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Outcast (The Blue Dragon's Geas)

Page 11

by Matthynssens, Cheryl

  Renamaum used his teeth to grab hold of her neck to hold her firm as he used his talons to move her tail taking her there on the ground. Pinned down, he sank into her as she was held with her back to him, his muscular flanks moving with the power of an aged dragon. Although she teased as if she was not willing, the female dragon gave to him on equal ground. Finally, there was no need to hold her for the needs of mating began to overtake the needs of play.

  Meradeth went to move from the sleeping man’s side. Her body well used by his need. She eyed the table of food and drink, and then him once more. Carefully she began to slide from the bed so as not to wake him.

  Alador’s eyes opened still glazed by the vision that had seemed to blend within his own love making. Her back to him much as the female in the vision, as he had followed the dragon’s need. He could no longer tell what passions were his and what was the dragons. All he knew was that he wanted her, needed her. “Oh, we are not done yet." He growled out as he pulled her back to him, rolling her beneath him.

  Meradeth giggled as he rolled her back onto the bed. “I am the one supposed to be teaching you." She whispered up to him. The hunger on his face made her eyes widen.

  Alador claimed her lips hungrily, he did not want to talk. He wanted more. He needed more. Now he understood what his brothers had meant. He did not care that it was an elder in his bed. He did not care how old her kiss or touch was. He faded back into the shared mating. The evening became a flurry of writhing bodies, talons and tails, hands and lips.

  The two dragons mated with abandonment at the side of the lake. The sounds of their lovemaking echoed along the water’s edge. Prang and korpen alike, wisely wandered in opposite directions. The frantic need of the pair left small trees torn up, and the edges of the lake were scarred with the movement of their bodies and claws.

  Later as the two lay tangled on the sand by the lake, the female nuzzled him. Renamaum growled tenderly and nuzzled her back content to lay in the warm sand and rest with his new mate. “What is your name?" He hissed, almost as a whisper.

  “Pruatra." She answered softly, her tail flicking much like a cat pleased to have been given milk.

  Chapter Nine

  Alador woke the next morning alone in the bed. He smiled in memory of the activities of the night. Even with the overwhelming visions of the dragon, he now knew what his brother had been smiling about in the bathhouse. He was a man now, an adult of the village. He could build a house. He could choose how he would contribute. He had been thinking about this for some time. Now that he could shoot with a bow with such accuracy He wanted to be a hunter. His shot with the bow had become deadly, and he rarely missed. Usually that was due to some distraction such as Mesiande poking him.

  He got up. The room was in a bit of shambles, and he smiled remembering how it had gotten that way. There were no blankets on the bed, and one of the chairs had been knocked over when they had been at the wall. Dorien had said that the elder would teach him, but she really had not had much opportunity. She had moved them to different positions a couple times but mostly she had walked with him in his hunger. He did not know how else to describe it. It had seemed an overwhelming hunger. He eyed the table of food and the delicacies it contained. Now that one need was sated, he found that he was ravenous. He moved to the table of food and began devouring everything close to him. He could not remember ever being this hungry.

  His thoughts drifted back to Mesiande. He had always enjoyed being with her. Lately, all she had to do was be nearby, and he was aware of her. He noticed things that he wasn’t sure had been there before. Little things like the way she would move her hair out of her eyes, or when she had her hands on her little hips to scold him. Like most Daezun women, she was stocky and more than capable of holding her own in the mines, but the way her body moved and the curves that showed in her mining pants made him long to run his hands along them. He imagined her in his bed as the elder had been, his hands running over her naked body. He smiled, and his body stirred at the mere image of his Mesiande laying beneath him. It would not be wild when he took her to his bed. It would be slow and wondrous.

  He was so lost in this vision of Mesiande that when the knock came at the door, he jumped knocking over the glass of juice near his arm. He realized he was naked and at that moment, a bit more noticeably so in response to dreaming of Mesiande. He glanced about wildly for clothing and eventually settled for wrapping a blanket about him before opening the door. Dorien just grinned at him and held out a pile of clothes.

  “Brought you some clothes as I doubt you want to come to council in those pants you had on last night." Dorien winked at him, his eyes glimmered with amusement at the embarrassment of his little brother.

  Alador turned a bright red and took the pile with his free hand without a word. The other hand was holding the blanket closed at his side. He could not quite look his brother in the eye, but it was more that he had been caught fantasizing then what had happened throughout the night.

  “You alright? I mean you look a little flushed. Maybe I should send the healer in to check things out, make sure nothing is amiss." Dorien’s eyes sparkled with mirth at the wide eyed look on Alador’s face.

  Alador was horrified at the idea of the healer running her hands over his body at the moment. He shook his head adamantly still not quite able to find his voice.

  “When you are dressed, join us at the alehouse." Dorien turned and walked off chuckling at the look on Alador’s face.

  Alador stood in the doorway staring at his brother’s back. It was only when he noticed a couple of middlins staring at him that he slammed the door shut in sheer embarrassment. He swiftly attempted to dress, hopping about on one foot to get his breeches on. Despite being alone, he had a sudden urgency to get dressed. So much so he fell over trying to get the second foot in.

  He was surprised to see that the clothing provided to him was new. The leather britches were a warm brown. They had been worked to the point that the leather was soft and held none of the stiffness of typical fresh leather. The shirt was a darker brown linen. The leather cords were well tended, the two sides usually roughened in the cut had been rubbed smooth with wax. He finished pulling on the clothes and realized he had no boots. He had left them in the bathhouse last night. He should have grabbed them. It would not sit well with his maman if he had his boots stolen again. He frowned not really wanting to go to the alehouse barefoot. However, it turned out as he stepped out on the steps that his brother had seen to that as well. A pair of well worked leather boots sat upon the steps. He sat down and put them on. They fit well, and he wondered at how clothing had been prepared that fit so well and yet he had no knowledge of their making. He now was dressed as an adult and it felt strange. Most middlins wore hand downs that fit poorly and had patched holes. He had been wearing his brothers’ casts off all his life. He had never had anything of his own other than his boots. He stomped the boots out a bit. They were stiff and not as comfortable as the pair he had left last night. He knew they would need broken in, but he planned to save them for more formal events and use his old ones in the field.

  He walked slowly towards the alehouse. It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining, and the sounds of those rebuilding from the dragon’s fire could be heard. The hammering and sawing was the most prevalent sound. It was quieter than usual, but then that was to be expected given the deaths during the fires. The morning freshness was sullied by the scent of smoldering wood and scorched earth.

  He nodded to other adults that were about and greeted him with a knowing smile. Some of the women were whispering and eyeing him. More than one seemed to be sizing him up, and he didn’t understand what the looks meant. He looked down at his clothing, but he seemed put together well enough. He didn’t see any of the middlins about, but he realized he really didn’t want to answer the thousand questions he would be required to refuse to answer. He remembered asking his brothers both what had happened, and they had both smiled and said he would know in tim
e. Now he would be the one answering with such a knowing smile.

  He supposed that everyone knew what had happened, after all they were all brought into adulthood the same way. His eyes narrowed as he thought Mesiande. He did not like the thought of any male touching her as he had been touched. A soft growl emanated from his throat as he felt anger rise in him. The audible growl surprised him, and he looked around to make sure no one noticed. No such luck, he took a deep centering breath as he realized people were looking at him strangely. A couple of the women nearby giggled as they went about hanging out the morning wash. His brother had been right. If he did not hide his emotions better, he would be sent away. When had they changed? He had always cared for Mesiande and hoped to be her housemate, but there had been little hope in that, so he had remained the good friend. This wave of possessiveness, when had that started? He forced his thoughts away from Mesiande and back to the path before him. He stood staring at his feet, struggling to contain the strong feelings he was currently experiencing. He had never struggled much with emotions except when Trelmar was around. Lately, he seemed to be nothing but a torrent of feelings. He did not like it.

  He forced himself to think on other things and started back along the path. What could be so important that he was being summoned to the alehouse? It was where the adults often gathered to speak of the day. Many trading disputes had been settled over a cup of ale. Meetings for the whole village were held in the circle. So this wouldn’t be all the adults and elders for the alehouse would not hold them all.

  When Alador got to the alehouse, his brother was lounging against the wall outside. Despite his relaxed posture, his body was tense. Dorien was not in his usual blacksmithing clothes but rather wore a similar set of clothing though his shirt was a deep green. His eyes were not full of his usual mirth and manner, there was a strange seriousness to them. Dorien clasped him around the shoulders with a warm smile that did not match the rest of his body language. “I do not know what you did this time, but it must have been really good!”

  It was the only warning Alador had before he was ushered inside. Things were moving so quickly since the dragon had attacked. He let himself be guided inside without much thought or response. His eyes widened as he saw the inside of the alehouse. There was not the usual bustle of patrons and buzz of conversation. It was, in fact, very still with only a low murmuring. In the center, a long row of tables had been pushed together and at it sat the elders’ council. A few of the leading adults were gathered about, as well. Alador’s eyes were very large as he looked at the solemn gathering. He had expected to go to the alehouse for a celebration of entering adulthood. This was not what he had pictured.

  Dorien’s face fell as well seeing their somber gaze. “Or not." He muttered under his breath, but Alador still heard him.

  Alador swiftly assessed the table to see if anyone else had heard Dorien. They did not seem to have, and as they moved more fully into the room, all eyes turned to the two young men. “Please have a seat." Velkar, the elder in the center of the council, gestured to two seats that were fairly centered before the table. His tone was not threatening, but it was formal.

  Alador had only heard that tone once before, and that had been when a middlin had been sent to another village for being too forward with the females. Both men walked slowly to the indicated chairs and sat down gazing about the table somewhat worriedly. Alador folded his hands into his lap, more to keep them still than anything. His heart was pounding in his chest as the two sat before the council. The few adults in the room stood around the edges. They were armed and this concerned Alador very much. He met Dorien’s gaze and saw the acknowledgement that all was not well.

  As Alador looked around the table trying not to squirm under the council’s assessing gaze, his eyes met those of Meradeth who smiled at him then looked away. Well, he thought, it can’t be that bad if she is smiling. He smiled back remembering some of the moments of last eve. He could not help but notice she did not look quite so old this morning as she had just two days earlier. He was so lost in his thoughts that he did not realize for a moment that Velkar was speaking to him.

  “Alador, while you were in ritual, the council met. There was a great deal of discussion of events as of late in regards to matters surrounding you. Your find, the bathhouse, and the dragon; there is a concern that some magical taint has been transferred to you due to the size of your bloodstone." Velkar’s aged voice was slowly paced. His eyes had a hawk like quality as he peered over his narrow nose at Alador. Whether it was to make his point or because he could not see did not matter, Alador squirmed as if the man could see straight to his most inner thoughts. The rest of the council nodded somberly as Alador looked around the table and even Meradeth lost her smile as the accusation was laid before him.

  Alador felt his brother kick him under the table even as he looked at Alador passively. He barely contained the cry that rose in his throat and so he coughed instead. Alador knew in that moment that not just his place in the village but his family’s was also at risk. Dorien did not deserve any taint from any actions that Alador was responsible for and he had considered Dorien’s words from their previous discussion on such matters. He had been different since he had found the stone. Had his father’s power finally awakened in him from having touched such a large stone? He felt something stir deep within as if he had called something up. It was uncomfortable and hot. He pushed the feeling away as he worked to answer the elder calmly. Panic was what he felt but when he finally spoke it was calm and very unemotional. “If this is true, Elder Velkar, then my father’s trip is around the time of circle. He tests me every year to see if I have gained any such abilities.”

  “Yes, Yes. This is what we thought." Velkar gestured to the council about him. “We will want, this year, for your father’s testing to be before the council." The Elder said with a decided tone of finality. He eyed Alador with that piercing scrutiny.

  “Y-yes elder." Alador responded as he dropped his eyes in deference. He was boiling with mixed emotions. There was relief that they were not going to cast him out with the random events that he, himself, could not explain. But there was also fear, Dorien had made good points yesterday, and it was very likely he had finally awakened the magic within his Lerdenian blood.

  “Do you feel different Alador?" Luciesa asked quietly. She was second upon the council, and Alador and his friends had often joked privately that her age could be determined by counting her wrinkles. Of course, no one could count all of them without losing track or showing disrespect. She currently sat to the right of Velkar and clearly had a more tender manner then the elder who sat at her side. She and Velkar had been housemates and really were inseparable in most things. However, it didn’t mean she didn’t speak her mind against Velkar if she did not agree.

  He did not raise his eyes for fear that the emotional turmoil that twisted within him would be seen. “I have felt overwhelmed since finding the stone, Elder Luciesa." He responded honestly.

  “How so?" She asked with a smooth consoling manner. Her face may have been covered with age, but her eyes were as sharp as any adult.

  Many elders at the table seem to perk up at his answer, and he could hear them shifting as this statement drew their attention. He glanced up, but Velker was still staring at him with that piercing uncomfortable stare. “A-as one of mixed blood, I have often stood on the edges. P-people speak to me now. I feel an acceptance that is new and somewhat alarming. I am used to being unnoticed." Alador struggled to speak calmly though his heart was racing. “I find such attention overwhelming." In an attempt to mask his fear, his speech was far more formal in tone and manner.

  “I assure you, that after Maredeth’s report from last night, no woman will look at you as unwanted any time in the near future." Jespian fired out, he was an elder with a sharp mind and slightly sharper sense of humor. He winked with a wicked grin at Alador.

  Alador turned a deep red as laughter went around the table. The females of the room grin
ned at him While he was grateful for the focus to be taken off his potential use of magic, having his ritual put on the table was not much better. Even his brother chuckled at that, and no one seemed upset or alarmed by his somewhat feral behavior the night before. The only one not laughing was Meradeth who had turned as red as Alador. He met her gaze and finally grinned, and she did as well.

  “He does take after me in some respects." Dorien retorted, and the laughter went round again. Dorien slapped Alador on the back in admiration. Dorien’s booming voice took the focus off Alador for the moment.

  Alador, though embarrassed, was relieved that the tension had eased at the table. He knew that he was on dangerous ground if his father’s powers had manifested. He knew now why magic was so hated amongst the Daezun. While those of mixed blood were included on the edges of the Daezun society, they were not truly welcome and often remained without a housemate. He could not imagine a life so lonely, the only companionship given by the ill and injured. He had Gregor and Mesiande growing up as well as his family so while still slightly on the edges of the social status, he had not felt totally alienated. Even with these small blessings, he knew he had not fit in. If he had magic, where did he fit in? His musings were interrupted as Elder Velkar began to speak again.

  “Until we know the extent of the damage done by the stone, we will act as if there is none. You will be placed upon the watch over the Elders and small ones during the day. It will be your duty until your father’s test. At that time, assuming all is well, you may choose your own path. This is the decision of the council." Velkar looked at him with more seriousness now that the laughter had ceased. The other elders nodded in apparent agreement. “This will free a man for the rooftops to stand watch and will give us time to assess your situation further." They usually did not have such a watch, but with the attack of the dragon, it was no surprise that one was being implemented.


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