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Everything He Fears

Page 2

by Thalia Frost

  Thank you?

  “Nadia didn't do it for you?” Bitterness had risen inside me at my situation when he'd thanked me. I felt like little more than the whore to a rich man, a jobless loser really.

  “Don't ever say that again.” He grabbed my arm. “Nadia means nothing to me. She never did. She was someone to be with when I was lonely, but she's not my kind. You are. You see me.” He let my arm go, the blaze of anger subsiding from his gaze.

  “You're welcome, I guess.” I swallowed a knot in my throat. I didn't want thank yous. I wanted this man in spite of how crazy that was.

  It's just a job. A year and it's over.

  “Rest now. We have a big day coming up when we land.” His mouth set in a grim line.

  Trepidation filled my heart as I tried to get comfortable beside him.

  He kissed my forehead and got out of bed.

  “Aren't you coming, too?” I closed my mouth, realizing it was hanging open.

  He'd turned his back and was rummaging in a small dresser.

  “Not yet. I have to talk to Nadia first about some arrangements when we land.”

  “Oh. Well, at least wear some pants.” I didn't hide the irritation in my voice as I fixed the silky sheet around me and watched him.

  “I was planning to.” Rock pulled a pair of silken pajama pants on, and I gulped, wanting to run my fingers over him. His cock was still hard, and the thought of Nadia seeing him, shirtless and in those pants made me so unsettled I couldn't think for a minute.

  But why? He can do what he wants. I'm just an employee. If he wants to have anal sex with me and make me come at his leisure and then bang the stewardess, what can I do about it other than have some self respect and quit?

  But I wouldn't do that. The money and prestige of this job were the best thing that had ever happened to me. And I didn't think he would bang Nadia with me on board.

  But what did I know about Rock Weldon? He had all the power, and I'd given it to him time and again.

  He quirked an eyebrow in my direction. “Don't worry. It's over between her and me.”

  “Right.” I turned away from him, and the rustling of the curtain indicated he was gone. It was some time before my mind quieted down and I slept.

  * * * *

  “Touch down in two hours.” Rock gently woke me, his hand on my shoulder. His body lay warm against mine, his erection pressed hard against my ass.

  He'd crept into bed at some point and had let me sleep.

  “Great.” Nervousness swept through me.

  What would touch down even mean? What would Venice with Rock Weldon be like?

  “Are you okay, Lacey? Talk to me.” His voice was infused with a tenderness that nearly took my breath away.

  “I'm fine. Just a little nervous. I've never been to Venice.” I mumbled into my pillow, tears pooling in my eyes. My life might not have been much back in California, but I'd had a few friends and a routine. The unknown was frightening, even if it would happen with a sexy billionaire CEO.

  He took me into his arms, his body solid and reassuring against mine. “If it helps any, I'm afraid, too.”

  My brow furrowed, and I was glad he couldn't see my face. “You. Afraid? Of what?”

  “Someone's out to ruin my company, and I don't know who it is. I've come to Venice to do some research and get away. I'm going to need your help, Lacey.” He spoke the words against my hair, his voice tense.

  I breathed in the musky scent of him. “Of course.”

  I'd have done anything for him in that moment, but I hoped he didn't know that.

  “We'll get the books out at the villa, and you can see what I mean.” Rock sighed.

  “Fine. I'll be ready to go to work as soon as we get there.” I was glad I'd slept.

  “Hmm. You can do that, but we have something big coming up tomorrow night.” He cleared his throat.

  My heart sped up at the way he said the words. “Big? Bigger than Venice?”

  Rock chuckled, his lips against my neck. “Much.”

  “Mr. Weldon, we're set to land in thirty minutes.” A smooth voice said over the loudspeaker.

  Rock pressed a button on the wall that Lacey hadn't noticed till that moment. “Wonderful. Thanks, Jim.”

  Nervousness fluttered in her stomach like a million butterflies. “This is really happening.” She turned to face him.

  He gave her a long stare, his lips pursed as if sizing her up. “It is...and more. Don't worry about the books today or tomorrow. You have other, shall we say, duties I hope you'll take on. First, get dressed, and meet me in the cabin. Don't bother with your suitcase. You have a suitable wardrobe—for now—in that closet.” Rock tipped his head toward a small door.

  “Oh. Thanks.”

  He bought me clothes? I didn't know that was one of the perks of the job.

  “Hurry. We're landing soon, and we need to talk before then.” He got up and strode out of the room.

  “Back to normal.” She sighed, wanting the tenderness he'd shown her a few minutes before. Now he was going to be all business it seemed.

  Lacey pulled herself from between the silk sheets, yawning. She had slept better on Rock's bed in his private jet than she usually did in her own bed.

  Maybe it's because I have a job now...and I don't have to worry about money, at least not for the next year. Beyond that, who knows?

  Her stomach tightened at the thought and she shook her head. No more of that. Time to get dressed.

  She opened the closet to a dazzling array of dresses and other clothing. A small kit at the top of the closet proved to be makeup in high end brands. On the floor, a flowered box held lingerie of all types. Lacey ran her fingers through the shimmering pile of red, pink, white, black, and every other color in the rainbow. Garters, panties, and more filled the container to the brim. Her heart skipped a beat as she thought about what Rock would do to her while she was wearing these things. She wondered if they were just for the plane.

  “Damn. I could get used to this, but I'd better not.” She fingered the dresses and then realized she'd been standing there for ten minutes as the speed of the plane slowed.

  Lacey grabbed a black dress with a designer tag.

  “Size 6. How did he know?” She grinned, marveling at Rock Weldon.

  Now I have an inkling about he got to be the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. He knows what he's doing.

  She stripped quickly, leaving her clothing on the bed, and slipped into the dress. The smooth material and nearly perfect fit made her purr. A small mirror on the makeup bag confirmed her suspicions that the plunging neckline was gorgeous on her. Choosing black garters, belt and matching stockings, she pulled them on, a tiny smile on her lips.

  What I wouldn't have given to have underthings like this for most of my life so far.

  Lacey took out some makeup and hurriedly brushed it on. Time to play with this little box more later.

  She checked herself in the mirror. Natural makeup and a great dress. Check.

  “Time to knock Mr. Weldon dead...again.” She winked at herself in the glass and closed the makeup box.

  “Brace yourself for landing, please,” the pilot called over the loudspeaker.

  Lacey hurried out of the bedroom, her pulse picking up at the thought of seeing Rock again.

  What is he going to tell me? He said he wanted to talk.

  She sucked in a breath, her nerves acting up again as she walked down the aisle to his private cabin. He sat facing in her direction, dressed to kill in a black suit and baby blue tie. Shadows circled his eyes, and his expresson was grim.

  “You look stunning, Lacey. Please, sit down.”

  The formal note in his voice made her knees wobble as she did as he asked, perching on the seat across from him. He was all business now.

  “Oh, and buckle up. Jim doesn't like it when passengers don't.” He winked at her, but there was no mirth in the gesture.

  She fastened her seatbelt, avoiding his gaze. Nadia sauntered through
the cabin, her ass twitching. “Something to drink, Miss?” Her eyes were like glaciers.

  God, she's gorgeous. How could he want me when he's slept with her? I'm so...average, and she could be a pinup model.

  “Just water. Thanks.”

  Rock never even looked at Nadia as she walked away.

  He's so moody. I never know what I'm going to get. Even after just a couple days in his company, that's obvious.

  “Lacey, I have a request of you. I've done a lot of thinking since I met you at the party—about you and your talents and about what my company needs.”

  She held back laughter. A lot of thinking in a few days?

  “Yes?” She bit her lip, trying to control her trembling.

  The plane bumped gently on the tarmac as she spoke, and she gripped the seat.

  “As always, Jim does a good job of handling this thing.” He raked her body with his gaze, making her go hot. “I really like that dress.” He loosened his tie, clearing this throat. “But I'll have to think about that later. I have a proposal for you, Lacey. You're already in my employ with a valid, signed contract.”

  “Right.” The plane rolled along.

  Something is definitely going on here, and I don't like it.

  Nadia appeared again and put a glass of water in the cupholder next to her.

  “Thank you.” Lacey gave her a shaky smile.

  Nadia raised an eyebrow and left, perfect ass and all.

  “I'd like to amend the contract after much thought. If you say no, you will stay with me for the next year as my bookkeeper, or I'll make things very unpleasant for you.” His voice had taken on a hard edge, but his eyes smoldered with lust.

  “Oh really? Is that a threat?” She pushed the words out against her fear.

  “Not really. Just the facts. I need you, Lacey.” He growled her name, and she shivered.

  “Oh.” Once again, he'd left her speechless or nearly so.

  “Tonight, we're going to become engaged. It's a faux engagement.” His jaw set.

  “What?” Her heart plummeted.

  Engaged? And even worse, a false engagement?

  “Yes. It's the only way. I have to flush out my enemy or enemies within the company.” He leaned forward and touched her knee with a warm hand. “Lacey, someone is stealing from the company and making it look as if I'm dishonest. I can't have that. I've worked too hard for what I've built, and I care for my employees. This is life or death for me and for them.” He licked his lips.

  “I...I don't know what to say.”

  “Then say yes. I've already changed the contract. It's still for a year, but I've added an addendum that you and I will understand. Engagement with no plan or promise of marriage for a period not to exceed one year. You are entitled to none of my fortune under this agreement. This contract is top secret, Lacey. I'm keeping a copy in my safe and on my person only. I'd like you to agree to something similar...perhaps keeping your copy in your private email, not one that will be associated with the company.” The words came out in a rush, and he bolted up, pacing the plane.

  “Sir, the plane is ready for disembarkment now. Welcome to Venice.” Jim's voice broke into the moment.

  “So, what's your answer?” Rock stopped, his hand on the arm of her leather chair.

  She laughed, a squeaky sound. “You expect me to answer right now. A fake engagement not to exceed a year?”

  He nodded. “Yes. Here's the contract. Look it over.” He drummed his fingers on her chair.

  “Stop. I'm reading.” Lacey skimmed the page, her head spinning. She had no reason to doubt the contract and found nothing wrong with it.

  Other than being part of a huge deception involving a man with a lot of money...

  “I'll do it. Keep the contract. I don't need a copy for now. Get one to me later.” Her voice was all business now. Hurt welled up inside of her.

  This is what he had planned for me all along. Rock just needed an unsuspecting woman with no other prospects to go for it. The sex is just an added bonus.

  Then another thought hit her. What if this is dangerous?

  “Alright. Sign here.”

  She did so, frowning.

  “Lacey, please don't be angry. I didn't set out to deceive you about your job. You knew part of what was involved.” His voice was a low, seductive caress as she stood, just inches from him.

  “I don't trust you anymore, Rock. You could have been honest with me before you locked me in to a contract I can't get out of and then another one that will make me look like a fool in the end when you break off our highly public engagement.” She didn't meet his gaze, tears in her eyes. “And...won't this be dangerous for me?”

  He grabbed her then, pulling her into his arms.

  She struggled for a moment and then went limp.

  “Look at me, Lacey.” Rock nudged her chin up with warm fingers.

  She let out a low growl.

  “I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I need you. I knew it the first moment I saw you. No other woman could pull this off, not like you can.”

  Before she could throw angry words at him, he captured her lips in his. The kiss brooked no argument. His tongue parted her lips, and she answered with her own against it as her body melted against his. He nipped at her lower lip and ran his fingers along her throat, massaging the hollow there where her pulse beat like a frightened bird's wings.

  “Lacey, please. Don't be angry with me.” He ended the kiss, his voice hoarse.

  “I don't know if that's possible, but I'll do my job. At least I'm getting paid to be made a fool of.” She glared at him and moved out of his embrace.

  Lacey smirked at the stunned expression on his face. I guess most women don't ever stand up to him.

  “Lacey. Stop.”

  She did, halfway down the aisle toward the exit, her breath hitching.

  “We're heading to the villa downtown—one that I own here. Tonight is going to be crazy when the press gets wind of what's happening, and the engagement party tomorrow night will be even more so. Are you ready?” His arms slid around her waist from behind and heat crackled between them.

  She closed her eyes as he slid his hands down her body, hitching up the back of her dress in a rough motion. He massaged her ass with expert hands inside her panties, and she moaned.


  He halted the movement of his fingers that had drifted down so near her pussy. “Then let's go. I'll have plenty of time to finish this tonight.”

  She groaned softly in frustration and fixed her dress.

  “Follow me. It won't look right any other way.” He pressed against her one last time, his cock hard against her ass.

  “Right.” She struggled to breathe.

  When they stepped off the plane, a watery scent assailed her nostrils. It was pleasant and yet dank—the scent of centuries gone by.

  “Welcome to Venice, Lacey.” Rock whispered the words in her ear as they descended the steps of the plane.

  About the Author: Thalia Frost writes erotic romance. Find out more at or Facebook: ThaliaFrost. Other titles in this series: Everything He Desires (Bookkeeper for theBillionaire #1). Everything He Demands is coming in October of 2012.

  If you enjoyed this story, please leave a quick review. Your review helps me keep writing stories. It means more than you'll ever know. Thanks!




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