the door. But aren’t you so cute and small.”

  The bitch said it as an insult to try and make me feel insecure. Well, it worked. I unconsciously put a little more space between me and Sam, wondering again why he was with me when he could be with someone like her.

  “Yeah, and I love that she’s so small I can pick her up and throw her over my shoulder whenever I want,” Sam said smiling at me as he pulled me back against him again.

  I couldn’t help but smile back at him. He’d used the same comment from earlier on the road that had caught me off guard. I also loved that he’d said it to piss her off after she had tried to insult me.

  I wrapped my arms tighter around Sam, then kissed up the side of his neck as a thank you. I felt his breath catch before he leaned down and kissed my collarbone that was right in front of him.

  “Oh, but I know from experience that you’re strong enough to throw anyone, even someone as tall as me over your shoulder. It was good seeing you, Sam. I know you’ll call me when you need me again,” she said implying he’d actually done that to her before, and that there would come a time when he’d “need her again,” before she finally walked off.

  I’m not going to freak out. I’m not going to freak out. I chanted over and over to myself. I knew this gorgeous man would have a long history of women, it’s just the history part that worried me. What if they’re not all in his past? Did I really want to fall for him and then be quickly discarded for someone else? I also knew my inexperience couldn’t compete with the women he usually dated, and soon he was going to realize that too. I really needed a moment to pull myself together.

  “I’m going to the restroom,” I told Sam as I pulled away from him.

  “Kate, wait. Please just hear me out first,” he pleaded, his arms not budging from around me.

  Only the thought that the bitch was still watching kept me where I was. I even put my arms back around him to spite her.

  “I’m listening,” I told him so we could get this over with.

  “She’s just a bitch I made the mistake of sleeping
with in the past when I was lonely, and she’s jealous of you. I never did any of the shit she said, and I sure as fuck won’t ever call her again.”

  Of course he’d tell me that, doesn’t mean it’s true.

  “Those are just meaningless words.”

  He sighed and then dropped his arms from me before he said, “Come on, let’s go get some air, and talk without having to shout over the music, okay?”

  I looked up at him, and since he seemed genuinely upset I nodded in agreement. Sam took me out one of the side emergency only exits into the dark empty alley.

  As soon as we were outside the cool night hit me and I shivered, but it felt nice to be able to breathe fresh air again. I had no idea how crowded and hot the club had been until that moment.

  Sam led me over to where he sat down on the low cement wall, pulling me to him so I was standing between his long legs that were spread wide.

  “Are you cold?” he asked rubbing his warm hands down my arms.

  “No,” I said shaking my head.

  Sam dropped his hands from me and reached into his back pocket to pull out his phone.

  “Here,” he said extending it to me.

  “Sam, we just met so I have no right to want to know or need to know who you talk to.”

  “I don’t have anything to hide and you’re going to think the worst until you see it for yourself. I’d rather do it now instead of later when you’ll just think I went in and deleted a bunch of shit before showing it to you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I want you to trust me and I know you can’t until you get to know me better.” He grabbed my hand and put the phone in it. I sighed in defeat and had to admit I was a little curious to learn more about him.

  “Code’s 1929,” he told me, saying it like the year, not a four digit number. He could have just entered it in himself without telling me his password, but I think he really did want me to try and trust him. I entered the four numbers and the screen unlocked to what looked like some sort of video game wallpaper. There were also a lot of game apps.

  “Start at contacts if you want and I’ll tell you who they all are. There aren’t many and there’s about to be a few less.”

  I brought up the list and saw my name first since my last name was Adams. He must have added it after we left the restaurant. I couldn’t believe he remembered my last name since I think I only told once when we met on the bus. Under that was Anna, no last name.

  “Anna is my coworker, and only my coworker. She was the middle-aged woman on the bus this morning.”

  “Betsy is the annoying hyper bitch that gave you the paperwork this morning, and definitely nothing more,” he said and I smiled remembering how bubbly she’d been.

  “Chris is my roommate, but that number doesn’t work for him right now,” he said with a smirk.

  “Doris is my boss and the mean looking old lady that was on the bus.” Oh yeah I think I remembered her too.

  “The game store is obvious,” he said with a smile, “And so are all the restaurants. I don’t cook. Ever.”

  “Heather is in the same category as Jessica and I’m going to delete them both, and I swear I don’t have their numbers written down anywhere else,” he said as he took the phone and turned it around, deleting them, then handed it back.

  “Joselin is like my adoptive mother that lives out of state.”

  “Work is the clinic’s main number, and that should be about it so on to text messages,” he said and I looked up at him. “Kate, just look at them. I’m not seeing anyone else right now and I want you to know for sure instead of wondering. There may be a text log for Jessica and Heather that are just phone numbers now instead of names since I deleted the contacts. I’ll delete all their messages after you read them.”

  Oh shit. Did I really want to know? Yes, yes I did. I exhaled and then went over to the text message icon and opened it. There were five conversations. The first one and most recent one was with Doris, his boss, asking him to do the updates on the server before he left, then telling him when to schedule blood drives for various groups.

  The second conversation was the same sort of texts back and forth with Anna. The third was just a phone number and not a contact. From how it started, most likely Heather or Jessica now that he’d deleted their names. At least I hoped it was only the two of them.

  There were several back and forth texts on August third, about a month ago, so I was guessing it was Jessica from what Sam had said earlier. She started out by asking him at nine-thirty that night if he had plans later. He said not really, but he was probably just going to stay in. She asked if she could come over and fuck him. Sam said no, then sent another text telling her he’d come to her place, and asked when he should head over. She told him the sooner the better because what she had planned was going to take him all night but she knew he was up for it. I’m sure my face was turning red but I kept reading, I was entranced and wanted to know more.

  The two texts before that day were both in July, initiated by Jessica, and Sam said he was busy both times. On June twenty-second the first message was from her and that day Sam agreed to come over when she asked.

  Then there was March eighteenth, the only day Sam had texted Jessica first. His birthday. But he didn’t mention it to her in the texts, and I doubt she even knew. His first text asked her if she was busy, and said that he could use some company. She replied almost immediately that she was already naked and wet thinking about him. Huh. He may have wanted sex but the way he had worded it wasn’t really that suggestive. It sounded more like he just didn’t want to be alone. On his birthday. And he didn’t have any family left. Luckily that was the end of the conversations with Jessica still on his phone.

  Next was a conversation with Joselin. The most recent was several months ago on the Fourth of July. Sam had sent her a message thanking her for saving him and she’d responded by saying she was glad she’d been able to help him all those years ago. It didn’t really sound romantic or suggestive, and he’d said she was like an adoptive mother to him.

  Joselin also sent Sam a message telling him Happy Birthday and she hoped he had a good one. She asked if he had plans for his birthday and he said no, that he’d be, “pathetically sitting home with Chris like every other night,” so he must have changed his mind and texted Jessica. There were other sporadic messages from Joselin over the months just asking how he was. Sam always said he was “good” and would then ask about her, not saying anything else about himself.

  Finally the last conversation was with Heather I assumed. The most recent texts were in August and Sam had turned her down. The conversation before that was from July Fourth, also the same day Joselin had “saved him.” Sam texted Heather first asking what she had planned to celebrate the Fourth. She responded right away saying she hoped she’d be under him and coming for hours just like she had the last two times they’d been together. He said he was on his way over. Again Sam didn’t actually ask for sex but that’s immediately what the girl jumped on.

  Sam had also talked to Heather on May thirty-first. She initiated the conversation by saying she’d been thinking about him and wanted to, “lick every inch of your sexy body, starting with your cock since it’s too big to fit all of it in my mouth.” At that my face flamed hot again. Well, that was informative, and it wasn’t really surprising that he’d told her he was on his way after that message.

  The oldest conversation with Heather was on April twentieth. She initiated the conversation asking Sam what he was doing. He said he’d just got home from work and was tired. She told him that her and her roommate wanted to have a threesome and asked if he was too tired to fuck them both. Oh, and as incentive there was a picture that I tried to ignore. Wow. I didn’t even have to read the next text to know he’d agreed and said he was on his way.

  Whew. I was glad that was over and I hadn’t really seen anything that worried me, well other than the threesome. Shit, how could I compete with that? But I also felt a litt
le sad for Sam knowing he’d sought out the few people he could on holidays and his birthday to avoid being lonely, and all both girls talked about was having sex with him. Not how fun he was to be around or how sweet he was, just they wanted to fuck him. I didn’t know the full story but it seemed like they were using him for sex, not the other way around.

  Sam had been watching me as I read through his messages. I handed him his phone back and he deleted the conversations from the two girls. I was really glad to see them go.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned against him, making him go still like I’d surprised him. Despite my insecurities and jealousy, he was here with me, not those other women. He’d even deleted them to try and show me I could trust him, and right now that’s what I wanted to do.

  Sam put his phone back in his pocket then his arms went around me, his hands gently stroking up and down my back.

  “I’m glad you didn’t turn around and leave,” he said as he gave me a half-smile.

  “I’m glad I don’t have to read any more texts from sluts that only care about fucking you,” I told him and he laughed.

  “Did she even know it was your birthday?” I asked and Sam’s smile instantly disappeared. The sadness on his face at that moment made my chest ache.

  “How’d you know?” he asked quietly.

  “That it was your birthday? You told me earlier, March eighteenth, right?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “So did she know?” I asked again.


  “And you didn’t tell her either, did you?”


  “What a bitch, for that and her comment earlier,” I told him and he smiled again.

  “She’s jealous of you and she should be. You’re everything she’s not.” I thought I knew what he meant, I was short, small, and quite a few years younger than her.

  “She looks like a freaking model,” I admitted.

  “Kate, you are gorgeous and you were just in a club full of men who couldn’t take their eyes off of you. Those two guys that came up to you earlier have been blatantly staring at you and practically fondling themselves the entire time we were dancing. Well, we were on the dance floor but I don’t think what we were doing qualified as dancing,” he said, giving me his adorable, carefree smile. It was so contagious I can’t help but catch it.


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