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Bound by Blood Box Set

Page 9

by Lane Hart

  I heard one of the girls say, “Jess, isn’t that the same guy you hooked up with once? It has to be because I’d recognize his fine ass anywhere. Yum.”

  “Yep, that’s Sam, and it was more than once,” she said defensively.

  Hearing his name he turned around, flashing his chest all the way down to his khakis riding low on his hips to the trio. I almost laughed out loud at the three girls’ reactions. I hoped my mouth didn’t drop like that when I looked at him, but it probably did. The bitch’s was the best.

  Sam didn’t immediately turn back around or get into a rush to finish with his unbuttoning, letting me know he was very aware of how gorgeous he was, even if he wouldn’t accept any other compliments about himself.

  “Hey, it’s Sam right?” said the girl who’d asked the bitch about him.

  “Um, yeah,” he said now trying to turn back around and ignore them, but they just stood there staring.

  “You need any help?” asked the other girl with them. Yes, a grown man needs help putting his shirt on.

  Sam looked at me over the top of the car and smiled without them seeing it, then raised an eyebrow asking if I was going to let it ride or not. I sighed. I was too tired to be catty anymore tonight, but I did remember my dress was still unzipped.

  “Nope, we’re good. Just couldn’t wait until we got home,” Sam replied with a smile and a shrug, and from what I could see mouths dropped again.

  At his comment they did start to look for the other part of the “we” he’d emphasized. Although, the bitch knew I had been standing here the whole time, and that’s probably why she hadn’t said anything yet.

  Would the night of the evil ex-slut ever end? I made a point of adjusting my dress and pulling it down lower like I was putting myself back together as I walked around the front of the car to Sam’s side.

  “Hey Sam, could you zip me up again?” I asked so they could hear and then turned around. Since my hair was still off my neck the open back of my dress was then clear for all three of them to see too.

  “Sure, but I can’t wait to unzip it again,” he said softly to me. I’m sure they heard him since they were standing so close. He zipped me up then kissed my bare neck and shoulder as his hands went down my arms. When his lips moved from me I turned back around to face his still naked chest.

  “Do you need any help with your shirt?” I asked repeating the girl’s question. “Sorry, I didn’t take the time with all the buttons in the first place.”

  “There wasn’t any time for that. But here, you take the damn thing. It’s taking forever to get all those little ass buttons undone.” He handed it to me with a smile then backed me up the two steps until the car was behind me and he was pressing me into it like he had earlier. He surprised me when he lifted me up by my waist and sat me on his hood, spreading my legs for him to stand between.

  “Sam! You know I’m not wearing anything underneath,” I told him unnecessarily.

  “Oh baby, how could I forget, but you’re all covered up, I promise,” he said as he kissed me. I laid his shirt beside me and wrapped my arms around his back, almost wondering if we still had spectators.

  “You do remember we’re in public right?” I joked with him.

  “Has that ever stopped me before?” he asked and I laughed.

  “No, it hasn’t,” I answered truthfully.

  “Besides, the parking lot’s almost empty.” I think that was his way of telling me he thought they were still watching.

  I knew he was damn sexy and all, but geez. They needed to move along already. Sam moved just a little to the right as he kissed down my neck and sure enough her car was about two over from his and they were still taking their time getting in it.

  “What the hell?” I asked getting irritated.

  “I have no idea, but this is fun, unless you’re ready for me to take you home?”

  “I’m fine, but you know exactly what’s going on. Every woman that lays eyes on you wants you, especially if you don’t have a freaking shirt on.”

  “Like you saw from the texts, they just want to fuck me and get off a few times,” he said harshly.

  “Sam, I’m sorry. They’re bitches for not even trying to find out what a great guy you are.”

  “When I saw you this morning I knew right away that you weren’t slutty or easy or only looking for a good time. That’s why I didn’t think I had a chance with you, since that’s all I have to offer.”

  “Is that why you have that phone number?” I asked as I thought back to the song.

  He shrugged and I knew it was.

  “You are amazing and so sexy, but you’re irresistible to me because of how sweet and caring you are, and I just can’t get enough of you,” I told him.

  “Oh, I feel the same way about you, and I want you for so many reasons, the fact that you’re beautiful is only one,” Sam said, then he grabbed my thighs and pulled me forward until my back was flat, his hand quickly catching my head before it hit the hood.

  “Sam!” I was still laughing when he leaned over me then put his hands on either side of my head, his lower body pressing and rubbing between my legs. He was grinning at me and I pulled him to me, kissing him. When he raised up he stayed above me, looking down at me with his beautiful green eyes.

  “I’ve really liked being with you tonight,” I told him as I reached up and rubbed his face.

  “Me too, and I don’t want to leave you. Oh shit!” he said suddenly as he pulled me up real quick and sat my feet back down on the ground, pulling my dress down. I didn’t even have time to ask.

  “Excuse me sir, do you have a shirt you can put on?” asked the police officer who was standing beside Sam’s car shining a flashlight at us. I wanted to laugh but I knew it wouldn’t help the situation.

  “Yes, officer, I’ve got it right here,” he said as he grabbed it from where I’d laid it on the hood while we made out. I tried and mostly failed to hide my smile. “I had a problem with the buttons and my girlfriend was trying to fix it for me.”

  Despite what was going on I caught the girlfriend part of his sentence, and liked that he’d called me that.

  “I need to see both of your IDs. Have either of you been drinking tonight?” the officer asked.

  Sam pulled out his wallet and grabbed his license and mine that he was still holding for me, and handed them over.

  “No sir, I haven’t been drinking and she definitely hasn’t since she’s underage.”

  Yeah, I guess those Jell-O shots four or five hours ago should be well out of our systems by now. I hadn’t even felt a buzz at the time I drank them.

  The officer was a younger guy and I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. Probably not, because he was still on a power trip and trying to prove himself as a new officer. He had his flashlight on our IDs reading them and comparing them to us.

  “Here you go Miss Adams,” he said handing my ID back and he shined the light over me, probably checking to see if I looked drunk.

  “Thank you officer,” I responded in my sweetest voice. Sam had put his arms in his shirt and was buttoning it back up.

  “She’s a little young for you isn’t she Mr. West?”

  Oh shit. Sam’s hands froze on his buttons.

  “She’s going to be nineteen in two weeks,” Sam responded as mildly as he probably could.

  There was no good answer. “Yes, officer she is,” was one possible answer or “Fuck you officer, why don’t you mind your own damn business?” is the answer Sam probably wanted to give. What did it matter to him anyway?

  “You’re going to have to go ahead and leave the parking lot,” the officer said. “Miss Adams do you need a ride home?” That question caught me off guard and I noticed Sam tense up even more beside me.

  “No, no sir, but thank you.”

  “Here’s your ID back Mr. West. You need to hurry up and move along,” he said and then he finally walked off.

  I was pretty sure Sam was getting more pissed by the minute so I
went around and hopped in the passenger seat, buckling my seat belt, and he sat down in the driver’s seat and cranked the car. A second later we were on the way back to my apartment.

  “What an asshole,” Sam said.

  I couldn’t hold my laugh in any longer. “At least it was then and not earlier in the night,” I told him.

  “Shit, if any of your private parts had been uncovered that jackass would have found something to arrest me for and let you go on your way.”

  “Good thing I was all covered up.”

  “He was trying to pick you up, you do know that right?”

  “What? No. He was just being a cop.”

  “You were lying on top of my car and he asked if you needed a ride home. Like I’d fuck you on the hood and make you walk home? Really?”

  I laughed again. “You don’t think I’m too young for you, do you?” I asked remembering what he’d said earlier at the diner. I couldn’t help but cringe thinking about my lack of experience that went with my age.

  “What? No. I mean yeah, you’re young but I don’t care. Why, do you think I’m too old for you?”

  “God no,” I told him.

  “Good,” Sam said smiling as he reached over and grabbed my hand. “And I’m sorry about all that tonight with the bitch. Just my luck we’d run into her.”

  “I knew there would be women in your past. I just hope they’re all in your past.”

  “Oh, they definitely are. I’d be a fool to want anyone other than you,” he said as he squeezed my hand and we pulled up into my parking lot.

  “Oh yeah, and here’s your money back too. Can I walk you to your door?” he asked as he pulled out and handed the twenty dollar bill back to me.

  “Sure,” I said with a smile. I grabbed my purse then the door handle and eased out of the car. Sam came around and grabbed my hand as he walked me slowly up the sidewalk. For some reason I was more nervous now than I’d been all night. Maybe because the night was over and I’d have to wait and wonder if or when he’d actually call me.

  “So, thanks for dinner and taking me out,” I told him as we got to my apartment door.

  “I’m glad you had “fun,” he said quoting me from earlier. “I did too and I really hate leaving you. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”

  “Okay,” I answered, feeling like my feet were still off the ground.

  He reached up and grabbed the side of my face, giving me a quick but thoroughly passionate kiss goodnight. I was pretty sure he had kept it brief so we wouldn’t end up heading into my apartment.

  “Goodnight, Kate,” he said with a smile. He started walking backwards to his car with his hands in his pockets, leaving me in a daze.

  “Goodnight, Sam,” I exhaled as I unlocked my door. He made sure I was inside before he turned around. I closed my door, and instantly missed him. I couldn’t help but smile as I thought about how much fun our night had been.

  Chapter Eight


  On the ride home I was wide awake and smiling as I thought about my night with Kate. She was so damn amazing, and I couldn’t wait to see her again tomorrow. I was still shocked at how the shy, quiet girl I first met this morning had ended up being so damn sexy and comfortable around me. Thinking about her hot little body and her mouth and hands on me made me instantly hard again.

  I had been shocked when Kate had realized it had been my birthday the one time I’d actually texted Jessica first. I still couldn’t believe she’d stood up to her in my defense. For the first time in my life Kate made me feel like she actually wanted me, all of me, and us sleeping together would just be the icing on the cake.

  When I got home I was thankful that Chris was either passed out or was pouting in his room. I stripped down and took a quick shower to clean myself up from the night’s earlier activity, then sacked out in bed.

  Kate. Damn, I was already missing her, which was strange since I’d just met her. But after spending almost eight hours with her tonight it felt like I’d known her longer.

  I grabbed my cell phone and smiled when I thought about her asking if I’d given her a fake phone number. I pulled up her name then sent her a text message.

  “I can’t wait to see you tomorrow. Sweet dreams. I know mine will be sweet since they will be filled with a beautiful woman wearing short dresses and nothing underneath.”

  A few minutes later I got a response just as I was drifting off to sleep.

  “Goodnight, Sam. My sweet dreams will be of a sexy man who makes me laugh and whose mouth and hands make my knees weak.”

  I woke up to an annoying banging sound that kept stopping and starting. What the hell? I opened my eyes and since the sun was shining bright through the windows knew it must be morning. The clock beside my bed said it was eleven-thirty, so I’d been out a long time. And oh, how awesome had all those dreams about Kate been.

  Then I heard the banging again, making my head pound even though I didn’t drink much last night, and I’d had over seven hours of sleep. I growled in frustration as I threw my feet over to the floor and sat up.

  Raising up I saw the orange paw under my door before the banging started again.

  “What the fuck do you want?” I yelled at him knowing if my door hadn’t been locked he’d have already busted in my room.

  The paw disappeared before he answered me through the door. “Get up asshole! I’m hungry. Are you going to call that chick today?”

  “If I do, you aren’t talking to her,” I said, not knowing if he heard me or not.

  I spent the next couple of hours holed up in my room, playing video games and staring at my phone. I couldn’t wait to call Kate and see her again. Damn I wanted her so much, and I really hoped she wouldn’t go back to being timid after last night.

  I gave in and finally called her, thankful when she answered on the third ring.

  “Hi, Sam,” her voice sounded so damn sweet when she said my name.

  “Hey, Kate. What are you up to?”

  “Not much, just reading and hanging out. Why? What are you up to?” she asked, and she sounded so hopeful.

  “Nothing, not a damn thing. So, would you want to have dinner again with me tonight?”

  “Sure,” she said without hesitation. “When and where?”

  “Um,” I hadn’t thought that far. “Your choice, somewhere nicer than the diner hopefully, and I can come pick you up if you want?” I asked.

  “Okay, sounds good. What time?

  “How about I pick you up at seven?” I asked.

  “See you then, Sam,” she said, hanging up, and making my stomach flip.

  I had some errands to run before seven o’clock. I was going to finally get a haircut, find some new clothes, and come back and get a shower. I felt like I needed to look nice for Kate instead of my normal lazy slacker self.

  I made good time and was ringing her doorbell at five minutes to seven. When Kate opened the door I was momentarily stunned again. She was wearing a little blue spaghetti strap dress that made her eyes seem a brighter blue, and a pair of oh so awesome “fuck me” heels again. And this dress was also short, short enough to be very distracting. I’d be wiping the drool off my mouth all night, and rearranging my junk, which was fine with me. I also couldn’t help but wonder if she was wearing anything under it.

  “Hey, you got a haircut. I like it,” she said with a smile as she reached up and ran her hand through my much shorter hair.

  “Thanks, and you look amazing in that dress,” I told her as I pulled her to me, covering her mouth with mine and letting her know just how happy I was to see her again.

  My hands roamed down her back and drifted to her ass until I felt the lines.

  “Thank goodness,” I exhaled as I finally let her go.

  “What?” she asked confused.

  “If you hadn’t been wearing anything underneath I think I would have hauled you right back into your apartment.”

  “Oh,” she said, and I thought I may have crossed the line until she smiled.
“You know, that can be easily remedied in about two seconds.”

  My jaw dropped.

  “So,” she asked giving me a wicked smile. “On or off? Or I guess the question should be in or out?” she said suggestively. She was asking about her apartment, but I was pretty damn sure she was referring to herself.

  “Um,” I was speechless. I cleared my throat. I couldn’t say anything or move. This must be how deer felt when they looked directly at headlights.

  “Are you hungry?” I finally asked her.

  She shook her head. Good, me neither, well at least not for food.

  “Then definitely off and in,” I said as I launched myself at her, kissing her again. I picked her up and carried her back into the apartment, using my foot to shut the door behind us.

  From what I could tell Kate’s little one-bedroom apartment was exactly like I’d imagined it would be. Pinks and purples, all girly and delicate like her, just one big open room with a kitchen and small table on the far side, one door leading to what was probably her bedroom on the opposite side. Not that I noticed.

  Our tongues met and quickly found an increasing and erotic rhythm. My hands were moving on their own accord, cupping her breasts, grabbing her ass, reaching under her dress, but she didn’t let up or make any move to stop my advances.

  We eventually made it over to what I thought was the couch. I sat down with Kate on my lap, straddling me. The position made her short dress ride up so high I could see her white lace panties. I thought my dick was going to explode out of my khakis.

  My hands were frantic as I tried to touch all of her at once, while restraining myself from her soft and so damn smooth “not until you get permission again” zone. But I was weakening, and I was pretty sure Kate was too as she worked herself against my arousal. This shy and sweet girl was once again blowing my mind.

  Kate pulled my shirt over my head, kissing down my neck while her hands went to my zipper. Oh fuck yes! I knew where this was headed if the zipper was coming down. Shit! Unfortunately I remembered I needed to call a timeout. I didn’t want to stop but I just couldn’t let it go any further until I was completely honest with her.


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