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Christmas In Virginia

Page 11

by Mlyn Hurn

  Jeff began walking towards the bench. He stood back several feet, though, once he saw the small bits of clay go flying past him. "Why are you still here, Laena? You said you were moving back home." Jeff glared, angry at finding out she had not left as he had thought.

  "This is now my home, Jeff. Ruth and I are getting along quite well," Laena told him tersely, not looking up as she spoke.

  "How much?" Jeff gritted his teeth. There was no way that he would let her get the better of him, damn it all! Besides, Arlene had bit off his head several times since the night of the dinner. Hell! Even the baby had been acting up since that night. He was sure he could buy Laena out of town. Still feeling prideful at how little he'd let her get in the divorce, he was positive she hurt for money.

  Finding the kiln and the pottery wheel here didn't make him feel much better. With these, she had a good chance to establish herself and become as popular an artisan as she'd been when he'd first met her. Now she was older which undoubtedly would have improved her talent-hell! He had kept her from starting up in a major way when they moved her, telling her she needed to be free to get them settled. Then he'd made sure to sell her kiln as soon as she moved out with their separation. His plan had been to make sure she had no way to stay in town and be forced to move away. Arlene had certainly expressed her desire to have his ex-wife leave town.

  Finally, Laena looked up from the clay she pounded. She shook her head. "How much what, Jeff? What are you talking about?"

  "Damn it! Laena, you are so ridiculously naïve sometimes. I'll pay you to move out of town. Now, how much do you want?"

  "Look, Jeff." Laena couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled up from inside. This was better than any of the confrontations she'd had with him in her head. "We haven't seen each other in the almost two years since we divorced except that one time. There is very little chance we will meet very often. And hey, if I see you or Arlene coming down the street, I'll cross the street to get out of your way. That should take care of any concerns you have."

  Jeff stepped forward and pounded his fist on the table. "No! Just knowing you are still in town is upsetting Arlene."

  "And that is supposed to affect me? You want me to leave town because the woman you had an extramarital affair with doesn't want to see me? One of you is insane." Laena splattered some water onto her clay, and folded it over just once and then smashed it with her fist. A multitude of little bits of clay flew outward, in several directions.

  "Laena, there is no reason for you to stay. You don't have any family here. I know you don't have any friends here either. I'll pay to move you and give you enough to buy a house. Hell, I'll even throw in enough to support you for a year until you get back on your feet. I think that is more than generous."

  Laena snorted in disbelief. "You screw me during the divorce and leave me with little more than the clothes on my back. And now you say money is no object to get rid of me. I find it hard to believe this is all because Arlene is upset."

  Laena bent her head once again and concentrated on pounding the clay flat, smiling as the clay flew wildly around the table.

  Suddenly, Jeff reached across the table and grabbed her wrist. He twisted her arm.

  She cried out softly.

  Jeff didn't release her though, twisting a little further. "Now I get it! You're fucking Jack Spencer, aren't you, Laena? That's why you don't want to leave, isn't it? If you think something will come of it, you are fooling yourself. He may fuck you for a good time, and he always did like chicks with big tits. But he rides way too high on the social and political ladder for you. Once he decides what he wants to do next career-wise, he'll drop you so fast your head will spin. No way would he ever let you set foot into his world."

  "Let go of her arm, Jeff."

  Jeff turned, seeing Jack standing inside the studio. He released Laena's arm. "Hello, Jack. I didn't realize you were home."

  Jack strolled slowly into the room. He was dressed in washed-out jeans and a white T-shirt.

  Laena couldn't help but notice that even though Jack was seven years older than Jeff, he was much more physically fit, and he actually gave off a more youthful appearance. She met Jack's gaze and smiled slowly. Jeff's shock and what she was sure was a growing fear, felt good, and made her feel a little guilty.

  Jack came around the bench and reached out to turn Laena's face towards him. He slowly lowered his mouth to hers, kissing her deeply. As he pulled away, he rubbed his thumb across her lower lip. "Looks like you've had an unsuccessful day at the wheel, my sweet."

  Laena smiled and shrugged. She watched as Jack turned to slowly look at Jeff. "What brings you out here today? I didn't think you made house calls any more."

  "I came to see Laena about something. Look, we'll talk later about this. I need to get back to the office." He took a step towards the door when Jack's voice stopped him.

  "You're wrong about a lot of things, Jeff. But foremost is that you won't be coming back out here unless you are invited. Laena is staying here, for as long as she chooses. And lastly, I would be proud to introduce her to the former President, my friend, should the opportunity present itself. Now, goodbye, before I forget our families are friends."

  The loud slam of the door, followed by a slight rattling marked Jeff's departure. Laena turned to look at Jack. "You are back early."

  Jack grinned and pulled her close.

  Laena shrieked, trying to keep her clay-covered hands from his pristine shirt.

  But it was obvious that he didn't care as he kissed her again. "I missed you."

  Laena felt the warmth deep inside her body flare to life. The more time she spent with Jack, the more she kept having these feelings. Wild, crazy and foreign to her, but definitely they were feelings she intended on exploring for as long as she could. She looked up into his smiling eyes. "I missed you, too. Ruth chased me outside because she kept tripping over me. I can't seem to focus on anything."

  Jack's hands cupped her ass and pulled her closer.

  She gasped. "Oh!"

  He gently moved against her, letting her feel his erection against her belly. Jack lowered his head to kiss the side of her neck. "I'm having the workmen come back out and make a few additions to the studio tomorrow."

  Laena leaned away, looking confused. "Why?"

  Jack smiled. "For one thing, we need a shower out here. I thought a closet, to keep an extra change of clothes in, and maybe a small bedroom also."

  Laena grinned, shaking her head. "With a twin-size bed?"

  "I was thinking more along the lines of a full-size bed. The perfect size for cuddling."

  Laena laughed and gave up trying to keep Jack clean. She wrapped her clay-covered hands and arms around him. "If you do that, next thing we'll be doing in here is throwing pots in the nude."

  Jack grinned. "I like that idea. Your hands on the pot and my hands on your honey pot." He spun her around and walked her over to the sofa. Two seconds later, she was on her back with her shirt shoved up under her arms, and her shorts pulled down. Less than one second after that, Jack's jeans dropped and he tore open a foil packet.

  "Can I help?" she asked him, barely above a whisper.

  Jack shook his head. "Not this time, sweetheart, or things will be over before they get started!" About ten seconds later he was on top of her and sliding into her body.

  "Oh, God!" he cried out.

  "Is something wrong, Jack?" Laena asked him quickly.

  Jack shook his head, taking a deep breath. "It's just that when I feel you...around me-" His voice broke off abruptly. He curled his hands around her hips, and set a rhythm that was slow and languorous.

  Laena clawed at his back, trying to urge him to go faster. "I know, Jack. When you are inside me, I feel-"

  Stopping abruptly, she'd almost said "complete". Thank God, she hadn't been so lost in her passion that she'd spoken without thinking. Sometimes saying too much to a man was the absolute worst thing to do...

  Jack smiled and lowered his mouth to suck
her nipple. "Jeff was right about one thing. You are beautiful and have the most gorgeous breasts."

  Laena froze for a second. "Your type?"

  Jack lifted his mouth from her breast. "I have no type, Laena. My sons' mother and now you happen to be the only two women I've had more than a third date with. Celia and I were high-school sweethearts. Before the election, I had a few first dates, engineered by well-meaning friends, one of whom became our commander-in-chief."

  Laena chuckled. "And did he try and fix you up once he was the commander?"

  "The First Lady tried once." Jack continued his steady movement in and out. "Then Tom cut her off at the pass the second time. He told her that if I got busy with a woman, he'd have less time for her. It worked."

  Laena responded to his slow thrusts by rotating her hips and tightening her muscles. "Since then?"

  "Only you, darling. And like I said, you have scrumptious boobs. They are luscious, natural and kind of Mother Earth."


  "No! I mean that in the nicest way. You are warm, loving and soft, both inside and out. It's hard to describe, sweetheart."

  Laena tightened her muscles. "I'll stop talking and let you concentrate on this 'hard'. I think I've distracted you."

  "You naughty-" He could only stand a few moments of her actions. He shifted to ease his hand between their bodies. His fingers found her clit and worked it rhythmically.

  Laena lost control completely. Her climactic contractions pulled and sucked on his cock.

  Jack stopped fighting the need and he came a few moments later.

  Laena wrapped her arms around him, holding him close when he tried to pull away. She begged him to just wait, for a few moments.

  Jack lifted his head to meet her eyes. He smiled slowly.

  She saw him open his mouth to tell her-

  "Jack! Telephone call!"

  Laena heard him mutter "damn" as they heard Ruth's voice over the intercom installed between the house and studio.

  A moment later, he slid off her body. He righted his own clothing and then stepped over to where he had tossed her jean shorts a few minutes earlier. He handed her the shorts and said he had to take the call.

  Laena watched him sprint the distance to the house as she refastened her pants. She shook her head to clear her thoughts. All he had to do was touch her, and she became someone more than she had ever been before. She liked the feelings, but she was afraid she was falling in love with him. Of course, that assumed that she wasn't already head over heels for him.

  Chapter 13

  Laena turned as Jack called her name. She pushed her hair back off her face, knowing they would have to be leaving soon. She set the timer on her kiln, and then started up to the house. She didn't see him on the back porch, and figured he had gone inside to finish getting everything together for them to leave.

  She walked up the back stairs and straight to the bathroom. She dropped her clothes as she went, stepping straight into the shower. She let the shower course down over her body. She was surprised at how hot it was for July. Where had the months gone? The last four months with Jack had been her slice of heaven.

  She washed her hair and then put on conditioner. She grabbed her razor and shaved her legs and underarms quickly. She ran her fingers across her smooth mound, smiling to herself as she remembered their shared shaving party last night. She hoped they hadn't been so loud that they had awakened Ruth. Of course, Ruth was too much of a lady to ever say anything.

  Turning off the water, she stepped out of the shower. Combing her hair and quickly braiding it, Laena secured it with a small band. She walked into the bedroom, idly looking through her clothes for what to wear.

  Walking into the bedroom, Jack found Laena naked, damp and obviously undecided on what to wear. He grinned and walked up behind her. Jack found it impossible not slide his hands around her waist, pleased that she had put on a little weight. It looked good on her, rounding her belly and hips a bit. He moved his hands upwards and cupped her breasts. He found her nipples were already taut and eager for his touch. He had noticed that her breasts had gotten a little bigger as well, and he certainly wasn't going to complain about that. Playing with her breasts had become his most favorite hobby.

  Laena sighed and leaned back against him. She tilted her head as she felt his lips nibbling at her neck.

  "God! I wish we could stay home and just fool around for a while," Jack whispered into her ear.

  Laena's hands lifted to cover his as they cupped her breasts. "We would have more time for fooling around if you hadn't decided to supervise all the additions going on around here. Not to mention having the workmen hanging about makes the studio out of bounds for awhile."

  Jack kissed his way up her neck. "Guilty as charged. But just think how much fun we'll be having out there once all this is done. With the phone line added, calls can be transferred, or the answering machine turned on or off from the house and the studio."

  "What will your sisters think though when they find out about the deck you've added to the house and the hot tub?"

  Jack turned her in his arms and hugged her close. "I've got an explanation for that-hydrotherapy for mother." Laena's laugh made him smile. He released her just enough for him to lean back and see her clearly. "Plus, I got Frank to back me up on that one. I'm more concerned about what they will think about the new pool."

  "Pool! Are you crazy, Jack?" Laena cried out, shaking her finger admonishingly.

  Jack stepped back hurriedly, after sneaking in a quick squeeze to her right ass cheek. "Not yet, and you'd better hurry up and get dressed. Besides, the pool was Mom's idea."

  "What should I wear, Jack? My jeans are too tight lately. I'm going to have to go on a diet."

  Jack grinned and chuckled. He moved in close behind her once again, reaching out to cup her breasts from below and bounce them gently in his hands. "Not on my account, darlin'. I like my toys big and soft."

  That earned him an elbow in his stomach. She reached in and pulled out a summer- weight long cotton dress, which was composed mostly of lace, with a flesh-colored lining. Moving away from Jack and over to the dresser bureau, she started looking through the drawer for a bra and panties. She slipped the bra on and then looked up and saw that Jack was lying on the bed and watching her through the mirror.

  He grinned seeing how small the bra had gotten. The way her breasts mounded above and spilled over the sides and out the bottom made him smile.

  She usually didn't wear any around the house, and other than weekly trips to the grocery store, they hadn't been going many places in public.

  Laena turned to frown at Jack. "I can't wear this. It is too tight, damn it."

  Jack shrugged. "We'll make a trip to the city next week for some new clothes. I like the new rounded you."

  Laena shook her head. She removed the bra and tried the panties. They were too tight as well. "I will have to get a scale. I hadn't realized I had gained this much weight. Ruth is too good of a cook. I'll have to start exercising." She slipped the dress on over her head and sat on the bed for Jack to fasten the small button at her back.

  "Maybe I should start taking you out jogging with me in the mornings."

  "I don't do my best that early in the day, Jack," Laena reminded him as she adjusted the neckline that hinted at her cleavage.

  Jack laughed softly and kissed the tender skin just above the button at the base of her neck. "Well, we could work on a schedule to have sex three times a day. I think I heard that burns off two hundred calories. When the guys go for their afternoon break, I'll tell them I'll be back in twenty. Ow!"

  Laena's elbow connected quite well with his stomach. "I'm sure it will all balance out now that I'm aware of it. I'll just watch what I eat. Before you came back, I never had this problem, I'll have you know." She stood and walked back to the dresser.

  "So, now you want to blame me, huh? I'm a bad influence?" Jack laughed as he stood. "Grab your shoes, Laena. We need to get a move on, or we'll be l

  * * * * *

  Jack parked near his siblings' cars. He carried the picnic basket and their lightweight chairs. Jack pointed to a large gathering around three picnic tables.

  Laena had the small cooler and blankets they had added. A moment later, Chris and John, Patrick's sons, ran over and eagerly relieved Laena of her burdens. She laughed though as Jack cleared his throat and looked pointedly at the chairs and basket that he was carrying. Both boys blushed and reached out to take his items as well.

  Jack took Laena's hand as they walked more slowly, following the boys. He squeezed her hand. "Don't worry so, honey. My sisters will behave themselves, or else."

  Laena shook her head and laughed. She started to reply, "Well-"

  Michael walked over to them, smiling at Jack. He leaned over to kiss Laena's cheek. "We haven't seen you for so long, Jack, Pat wondered if you hadn't moved back to DC."

  Laena flushed, but smiled at Michael.

  Jack started to reply, when he heard David and Daniel calling. "I'll be right back," he muttered. "Laena, honey, just wait here. And you, Michael, behave yourself."

  Michael grinned. "Jack forgets sometimes that I've actually grown up."

  Laena shook her head. "He truly appreciates everything that you've accomplished, Michael. I've heard him talking to your mother about all of you."

  "Hmm," Michael nodded his head. "I was a teenager when Jack married Celia, so I don't remember a whole lot of that time. I was tuned into my own angst against the world. I do know that I've never seen Jack act as he does when he's around you."

  Laena stopped her leisurely, slow walk. "What do you mean? He doesn't talk a whole lot about the past, and Celia. I know he was happy, and he missed her terribly."

  "Yeah, her death was tough on everyone. He would have pulled out of the campaign except she refused to let him do it. After she was gone, I know the boys missed their dad at times, but his job is what kept him sane until the worst of the grief went away."


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