Her Savior
Page 37
“Condom?” I managed to ask.
“Yep, right here,” he said and put his hand up from under the covers.
“What the hell? Where did that come from?” I laughed.
“A boy scout is always prepared,” he joked. “Do you want to put it on?”
“I don’t know what I’m doing. You shouldn’t trust me with something so important.”
“Here, I’ll show you,” he said gently as he rolled over next to me.
I was scared to death. Sure, I knew how to put one on from talking to my friends and generally being interested in having sex for the last several years. But I was literally shaking at the idea. “You should do it.” I laughed as he handed me the package.
“Rip it open,” he said without listening to my words. I did as he asked and opened the package.
“It’s slimy.”
“Yep, there’s a lubricant on there. Okay, are you ready?”
“No. Yes. Oh, gosh,” I said as he pulled the covers back to expose his throbbing member.
My body pulsed with desire for Jason. I couldn’t get that condom on him fast enough as I eagerly sat up and readied myself for the job.
“Okay, hold the top. Pinch it between these fingers,” he said as he showed me. “Then put it over the top and roll it down.”
I followed his directions and meticulously rolled it down as I sat next to him, hoping I was doing it right. Jason watched me carefully, and when he was satisfied with the job I did, he grabbed me and threw me back onto the bed.
“Did I do good?” I giggled.
“Perfect,” he said as he kissed me softly. “You tell me to stop if you’re uncomfortable. Okay?”
I didn’t answer him as I held onto his torso and prepared for what I’d heard was going to be horribly painful. But Jason didn’t move. He was waiting for me to answer him.
“Yes, I’ll tell you,” I promised.
His lips covered mine as he moved gently into me, and his body was only moving a tiny bit at a time, and he waited for a minute before continuing. The whole time he was distracting me by kissing me. My tongue thrust into his mouth and played with his tongue while he continued to slowly move inside of me. Soon I felt the fullness of his body as he moved his hips in a very slight thrusting motion.
It didn’t hurt. It was slightly uncomfortable at first, but the more I moved my hips, the more I welcomed him into my body. There was a growing sensation of pleasure, and I had to let go of Jason’s mouth as I let out a moan of delight.
“This feels good,” I mumbled as my mouth tucked into his neck, and I held onto his body.
“Good,” he whispered back to me.
Our love making wasn’t a spectacle at all. It was slow and sensual, and everything I’d hoped it would be. Jason was kind and took his time even as his body built up with desire, and I knew he wanted to thrust hard into me, but he didn’t. Instead, he let out one final thrust as he groaned in delight.
I held onto him as he finished and then moved to kiss him. It was more than I’d ever hoped it would be. My body and his seemed to perfectly fit together. Jason made me feel like a better person long before we had made love, and the only thing I could think about was that I was so happy I’d waited.
Jason lay down next to me and pulled me up so my head rested on his chest. His arms stayed wrapped around me for a good hour before I decided to get up and take a shower.
“Want me to come with you?” Jason asked.
“Do you mind if I take one alone?”
“Go for it,” he said with a wink.
It wasn’t that I didn’t want to take a shower with Jason, but I just needed a minute to myself. I needed a moment to take in what we had done and enjoy the reality that I was no longer a virgin.
In the shower, I noticed that I had some blood on my inner thigh and then became paranoid about how much I had bled on the sheets. I probably stayed in the shower for a good half an hour before I wrapped myself in a towel and decided I should go back to my room. I didn’t have any comfortable clothes in Jason’s room, and it would be nice to get changed.
“Hey, if you don’t mind, I’m going to go back to my room for a bit,” I said as I stood near the door and grabbed my purse and clothes off the floor.
Jason was making the bed with what looked like a new set of sheets that housekeeping must have dropped off. The look of disappointment that filled his face instantly made me regret my decision.
“Um, if you want to. Is everything alright?”
I went up to him and kissed him hard on the lips. Everything was absolutely fine. He was so sweet. He had gotten clean sheets and was putting them on so we could lie in bed together. I felt bad for leaving, but I needed some more time. “I’ll be back later. Let’s plan on doing dinner?”
“Yes, and then in the morning we need to head to Springfield. It won’t take us long, and all the other businesses are going to be much easier than this one.”
I opened the door and looked down the hall before I got ready to run across to my room. As I stood in the doorway, I couldn’t help getting on my tiptoes and kissing Jason again.
“Okay, I’ll see you later for dinner.”
I heard someone get out of the elevator and walk down the hallway, but I didn’t look at them as I hurried over to my room with just a towel around me. I quickly slid the key in the door and ran inside. As I shut the door behind me, I had to jump up and down as the excitement rushed through me.
I grabbed my phone and was about to call Lilli to tell her everything when my father called. We hadn’t told him what we were doing so I’d said I was just coming with Jason on a business trip, without giving my dad any other details.
“Hi Dad,” I said and lay back on the bed.
“What are you up to?”
“Nothing much. What’s up, Dad?”
“How’s Jason and the trip? He’s treating you right? Not making you work too hard?”
“Yes Dad, he’s very nice. We have separate rooms, and I’m just getting settled and going to relax for a bit.”
“Okay honey. Have a safe trip,” he said and then paused for a minute. “Keep an eye out for anything fishy, please. I don’t want to find out something horrible is happening, and I didn’t have a heads up.”
“Okay, Dad,” I said as I tried to get him off the phone. “I’ll talk to you later. I got to go.”
“Bye, talk later.”
I was relieved to have him off the phone and quickly called Lilli so we could gossip all about what was going on. Lilli and I talked for nearly two hours as I got ready for dinner and told her every detail about my afternoon with Jason.
Lilli laughed with me; she was such a good friend. Having her there with me helped me realize all the emotions I was having were normal. It was so weird for me, though. I’d been seductive and sexual for years. I’d been trying to get Jason as if I was some sort of tigress on the prowl. But on the day that we actually made love, I felt so vulnerable and scared that I hadn’t known what to do with myself.
“Just relax and enjoy dinner. He’s the same guy, and you’re the same girl. Have a good time.”
“I feel like he’s going to be looking at me differently.”
“Maybe, but aren’t you going to be looking at him a little differently as well?” she asked.
“Okay then. I want you to wear something sexy and be confident. Laugh. Make conversation. And come back to your own room tonight. He needs to know he can’t just have you whenever he wants you.”
“You’re starting to sound like me.” I laughed.
“I learned from the best.”
“Lilli, thank you for putting up with me all these years. I’m starting to realize I was probably pretty annoying with all that sex talk and flirting with Jason. I really can’t believe he even put up with it.”
“Oh, please, you’re an amazing woman, Anna. Stop selling yourself short. I have to run, but text me when you get back to your room tonight. And have fun.�
Chapter 17
Anna made me nervous. It wasn’t a lie or something I was just telling her. I genuinely was a ball of nerves as I waited for her to come to the lobby so we could go to dinner. I’d had an amazing time with her. Making love with her, it was perfection, but I couldn’t help worrying that she wasn’t alright, and that was why she had run off to her room.
The armchair I was sitting in smelled of syrup, and I could only assume someone had spilled their breakfast some morning. As I was preoccupied looking around the arm of the seat to see where all the syrup was, Anna appeared in front of me.
My eyes stared at her glitzy black heels and then moved up slowly as I took in the delicious legs that I’d been kissing only a few hours before. The black dress she had on was loose and draped perfectly over her breasts. It skimmed her body but didn’t show off much of her figure. Instead, I had to use my imagination and memory.
“Dang girl,” I said as I stood up and gave her a quick kiss. “You look gooood.”
“Thank you,” she said with a reassuring smile as she held onto my arm.
We walked out to the car, and I let her in and then hurried around to the other side. I was practically jumping with excitement that I got to take this beautiful woman out for the night. At first, this thing between us had been such a game. She was teasing me for the fun of it, and I really hadn’t considered ever giving into her tease. But things had changed so much. Next to me was a woman that I really got along with—a strong, independent woman who I was having a blast getting to know. It surprised the hell out of me.
“I found a nice place for us to go to dinner,” I announce proudly as we drove back into the city. “They don’t serve sandwiches.”
Anna chuckled at my joke, and I couldn’t stop looking at her. I nearly wrecked the car as I spent one second too long staring at her instead of looking at the road.
“Eyes on the road big boy,” she said as she uncrossed her legs and then crossed them again just to tease me.
“Stop doing that then,” I said firmly.
“Oh, but you still have to watch the road.”
I couldn’t help it. I looked over at her and then quickly back to the road. It took a lot of willpower to keep my hands on the wheel as I drove us to the restaurant and pulled into a parking spot before I leaned over and kissed her.
“Did I tell you how amazing you look?” I asked.
“Yes, I think you mentioned something along those lines,” she said as she pulled me back in for another kiss. “Are we going to stay in the car all night or are we going to eat?”
“Eat. Definitely. I’m starving.”
“Me too,” Anna said and pushed me away playfully as she started to get out of the car.
“Wait, wait, wait,” I said and hurried around to help her out of the car. “Let me help you.”
I really didn’t know what had come over me with Anna, but I always wanted to open the car doors for her and hold her hand. I couldn’t remember ever doing that for my ex-wife, maybe on the rare occasion. But I was drawn to try and impress Anna. It was odd and new to me and exciting.
“What kind of food do they have here?” Anna asked as she leaned in and held onto my bicep.
“It’s a surprise.”
“Hmm, I’ll let this one go, but I’m not really a big fan of surprises,” she scoffed.
“Maybe you just haven’t had the right kind of surprises?”
“That is entirely possible.” She laughed.
Being out to dinner with Anna was more comfortable than ever as we laughed and joked throughout the meal. It was what I had imagined dating again would be like. Unlike when men hit on girls in clubs with cheesy pick-up lines and no real interest in who they were, I asked about Anna and wanted to get to know her. We spent the evening asking each other much deeper questions than we had delved into before, and by the time the restaurant was closing, I was in utter shock that we had been there for so long.
“What? It’s ten o’clock?” Anna asked as she pulled out her phone to check.
“Yep, time flies when you’re having fun.”
“Man, that is for sure. I need to get to bed. I’m exhausted. Should we head back?”
“Yes,” I said as I thought about what a fun night we would have in bed together.
We took our time driving back and even made out a little on the elevator up to our floor. I held Anna’s hand as we walked toward our rooms and was just about to open the door to my room when she pulled her key out to go to her room.
“Thanks for a great dinner,” Anna said as she pulled me in so we could kiss.
“Should I come in so we can say goodnight?” I asked.
“I’m actually tired, I’ll see you in the morning,” she said as she opened the door and stood in the doorway so I couldn’t come in with her.
“Okay, sleep well,” I whispered as I softly kissed her again. “We have a full week of kicking butt to do.”
“I’ve got a good feeling. I think we are going to get the deals we need.”
“Me too. Goodnight.”
Reluctantly, I returned to my room and stayed there. I’d had a sweet taste of Anna, though, and all night long my cock raged with the memory of her and the desire to have her again. It was probably a good thing that she’d shut me down for another round; I really didn’t think I could have held back like I did the first time.
By morning, I was ready for work again. We had a new company to meet with in Springfield, and we had to go into it fresh and ready to make another deal. Every division needed a new home. It wouldn’t work without that happening.
As we climbed back into the car, Anna was wearing another kick-ass suit, and I had on my same boring one. We’d eaten breakfast and had a great night of sleep so we were ready to take on the next company.
“Do you feel comfortable taking the lead again?” I asked.
“Let me look over the specifics, and I’ll give it a go.”
Anna analyzed everything she needed to, and by the time we walked into the next business, she was sharp and ready to take them on. The company was more traditional, and I could have taken the lead, but Anna did a great job, and within the hour we had the deal nailed down and a 30-day contract for us to make our decision.
Instead of staying in Springfield, we called the next company on our list and made an appointment to see them later that afternoon. We arrived in Peoria around three o’clock and went straight to our second meeting of the day.
The company loved Anna. They were thrilled that she was on board, and I had to admit that it was her direct, yet kind personality that seemed to win them over. By five o’clock, we had three of our deals nailed down and only a few more places to visit that week.
“I think we could get the others done tomorrow. What do you say?” I asked Anna.
“I’m game. I’d rather just get it all done so we can meet with Kevin and decide how to explain this all to my father. We really have to think things through so we can be sure he doesn’t get really defensive about it.”
“Yes, I agree. This is going to be all about the timing. Maybe you can put together a nice presentation with some visuals that will help with the explanation?” I asked as we parked in the hotel that we were staying at for the night.
Anna and I grabbed our rolling luggage and went into the front of the building so we could get checked in. She was busy on her phone as I talked with the clerk.
“Jason Hartley, I called earlier to reserve two rooms.”
“Oh, we only need one,” Anna said without looking up from her phone.
I could see a small grin on her face, and the clerk raised his eyebrow in excitement for me. I waited for a minute to see if Anna was teasing me, but she was engrossed in her phone and didn’t seem to be paying attention at all.
“I guess we just need one room.”
The clerk finished what he had to do, and I signed the receipt before walking toward the elevator. Anna looked up from her phone for
a minute and then quickly came to where I was waiting for her.
“One room?” I asked with a cheesy grin on my face.
“What?” she said as she rolled her eyes at me. “Did you really want two?”
“Um, no. I like the idea very much.”
Anna went back to her phone and was feverishly texting people as we got in and then out of the elevator. I walked slowly in front of her, waiting for her to put the phone away, but she just couldn’t.
“What’s going on?”
“Oh, just drama with my friend Summer. Her parents are threatening to cut her off financially.
“How old is she?”
“Twenty-three, but she really isn’t ready to try life on her own. She can barely figure out life now, and they are taking care of her. I mean I understand they don’t want her to live off them forever, but cold turkey seems a little rough.”
“Yeah, we all have to grow up sometime, though.”
“I’m going to say goodbye, give me just a minute,” Anna said as she continued texting a long text while I grabbed our bags and moved us into the room.
I lay on the bed for at least twenty minutes while Anna and her friend continued their short goodbye. I was so exhausted, I could hardly keep my eyes open and finally decided just to close them while I waited for Anna to finish her conversation with her friend.
“Jason,” I heard Anna whispering as she lay halfway on top of me. “Jason, do you want to take a shower first, or can I?”
“What? What time is it? Don’t you want to take a shower in the morning?” I asked as I opened my eyes. They seemed heavier than I was prepared for as I looked around the dark room. It took me a minute to reorient myself before I realized that Anna and I were both under the covers, and she had changed into a T-shirt and pajama pants.
“It’s six o’clock. If you don’t mind, I’m going to hop in the shower first.” Anna said and then kissed me as she climbed over me to get out of bed.
I grabbed her halfway through her climb and held her on top of me. I’d actually fallen asleep on the first night we had a room together? This was horrible. Terrible. A true travesty.
“You let me sleep all night?”