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Blood Rite Saga, Season One Box Set

Page 38

by Dylan Keefer

  Mei closed her eyes; waiting for death. But it never came. She could feel his breath on her skin. She could hear him grunting as if struggling. She opened her eyes. He was frozen in one position; mouth opened over her jugular and ready to snap. His grip was loosening. What’s happening? Why won’t he kill me? The grip on her hair loosened to where she could pull away from him. Falling to the ground, Mei rolled away. Gregory’s veins were bulging as his eyes followed her. Mei looked around. Serge was on the ground barely moving, but the other vampires were in the same predicament as Gregory. They were frozen. Then Mei saw her. The old woman could barely stand herself, but she had her hands out. Fire blazed in her eyes. It had been so long since Mei had seen her. Not since they left the boat and the community there. She was old, feeble, and worn. Whereas Mei barely aged a couple of years.

  “Elizabeth.” Mei could barely get the word out. A smile cracked on the old woman’s lips.

  “I can’t hold them long, child. You need to get up and fight.” She looked at Serge. “Both of you.”

  Serge pushed himself up and began to walk towards the first vampire. With ferocity, he tore the creature’s head off. Mei climbed onto her knees and then to her wobbly feet. Gregory followed her with his eyes, but there was more movement now. The witch’s strength was weakening.

  “Now! Mei! Now!”

  Mei rushed forward. Gregory wasn’t there when she attacked. Elizabeth had fallen to the ground, and Gregory was almost upon her. The warmth was unexpected. It flowed through her entire body like a surge of energy about to explode. What was more unexpected was the sight of Gregory coming towards her. Elizabeth was at her knees when she looked down. Mei looked up again as Gregory fangs came down upon her. She swung with all of her might and connected with his shoulder. The vampire’s arm shattered. Bone protruded from the skin in several areas like porcupine needles. Mei grabbed the man by his shirt collar and flung him into the woods breaking several trees as he went through them. Mei didn’t stop there. Serge still had four more vampires on top of him. Before he could do anything, he saw Mei’s fist punch through the head of one, then another, then another, and then through the spine of the last. She yanked it out and dropped it to the ground. Serge felt her hand grab him.

  “Mei, stop!” She didn’t listen. Her fist came for his head. “Mei! Mei!”

  It stopped merely a hair away. Serge looked into her eyes. What had been a mist covering them finally dissipated. Mei collapsed, and he caught her.

  The old woman lay on the ground, and the two fell next to her. “What are you doing here?” Serge demanded. “You could have gotten killed.”

  “This is my last duty anyway. I felt the spirits telling me of the danger you would face today a long time ago, but I could not warn you until I knew what you needed to do.”

  The three of them sat on the grass injured, broken, and bruised. Mei winced at each breath.

  “What happened to me?”

  “Your enemies believed that you were less than they because you are half-vampire,” the woman said. “But you are more than they because you are more--because you are half human. Your humanity makes you more vulnerable and hospitable to the power that was given to you before you were given away to Serge.”

  “Power?” Serge said with a frown.

  “I sensed it in you from the very first time I met you on the boat, but I thought it was just the locket,” Elizabeth nodded to the chain around Mei’s neck. “But though that has power in it to limit your vampirism, blood was given to the human side of your body to amplify your energy and power. It is something only one type of witch can give to you. The type that I am.”

  “Which is?” Mei asked.

  “She’s a Summoner,” Serge said knowingly. “Don’t tell me that a Summoner mixed their blood with hers?”

  “Yes,” Elizabeth said. “As long as that necklace is spelled powerfully enough to dampen that, she will not let her vampirism take over or the Summoner’s power within her. But if it is off her for a period of time or her power grows stronger, the combination of Summoner/ human blood and her vampire self will become more powerful than any can handle.”

  “Could it be more powerful than I could handle?” Mei asked. Elizabeth nodded. Mei looked down. “So, I am an abomination? I should die.”

  “No,” Elizabeth said. “Your parents simply wanted to protect you. All of you. I can strengthen the spell, but I’m afraid that as long as the Dominion come after you, you will be forced to use that power.”

  “He called me a princess?” Mei questioned them both with her eyes. Serge cleared his throat.

  “Mei, your father was also more than a vampire. He was heir to the Dominion throne, and as the Dominion is the royal family of vampires, he was to be king, which would make you…”

  “Princess,” Mei finished with a whisper. No wonder they wanted to kill her. Now that her father was dead, she was the rightful leader of the Dominion. They couldn’t have a half-breed on the throne. “If I run, they will never stop coming after me, and if I fight, my power could destroy everyone.”

  “But if you are dead?” Serge and Mei looked at the old woman. “Not really dead, but dead long enough for them to stop looking—there is a sleep spell that can be done, but it lasts a long time. Someone would always have to keep guard over her body, and it can’t be you, Serge. You would attract attention.”

  “So, you want to put Mei to sleep for a few years?” Serge asked.

  “Not a few,” Elizabeth said. “A few hundred.”

  Mei’s eyes widened. Serge shook his head. “That’s extreme, don’t you think?”

  “The Dominion are extreme. They have the ability to send wave after wave of fighters to kill her. Are you willing to risk her life?”

  Serge looked at the girl who had become like a daughter to him. Mei swallowed hard. This was probably for the best. She needed to think about everyone’s safety—including his. Serge had given up his life to save her. She could do the same.

  “What would we have to do,” she said to Elizabeth. The old woman gave a weak nod of acknowledgment. She looked up above them almost as if she were looking at someone else.

  “You will help her when the time comes,” Elizabeth said. “You know how.”

  “What?” Mei asked. Elizabeth turned her eyes back to the girl. Mei grabbed her hand. “What do I need to do?”

  Elizabeth squeezed the girl’s hands before whispering,



  Gregory came through the door what seemed like hours later. He pulled up a chair and sat with one leg crossed over the other. He had a cup in his hands and an iPad.

  “I was looking in the news to see if anyone had reported you missing. No one has.” Gregory tapped on the device and scrolled up a few times before he glanced up at Larent. “It’s probably because you live a pretty lonely party life when you aren’t slaving away at work.”

  “You have no idea about my life,” Larent growled.

  “I do actually,” Gregory said. “Remember that we reached out to you—through the good Dr. Boyle. May he rest in peace.”

  He shoved the iPad in Larent’s face. A new headline stated that “College Professor’s Body Found Mangled in Car Accident”. Larent looked at Gregory who shrugged his eyebrows.

  “Anyway, it’s been brought to my attention that you might be reluctant to share information with us since you don’t know who we are. So, I’m here to answer any questions you might have.”

  “I’m not going to help you. I know who you are. You’re Dominion.”

  “And you say that with such disgust,” Gregory shook his head. “I believe that spending time with Mei and that witch may have clouded your mind. Let me help you. The Dominion are the oldest sect of vampires in history. They are a part of the Original vampires. The difference between us and other sects is that we actually descend from royalty. Kings and Queens. Our bloodline is old. I myself am over 600 years old, and damn, if I don’t look good.”

nbsp; “What’s this got to do with…”

  “Don’t interrupt my lesson,” Gregory said with a warning in his eyes. He cleared his throat. “Where was I? Yes. There has never been a creature like Mei. A bastard girl born of a Dominion vampire and an Asian woman. We should have killed her as a baby, but her parents hid her and snuck her into America, and that’s where we lost her.”

  “Why do you want to kill her?” Larent asked.

  “Because she is a liability. Truly, she is an abomination, and because she had some Dominion power flowing through her blood, she is dangerous. Especially because she doesn’t know who she is, and if she were to fully connect with her vampire side—she could just be dangerous. Plus, there is something else that we did not know when she was born. Her human side is not completely human. She has a witch part, too. Like your other friend. You have to trust me on this.”

  Larent narrowed his eyes. “I’m to trust a group that has kidnapped me against my will to use my research for your own gain.”

  “Again,” Gregory held up his finger, “not accurate information. We tried to get your research on our own, but you have it well-hidden. You could give us that, and we would be happy to let you go. We aren’t unreasonable. We’ve done a lot for Boston. We’ve kept other vampire groups away, and the ones that we have let in, serve us. Vampires cannot feed on living people. We have direct access to the blood banks and hospitals, and that’s all we use. We keep humans from finding out about us, and we make sure that they are living their best life.”

  “And you have the right to decide that?” Larent spat. “Just because you’re vampires?”

  “No,” Gregory stood up; straight and proud. “We do it because we know the world, and not just the world today. We’ve known the world for over a thousand years. We are the closest things to gods as you’re going to get. We just want to share this with the world eventually. Can you imagine being in on the beginning of this, Larent? Your research changing the world, the way that you want it.”

  “I’ll pass,” Larent said. Gregory nodded. He stretched and took a sip of his drink. Larent could see the remnants of blood on the lid.

  “Okay, well, just to let you know that the torture starts again tomorrow. I promised not to do anything tonight. So, you can sleep.” He picked up the chair and began to drag it behind him to the door. Then he stopped. “Larent, you have a sister that doesn’t talk to you anymore. She is married with three kids? I’m right, aren’t I?”

  Larent didn’t say a word. Gregory’s back was still to him. The vampire nodded. “Right. That’s what I thought.”

  He chuckled to himself and walked out of the room.

  Larent hung there for what seemed like several hours until the door opened again. He squinted in the light and breathed a small sigh of relief as Nya entered the room. She took slow steps as she dragged a chair behind her.

  “Hello, Larent. Still alive, I see.” Larent said shaking his head. He didn’t have the strength to respond. Nya pulled the chair in front of him and sat down. “How would you like to be set free?”

  Larent picked his head up. “What?”

  Nya sat back in her chair and crossed her legs. “It’s a simple question. I won’t repeat it.”

  “Yes. Yes, I want to be set free!” He paused. “But I’m not going to give up my research.”

  “I’m not asking you to,” she said. “If I free you from this place, you have to obey me. That’s all I ask.”

  Larent felt something deep in his spirit that told him Nya was not to be trusted, but she might be his best option. “What do you mean?”

  Nya smiled and sat forward. She gazed into his eyes. “Do you think I’m beautiful?”

  Larent didn’t know what to say. One look at the girl, and you couldn’t help but think she was gorgeous. Caramel, flawless skin. Long lashes and vixen facial expressions. She wore a short dress that took her already model-like figure and made it seem like it was crafted by an angel. She seemed to take his silence as an answer. She stood up and bit her arm. Blood poured out of it. Ignoring the blood, she stood on the chair. His head was level with her thighs. Nya wiped her blood across her thigh.

  “Lick it off,” she commanded. Larent looked up. She had her hand on the chains holding him up. She brought her leg forward. “I’m waiting.”

  He couldn’t believe he was doing this. His heart felt like it was beating out of his chest. He had been with plenty of girls, but this one was different. Her smooth leg was coated with blood. He stretched his neck and began to lick the blood off her thigh.

  “All of it,” Nya said with a moan. Larent’s hated the taste, but he was excited by her leg against his lips. She felt good. She smelled good. Larent was so entranced in the moment that he didn’t realize that she had unchained him. His hands were wrapped around her thigh until he cleaned every spot. Then he dropped to the floor. His body felt weak, but the blood was doing something. Nya stepped off the chair and sat down beside him.

  “Say ‘thank you’,” she said. Larent whispered the words. She smiled with pleasure. She took her arm and wiped blood on her neck. “Sit up and lick it off.”

  Larent didn’t question it this time. He sat up with a lot of effort and began to lick the blood off her throat. She moaned and groaned. He didn’t care. He wanted to feel better. He wanted to have his body back to where it was supposed to be.

  Nya pulled away. She rubbed his hair and gave him her arm. “Drink and listen. The Dominion back in the past took in slaves--human slaves to provide them with blood.” Larent stopped drinking. His eyes widened. Nya rolled her eyes. “That was then. We’ve evolved. We use blood banks and donated blood now. No. I want you as my slave for another purpose. If I claim you, then Gregory can’t have you. Rules are rules. He doesn’t care about you. Just your information.”

  “He won’t fight you for me?”

  “He won’t touch me because of who my mother is,” Nya said. “And my mother would like to meet you. So--you obey me, and I’ll make sure that while you’re here, you are safe. Otherwise, Gregory is going to wind up killing you.”

  Larent looked down. The truth was that Madi, Mei, and Clayton weren’t going to find him. Maybe they were trying, but it wasn’t going to work. He might as well have an ally, and if Nya could protect him…

  “Fine,” Larent said. “I’ll do it.”

  Nya clapped her hands gleefully and stood up. “Come, then.”

  Reaching down, she grabbed his arms and pulled him up to his feet without using an ounce of energy.

  “Do you think you can walk?” She asked. Larent focused in getting his legs to work on their own. It took a moment, and Nya seemed content in patiently waiting. Finally, she let go of him, and he stood. She nodded. “We’ll take it slow then. Come with me.”

  “So, you said Gregory won’t harm you because of your mother. What’s that mean?” Larent asked hesitantly.

  “You’ll find out soon enough.” She began to walk out of the door, and Larent slowly followed. They took a right out of the room and made their way down a white hallway with plenty of light. It was bare and empty like he was in a hospital or psych ward. They came to a staircase, and Nya turned slightly back towards him as they walked up.

  “I want to show you just who we are. I think you’ve been getting the wrong idea.” Doubt it, he thought.

  The sound of people and activity started to permeate his hearing as they reached the doorway at the top of the stairs. Larent even thought he heard music. What lay beyond the doorway was not even close to what he expected. A huge room with chairs, couches, a small bar of breakfast foods greeted him. Two teenagers walked across his line of vision laughing and joking as they share earbuds. A couple sat in the corner sharing coffee and looking fondly in each other’s eyes as they talked. The white color theme was mixed with some other complimentary colors. High vaulted ceilings boasted a skylight which had sun streaming through it. Everyone was dressed in everyday clothes.

  “What?” Larent gasped as he spun ar
ound. Nya laughed.

  “Surprised? You thought you were in some sort of prison on an island?” He shook his head at her unable to speak. She grabbed his hand. “This used to be an old hotel and resort area. The Dominion took it and made it their own. It’s spelled by witches so that only Dominion can come in or out unless an exception is made--like you. All the people you see here are Dominion vampires by sire. Fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters—we all live here. Families and friends, Larent. And here is the thing…” She pointed to a man walking by in a suit.

  “That’s Jansen. He’s a banker. That woman over there is Allyson. She’s a real estate agent. That couple owns a bakery. These are all normal everyday citizens. Yet, they’re vampires who have to live by a different set of rules. We need to control the blood banks, we need to control how humans live around us, and we need to make sure that our world and yours meshes. Your device will help with that.”

  Larent looked around. In his mind, he had expected villainous, evil-looking monsters. Gregory, at times, looked like he was on the verge of draining him of all his blood. He hadn’t expected a highly functional society. This was vampire royalty? A community all living together? Still, they were evil, right. They were trying to play god.

  “I get it, Nya,” he said still captivated by what he was seeing. “But that power in the wrong hands is dangerous. I don’t care what the stakes are.”

  “You never asked what I do. I’m a medical student. At least I was. I was finishing up my second year when I was turned. I didn’t know that I was going to be brought into this. That was years ago. Many years ago. I know that you have the passion to help people. I do, too—not just vampires. You and I could work together.”

  She sounded sincere. She was young, and though she was a vampire, and Dominion, she seemed to have some sort of ideals. It didn’t make any sense.


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