Surrender: A Mafia Billionaire Romance

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Surrender: A Mafia Billionaire Romance Page 17

by Shanna Handel

  Then, in the dark, the light of a single candle burns, moving toward me.

  Nick is holding a white pillar candle in one hand, a red Bachman’s box in the other.

  He reaches me. The candlelight dances across his handsome face. His eyes are soft and as deep blue as I’ve ever seen them in the yellow light.

  He opens the box, and I peek in. There sits my very own sword charm made of beautiful sapphires.

  I whisper, “It’s beautiful.”

  “All Bachman women wear this necklace. It is a symbol of our creed, the way we live our lives, the eternal care of a man for a woman. For as long as the stars have lit the sky, men have cared for and loved the women they have pledged their lives to. And women have loved and obeyed those men, accepting them as the headship of their family. Choosing to give the gift of their submission to these men—men who would lay down their lives for the ones they love. The sword is our symbol—the length we are willing to go to, the sacrifice we would willingly make.”

  Nick hands Rockland the candle. He lifts the necklace from the box. Rockland takes the empty jewelry container from him.

  Nick walks behind me and I have to force myself to keep still. His fingertips brush my skin as he brings the chain around my neck and clasps it. My fingers reach up, touching the delicate piece. Nick rests his hands on my shoulders. “Hannah, I freely give you this symbol, and pledge my very life to you. Do you accept?”

  “Of course. I do.”

  He comes before me and I throw my arms around his neck. “Thank you, it’s lovely.”

  “Not as lovely as you.” Again, we kiss. I feel heady, dizzy even. When I open my eyes, I find each Bachman holding an unlit candle. Nick takes the lit candle back from Rockland, and lights Rockland’s. He, in turn, lights Tess’. Tess lights Adrianna’s. One by one, every single candle is lit and the rooftop twinkles like a forest of fairies.

  Tess’ voice rises from the altar. “Fire, also as timeless as the Earth, symbolizes the Bachman family’s pledge to one another. To guide, care for, and protect one another above all others. Bachmans, do you accept the union of Nicholas and Hannah?” Her tone is somber.

  “We do,” the hushed voices reply.

  “And Bachmans, do you pledge to care for and protect Nicholas and Hannah, as you would your own blood?” she asks.

  “We do.”

  “And how long will you hold these two in your care?”


  Her gaze rests on mine. She lets out her tigress smile. “Welcome to the Bachman family, Hannah.”

  The quiet reverence of the evening is broken with rowdy cheers.

  Nick hugs me tightly, kissing my cheeks. He releases me and I’m passed from person to person. Hugs, kisses, words of congratulations wash over me, welcoming me. I’m overwhelmed. I just have to get through the rest of this night—then I stop myself.

  Because these people have done the impossible.

  They have given me a family when I had none. Tears escape from my eyes and I hug each one of them a little harder, a little longer, feeling overwhelmed, but only by love.

  The Bachmans—my forever family.


  One year later

  Dear Paige,

  I apologize that my thank you note is arriving to you so late. The main cause because I am writing it so late. Is it socially acceptable to send thank you notes out a year after you’ve wed? In any case, please know that I wear the earrings on every occasion that I get. Most recently, I wore them to the captain’s dinner on the way to my visit to the Parish.

  Nick and I spent our one-year anniversary cruising on the Aphrodite. We were excited to hear that dear Captain Luca will be joining our ranks as number three at the Village. We were aboard his last cruise as captain. It was wonderful to see some familiar faces. (By the way, Emily said to tell you that Thomas or his brother left a teddy behind when you were aboard last week and she’s had it shipped to you.)

  It really should be illegal for two people as good-looking as Sasha and Carter to have a baby. Bridget is the most gorgeous little girl and if ever there was a six-month-old more spoiled, I’d be hard pressed to find them.

  Carter absolutely dotes on that little girl, just as you said. Carrying her around in his massive arms. Taking her anywhere she points and says, “Da!” I don’t think the poor thing will ever learn to walk if he doesn’t put her down.

  You’re such a dear, I think the only thing I could ever hold against you is that you got to hold Adrianna’s baby before me. (The lab opening was in full swing and I couldn’t get away until now. Don’t forget I’ll be in the Hamlet next month to do your families counseling.)

  Dante Jr. is a spitting image of his father and just as serious! When I held him, he looked up at me with those green-blue eyes and his little brow just knitted, as if he was trying to suss me out. Adrianna is over the moon and she just seems to have come so much into herself through motherhood. Gone is my flighty forgetful friend, replaced by a doting and adoring mother.

  Being back at the Parish was hard for Nick. He does so love that place. But his work at the Village is nonstop, as I’m sure you know having been married to the head of the Village in the past. Becoming Rockland’s number two and waiting a full year to put a number three in place—he’s almost become a workaholic! I’m lucky like that though, to be married to someone who enjoys working long hours, because I do too. Some nights we fall into bed together so tired we barely kiss one another good night. But other nights... well, let’s just say the honeymoon hasn’t ended.

  So again, thank you for the lovely earrings and I’ll see you very soon. Give Thomas and Henry kisses for me and give your beautiful belly a rub for me for Princess Gertrude from her Auntie Hannah. I can’t wait to meet her.

  Love and hugs,

  Hannah Bachman

  The End

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