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Bound by Blood Box Set

Page 24

by Lane Hart

  She blinked at me a few times and nodded. “Hurry back. I love you.”

  “I will. I love you too baby.”

  There was a grocery store a few miles from the motel so I ran in and grabbed some food and drinks, hair dye for Kate and a throwaway phone with prepaid card.

  When I came out of the store I found a different car, belonging to a too trusting citizen with keys still in the ignition, then headed back to the motel.

  Kate was still lying where I’d left her. “Morning, beautiful. We’ve got to get going. I want to try and get to the border before sunrise,” I told her. I stroked her natural hair and realized how much I was going to miss it.

  “Okay, I’m awake.”

  “I bought you some hair color if you want to use it before we leave.”

  “Sure,” she said as she yawned and sat up, still naked. If we didn’t need to get on the road so bad I would have undressed in two seconds and got back in bed with her.

  She finally rose from the bed and made her way to the bathroom with the box in hand.

  I ate some granola bars and drank some orange juice while I waited for Kate to shower. The breakfast of champions, or fugitives on the run. We were damn well going to stay somewhere decent when we made it to the border, and have a real meal.

  Kate finally came out of the bathroom and my jaw dropped open.

  “Damn!” I finally managed, as I grinned from ear to ear. “You were beautiful before baby, but you are sexy as fuck as a blonde.”

  She let out the breath she’d been holding. “Really? Or are you just saying that because you don’t want to hurt my feelings?”

  I couldn’t help but go to her so I could run his fingers through it, brushing it back from her neck and shoulder. “I’m not sure which color I like better. But I don’t think it’s going to work.”

  “Why not?” she asked, confused.

  “Because we’re supposed to be trying to make you less obvious and noticeable. But now, every man that sees you is going to want you.”

  “Oh, whatever,” she said as a blush warmed her cheeks. She tried to walk past me but my arm shot out across her waist stopping her. I pressed my lips to her neck and she shivered.

  “I thought we had to get on the road,” she reminded me.

  I growled. “We do.”

  “Then let’s get going. You can find out later if blondes really do have more fun.”

  “Fine, but it’s going to be tough for me to concentrate on the road. I might even wreck the car. Are you sure you want to put us in that kind of danger?”

  “Come on!” she said tugging on my arm. It wasn’t like we had any luggage to take with us. All we had fit into a couple grocery bags we grabbed and then we were on the road.

  “So how much further do we have?” Kate asked as we left the hotel.

  “Only about eight or nine more hours,” I answered without enthusiasm.

  “Then what?” she asked.

  I shrugged, “I don’t know. Find somewhere to stay in Mexico, lay low for a while, or forever.”

  “But what are we going to do about money?”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll call Joselin when we stop and she’ll send whatever we need for now.”

  “So, Joselin, she won’t mind helping us even though we’re wanted?” Kate asked.

  “No, of course not. I want you to meet her sometime. I think you’d like her. She was only in her thirties when she was turned but she acts like an eighty-year-old woman. She’s been married more times than I can count. I think she said ten or eleven times, but of course she outlives all her husbands. You heard all that when I talked to her on her birthday two days ago. Or was it three days ago? I have no idea what today is.”

  “I know what you mean,” she said as she propped her head against the cool window. I knew she was still worried about whether or not her dad was alive or where he might have gone if he did manage to get away. I couldn’t believe her and her dad had risked their lives for me, and killed those D.R.A. agents. I knew all that couldn’t have been easy for Kate. She’d been through so much and she looked like she was still exhausted.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  I was really starting to hate driving. I wouldn’t mind if I never got inside a car for the rest of the year. I looked over at where Kate had laid her seat back and was sleeping. Again. She’d slept nine hours at the hotel and then most of the eight hour road trip today. I was starting to worry it might be depression causing her to want to keep escaping the real world.

  The sign welcoming us into Texas gave me some relief that we were almost to our destination. I was able to mostly relax when we finally stopped in McAllen. I knew we couldn’t go across the border at customs, so we’d have to cross somewhere else or get new IDs.

  In the last eight hours we had not stopped except for the two car changes and a quick rest area stop to use the facilities and get something to eat.

  I pulled up in the parking lot of the La Posada Inn. It looked like a newly built resort. I had no clue what ‘La Posada’ meant, but it was the nicest place around. I wasn’t going to take Kate to another rundown hotel, and it would take us a few days to make arrangements for a more permanent location in Mexico.

  I let Kate sleep while I pulled out the disposable phone I’d picked up and called Joselin.

  “Hello?” she answered right away. Then I wondered what time it’d be in California. It was only about six a.m. in Texas.

  “Hey Joselin. It’s Sam. Sorry to call so early.”

  “Sam? What are you doing!” she screamed. “Are you the same Samuel West that’s wanted for escaping the D.R.A.?”

  “Um, yes. But that’s a long story. Look, Chris screwed me over. He turned me in because he was sure Kate would want him but she didn’t. Her dad was a D.R.A. agent and the two of them helped me escape.”

  “Chris? I thought he was still a cat.”

  “Um, no. The girl in question, well she’s a witch. She did the spell for him, then he went behind my back and screwed her knowing it’d be hard for her to resist. Told her I’d cheated on her, which I had but didn’t mean to.”

  “Sam, what the hell are you doing?”

  “Oh, well, right now we’re on the run. We think her dad may be too. But getting to the reason why I’m calling, I hate to ask you this, but could you send some money?”

  “Of course.”

  “And um, we’re in McAllen, Texas and I really don’t want to stay in a shithole motel again. Could you please use your credit card to make reservations for us at the La Posada? I’ve got to find us some new IDs and I sure as hell can’t use any of my cards.”

  “Sure, I’ll look up the number on the computer while you’re on the phone. Since you’re going to be there a few days do you want me to find a Western Union in town?”

  “Yeah, that’d be great. If you will, set us up for maybe three nights here. That should give us enough time to get what we need.” I looked over and Kate was starting to wake up.

  “Okay, I found the number. Just give me a few minutes and I’ll call you back.”

  Kate opened her eyes and looked around.

  “Okay, thanks Joselin. I owe you.”

  “Sam, you know I have more money than I know what to do with. I’ve told you before, I’ll gladly spend it on you anytime you need it, okay?”

  “Thanks. You’re the best.”

  I hung up and put the phone in my pocket as Kate stretched awake

  “Where are we?” she asked still groggy.

  “McAllen, Texas, and right on the border.”

  “Oh thank God,” she said relieved. “I’m sorry, I bet you’re exhausted. You should have got me up and let me drive some.”

  “No, you look like you needed the rest.”

  She sat up and pulled down the vanity mirror. “Wow, I look like shit.”

  “No you don’t. Now come on, let’s get out and stretch our legs. Joselin’s calling to make us reservations here for a few nights,” I told her as I nodded in the direct
ion of the hotel.

  “Oh, wow! This place is nice,” she said in awe. “Are you sure no one will notice us?”

  “I’ll go and check us in, and they’ll never see you even for a second in the public areas so we should be okay.”

  “I can’t wait to get a shower, and sleep in a comfortable bed,” Kate said as she rubbed her neck to work the kinks out.

  A few minutes later the phone in my front pocket started ringing a tone I’d never heard before.

  “Joselin,” I told Kate.

  I pulled it out and opened it, since it was an ancient phone model, and answered it.

  “Hey, Joselin.”

  “Okay, Sam, you’re all set. I told them my brother, Scott Williams, was in town and had his ID and money stolen so they shouldn’t ask you for anything.”

  “Great, thank you!”

  “Take care of yourself, Sam.”

  “I will. Bye, Joselin.”

  “All set,” I told Kate. “I’ll run in and get the key, then we can get settled in.”

  “Okay,” she said as she started waking up and looking more like herself.

  I left the keys in the car and told her to lock up while I was inside.

  The young clerk at the receptionist desk looked me up and down no doubt wondering how I planned to pay for this place. I had been wearing this blue t-shirt for about three days and wrinkled jeans just as long. I would add go shopping for news clothes for the both of us to my to-do list.

  When I gave her the name Joselin had told me, she searched the computer and then seemed less snotty. “Oh, yes, your sister told us what happened, and we’re so sorry to hear what you’ve been through. She’s taken care of everything, room service whenever you need anything, full spa services, just let us know.”

  Thank goodness something was going right for once during this shitty week.

  “Yeah, I’m sorry about my appearance. I can’t wait to shower and get some rest.”

  “No problem, sir. We understand.” So now I was “sir” since she knew there was a limitless credit card on file. Joselin was an attractive woman, even though I’d never ever thought of her that way. In the last fifty-eight years since I’ve known her she’d been married at least three times, and of course she outlived all her wealthy husbands that she didn’t divorce. She was probably even the wealthiest partner in the recent relationships. I always wondered why she’d never turned one of her husbands to keep them around longer, but that was none of my business.

  I got a key for our room on the second floor. I couldn’t wait to have Kate safe, for hopefully the next few days.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  The first thing I saw when we walked into the room was the gigantic, dark wooden, four poster bed in the center of it. Around that the fancy room consisted of cherry hardwood floors, and lamps and couches that were probably worth more than everything in my house back in Ohio. I couldn’t wait to get in that bed with Sam, and I was pretty sure he was thinking the same thing.

  “This is a really, really nice place,” I told him, as I rubbed my hand over the thick brown woven comforter.

  After locking the deadbolt and chaining the door, Sam didn’t make it any further than the bed. His eyes were full of heat as he grabbed me to him and kissed me. His hands were just as eager and urgent on me as mine were on him. We were still wearing way too many clothes, but they didn’t last long. Sam had my clothes off in a second. I got his shirt up and off, then started working on the button on his jeans without removing my mouth from his. Finally I pushed his jeans down, and there were no boxers underneath to get in the way. His erection sprang free, pushing against my stomach and making me gasp.

  Sam’s hands moved from my face down to kneading my breasts, while his tongue never let up in my mouth. After his mouth replaced his hand on first one breast and then the other, the warmth and pressure between my legs started growing. Still sucking on my nipple, Sam’s fingers slipped between my legs and into me as the spasms increased and my legs became jelly.

  “Sam,” I moaned. “I’m going to fall.” His other arm grabbed me around my waist and held me up until the tremors from the orgasm finally eased up.

  He put me on the bed so he could take off his shoes and socks, then pulled his jeans off all the way. I propped myself up on my arm so I could watch him undress. His long lean body, with defined muscles on his arms and shoulders, his washboard abs, down his legs, along with his immense arousal were amazing, and I wanted to kiss every single part of him.

  I smiled as he climbed on the bed on top of me.

  “What are you smiling at?” he asked as he kissed my jaw and down my neck giving me goose bumps.

  “You. You are every woman’s wet dream.”

  Sam laughed against my neck.

  “When I first saw you at the blood drive I wondered why they didn’t use you as the poster boy for the blood bank. Women would have come running to donate blood just for a chance to see you.”

  Sam raised back up to look at me, then brushed my hair back from my face as he smiled.

  “You know, I wanted you as soon as I saw you that day,” he said. “I couldn’t stop checking you out in the short jean skirt you were wearing and the white button down shirt.”

  “Really?” Thinking back I was pretty sure that was the outfit I’d been wearing.

  “Yes, and I could barely think or talk to you because my dick was trying to bust out of my pants the whole time.”

  “Whatever,” I said rolling my eyes and laughing.

  “It’s true. I couldn’t stop thinking about you after you left, and it had nothing to do with you being a witch. I even considered not telling Chris about you. Fuck, I shouldn’t have told him about you.”

  Immediately Sam tensed and his mood started shifting. I reached up and pulled his face back down to mine, hopefully distracting him so he’d let go of the anger. It worked, and he was back to only the two of us. I spread my legs to give him room to fit between them, and raised my hips up to his.

  Sam reached down, and grabbing my bottom, raised me up and thrust into me. Slowly and gently he pulled back and then pushed forward. I reached around and grabbed his ass, pressing him into me and grinding my hips against him. I wanted more, and couldn’t wait any longer.

  “Please. Harder,” I panted as I pulled my mouth from his. He picked up the pace and pressure, and soon I was moaning with him as he poured into me.

  As we laid there recovering I was so glad we didn’t have anywhere to go today or tonight. We could lay right here and do this for the next several days if we wanted.

  Sam was still in me and on top of me with my legs wrapped around him. I was rubbing my hands through his hair while his head laid on my chest. After a few minutes he still hadn’t moved or said anything. Then I felt his weight increase on me as his breathing became more rhythmic. I was pretty sure he had just fallen asleep on me. I smiled as I kept stroking his hair and down his back, up his arm. He’d been driving all night and had to be exhausted. I was anything but tired, and only wanted him to stay right where he was against me.

  Sometime later I gasped as I felt Sam’s length stirring and growing in me. It felt so good that I couldn’t help thrusting against him. That woke him up.

  Sam raised his head up and blinked at me a few times.

  “Oh, Kate, I’m sorry. I must be crushing you. You should’ve told me to move,” he said as he pushed up on his arms. Then his eyes closed with his sharp inhale.

  “I bet you just realized what’s going on down below, didn’t you?” I laughed.

  “Oh fuck!” he said as he pushed himself all the way into me.

  I cried out and then held on to him as he drove himself into me over and over, with enough force that my head eventually ended up against the wooden headboard. I was beyond caring though as my orgasm exploded out of me in a scream, and I felt his muscles tighten as he came.

  Sam rolled over us over until I was on top of and he was holding my hips. “There
,” he said, his chest still rising and falling quickly as he panted. “Now I won’t squish you.”

  “I don’t mind you on top of me, but this is nice to,” I said looking down at him and his still closed eyes.

  “I love you so much,” he said as he finally opened them, while running his hands up and down my sides.

  “I love you too,” I told him as I leaned down to kiss him.

  “I better get up and order us something to eat before I fall asleep again,” he said as he rolled me so my back was on the bed again. He kissed his way down my chest and stomach as he crawled to the foot of the bed, then froze.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  “Kate, why didn’t you tell me I hurt you?” I asked her, feeling like shit for being too rough with her.

  “What, why would you think that? Those were most definitely sounds of pleasure, not pain,” she laughed.

  “Because I’m pretty sure you’re bleeding.”

  “What! Where?” she asked, panicking.

  I rose up and to the side of her, and yep, she was bleeding. There was blood so dark it looked black on her thighs and down my length. She’d probably freak out even more if I told her I wanted to lick it all off of her. Damn it, now I was hard again and my fangs were out.

  “Oh shit!” she screamed when she saw the blood, then she jumped up and headed for the bathroom.

  If it wasn’t because I’d hurt her, and she’d never had a period before, then what the hell was it?

  I started pulling the sheets off the bed, and trying to think about what the hell we’d do with them. If housekeeping or anyone else saw them, they might know what the color meant. I folded them up and sat them at the door. I’d throw them out somewhere the next time I went out.

  Kate still hadn’t come out of the bathroom, and I was getting worried about her. I’d heard the shower turn on and then off, so she was probably just in there freaking out.

  “Kate?” I asked near the bathroom door.


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