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Forest of the Forbidden

Page 93

by W. J. May

  “Ruth’s being surrounded.” Morgan glared down at the computer. “Have they never heard of high speed internet?”

  Aidan noticed Ruth eying him pointedly. He gave a sharp shake of his head. No, they hadn’t found Sophie’s location yet. She frowned and reached behind her.

  “There!” Morgan’s eyes scanned the screen when the processing sheet finally loaded. As Aidan put in Sophie’s name with an -ie and not a y, Morgan was shocked to see Bridget emerge from a door to their left.

  The blonde ignored the purring officers and headed straight for Morgan and Aidan.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Sophie tried hard not to think about the fact that she was locked in a cell in a police station possessed by demons. Or about the fact that Akeldama had visited her and proven who the stronger of the two was.

  Defeat was a bitter taste, and Sophie realized it might be all she had now. Soon, the demons wearing police skin were going to come for her. They would use her and then throw her away, like they’d thrown Todd away. Her parents would be childless and the others would be short two Guardians.

  The darkness rose inside her. It threatened to consume her and she didn’t have the energy to fight it.

  Hatred and dark purpose scraped across her skin even before Campbell appeared in front of her cell doors.

  Five more officers, including the one who’d dragged her in here, stopped behind him. Each face had the same malicious intent.

  The same glowing eyes.

  Sophie swallowed against the pain and struggled to sit up. If she was going to die tonight, it was going to be with some dignity.

  “Open the doors, Debrowski.”

  When the man held up a card to the reader, and the machine beeped, Sophie’s eyes darted back and forth, looking for a way to escape.

  These men were twice her size. They could easily break her in half in their new demonic states. Bile rose in her throat. This was not how she wanted her life to end.

  She eyed the men warily when they crowded in. The space inside the cell was suddenly so much tighter. Six bodies blocked her way to freedom.

  “Campbell, you know that I didn’t kill Kent. He was helping me.” Sophie told him. He ignored her and reached inside his jacket.

  Her heart beat painfully in her chest. She’d never been more aware of the life-giving muscle than this moment. It just might not be beating for that much longer, and she knew that.

  “Those of the Light shall be extinguished so that our Prince may be freed.” Campbell ignored her words and pulled a long, dark object from inside his jacket. At first Sophie thought it was just a police baton—although “just” wasn’t apt, she knew it would cause her plenty of pain—but then the light glinted off of metal, and fear rose in her throat.

  “Hold her down.” Jacobson ordered.

  Sophie backed up against the wall of the cell. She suddenly wished she had Morgan’s gift.

  Debrowski took point and and reached out. His fingers closed around her wrists like a vice. He yanked her forward.

  Sophie cried out. None of the officers flinched at the fear in her tone. They grabbed her and shoved her to the floor.

  They pressed her into the concrete and the cold bit into her back.

  She suffocated even though they weren’t covering her mouth. They were so big and so close and so hateful that her lungs burned.

  Debrowski’s arm reached across her face to hold down her other side. She clamped down on it with her teeth as hard as she could. Blood filled her mouth and she gagged on the metallic flavor.

  He cursed and ripped his arm out of her mouth. He hit her across the cheek with the back of his hand and stars loaded her vision.

  “Grab her arms and legs.” Campbell knelt down beside her.

  Sophie bucked against their hands. The back of her head struck the concrete, stilling her for a moment from the sharp pain. She moaned.

  Jacobson brought the knife up above his head.

  She looked into his eyes, praying for mercy. Nothing but hollowness greeted her. “Please, don’t.” Tears formed and fell.

  His mouth twisted into a sneer and he brought the knife down.

  Sophie opened her mouth to scream.

  The power cut off.

  Tristan followed Aidan through the doors to the cell block. Everything was cast in a greenish glow when he settled the night vision glasses on his face and dropped the used tranq gun on the floor. He listened to Morgan and Aidan try to understand the directions the receptionist had given them.

  “She said to turn left.” Aidan stopped at the first hallway and peeked down.

  “No, idiot, she said the second left and go through the next card reader.” Morgan shot him a glare.

  “Oh, right. These night vision glasses make it harder to see.”

  “Do they make you stupid too?”

  Tristan was about to tell them both to shut up when a scream echoed down the hallway. His heart stopped.

  “That sounds like Sophie!” Morgan froze in the hallway.

  Tristan didn’t look back as he ran past. He gave release to one of the beasts that clawed inside. Black fur sprouted out and his face elongated. Pain racked his body but he welcomed it. He needed the panther’s senses for the dark.

  He met with the card reader and closed door, his muscles bunching and coiling.

  Aidan walked cautiously around the growling panther when it threw its head back and roared. “Let me get the door for you.” He placed the card up to the reader and after it beeped, he shoved it open.

  Tristan pounced into the hallway, muscles rippling.

  Sophie threw her body to the side the instant it went dark. The sound of the blade striking concrete echoed in her ears. She couldn’t see but swung her arm out, praying for a miracle. It connected with Debrowski’s jaw. The surprise hit knocked him backward into two of the other men.

  That freed her up. She took the chance to roll away from them and her ribs screamed with the movement.

  Her foot caught Campbell’s leg.

  He was on her in seconds. His fingers went straight for her neck.

  Her arms flailed wildly and the blows bounced off of him. She couldn’t see anything but the demonic light in his eyes shining down at her.

  Campbell pressed harder into the tender flesh of her throat.

  Burning pain crawled upward and spots filled her vision. Her head snapped back to hit the floor again.

  Campbell tightened his hands even further, making Sophie lose her vision.

  But she could feel.

  She felt the demons inside the bodies. Their slimy beings coated the police officers. Then she sensed the demons shift inside the bodies and their uneasy movements intensify. All but Campbell shifted back and faced the cell doors.

  Campbell didn’t move off of her but his hands loosened enough for her to suck in air.

  Oxygen burned into her lungs and Sophie coughed violently.

  A low growl rolled into the darkness from the doorway. The guttural sound was like thunder in the distance, warning of an impending storm.

  For Sophie it was like an electrical tempest. Sophie’s heart jumped into overdrive when she noticed Tristan. She wasn’t aware of how empty she’d been until she felt him fill all the caverns in her soul. A sob stuck in her throat when she realized her friends had come for her.

  Yellow-green eyes peered at her from over Campbell’s shoulder. Tristan let out another hostile growl.

  Campbell froze when his demon suddenly sensed Tristan.

  Sophie got the impression that he might have continued if it had been only Tristan, his demon looked forward to the fight with a panther, but even now Aidan and Morgan reached the cell doorway with Jackson only a hallway behind. Five Guardians against five demons were not odds he wanted to gamble with.

  Light engulfed the room, flashing so bright that for an instant Sophie wondered if somehow Campbell had killed her and she didn’t know it. Then it settled into a small blaze around Aidan when he pulled the flam
es back toward his body.

  The four other demons looked like they had tried to crawl through the cracks in the walls when they spied the fire.

  Morgan disappeared.

  One of the men nearest the door doubled over, clutching his groin. His face turned green, then an invisible blow broke his nose.

  Aidan marched toward two others, pushing his heat onto them.

  Campbell’s hands tightened again.

  This time she’d regained enough hope and strength from her friends’ presence to use her own hands. She gripped his wrists.

  His glowing eyes bored down into hers as she twisted. He sneered.

  Tristan’s panther screamed its outrage, then pounced on Campbell. The hit knocked him off of Sophie and into the cell bunk.

  Sophie was thankful for Aidan’s flames, she could see when she rolled over onto her knees to get out of the way of Campbell and Tristan’s brawl. She could see Jackson entering the already too-small cell. He crossed straight to her and pulled her up by her arm.

  I’m going to get you into the hallway.

  Although she felt completely useless at the moment, she knew not to let her pride make her stupid. If she was out of the way her friends could get rid of the demons quicker.

  She nodded and let Jackson guide her through the cell and out into hallway. She smiled. She didn’t care if she looked like an idiot, she was free of those confines. There was space around her.

  It was darker here since the wall she was leaning against blocked Aidan’s flames.

  Hold still for a sec.

  Sophie stilled as Jackson slid something onto her face. When she opened her eyes, everything was green. After her eyes adjusted she turned back toward the cell. Hearing the sounds of the battle inside she quickly prayed the human occupants would survive.

  She could feel Jackson’s anguish through the anger coursing through him. He wanted Lilli back. He wanted to be rescuing her now, instead of breaking Sophie out of prison. It hurt to know that and she tried to put herself in his shoes.

  Tag team. Jackson, go finish them. Morgan appeared beside Jackson. Her pencil skirt was crooked and the pink shirt was halfway untucked. A few strands of hair fell from her ponytail but she still managed to look beautiful.

  Jackson was gone by the time Sophie turned her attention back to him.

  I’m so glad to see you! Morgan wrapped her in a quick hug.

  Tears burned Sophie’s throat. I was terrified I wouldn’t see you guys again.

  Like Demetri would miss out on a chance to use his gun. Morgan stepped back and straightened her skirt.

  Tristan came out of the cell in his human form. Sophie’s eyes traveled over him hungrily. Was he hurt? He was still in the sweatpants and t-shirt he’d worn earlier when they’d fought and made up. There was blood, soot, and rips all over them but she could recognize and latch on to that happier memory.

  He crossed the hallway to stop directly in front of her. Her mouth went dry. Heat surged from him, whether from the Change or Aidan’s fire she wasn’t sure. All she knew is that if he kept eying her with that intensity for much longer, she’d permanently forget how to breathe.

  “Did you get her? We only have a few minutes before the officers start waking up.”

  Sophie broke eye contact to see a tall blond guy walking up to them. He looked vaguely familiar and when she saw a flash of roguish grin she saw the resemblance.

  “Hello, Sweetheart. I’m Rory, Ruth’s brother. You must be Sophie.” He brushed past Tristan to shake her hand. “She never said you were so beautiful.”

  Tristan growled and Sophie’s face heated up. “Um, thanks.” Tristan moved closer. “We should probably go, right?” She reached for Tristan’s hand and his fingers enclosed hers. The simple contact gave her a measure of strength.

  Rory led them back down the hallway, single file. Since everything had been turned off, even the emergency lights, Sophie could feel the heat hovering. She used the night vision glasses to step over the officers’ bodies that were strewn across the floor. To her relief, each one breathed evenly.

  They were about to cross the lobby when blue lights started flashing past the main doors.

  “Crap.” Rory slid to a halt just outside the double doors.


  Tristan and Jackson cursed at the same time.

  “Where are Ruth and Demetri?” Aidan asked.

  Blue lights kept flashing. Shadows played on the doors as the teams outside got into position.

  Rory sighed. “Getting the van. We were supposed to meet them out there. Now, we’ll have to find another way out.”

  “There’s a basement.” Tristan said. “It has stairs to the street, a back alley.”

  All movement outside the lobby doors ceased.

  Sophie felt the tension thicken. “We should really go!” It blanketed the men outside the station. They waited for something, a signal maybe, and then they’d swarm in.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Glass exploded inward and skittered across the lobby floor.

  Sophie clapped her palms over her ears as the ringing shrieked at a deafening level. She heard boots crunch the glass as men in black uniforms swarmed into the station.

  We’re so dangerous they sent the S.W.A.T. team after us!

  Rory shoved them into the hallway. “Whatever you do, don’t stop running. They will not hesitate to shoot you.”

  Sophie’s heart burst into a harsh beat as they ran down the hall. Rory spoke fast into his ear bud as he gave Demetri new directions.

  The black-booted men searched through the hallways in silence. While Sophie couldn’t hear them, she could sense their thoughts. Inside their minds was a determination to find them and an order to shoot-to-kill. They weren’t possessed by demons, which made them all the more dangerous. Any one of the Guardians would hesitate to use their powers on a regular human.

  Sophie stifled a hysterical giggle when she saw the irony. Was that Akeldama’s plan all along? She wanted them to die by the people they were trying to save. Who better to do the job than an elite team of snipers?

  The hallway felt endless as the group ran down it, fast.

  “On the left. A staff only doorway.” Tristan pointed out to Rory.

  Rory reared back and kicked the door in.

  The booted steps sounded much closer.

  Jackson and Aidan pushed the girls toward the doorway.

  Don’t argue, just go! Aidan snapped when Morgan hesitated. I can’t fight them and worry about you, too.

  Morgan’s argument subsided when two men rounded the corner. They pointed their guns at the Guardians.

  “They aren’t really going to shoot us, are they?” Aidan nudged Morgan into the stairwell.

  The men’s triumph crowded Sophie when they yelled, “I’ve spotted the suspects.”

  Tristan shoved her onto the stairs. Gunfire echoed.

  The bullet hit just above Tristan’s head and Morgan screamed. Sheetrock rained down.

  “Move!” Tristan pushed them faster down the stairs.

  Within seconds they’d reached the basement door.

  Rory jerked on the handle. “Locked.”

  “They shot at us.” Morgan whispered. She looked at Aidan, eyes wide.

  Footsteps pounded. The men were getting close.

  “Out of the way.” Jackson shouldered Rory aside. With a quick mental push the door blew open.

  “Go.” Rory waved for them to hustle. They rushed into the basement and toward the rickety door to the outside.

  Rory led them through the doors. Motion exploded behind them. Jackson, Aidan, and Tristan were on their heels as the S.W.A.T. mobilized after them.

  “Stop right there!” Someone yelled.

  The Guardians followed Rory out into an alley on the side of the station. He stopped at the edge of the street and spoke low and furious through his ear mike. He loo
ked over his shoulder at them.

  Sophie was sure they looked like a mess, each one heaved to draw in air. How could they be intimidating?

  “I need the guys to covers us while we wait on Demetri and Ruth.” Rory nodded toward the S.W.A.T. team that raced toward them. “They should be here any second.”

  Jackson, Tristan, and Aidan formed a line behind the girls and faced the kill squad.

  The guys eyes hardened and they each let their powers show. The concrete groaned, then split. Jackson levitated the pieces in front of them. Aidan’s flames danced up and down his arms. Tristan growled low and his eyes shone yellow.

  The squad hesitated. A few of the men stumbled back when Tristan growled again.

  Sophie understood their fear. The growl had the hair on her neck standing up.

  A squeal of rubber shrieked through the night. Demetri brought the van to an abrupt stop in front of them. The side door opened and Ruth poked her head out. “Get in.”

  Rory helped the girls in. “Get your butts in gear, guys!”

  The S.W.A.T. members shook off their fear. Bullets ricocheted off the side of the van.

  Before Rory had the door shut, Demetri peeled out and gunned the gas.

  Sophie stumbled over to the benches screwed into the sides of the back of the van just as Demetri cut a hard right followed almost immediately by a hard left. Through the windows in the back door of the van she could see the S.W.A.T team run back to the police station.

  “We got away!” Morgan took a deep breath. She, Aidan, and Jackson sat across from Sophie, Rory, and Tristan.

  “Don’t get excited yet, Morgan.” Ruth loaded her gun from the passenger seat. “That was too easy.”

  “How was that easy?” Aidan snapped. “They had trained snipers after us.”

  Sophie wanted to echo that sentiment even though she knew Ruth was right. How did they escape a police station full of possessed officers and an elite team of snipers?

  “Akeldama must have something else in mind.” Demetri sped through the streets without hesitation, cutting corners and taking alleyways to other streets in a zigzag pattern.

  “Something much, much worse. Ruth, pass me another magazine.” Rory reached out his hand. Ruth passed him a cartridge over her shoulder. She never took her eyes off of the road.


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