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Bound by Blood Box Set

Page 17

by Lane Hart

  “Will you fuck me too, even though I’m not a stripper?” she asked for the second time tonight, as she reached up and rubbed my jaw.

  “No,” I told her as I sat her back down in my passenger seat. “But not because you’re not a stripper, it’s because you’re drunk. Oh, and you fucked my roommate last night.”

  I buckled her seat belt then shut the door to go around to the driver side.

  By the time I sat down and started the car Kate had started crying again. I felt like I was taking care of a small child, but looking over at her I didn’t really mind for whatever reason, even after what she’d done. She was incapable of taking care of herself, and now I was really glad I had gone to the club to get her. If I hadn’t gotten there when I did, shit, I couldn’t even think about what those bastards would have done to her.

  Kate looked like she felt absolutely terrible, and so damn sad as the tears ran down her face. I figured I might as well use the time to try and get more drunk confessions from her before she passed out.

  I sighed as I backed out the parking spot and started toward my house.

  “Kate, why are you crying?”

  “Because you hate me, but it’s okay, I hate me too.”

  “I don’t hate you. I’m really fucking pissed at you for what you did. And I’m confused about why you kicked me out of your apartment the other night. Why did you tell me you didn’t want to see me anymore?”

  “My dad always told me men only want one thing from girls and stay the hell away from them all. Why’d you talk to me except to fuck me? But I was lonely and you’re really hot. I liked you too. I liked you a lot but you were going to forget me after we fucked or go fuck someone else behind my back,” she paused as she yawned and curled up in the seat. “And I was right. You left my apartment and five minutes later women were lining up for you to fuck and you did, just like I knew you’d do. I wasn’t different from five hundred and ninety-nine or six hundred ninety-nine or whatever,” she said as she yawned again, and laid her head against the window.

  I wasn’t going to try and explain the truth to her. It wasn’t like she’d remember it and we’d almost made it back to my place. I sat in the silent car for a minute and rubbed my face. This was the most fucked up night of my life. If my asshole roommate was still here I’d probably beat him bloody again if I saw his face. If that wasn’t bad enough, I also had a puking and close to passing out Kate to deal with. After the two of them fucked last night. And oh yeah, I had to go to work in the morning and it was already past midnight.

  Before I could walk around to her door, Kate opened it and fell out of the damn car, then just laid down on the ground.

  “I don’t feel so good,” she said.

  “Really? I couldn’t tell. Come on.” I picked her up and carried her up the steps, opening the front door that was unlocked. Chris was still holed up in his room, which was lucky for him.

  “Alright, I’m going to stand you up and get the shower ready for you, okay?” I told Kate as I set her feet on the ground and leaned her back against the bathroom counter. “Do you think you can shower by yourself?” I asked.

  I reached and turned on the faucet, by which time she had slid down and was sitting on the floor. I could use a shower myself to get her puke off of me, so I stripped off my clothes, then took the puked on clothes off of her. At least she hadn’t been going commando tonight.

  I pulled her back up and, holding her steady, gave her a cup of mouthwash to swish. The erection I was already sporting from being naked in the same room with her made it easy for my fangs to drop. Turning her to the side so she couldn’t see, I bit my wrist and caught the blood in the mouthwash cup. I wasn’t a hundred percent sure how my blood would affect Kate but I was pretty certain it’d help her get over her hangover. It wasn’t like it could make her worse.

  “Here, drink this, it’ll make you feel better,” I told her as I brought the cup to her lips. She took a swallow and then spit it out.

  “Yuck! That’s gross,” she said and clamped her lips tight like a child, so she wouldn’t have to drink anymore.

  “Kate, just drink a little bit more. You drank way too much alcohol tonight. Do you really want to keep throwing up?” I pleaded with her, but she still refused. There was another way I could try to get more blood in her but it was going to suck.

  “Alright fine. Will you kiss me?” She nodded enthusiastically so I bit my tongue before leaning down to kiss her. She immediately opened her mouth for me. Oh, this was a bad idea, but if felt so fucking good even though her hair smelled like vomit.

  I tried to keep my hands on Kate’s sides, not touching any of her nakedness, but it was difficult. Especially with her hands that had gone to my hair, her breasts on my chest, and my erection pressed against her. She moaned and I knew she was less drunk when she hopped up on the counter, spreading her legs wide as she wrapped them around my waist. All I had to do was lean forward just a little bit and I’d be in her. Fuck. I was losing what control I had, and by now I should have gotten enough blood in her. At least I hadn’t nicked her with my fangs this time.

  I pulled her down until her feet were back on the ground, then pulled away from her.

  “I’m sorry Kate,” I panted trying to get some air and clear my head and my cock from the direction they were going.

  “I don’t want you to stop,” she said as she took a step toward me.

  “Do you feel any better, less sick, clearer headed?” I asked her.

  “Yeah, I do. My stomach feels better and the room finally stopped spinning.”

  “You should, because I gave you some of my blood.”

  Her hand went to her mouth. “That’s why you kissed me?” she asked, and I could tell by the hurt look on her face that she wasn’t nearly as drunk as she had been.

  “Yes, because you wouldn’t drink it out of the cup and I was tired of seeing you throw up. Can you take a shower by yourself now?” I asked, needing to put more space and clothes between us.

  “No,” she said as her eyes swept down my naked body.

  “Kate, seriously?”

  “Fine, but you’ll feel bad when I fall and crack my skull open. Or will your blood heal that too?” she asked as she leaned back against the counter, purposely sticking her goddamn perfect breasts out.

  “You’re an evil fucking witch, but I do need to wash your puke off of me,” I told her as I pulled the curtain back and climbed into the already running shower. I heard her scoff before she climbed in behind me.

  “I puked on you?” she asked, embarrassed, and I knew she was really coming out of her drunkenness now.

  “Oh yeah, so many times I lost count,” I told her as I washed my hair under the warm water of the shower head, making her stand in the cold. She deserved it.

  After I shampooed and rinsed the suds out I opened my eyes and Kate was staring at me from across the shower. She was biting her lip and had her arms wrapped around herself. I knew without a doubt that she wanted me. Good, she deserved that shit too, and even though I wanted her there was no way in hell I was going to give in.

  “Are you still mad at me?” she asked softly.

  “What the fuck do you think?” I snapped, without looking at her as I lathered up the washcloth.

  “I’m still mad at you too,” she said quietly, but she didn’t really look or sound mad.

  “That’s not what you said earlier when you were shit-faced drunk,” I said with a smile as I washed down my chest then up and down my length, knowing she was watching.

  “What, what did I say when I was shit-faced drunk?” she asked hesitantly as her eyes finally came back up to mine.

  “You asked me if I wanted to do a body shot off of you after you let I don’t know how many other guys do it. When I declined you said you really liked when I licked you, that I made you come five times in a row and my dick was huge. You said sex with Chris hurt even though his dick wasn’t that big when you put it in your mouth and that you cried. You said you wante
d me to bite you, not some strippers, so thanks for almost outing me in public. Oh, then you asked me if I’d fuck you tonight when I got you home, and after I declined, you started crying.” I watched with satisfaction as Kate’s face turned redder with each word I said and her mouth dropped open.

  “And by the way, those three assholes you were with at the bar were taking pictures of you, you know up your skirt and all, and I’d about bet my life that they were going to press record while they gang banged you after you passed out, then share that video with all their friends, or the world, so sorry I interrupted the fun you’d planned on having with them.”

  After that comment I felt a little bad when Kate’s eyes watered and she looked sick again. I had to turn away from her, but she deserved hearing every damn word of what she’d done earlier, and the situation she’d put herself in.

  “Why do you give a shit what I was going to do with them?” she asked angry, and at that I had to turn back around.

  “Why do I give a shit? Really? You texted me and told me where you were and that you wished I was there. You wanted me to come and find you doing God knows what with a room full of men. The fool that I am, I did it, because I couldn’t stand the thought of some assholes getting you drunk and taking advantage of you. If I’d known you were going to turn into a fucking slut after I took your virginity I wouldn’t have ever slept with you. I really wished I didn’t give a shit, especially after you fucked my asshole roommate, but for some goddamn reason I don’t even understand, I still care about you!”

  “If you cared about me then why did you leave my apartment and fuck a whole strip club, bringing home not one, but two of them to fuck some more?” she yelled.

  “Chris lied to you because he was trying to fuck you, and what do you know, it worked! He brought home two nasty strippers and had a threesome with them. I didn’t touch either of them. Whether you believe it or not, I only fucked one stripper that I drank from. I told you that night that I’d gone too long without blood. I needed it from someone and I couldn’t wait any longer.”

  “And fucking her? You needed that too?”

  I sighed. I felt so disgusting I couldn’t look at her. “No, I didn’t. But you’d kicked me out! You said you didn’t want to see me anymore, told me I could suck and fuck whoever I wanted, and then it just sort of happened.” Which was the truth. I hadn’t intended on the sex, although I hadn’t tried to stop it either.

  “Yeah, I know how that is,” she said, sniffling as her anger turned back to tears.

  My anger was also slipping away with every tear she shed. I wanted to be mad, dammit, it felt better than being heartbroken, but she was ruining it. She was even starting to make me feel guilty, deflecting from what she had done. Oh hell no.

  “I still can’t believe you actually fucked him. I feel like such a fool for falling for your goddamn sweet and innocent bullshit act!”

  “I begged you to just let me explain what happened and you left.”

  “It seems you’ve been doing a lot of begging. You begged me to fuck you last weekend, then you begged him to fuck you last night, now you’re begging me to listen to you, but fine. Let’s hear your fucking explanation,” I yelled at her, commending myself on the unintended but appropriate pun. Then feeling a little bad again when more tears fell because of my harsh words.

  “He showed up at my apartment and I didn’t know who he was at first. He told me he wanted to thank me for doing the spell,” she sniffled again, taking away more of my anger. “You told him where I lived and let him borrow your car, so it’s not like you didn’t know he was coming over,” she said accusingly, and I interrupted her to correct her assumption.

  “Wrong. He found your address on the school’s website, and he sure as fuck didn’t tell me where he was going when he borrowed my car!”

  “Oh. Well, I um, didn’t know that. But Sam, you saw for yourself how bad it was the other day! You weren’t there this time. He was, and it was so much worse. I didn’t want to. Well, my head didn’t want to, but it was just like before when I didn’t have a choice. And I was so mad at you for what you had done. You said you wouldn’t hurt me, that you were falling in love with me, and then you went and did that-,” she started sobbing into her hands at that point.

  I shouldn’t have cared. I should’ve said, “Screw you!” and left her standing in the cold shower. But I couldn’t. Not yet. For some reason I wanted to comfort her, even though what she’d done was hurting me so damn much. But I knew I’d hurt her too.

  “Oh, Kate, I’m sorry,” I said as I wrapped my arms around her. She was so small, only reaching my chest. I stroked her hair and her back comforting her as she cried, while at the same time kicking myself in the ass for doing it.

  “I’m so sorry Sam, and I regret it so damn much,” I heard her sob against my chest. I was glad to hear it, but I still didn’t get her change of heart.

  When she’d calmed down enough that I thought she could finally talk, I asked her.

  “You told me you didn’t want to see me anymore, so other than you fucking my roommate, and then getting so drunk you would have let an entire club fuck you, what’s changed?”

  She looked up at me with eyes I kept drowning in. “I was stupid and scared. I just felt like things were moving too fast with you. I needed to figure out if I wanted you or if I was just lonely. Then there was Chris,” she said making my jaw clench just hearing the bastard’s name come from her mouth. “He wasn’t you, and it didn’t feel right with him like it had felt with you. Even after he told me what you had done I still wanted to be with you,” she said, and she looked and sounded so sincere that I wanted to believe her.

  “How many times did you fuck him before you finally figured that out?” I asked, wondering how she could regret it so much when she’d been with him all night.

  “What do you mean ‘how many times’? It was only once.”

  “Really? Just one time?”

  “Yes! I even stopped him and told him I didn’t want to hurt you. Then he told me about the strippers, plural. After that I was mad and hurt, and I wanted to hurt you too. When it was over he finally noticed I had been crying. He asked if I was crying because of you. When I told him I was he got dressed and left. He said he couldn’t wait to tell you that I didn’t want to see you anymore and that I’d fucked him.”

  “Wait. Hold, on,” I interrupted her. “He said he was with you all night, and that you kept begging him for more! He didn’t bring my car back until after I left for work this morning!”

  “He wasn’t with me! Sam, I swear, he’s lying! He was only with me for half an hour, if it was even that long. It was really, really quick. It sure as hell wasn’t all night!”

  The funny thing was, I believed her. Chris had lied to me and to her. I’m sure he’d stayed out to make it seem like he’d been with her, but he’d probably just gone out and found some other girl, or girls, to fuck. The jackass.

  “Oh, Kate! Please tell me you used a fucking condom!” I yelled, panicking that he’d been careless with her like every other woman he screwed.

  “Hell yes! Even through the pheromone frenzy or whatever, I wasn’t stupid enough to forget about that. Although, he did try and talk me out of it.”

  “That bastard!” I clenched my fist and jerked back the shower curtain, ready to bust in his room and punch him some more.

  “Sam, please don’t,” Kate said as she grabbed my arm. “Stay with me.” Then a thought hit me.

  “But don’t you still feel, you know, when you’re around him?” I asked.

  She shook her head and I finally noticed she’d started shivering from the cold air. “When I came over earlier tonight, being in the same room with him, the lust was gone.”

  “Probably because now you know what a fucking asshole he is.”

  “I don’t know. I think it went away after we, um, after it happened last night,” she said as she blushed.

  I hoped to God she was right about that.

�Look, I’ll leave so you can get a shower. I know you’re freezing. You should at least wash your hair since you threw up in it before I could get it out of the way.”

  “Why’d you bring me back here?” she asked suddenly.

  “Well, ah, after I sort of caused a scene at the club I carried you out of there and then you started getting sick. By the time I was able to get you to your apartment I realized you didn’t have your keys or your phone. You said you checked your purse at the club, and I wasn’t about to go back there tonight while you were sick, so there you have it. But now that you’re coherent I guess I can take you to get your purse after we get dressed, and then take you home.”

  “How did you cause a scene at the club?” she asked.

  “I may have destroyed two iPhones and choked the asshole that had been licking your fucking stomach.”


  “What? It’s your fault for getting drunk! The phones had up the skirt pictures of you on them, and the asshole swung at me when I tried to leave with you. I’m sure he’s fine if you’re that damn worried about him.”

  “I’m not worried about him, I just don’t want you to get in any trouble.”

  “I didn’t get thrown out or anything, so it’s no big deal.”

  “Wait a minute,” she said. “You said you declined to do a body shot on me, but why do I remember you on top of me licking up my stomach and breasts?”

  “I did decline. The first time. But it was either do one or I was going to have to carry you kicking and screaming from the club.” I left out the part about how much I wanted to do it, and had enjoyed the fuck out of it.

  She stood there silent as she thought back through things. Suddenly her cheeks flamed bright red and I was pretty sure why.

  “Just remember that you came on the bar?” I asked and couldn’t help my smirk.

  Kate covered her face and refused to look at me. “I can’t believe you did that,” she said shaking her head.


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