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13 Degrees of Separation

Page 52

by Hechtl, Chris

  “Outworlders?” Fist asked, clearly puzzled. “You mean us or...” His brothers shut up look stopped him cold. After a moment he cleared his throat. “Yeah um, sure.”

  “Get with Beast-man, I want more information. What they are planning, shipments, that sort of thing.”

  “And security,” Lynn said lazily, smiling at Fist. Fist nodded. He like his brother had long unkempt brown hair. Both men had a beard, an easy disguise that could be shaved off when needed. He stroked his goatee.

  “I'm getting curious now. I wonder what they've got.”

  “Well, let's find out,” Lynn said.


  “Randor honey,” Randor turned at a familiar voice. He smiled, but put a hand up telling his lovely wife to wait a moment. His wife was wearing a long gown since it was quite hot. The maroon gown was trimmed in purple and had long sleeves to ward off the clouds of blood sucking insects that rose in clouds near dark. She had a tiara hair band in her hair keeping her short red hair out of her face. She was hot, but still a vision of loveliness.

  When he was finished with the pair of junior techs he patted one on the arm. They bobbed a nod and took their plans with them as they left. As they made their way past Mrs. Prince each nodded politely in passing. She half turned, smiling and murmuring a good evening gentlemen as they left.

  “Now what? Did you know we're missing a shipment?” Randor asked. He wearily sat on the edge of the council table and crossed his arms.

  “That's what I've come to talk to you about. They did it.”

  “They did what?” Randor asked, eyebrows up. He reached up and took his cap off to run a hand through his sweat soaked hair. He pulled a red handkerchief out and mopped up his face and neck. Perhaps his wife was right, this wasn't the climate to have a beard he thought.

  “The Antiguan's. They ran the admiral out of the system. He's boarded his courier ship and is on his way out of the system. Word is he's headed south for the Beta 450 Alpha jump point.”

  Randor closed his eyes and swore softly. The Antiguan's hadn't known the gift of the admiral, hadn't understood how important, how vital the man was. When Kiev 221 had first found Prime, they had celebrated. When the admiral had orchestrated her renewal and even guided the planet in setting up a long stalled constitution and Governor election, they had still been happy. But then the attacks had come, some quite vicious as the various men running for the Governorship had targeted the admiral as a hindrance to Antiguan independence and wealth.

  Some of the attacks had been amusing, a few had gotten ugly. The admiral's insistence on setting up a Navy, in defending the system had labeled him as a warmonger, someone who wanted to live in the past, to relive the past as it were. Apparently the station was run by pacifists, they didn't like working with the admiral and that caused problems. Word had spread about the arguments. Some so called experts had come forward, tearing apart the admiral's plan as a serious waste of resources, resources that could go to making Antigua a golden world once more. The admiral had gone from a celebrated hero to a vilified outsider after a barrage of media attacks.

  Randor had tried to clue them in. He at first had despaired at the sea of voices against him, but apparently some other voices, both on the station and on the ground had joined him. He of all people had understood the man, Irons was a keymaster, the last in the sector, perhaps the last in the galaxy. More importantly, The admiral was also a man of honor, and the pirate threat was very real. He had thought they had started to understand when word had gotten around that the admiral had salvaged a courier vessel and was in the process of restoring it in order to leave. Within a week the tone of the attacks had changed, but apparently the admiral had made up his mind. That was a pity. A damn pity. In a way he couldn't blame the man, he just wished he had held out. Irons was right, without a Navy they were just a fat target for the pirates to pick clean. When Randor opened his eyes he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Is that why we're being shorted?” he asked.

  She spread her hands. “It looks that way.”

  “And we paid for them but...”

  “But we're being shorted them anyway. Some bureaucrat somewhere is cutting back on logistics now that the admiral's leaving has hit the industrial concerns like a hammer. I think they didn't realize until he stopped making things how important he was.”

  Randor nodded, looking away to the setting sun outside the window. The colored glass in the window made it quite beautiful. Right now he had no thoughts for such beauty. “So.”

  “So,” she said softly, echoing him.

  “We're on our own?” he asked.

  “It looks that way. Fortunately, we've got something to fall back on,” she said, smiling.

  He turned to her with a slight frown. “Oh?”

  “Well...” she teased, coming closer to wrap her arms around him. He looked into her lively eyes. Both were troubled by the admiral's departure, but they both knew there was nothing they could do about it now. “It seems our scouts have hit an industrial sector this morning. They wanted to tell you that they found a mini El Dorado there.”

  “Really?” he asked, voicing rising in suppressed excitement. “You don't say,” he said.

  The corners of her mouth turned upward like he loved. “I do say,” she said.

  “Do tell,” he said.

  “Um...” She smiled coyly, hesitant. She loved teasing and drawing things out for him. It both exasperated and amused him.

  “I could tickle it out of you,” he growled, eyes dancing. His hands drifted to her vulnerable sides.

  “Don't you dare!” she growled, eyes flaring. He grinned. He felt her tighten her arms to her sides. “Besides, two can play that game,” she said, hands turning to claws.

  “Yes, but I'm bigger,” he teased.

  “The bigger they are bub,” she growled.

  “True... So want a war?” he asked, now smiling a challenge at her. She studied him for a long moment then shook her head, chuckling.

  “Maybe when it's cooler. Right now the humidity is beastly. I can't wait until we get the central air system restored,” she replied.

  “Chicken,” he teased, kissing her hair. She chuckled.

  “No, just aware of when I should pick and choose my battles husband. As you should,” she teased. He chuckled. “But, as I was saying, they found an industrial complex. You should do the math.”

  “An industrial... a replicator?”

  “Try three replicators. Industrial replicators, all apparently fully functional. There is even a small molecular furnace to go with it. Though that may need some repairs.”

  “Oh...” he murmured, now smiling.

  She nodded. “We can't make anything on the proscribed list, and they're small, class two I think, but we can do a lot. And we can use the ruined buildings and jungle growth as feedstock,” she said.

  “Hmmm...” he said thoughtfully, still holding her. That was true, and that solved another growing problem. Buildings and materials that had been compromised by the jungle and time too much had been surveyed and then certified condemned. What to do with the buildings, how to take them down safely had been a concern. Duncan had assured them with the right explosives he could drop a building, but still, what would they do with the rubble? Now they may have an answer to that question. She felt him kiss her neck. She laughed softly, slapping his flank. “Down boy, pay attention,” she gurgled.

  He chuckled again as she turned in his arms and then wrapped his arms around her. He nuzzled her red hair. “So we're okay?” he asked softly after a long moment.

  “I think so. It won't be easy. Easy is leaving the system. We're going to have to work harder, but I think... I think yes, we can do it. In time.”



  Word of Yard Dogs inc plan hit the media. Randor overhead some people discussing it at dinner. The natives had a various range of reactions from scoffing and how stupid the spacers were, to interest. Morale had been hammered
when the population had realized what the admiral's departure had meant to their dream of a new golden age. There was a lot of resentment towards the admiral, but also a lot of it was directed at the people who had hounded him out of the system. Several politicians had been vilified with their effigies hung outside their windows or burned in public displays of ire.

  Randor looked into the project and then called Ralph and Alice when he found them on the list of founding members. They talked and he offered to buy shares in the company. They were amused by it. “Hey, we're all old shipmates you know, we need to keep an eye out on each other,” Randor said gruffly.

  “Damn skippy,” Ralph replied. “How many shares do you want?”

  “Well, I'm not sure. I'll invest some credits, I've got a couple hundred saved up. I'm not sure about Adam or Duncan or any of the others, I'll ask around.”

  “Sure sure, let us know. We'll send you the prospect and a care gift. How are you doing down there? Tired of being in a gravity well?” Alice asked, interjecting. He could hear Ralph grunt in irritation as his wife no doubt elbowed him aside.

  Randor chuckled. “Alice, I'll put Marlena on the line and you two can talk shop. Okay?”

  “Definitely. You men can't gossip worth a damn,” Alice grumbled.

  “Alice! We've got tables!” Ralph growled in the background.

  “So go do them!” she said. “I'm busy!” she said in a leave me alone tone.

  Randor laughed, shaking his head. His wife elbowed him and he oofed dutifully. She was dimpling. “You are so going to get it.”

  “Not now.”

  “No, but later,” he said, handing her the receiver as he got up. He kissed her on the head then youched as she pinched him to get him moving faster out of her way.

  “Okay Alice, now that the Neanderthal's are out of the way, let's catch up,” Marlena said, smirking at her husband's back. He laughed, shaking his head as he exited.

  “You should come up here! Shopping is soo great!” Alice said. “I've taken a new kid under my wing. She's a little thing but oh so sweet! We can double team her!” she said enthusiastically.

  “A new protégée?”

  “She's a tug pilot...”


  Randor was surprised when a shipment came in. The harried pilot wheeled a stack of boxes off his aircraft. There were three loads of them. “What's this?” he asked.

  “No idea,” the man said. He held up a clipboard. “Just sign here,” he said.

  “I'd like to know what I'm signing for. Can you at least tell me who sent it?”

  “Um,” the guy turned the clipboard and then frowned. He flipped through the papers. “Says here, Yard Dog inc.”

  “Oh,” Randor said, taking the clipboard back. He scribbled his name and then handed the pen and paper back. The man tore off a copy of the receipt, handed it to Randor, then turned and climbed back onto his plane. Randor hastily stepped back as the plane's engines roared back to life.

  “What's going on?” Duncan asked, coming over. He eyed the packages. “He couldn't of at least left the dollie?” he asked.

  “We'll get one,” Randor replied, looking at the boxes. They were plastic totes, each about a meter long and 50 centimeters tall and wide. A tablet was taped to the top one. Papers were taped to each labeling them. He frowned, looking at the tablet. There was a yellow sticky note stuck to it.

  “Thought you'd like a care package since your roughing it up groundside. Also, got that portfolio for you to look at. Love, Alice and Ralph. PS, Merry Christmas!” he read out loud.

  “Alice and Ralph?” his wife asked, coming over. Randor looked up in surprise. She had a dollie. “Excellent,” she said, smiling as she eyed the totes.

  “Something tells me I shouldn't be surprised your involved in this,” Randor said dryly.

  His wife pouted a little and then hip bumped him out of the way. “Just a little something to help our days go by a little easier. Including a bottle of Ralphi's finest if you and your cohort over there behave.”

  “Oh.” Randor turned his torso to Duncan who was now all smiles. The security officer's mustache twitched as he grinned. “I think that sounds good,” Randor said. Duncan nodded.


  Pope had Biff the beast-man, his ape man sycophant go into the city and find someone to help rebuild his fortress hideaway. “Get someone smart, but someone people wouldn't miss,” Pope ordered. “You read me?”

  “Yes sir,” Biff replied, growling softly. He spoke with a lisp, his muzzle had been scared by a beast. His R's usually sounded off or rolled into a growl.

  “Get it done beast-man,” Pope said, kicking the larger ape away. Biff raised an arm to protect himself, but made no move to strike back. He knew better. He bobbed a bow and then moved to obey.

  It was several hours to return to the city. Biff had plenty of time to think and come up with a list of candidates. He had a few in mind, techs, but all would be missed. All but one. He remembered the Vinatelli girl with the robot bird.

  “Here Birdie Birdie...” he cooed then grinned. His large canines stuck out past his lips.

  Carefully the ape stalked the girl. Twice she nearly noticed him. He hid in the trees, watching her with glittering eyes. When he knew her routine he acted.

  As Jane walked to the new school she skipped occasionally, avoiding the puddles. She smiled at her bird, circling overhead. Things were certainly looking up. It was a nice day, it had rained the previous evening but now the sun shown threw the clouds and a rainbow had greeted her day. She was in a sunny mood to match the sunny day.

  As she passed a copse of trees suddenly she was grabbed from behind by hard hands. A hand and cloth covered her mouth, it stank of chemicals. There was ether on the rag, stolen by Biff from a nearby dentist.

  Jane's bird tried to protect her by diving at the attacker. Jane tried to fight, she tried to urge the bird to get help but instead her willpower left her and she wilted into sleep. The bird did another dive, then rose, circling overhead.

  Biff had angrily batted at the silver thing when it dived at him, ooh ooking and grunting in irritation as he climbed the trees with the girl slung over his shoulder. He heard the thing coming again and turned in time, slapping it with a branch.

  Birdie was knocked out of the air and spiraled into the ground. The little robot flopped there on its back.

  The ape man swung through the trees, passing quickly over some people. They looked up in time to see the ape man with the girl. At the edge of the city the ape man bundled the girl in a bag before Biff tied it shut. He unceremoniously tossed the bag into the back of his stolen truck and then drove out of town. Pope wanted the best, he was going to get it. A Vinatelli, one who would fix the complex. Biff could just imagine Pope and how he would praise the ape for his good deed. Pope was looking to the future, thinking of an eventual attack by the authorities when they figured out where he was.


  When the Neoape returned to Snake mountain he dumped the bag in front of a bored looking Pope on his throne. “What have you got for me beast man?” Pope asked. The contents of the bag moaned and cried softly. “A girl? Are you serious?”

  “Not just any girl,” Biff said triumphantly, ripping the bag open and dumping the girl to the hard floor. “The girl.”

  Pope stared at her for a long moment. Jane stared around, rubbing her eyes. “Okay, this had better be good,” Pope said, lounging his head back and running a hand through his hair in frustration. “A girl?”

  “She's a Vinatelli! Jane I think her name is,” Biff said, poking the girl with a foot. “Speak!” he growled.

  The girl looked up at the ape and stared briefly before she screamed.

  Pope got off his throne and backhanded the girl. “Silence!” he snarled, then turned his attention on the ape. He backhanded the ape too. Shocked, Biff fell back to the ground. “You imbecile! You ignoramus! Do you know what you've done?” Pope snarled. He cursed the Neo ape. He kept
him around because he was from Terra, and old. But he wasn't bright, after all, he wasn't human. “Damn it! Never send an ape to do a man's job!”

  “But... but you wanted the best! I've seen this girl boss, she's good! And no one pays attention to her!” Biff said, rubbing his cheek, eyes wide. His mouth was open, hair on end. Pope kicked him a few times. The ape curled into a fetal ball.

  The girl tried to crawl away but Lynn stopped her. The woman grabbed her by her hair, forcing her to her knees. Jane whimpered. “Going somewhere hussy?” the woman demanded.

  “No, noo. Please let me go! Please! I won't tell anyone!” the girl gibbered.

  “That's right, you won't,” Pope snarled, turning back to her. He indicated the men around. Some looked at each other and started to gloat. “Boys, initiation time,” he said, waving his hands to the girl. “Have at it. But I want her in one piece. In good order when you're done,” he said.

  He eyed the girl as she whimpered and looked around. “You better be worth it bitch,” Pope snarled, stomping out.


  Jane's kidnapping was witnessed by several people, but it took hours for them to compare notes and realize something was going on, something possibly criminal. When one woman realized it had been a child she looked into it. When she quizzed her deputy cousin, he called it in. That quickly led to others now suddenly concerned for the girl's welfare. People rang their hands in frustration as they called it in. The deputies stood there, looking sympathetic but bored as they took their statements. Adam was nearby, he came over to see what was going on.


  “Alleged kidnapping. It could be a prank,” the second deputy said. Both didn't like the outworlders, they were nosey.

  “And?” Adam asked as Teela came up behind him.

  “What's going on?”

  “Kidnapping. Alleged kidnapping,” Adam replied, filling her in.

  “Direction? Location?” Teela demanded, eyes flashing.

  “Female vic, Neo ape. Spotted carrying the girl south west to the perimeter of the city,” the first deputy replied. He pointed in the vague direction.


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