Her Savior
Page 12
“Come here,” he said as he motioned for me to come sit with him on the bench.
Walking around a room totally naked with a man I hardly knew wasn’t exactly my thing. Yet Kevin looked at me as if I was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. His eyes didn’t glance at my thighs, which I was extremely self-conscious of; instead, he looked at my breasts and then back up to my eyes. Literally, licking his lips while I walked the couple steps across the shower room and over to him.
“You look like you are hungry.” I laughed.
“Actually, yes, yes, I am,” he grabbed me and gently set me down on the bench as he kneeled onto the floor and spread my legs.
He pulled me to the end of the bench and devoured me. His tongue moving rhythmically against my clit like a drummer beating his drum. Despite having just finished one of the most intense orgasms of my life, my body rumbled with delight as he played with me.
Letting him please me like he was, well, it was a new adventure for me. My love for oral sex hadn’t expanded much over the years, but I was clearly learning that I hadn’t had a man who really knew what he was doing in that area. Because with Kevin on the job I was quickly developing a love for having his tongue on my body.
I grabbed his hair as he moved and thrust my hips toward him in an effort to get just the perfect angle. There was no worrying, no self-consciousness; all I could think about was how good it felt and that I wanted it to continue on and on. But soon there was no more thinking, and my body took over in an urgent need to feel the delicious explosion that was building inside of me.
When Kevin slipped his tongue inside of me for a brief moment, that was all it took for my body to let go. I clamped my thighs around his head and screamed out as the rush of pure bliss took over.
“That was just a little payback for your oral torture you gave me earlier,” he said as he climbed up and sat next to me. He moved my head so it was sitting on his naked lap, but I didn’t sit up. I could barely feel my legs; there wasn’t going to be any running away from Kevin that night.
“Convenient way of getting me to stay the night. Just make my legs so weak I can’t leave.”
“You found out my secret plan,” he said as his hand stroked my hair. “Want me to wash you up and carry you to bed too?”
“Yes,” I said teasingly.
Kevin didn’t waste a second as he reached down and flipped the rainforest shower head on that was right above us. He grabbed some shampoo and put it in his hands before massaging it into my hair. His delicate touch was soothing as I laid there and let him wash my hair. What an oddly erotic moment it was. Hair was such a simple part of our bodies, yet having a man running his fingers through my hair, having Kevin working the shampoo into a lather, it was absolute perfection.
He used his soapy hands and wandered around the rest of my body as I lay on the bench and let him. Not only did I like this sweet gesture on his part, it was filling a void I didn’t even know I’d had. The intimacy of oral sex was by far something I’d imagined as the most intimate thing a couple could do together, but washing each other in the shower was quickly gaining my respect.
As we finished up in the shower, Kevin handed me a warm towel from just outside the glass doors. I used it to dry my hair off for a moment and then wrapped it around my body while Kevin wrapped his towel around his waist. Then, without warning, he swept me off my feet and carried me from the bathroom out to his bed.
“What are you doing?” I laughed at his ridiculous gesture.
“I promised to carry you. Your legs are much too weak from all that fun we had.”
“I’m not arguing.” I laughed and pulled the blankets back in his bed.
I threw my towel off and held the sheet back so Kevin could climb in as well. If I would have had a little more energy, I might have jumped on him in an effort for round three, but I definitely didn’t have that kind of energy left in me.
My legs were still shaky, and there was a full body exhaustion that overcame me the second his warm covers were around us. I cuddled up next to Kevin though and put my head on his chest. I wasn’t leaving. I was going to stay there with him for the night.
“You’re staying?” he asked, just to make sure.
“Yep. But I do have to leave in the morning.”
“Of course,” he said with a bit of relief in his voice. “But I’m happy you’re staying. You are welcome to stay anytime you’d like.”
“I had a great date today,” I whispered as I let my hand wrap around his stomach and my heart press up against his chest. “Best date ever.”
“It was a pretty amazing day. But I didn’t plan it like this, which makes it even better. I really love talking to you and having you in my arms. Goodnight Jenna.”
“Goodnight Kevin,” I said as I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep.
Although I was crazy tired, my mind wasn’t willing to calm down just yet. This guy was incredible. Kevin was actually more of a fantasy than he was a reality, yet he was right there in my arms. But life didn’t always work out for people, especially people like me.
Chapter 10
“I really do have to go,” Jenna said as she stood next to my bed already dressed in her workout clothes from the day before.
“But it’s Sunday?”
“Yes, and I have plans today. I had a great night. I’ll let myself out. I hope you have a good day.”
I’d just barely opened my eyes, and she was already saying goodbye. It wasn’t even light out yet, and on a Sunday morning I couldn’t imagine where she could possibly need to go. But at least she hadn’t snuck out, at least we’d moved past that part of things.
“Okay, but I’m walking you out,” I groaned and walked over to my dresser.
“There’s no need.”
“Do you want me walking you out like this?” I laughed and pointed to my ever-growing morning hard-on.
“Geesh man, that thing is dangerous. Put it away,” she said dramatically. “Fine, put some pants on and walk downstairs with me. I’ve already ordered an Uber, though, so we need to get moving.”
“You’re a bossy one,” I groaned and threw my jeans on and followed her down the stairs.
Jenna was already out the door and walking toward the front gate when I caught up with her. She clearly had someplace she needed to be. But it wasn’t my place to grill her about things; I was in a precarious position with Jenna and definitely didn’t want to push her away again.
“Thanks for a great date,” she said as she punched my code into the gate. “I’ll talk to you soon.”
“Have a good day, and yes, I will talk to you soon,” I said and pulled her close to me so I could give her a kiss.
The Uber pulled up just as I started to kiss her, though, and Jenna pulled away from me. She was about to walk away but turned back and gave me a quick peck just as reassurance that she wasn’t pulling away because she didn’t like me. Jenna clearly liked me. I’d seen all the evidence I needed to see the night before.
“I’m sorry I have to run so early. But I promise, I did have an amazing time with you.” She kissed me one last time before climbing into the car and putting the window down.
“If I do my charity event around Halloween, will you be my date?”
“We can talk about it later,” Jenna said with a smile. “I’ve got to go.”
And just like that, she was gone. I watched as the black sedan pulled down the street and took a right. An emptiness overcame me, though. Her promise to talk about it later didn’t sound like a promise at all. Instead, Jenna had disappeared, and as I walked back into the house, I realized I still had no modern way of reaching her.
Jenna wasn’t making it easy to date her. She hadn’t offered her cell phone number at all. Of course, in the excitement of the day, I had also forgotten to ask for it. But normally a woman made sure I had her number so I could reach her. Yet, I had no way of reaching Jenna unless I showed back up at her work.
She was hidi
ng something. I couldn’t put my finger on it, and I hoped it wasn’t something too serious, but there was a secret she was keeping. Something that was preventing her from being available to me. I was going to find out what it was.
When I got to the top of the stairs, I heard my phone buzz and went to grab it. No one ever called me this early in the morning. For some reason, I thought it had to be Jenna, although I didn’t remember giving her my number.
“Mark?” I said to myself as I answered the phone. “What the hell are you doing up?” I laughed.
“I’m just heading home, and I saw you sending a pretty girl away from your house.”
“Yeah, she had plans today and needed to get going.”
“Sure, sure, well I thought I’d invite you to the bar tonight for the game if you’d like? We haven’t caught up for a while.”
Mark was a busy guy, and so was I. Although we did try and hang out with the group of guys every couple of months, I hadn’t been to visit him in a long time.
“I guess I could do that. I haven’t been watching much football this year. I do love your wings, though, can’t refuse a night of good conversation and wings.”
“Don’t forget about the smoking hot waitresses at my bar. That’s worth a visit right there. I’ll see you around six. I’m just pulling into my house, and I’ve got to crash for a bit. See you tonight.”
Mark didn’t even wait for me to respond before he hung up. But that was the kind of friends we were. There didn’t have to be the niceties that some people had between each other; Mark and I had known each other since college. We knew each other before there was money or fame involved, and I loved that about our friendship.
As I sat down on my bed and looked over by the lounge chair, I noticed a small badge on the ground. I walked over, picked it up and saw an adorable photo of Jenna. She’d dropped her San Francisco ballet security badge. I didn’t even remember seeing it on her when we were out, but then again, I didn’t remember seeing her phone either. She must have had them tucked away in her sports bra or her pants. I’d seen some running pants with pockets around the waist for women to store their things in; it was a rather ingenious idea since women never had regular pockets in their clothes.
Now I had to decide what to do about it.
Monday morning, I showed back up at the dance studio. This time, I didn’t have my driver, and I didn’t have any place else I needed to be right away. Instead of hunting Jenna down to talk to her, I was simply going to wait for her to arrive and catch up to her in the parking lot. I’d give her the badge and ask for her phone number. End of story.
My plan was simple, and I was relatively confident as I watched the dancers entering the building. But as time ticked away, and everyone stopped arriving at the studio, I realized I must have missed her when she arrived.
I’d been watching all the women intently and had not seen her, but maybe she had arrived before I’d gotten there. Maybe she wasn’t even there that day? I had no idea, but it was a little creepy that I’d showed up again at her work.
Why was this girl driving me so crazy? Clearly, she was trying to get away from me or hide from me, and yet I was continually drawn to her. When we were together, there was an energy, an affection that was undeniable, so it was very incongruent in my mind that things weren’t matching up with how she was acting when we separated.
I got out of my car and was about to go into the building when Jenna’s friend walked past me.
“Hey, you know Jenna, right?” I yelled at her, and she spun around.
“Yep, you’re Kevin, right?” She laughed. “Are you stalking her again?”
“She left this at my house.”
“Oh, she was at your house again? Hmm, interesting information.” She laughed again and grabbed the identification from me.
“You know I’d like to talk to her, but I don’t have her phone number. Do you think you could give it to me?” It was worth a try.
“No, if she’s not giving her number to you, I better not give it. Did you want to talk to her? Do you want me to go find her again?”
Ideally, I did want to talk to her, but how was it going to look if she knew I’d tracked her down and was waiting outside again. No, it didn’t seem like the best possible way to handle things.
“No, I just wanted to drop that off. She had to leave early on Sunday for …” I let my words trail off as I tried to pretend like I was thinking of the right words to say.
“The farmer’s market?” Elaina asked?
“Oh, yeah, that’s what it was. She was going to …”
“Help her brothers with their fruit stand?” she replied. “You really have a horrible memory. Maybe she did give you her phone number, and you just forgot.”
“Very funny. Please don’t tell her I’m here today. I’ll just talk to her another time,” I said as I hurried back to my car to leave.
“Take care,” she hollered after me.
That was exactly what I needed to know. Some other location that I could find Jenna without seeming like a strange stalker.
I headed into my office where I was supposed to be meeting up with Mark. After our Sunday night talk at his restaurant, he’d helped me work through some details about the upcoming charity event. I was meeting with a planner and my secretary to get the ball rolling and wanted to discuss with Mark a little bit of a plan to get the word out. Mark had a way with the celebrities, or his female servers did.
Planning a charity event wasn’t all that hard if you had money and enough people interested in putting in the work. My party planner, Emily, and assistant Caroline, were taking charge and putting every effort into executing my ideas for me.
“So you will be able to give me a list of the contact numbers by tomorrow?” Emily asked Caroline.
“Yes. I’ve got his whole contact list and most of their agents. A few of the models and starlets might be direct contacts, though. Just a heads-up,” Caroline added as she raised an eyebrow in my direction. “Those were more personal type relationships, but I’m sure they would be interested in coming to the event.”
“Oh, great, you’re going to make this event a parade of all my past relationships,” I joked.
“Don’t worry; I’ll keep a few of them off the list,” Caroline teased.
“Thank you. So other than the list, how is everything else going? Do you need me to make any decisions?”
“I think we have clarified the big details. As long as you’re still okay with me using my judgment for the planning and style elements?” Emily asked.
“Yes, please just make all the decisions.” I laughed. “Have you two seen Mark? He was going to cater the event, and I think he has some other contacts to add to the invite list.”
“Yep, he’s in your office. He already gave us everything we need,” Emily said.
It was highly unusual for Mark to be early to a meeting and totally prepared; there had to be some ulterior motive going on here. But knowing Mark, it likely was something simple and easy for me to help him out with.
“So what’s going on? What do you need?” I questioned him the second I opened my office door.
“I just wanted to help you with your party.”
“Nope, I’m not buying it. What’s really going on?”
“I’d like to do some advertising for the event at my restaurants. Are you okay with that?”
“Of course.”
“Okay, so would you be willing to show up this weekend, and we can do a little introduction before the college football games?” Mark asked suspiciously.
“What’s really going on?”
“Nothing. I just want to be as helpful as possible.”
“Mark, stop bullshitting me. What’s going on?”
“I need to be at this event. Not just in attendance, but at your side. I’ve got to land me a hot babe. I’m not getting any younger, and as much fun as the waitresses are, I want a real woman. I need you to hook me up.”
ow, did you actually think I wasn’t going to invite you?”
“No, man … you know what I mean. I want to be in charge. I’ve got to be face to face with all the lovely ladies.”
“You’ve got it. Go sit in there with Emily and Caroline and help them out. I’ll let you be the man at the door so you can welcome everyone to the party and have your pick of the single ladies,” I said with as much of a straight face as I could muster.
It was hilarious that Mark thought he had to do anything extra at all. I’d happily give him some responsibilities from the event, especially if it meant less for me to do. Although I didn’t have experience throwing a charity event, that didn’t mean I wanted it to be basic. This event needed to have all the celebrities, all the media, I had to make a splash.
“Anything else I can help with?”
“Actually, I’m trying to put together a fully functional non-profit before the event. I’d love to have you as part of my board of directors. You wouldn’t have to do it forever, but one year …”
“Yes, absolutely. Wow, that would be amazing. I’m so honored. This is the kind of stuff I want to be involved with.”
“Okay, then you are hired. Now we need to file the paperwork through my attorneys. Take some notes,” I said as I threw a notepad in his direction with a pen.
“I’m on it. I’ll sit in on the meeting with the ladies and then get in touch with the attorney. Do you have a charity name yet?”
“I was thinking about Encompass,” sort of a way of saying the charity is going to be part of a lot of different areas of the community.
“I like it. Is there anyone else you would like on the board? I can work with them as well.”
“There are a couple of people, but one, in particular, I’ll need to talk to first. She’s a little hard to reach right now.”
“She?” Mark asked suspiciously.
“Yeah, the girl I was sending away in the car the other morning when you saw me.”