Surrender: A Mafia Billionaire Romance

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Surrender: A Mafia Billionaire Romance Page 16

by Shanna Handel

  He gives my sore ass a hearty slap that has me on my tiptoes, shrieking. But then he’s smearing that cool liquid onto my bottom hole—which seems to be the most sensitive spot of my body. He’s smoothing it on and dipping his finger inside of my bottom, making sure I’m ready to take him. I moan with pleasure, leaning into the bed and lifting my ass up toward him.

  He grabs my hips and presses the head of his cock against my lubed entrance. At first, my bottom doesn’t want to let him in, but he persists. Pressing until the head pops through the tight ring of muscles. I let out a guttural moan—it feels so good. Slowly he inches in until the full length of his cock is in my ass.

  The soft skin of his balls bounce against my spanked bottom. He holds there a moment, then goes for the gold. His fingers tighten around my hips as he fucks my ass, in and out and in and out. My chest presses harder into the bed. My fingers grab tightly around the covers, grasping them and pulling them toward my opened mouth to muffle my screams.

  The climax begins to build with in my core, rising like the crest of a wave. He’s fucking harder, faster, and the sensation is deep and would bring me to my weak knees if I wasn’t bent over this bed. I love losing myself like this. It’s why I want him to use my most taboo place for our pleasure. It’s so carnal, so animalistic, so powerful it wipes away any thought or care or frustration, replacing it with only sensation. Pleasure.

  A flush covers my entire body. Perspiration prickles at my skin. I’m panting, screaming, losing my mind as the powerful orgasm bursts into hundreds of spasms. He keeps going and I come again, the world almost going black. When I feel as if I might pass out, he calls my name, digging into my flesh. His cock pumps, expelling his hot lava seed, overflowing my ass.

  Marking me as his.

  * * *


  They say weddings bring out the best and the worst in people. I’ve seen something I didn’t know to exist—the dark side of the Beauties.

  My wedding stress may have already earned me a spanking, but I’ve no doubt a few of my fellow ladies have been taken over a knee for their wedding antics. There was a fight over the main color theme—I was fine with blush pink or teal. Another over cake flavors—I couldn’t decide between vanilla and chocolate I love them both so much. And a third argument centered around what time the champagne toast would take place.

  Ridiculousness. But I can’t judge, as the wedding stress made me a whiny mess. Nick took care of that and since I was introduced to my hairbrush, I took his advice and have been counting my blessings. And secretly laughing as everyone else around me gets in a tizzy and receives their own advice from men who do not tolerate bad behavior.

  I’m really starting to understand how this whole dom/sub thing not only keeps peace in a relationship, but in a community as well.

  Now that all the work has been done and the actual celebration weekend is just around the corner, things have settled down and everyone is ready to enjoy the fruits of their labor. This weekend will not only signify our union. It’s the beginning of a new era for the Village. Sunday evening when all the celebrating is finished, and Nick and I take off for our honeymoon, Dante and Adrianna will leave for their new home in the Parish.

  Making Nick Rockland’s right-hand man and the second in charge of all the Village. He’s the youngest other than Bronson to accomplish such a high title. I’m proud of him. And absolutely floored at how easy it is for me to accept that I’m going to be married to a mobster.

  I’ve not lost a night of sleep over the men who Nicholas killed for me. The more time I spend working at Bachman Enterprises, the more I believe in what the Brotherhood is doing. Of course, I’m sheltered from the rawest parts of their responsibilities, but I’ve seen enough to know it’s true; they really are the good bad guys.

  I’m blossoming from a library wallflower, often overlooked and under-regarded, to the strong, beautiful woman I’ve always wanted to be. I can’t wait to officially be Hannah Bachman.

  I just have to get through three days of talking, dancing, dining, socializing. My little introvert spirit is already dwindling just thinking about it. Everyone is so kind, but I put pressure on myself to be as couth as they are, to find interesting topics to discuss, try to look like I’m still walking instead of limping by the end of the night in my high heels.

  Tonight, we have the welcome dinner where we entertain all the guests who’ve driven in from the Hamlet and flown in from the Parish. Tomorrow night the most exclusive restaurant in the city, Le Pearl, has been rented out for our rehearsal dinner—Bachmans only. Then the wedding.

  I’m exhausted just thinking about it. I find solace in the fact that after the whirlwind three days, I can pull on a pair of sweats and climb into my bed with my husband. Wearing a wedding band around my finger.

  I’m dressing for the party this evening. It will be here in the Village at the family’s rooftop bar. I’ve heard you can see the whole city from the top, but I’ve not yet been there. Tonight will be the first time. I’m wearing a gown Nick has specifically requested. He’s bought it himself and though it’s more elegant than I suspect appropriate for the evening, I couldn’t say no.

  It’s a creamy silk gown, low-cut in the front, cinched at the waist, flowing to the floor. I slide it over my body and the material cascades down like cool water. When I look at my reflection, I can’t believe my eyes.

  Short, round little Hannah is gone. A beautiful young woman stands before me, dressed like royalty. The cut of the dress is doing my figure all kinds of favors, and when I slip on the heels I’m no longer short. I find a sexy slit in the fabric, cut up past my knee.

  Adrianna had come earlier, insisting that she do my hair. It’s swept up in an elegant chignon, dotted with diamonds and sprays of baby’s breath. From my ears dangle chandeliers of diamonds—a wedding gift from Bronson and Paige’s store, Bachman’s Jewelers.

  “It’s too much,” I whisper to myself. This is a casual event. A rooftop bar. Drinks, dinner, dancing. Nothing more. Just a welcome celebration. No one will be dressed like this. I’ll be out of place. The fog of the princess haze disperses, and I’m left a nervous wreck. My palms are sweating and I’m feeling a bit faint.

  I rush to my phone, calling Adrianna. She assures me that all three of the events will be glamorous. She’s picked my other gowns, knowing I’ve no idea what I’m doing.

  I pace the room. “I can do this. I can do this. It’s just an outfit. Nothing to give yourself the fits over.”

  All I want is to be in Nick’s arms. For him to stroke my back and tell me that I look lovely and that he’ll be right by my side all night. Unfortunately, he got called into work and Adrianna will be the one escorting me to the event.

  After a few minutes of fretting, there’s a knock at the door. I run down the stairs, ready to see a familiar face. Adrianna stands in the doorway looking breathtaking in a deep blue silk wrap dress. Her tiny bump firm and high beneath it. “You look stunning. Absolutely stunning. Wait till Nicholas sees you.” Tears brim in her eyes and she dabs them away.

  “You really think so? You don’t think it’s... too much?”

  She shakes her head. “Not for tonight.”

  She links her arm in mine, escorting me down to the town car that will drive us the few blocks it takes to get to the restaurant. I’m grateful for the lift as I’m not sure how long I’ll last in these heels. She keeps me calm with little bits of chat as we drive down the streets.

  I peek out the window looking for family members making their way to the gathering, but there’s no one in sight. “Where is everyone?”

  “You know how it is around here. Everyone wants to be fashionably late. I’ll take you up to the bar and sneak you a drink while we wait for them.”

  “I could use one. I’m a bundle of nerves.”

  She shrugs. “It’s just dinner, Hannah.”

  I don’t respond, suddenly knowing there’s no way I’ll be able to make it through three whole days of this pomp and c
ircumstance. I’m debating throwing myself from the moving car just as we pull up to the venue.

  She grabs my hand in hers. “Don’t worry about a thing. All you have to do is smile.”

  I can do that. Right? “Is Nick here yet?”

  “I’m sure he is.” The car parks in the back of the building. There’s still no one in sight. She tugs me into the back door, through a dark hall to a service elevator. We step in and my stomach drops to my knees as we ride the elevator up three flights. It makes a rickety noise as it climbs and I think I’m going to be sick.

  When it finally comes to a stop, Adrianna gives me a wink. “Let’s get you that drink.”

  The door open and the night breeze blows into the elevator. Adrianna’s standing in front of me, blocking my view. She steps to the side to reveal a crowd. The family is all here and they are dressed impeccably as if attending a red-carpet event. The place is decorated with fresh blush rose tulips. Hundreds of white globe lights crisscross above us, lighting up the dark sky.

  I stammer, “I-I thought you said they’d all be late?”

  “Who would be late to a wedding?” She stares at me, smiling broadly. Waiting for her words to sink in.

  “You mean... this... tonight? This is my wedding?”

  “Yep. Nick knows you so well that as the timing got closer, he made the Beauties cut the rehearsal dinner and condense the two ceremonies into one.”

  My eyes are wide, taking in the crowd. “How’d that go over?”

  “Not well. Let’s just say there was a few more attitude adjustments than usual. But after a little over the knee encouragement, everyone was convinced and agreed with Nicholas—the bride should enjoy her own wedding.”

  “Yes. Oh, my. And I am going to enjoy tonight.” The weight of a thousand boulders instantly lifts from my shoulders. I can do this. Scratch that. I’m excited to do this.

  A waiter brings me a glass of champagne, smiling and saying, “For the bride.”

  “I am the bride,” I whisper, barely able to believe it. I look down at my gown, the strange happenings of the day suddenly making sense. Nick choosing this glamorous dress, insisting I wear it. How Adrianna had come to do my hair. It explains Paige’s fifteen pushy texts earlier today demanding I don her wedding gift earrings tonight and not wait till the wedding to wear them.

  Adrianna laughs. “I can’t believe we actually pulled it off.”

  I sip the liquid gold, letting the bubbles tickle my tongue. “So, what happens now?”

  “You get married. Nicholas knew you’d enjoy the evening even more if you got through the ceremony right away.”

  “It’s all ready? Right now?”

  “Yes. After you finish your champagne. He thought of that, too.”

  I lift the glass, guzzling it down. I hand it to the waiting staff. “Let’s get married.”

  “That-a girl.” Adrianna links her arm in mine and leads me into the crowd. They part to make way for me to make it to the middle of the sea of people. I can’t see Nick, but there’s Rockland, looking dapper in a tuxedo.

  He offers me his arm. “May I have the honor of giving you away?”

  Nicholas had mentioned that when he first told Rockland of our engagement, he made this offer. I’m touched. With unshed tears in my eyes, I say, “Of course.”

  “Love you, Hannie.” Adrianna kisses my cheek, handing me over. I link my arm into his and we walk further into the group. Like magic, they disperse, women on the left, men on the right. As they settle into two groups, an aisle forms between them.

  Finally, I see Nick. The sight of him almost takes my breath away. His dark curls have been swept back. His tux fits him perfectly. But the look on his face stuns me. It’s a look of longing and love and joy. I have to hold myself back from running straight into his arms. Instead, I follow Rockland’s lead, letting him set the pace.

  After what feels like a lifetime, we reach the place where Nick stands. Beside him is Tess, Rockland’s wife. She is our officiant, and she couldn’t look more beautiful with her red hair flowing against her black gown. She gives me a reassuring smile that warms me. “Welcome, Hannah. We’ve been waiting for you.” A soft laugh trickles through the audience. She asks, “Who gives this woman to be wed today?”

  “I do,” Rockland replies.

  Tess gives Rockland a lovely smile, her affection for him obvious.

  Gently, he kisses my cheek. Gives my shoulder a squeeze. Passes me onto Nick. The moment Nick’s arm slips around my waist I feel settled. Whole. All the other people seem to fade into the background as if it’s just us two.

  He gazes over me. “Hannah, you couldn’t possibly look more stunning.”

  “Thank you. You look... incredible.”

  “You ready for this?”

  “More ready than I’ve ever been for anything in my life.” I break the rules, reaching up on tiptoe and kissing his lips.

  “Eh hem.” Tess clears her throat to get our attention. “I still have to marry you.”

  Nick throws her a wicked grin. “Make it quick.”

  Looking over my head, she addresses the crowd. “Welcome to all who have gathered here this day to share in this marriage ceremony of Nicholas Bachman and Hannah Burns. The words spoken here tonight are sacred and celebrate a lasting bond that already exists between Nicholas and Hannah, who have already joined their hearts together and chosen to walk together on life’s journey. Today, as Bachmans, we bear witness to the pledge of a sacred, eternal bond. One that may not be broken.

  “Those of us in attendance today are present to witness a statement of lasting love and commitment between these two. The ceremonial union of two people in marriage, in its primordial form, is as ancient as our very humanity and yet is still as fresh as each day’s sunrise. The commitment of love between them is more than a declaration of love. It is a promise to remain loyal, faithful, and in service to one another until the day that death parts the two of them.

  “Everyone gathered here today was invited to this ceremony because you have played a special role in the lives of Nicholas and Hannah. You are present at this ceremony to celebrate their marriage and to witness their vows of love to one another. Will all of you gathered here to witness this union do all in your power to love and support this couple now, and in the years ahead? If so, please respond, we will.”

  A resounding, “We will,” rises from the crowd.

  “And Nicholas and Hannah, have you come here today with the intention to be legally joined into the unique bond that is a Bachman marriage? Do you pledge to remain faithful, loyal, and adhere to the ways of the Bachman family?”

  “We do.”

  “Then let us witness the exchange of vows. Nicholas, please repeat after me. I, Nicholas, take you, Hannah, to be my wife; to have and to hold, from this day forward; for better, for worse; for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish; until we are parted by death.”

  He’s memorized these pieces ahead of time and he repeats the vow with perfect eloquence. It brings tears to my eyes and I hope I will do as well as he did.

  “And now, Hannah, please repeat after me. I, Hannah, take you, Nicholas, to be my husband; to have and to hold from this day forward.”

  When I speak, my voice rings loud and true. “I, Hannah, take you, Nicholas, to be my husband; to have and to hold from this day forward.”

  “I vow to accept your headship over our family. To obey your word. To accept your discipline.”

  Three years ago if someone told me I’d be reciting such words, I’d have had their head on a platter. But now, not only do I say them, I mean them. “I vow to accept your headship over our family. To obey your word. To accept your discipline.”

  Tess smiles. “For better, for worse; for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish; until we are parted by death.”

  Death. The only real known in life.

  The word makes me pause and I send up a prayer to my dear father and mother
who are not here today. Then I repeat the vow. “For better, for worse; for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish; until we are parted by death.”

  Now the exchanging of rings. My fingers shake as he slips a platinum band onto my finger, right above my square cut diamond ring. I slip his matching—though much wider and larger than mine—ring onto his finger.

  “Nicholas and Hannah, inasmuch as you have pledged yourselves, each to the other, and have declared the same in the presence of this company by the exchange of vows and the giving and receiving of rings, by the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride, though she’s already kissed you.”

  He pulls me close, his eyes lingering on my face for a moment before he leans down, bringing his lips close to mine. Before he kisses me, he whispers, “I love you, Mrs. Hannah Bachman.” Then he kisses me for the first time as my husband.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Bachman!”

  But we are still kissing. I’m lost in his embrace, everyone and everything other than this kiss are nonexistent in my world. Until he gives my bottom a hearty smack that makes me break the kiss and yelp in surprise.

  I swat at his shoulder. “Mr. Bachman! How cheeky of you.”

  “You haven’t seen cheeky yet. But first we have one more ceremony.” His smile leaves his face, his features becoming stoic.

  It’s time for me to be initiated into the Bachman family. I have no idea what to expect—I grilled Adrianna but she wouldn’t say a word. At this point, if I’d invited any non-Bachman guests, they would have to leave.

  I haven’t.

  Reminding me just how much Nick truly is my whole world now. He’s not only my husband, my lover, but my best friend. My family.

  He kisses me on the cheek. “I have to leave you now.”

  I stand alone, my knees weak, my hands trembling as he walks away. Suddenly, the rooftop goes pitch black, the lights cut off. There’s only the distant glow of the city in the background. My heart pounds in my chest. All eyes are on me. I stand before the altar, alone, surrounded by Bachmans. No one makes a sound. My stomach ties in knots. I clasp my hands before me, wringing them together, waiting for Nick to come back. Willing him to appear.


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