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Seal of Destiny (Seven Seals Series Book 1)

Page 8

by Douglass, Traci

  Wyck slouched into the chair beside Mira’s. He winked at the ladies before crossing his arms. “Hey, mates? If you’re going to get all Greco-Roman, could you take it outside? Lots of expensive stuff in here I’d like to keep using.” Wyck grinned and shrugged. “You know, to save the world and all.”

  “Fine!” Kagan maintained his position in Xander’s face.

  “Fine!” Xander’s brow quirked into “fuck you” mode.

  “Or I have an even better idea,” Wyck piped in again. “One of you — I’m guessing Kagan — can snap a few photos with this disposable camera, and we can all take a look-see.”

  Mira eyed the small device in Wyck’s palm. If it would keep these guys at a safe distance, she’d play along. “Okay.”

  The two fuming warriors looked in their direction, as if only then realizing others were present. Xander looked at Mira, then at Zoe before striding back toward the computer. Wyck twiddled the camera at Kagan. “Camera, picture, shoulder?”

  “Basta!” Kagan grabbed the camera and stormed toward the bathroom.

  “Hey, wait for me!” Mira trailed behind.

  • • •

  Kagan slumped on the side of the tub, his shoulders drooping while he fiddled with the tiny plastic camera. Mira moved in front of him, fighting a smile. She’d never seen him angry. And on her account too.

  He looked up, his eyes focused on her twitching lips. “You think this is funny? I’m sworn to protect you, even from my stupido friends, if necessary.”

  “Calm down.” Mira lifted her hands in surrender. “No one touches me. Now, let’s do this.”

  She attempted to pull the sleeve of her shirt both up and down to reveal the mark. No good. She tugged the collar. Still nothing. Shit. No way was her top coming off in front of this guy, no matter how charming and cute. Not happening. His hands landed on her shoulders, and she jumped.

  “I think you’re going to have to take this off, piccola.” Kagan’s voice was low, soothing, his heat permeating her space. She met his gaze in the mirror, and posed a silent question. His hands rubbed her arms, warmed her chilled flesh. “Don’t worry. I won’t peek.”

  Heat flooded her cheeks and her head dropped. Great. With trembling hands, she lifted the tee from the waistband of her jeans as images of their morning encounter flooded her mind. What the hell was she thinking to come in here with him? Why hadn’t she insisted Zoe take the pictures? His hands covered hers, and her eyes flew to his reflection.

  “Let me help you.” He stepped closer. His fingers trailed her sides as the garment rose. The top slid over her head and cool air rushed over her skin. Kagan dropped the shirt and she caught it, clutching it to her chest like a shield.

  A minute passed. Nothing happened. What the hell was taking so long? She raised her eyes to the mirror and took in his blind-sided expression, the haunted look in his eyes. The shirt slipped unheeded from her fingers as she reached to grip the vanity. His already rapid breathing accelerated further. Her chest constricted. Mira’s head swam and her nerves zapped with every brush of his heaving chest against her back. His hands came to rest beside hers on the counter. His arms enclosed her, and his face burrowed into her curls. Her already weakened defenses shattered. “Kagan, I — ”

  “Hush.” His lips traveled to the juncture where neck and collarbone meet then moved lower. Kagan traced the outline of her mark with his tongue then blew, cooling her branded flesh. He leaned in to nuzzle her ear. She shivered, unable to prevent the rush of goose bumps. “You taste like heaven, carissima.”

  He spun her around by the shoulders to face him. His lips descended, a mere brush at first, then bolder as his tongue traced the seam of her mouth, demanding entrance. Her lips parted on a sigh, and he pushed his advantage. Mira surrendered to the intoxicating taste of him, a heady mix of rich coffee and mint. She needed him closer. Needed more. So much more.

  Kagan lifted her to the counter, his hands sliding to her lower back to pull her closer. His hard length pulsed against her moist heat. He ground forward and she whimpered. Kagan’s husky tone vibrated along her already taxed nerves. “Feel what you do to me, Mira?”

  His mouth nibbled down the side of her throat to the pulse at its base. Mira gasped. His hands cupped her breasts, his thumbs brushing her peaked nipples beneath the lace of her bra. She arched into his caress. He dropped a kiss on the upper curve of her breast, his voice gravel-rough, “Mia carrissma. Sei così bella.”

  A loud knock froze their tryst. Mira tensed, her palms braced against Kagan’s shoulders. His head remained pillowed on her chest, his breath jagged and hot over her skin.

  Wyck’s sarcastic tone cut through the silence. “Eh chap, not sure what you’re taking pictures of in there, but all we need to see is her mark.”

  Shit! Mira pushed Kagan away. She hopped off the vanity and turned to face the mirror. He laid a hand on her shoulder. She jerked from his grasp. Can’t handle this. Not right now. “Take the damn picture!”

  He fumbled with the camera. The lens opened with a whirr, loud in the sudden silence. Snap, snap, snap. Photos done. Mira pulled her shirt back on, wincing as the material scraped her tender mark. Served her right, doing something so stupid. She brushed past Kagan, desperate for escape. He grabbed her arm, his fingers warm. “This is not over, piccola.”

  She wrenched her arm free and fled the confines of her self-imposed prison.

  • • •

  Kagan emerged from the bathroom a short time later, his mind determined and his body back under control. If he didn’t put an end to this madness, his mission — Dai, his whole career — would be jeopardized. He’d not been this randy since his Roman youth. He handed the camera to Wyck, his gaze locked on Mira’s averted profile. The blasted tingle started afresh. Dolce Cristo! Mira was going to be the death of him.

  “I must say, your effect on women is amazing.” Xander gestured toward Mira, his tone droll. “She’s simply ecstatic after being alone with you.”

  Kagan sent his commander a warning look before pulling up a chair next to Wyck. Wyck uploaded the pictures and enlarged them to full screen. “We have a winner.”

  Xander compared the photos to the crumbling scroll in his hand. “It’s a match.”

  “What’s this mean?” Kagan scowled at the screen, unease roiling in his gut.

  “Another sign of the Seal, my friend. We know what happens if the first Seal’s broken, don’t we?” Wyck’s gaze darted between the two warriors while he awaited an answer. When none was forthcoming, he tossed up his hands, exasperated. “Bloody hell, people, give me something to work with here. If the first Seal’s broken, it not only unleashes its own power, but also opens a pathway for the other Seals to be located.”

  While Xander and Wyck compared more of the scroll to the photos, Kagan walked to the kitchen to grab a fresh soda. “Mira’s under my protection now. Mission accomplished, si?”

  “Not quite,” Xander said, taking the seat Kagan had vacated. “The fact her mark is glowing isn’t a good thing. Seems the Seals have their own agenda apart from everything else. They’re tied to their host, but their power wants to be unleashed and calls to those who would do so.”

  Kagan looked at Wyck and leaned against the kitchen counter. “Well, genius, can’t you find the solution on your Internet empire?”

  Wyck snorted. “Flattering as that wasn’t, I did find something interesting about those marks. Each Seal has a unique symbol. The symbol works like a homing beacon to summon their freedom.”

  “Mira’s mark has been bothering her since last night.” Kagan jerked his head toward the living room. “This means Argus is close, then, si?”

  Xander gave a brief nod and leaned closer to Wyck, his voice dropping to a low whisper. “Any idea what happens to the host when a Seal is broken?”

  “Don’t know.” Wyck shook his head
. “But with the Seals tied to their DNA somehow, I can’t imagine the experience would be pleasant.”

  A loud cough drew the men’s attention. Mira stood close by, near a rack of cables. “I need to find this Argus demon and take him out or I die. Right?”

  “We’ll take him out together, Mira,” Xander said. “We’ve only got your best interests at heart, I promise.” He smirked at Kagan. “Well, most of us, anyway.”

  Kagan ignored the barb and tossed his empty soda can into the recycling bin. “Basta! Where’s Argus? I feel like killing something today.”

  Wyck grinned. “No exact locale yet. There’s a police report for an assault at an ER last night, shortly after your incident. The assailant stole medical supplies, took out a couple of orderlies, and disappeared off the grid.” After a few more taps on the keyboard, Wyck stretched back in his chair. “I think our best bet is to sit tight and wait until Argus finds us. He’s after the Seal, and now we know it’s calling to him. Should only be a matter of time.”

  The idea of using Mira as bait turned Kagan’s stomach, but viable options had grown thin. Then there was the problem of the friend. He jerked his head toward Zoe. “What about her?”

  “Zoe stays with us.” Mira tensed, her arms crossed. “I told you, we’re a package deal. Besides, she may be more helpful than you think.”

  Xander’s gaze flicked from Mira to the woman seated alone in the living room. “Explain to me again how you know Argus?”

  “It’s not Argus we know, it’s the body he’s squatting inside, Norman McClaine,” Mira said. “Zoe and I both grew up in the foster care system. McClaine was our caseworker. Somehow this demon figured out the connection and is using the information to get to me.” Mira stepped further into the room. “But I think I know how we can find him.”

  • • •

  “Explain to me again why Wyck couldn’t just hack their system?” Mira frowned at Xander.

  Xander removed his gloves. “The database has a special security encryption. Copying direct from the source will save time.”

  The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. Mira led them out, followed by Zoe and the others. They made their way around a curved hallway in the sunny atrium of the James R. Thompson Building. She came to an abrupt halt before a set of frosted glass doors, the emblazoned logo — a scribbled heart and stick figure family — imprinted forever on her psyche. Memories she’d tried hard to forget tumbled free.

  McClaine’s smirking face above his polyester suit, his rank breath hot on her neck. Sweaty hands groping. The dark interior of a decrepit Buick. His suffocating weight as he demolished her innocence. The running, forever running, through the rain-soaked night toward the blurry gas station lights ahead. Clothes torn and hanging on a body transgressed.

  Kagan’s warm hand on her nape snapped her back to the present. “Okay, piccola?”

  She stuffed the memories safely back into hiding, manufactured a smile, and entered the office. Mira approached the dour receptionist and asked to speak with the department head.

  “Your name is?” The secretary gave her a cold once-over. “Did you have an appointment?”

  Mira returned the woman’s cool appraisal as she gave the requested information. With a small, condescending smile, the receptionist directed Mira to the lobby. “Please sit. I’ll see if she’s available.”

  She took a chair beside Zoe in the waiting area before she noticed two members of their group were missing. “Where’s Tango and Cash?”

  “Doing a little recon.” Xander smiled, checking his watch.

  Between the frosted panels, she caught a glimpse of Kagan’s coat as he disappeared through a service door across the atrium.

  “Ms. Herald.” The receptionist called her back to the desk. “I’m sorry. The department head is unavailable. An appointment is recommended.”

  Xander shook his head. She gave the receptionist a parting glare, and they exited into the sunny hallway. Another access door on the opposite end of the atrium opened, and the two Scion walked out.

  “Done?” Xander asked when they approached.

  “Done,” the warriors answered in unison.

  Wyck’s stomach growled. “Now can we eat?”

  “There’s a food court downstairs.” Mira glanced at Xander.

  “Crikey!” Wyck bustled off toward the elevators, jamming the buttons repeatedly while he waited for the others to arrive.

  “Che palle! Is eating all you think about?” Kagan yelled after Wyck. He grinned down at Mira, then took her hand, leading her toward the elevators.

  Mira ignored the ripples of pleasure tingling up her arm from their joined hands and focused on the hallway ahead. Xander walked a few steps to her front, his attention focused on Zoe’s backside. He seemed to sense Mira watching and turned, his face flushed. Mira grinned.

  “What exactly did you get done?” She prodded Kagan while they waited for the elevator to arrive. “It’s nothing illegal, is it?”

  Kagan slid her a sideways glance. “I’d never do anything to put you in danger, piccola.”

  “That doesn’t answer my question.” Less than reassured, Mira followed Kagan into the elevator. Her mark flared, and unease gnawed at her resolve. Whatever this evening was going to bring, she had a feeling she wasn’t going to like it.

  Chapter 6

  “You have enough to eat, piccola?” Kagan said, eyeing her half-eaten burger and fries.

  “I’m stuffed, thanks. You want — ” He pounced at the remaining food on her plate. Mira snorted. Massive build aside, she was still amazed at the amount of food the warriors had put away. Zoe returned to the table with a chocolate malt and Mira smiled. Her friend was a certified chocoholic. “Dessert?”

  “You know it, girlfriend,” Zoe said, digging in.

  “Dog’s Bollocks, I want one!” Wyck fixated on the shake like he’d discovered a hidden cache of gold bullion. “Where?”

  Zoe pointed to an ice cream store across the food court.

  “Be right back.” He sprinted away.

  A short time later, Wyck returned with the most monstrous cup of ice cream she’d ever seen. “What the hell’s that?”

  “A Super Pig!” Wyck said before attacking his treat with gusto.

  “Yes, you are.” Kagan smirked and tossed a balled-up wrapper at Wyck’s head. Wyck shoved another heaping spoonful of sundae into his mouth before flipping him off.

  “Oh, I’ve eaten one of those before,” Zoe said, slurping her malt.

  “Si? And where’d you hide the evidence?” Kagan peeked below the table. Zoe laughed and Xander scowled, his gaze steadfast on the phone screen before him.

  “Hey, I wasn’t born with these curves, you know. Takes works to maintain this shape.” Zoe waved her hand in game show hostess fashion. “Besides, I eat when I’m stressed.”

  The other warriors glanced at the tray of empty food containers in front of Zoe then at Mira. She grinned and nodded. “It’s true. I wouldn’t want to face her in an eating contest.”

  “My kind of lady.” Wyck winked at Zoe. Xander watched the exchange, the phone still squeezed in his fist. The sound of cracking plastic soon filled the air as the device’s protective case gave way beneath the pressure of Xander’s grip. Wyck arched a brow in the commander’s direction, but refrained from commenting.

  A commotion sounded near the entrance to the food court. All three warriors rose and spun to face the disturbance, their chairs clattering to the floor. They assumed battle stances, their expressions brimming with lethal challenge.

  Mira searched the room for danger, but failed to spot anything sinister. “Hey, guys, what’s going on?”

  “Shhh,” Kagan said.

  Her anger flared. Mira’s gaze slid from the tip of her steel-toed boot to his butt. How hard would she have to kick h
is ass to knock him over?

  “Don’t ‘shush’ me, asshole!” Mira peeked around Kagan’s arm to find a hulking male approaching. Several patrons froze in place while he stomped through the patio, his icy stare locked on Xander. He halted in front of their table, tension pulsing from his powerful frame.

  Wyck broke the silence. “Damn, Chago, some warning would’ve been appreciated.” He righted his toppled chair and sat. “Have a seat, brother.”

  Mira frowned when the other warriors returned to their seats and relaxed. Fantastic, another Scion. How many of these guys are there? She glanced at Zoe. Her friend devoured her shake faster, watching the new arrival with suspicion.

  Kagan made the introductions. “Mira, this is Chago. Chago, Mira.” He pointed across the table. “And Zoe.”

  Chago nodded at each of them before returning his attention to Xander. “Argus is on the move. I followed him out of Union Station where he hopped a cab. I’ve got a plate number for you.”

  Xander examined the paper Chago handed him before passing it off to Wyck. “Good. Maybe we can get a location on him.”

  Wyck grabbed the note. “What’s the cab company?”

  “Checker,” Chago said as he pulled up a chair from a nearby table.

  “How’s life on the ranch, mate?” Wyck asked.

  Chago glanced at Wyck’s ice cream moustache and chuckled. “Bueno.”

  While the warriors reminisced, Kagan scooted closer to Mira to accommodate their new arrival. His thigh brushed hers, and she jumped at the frisson of awareness caused by the brief contact. His hand moved to her knee. Mira coughed to cover her startled gasp. Maybe small talk wasn’t a bad idea. “Where’s your ranch, Chago?”

  The warrior didn’t respond. Instead, he assessed her with his disturbing, icy blue gaze. Mira looked away. His seeming rejection stung worse than she’d imagined. The guy’s hulking size was intimidating, yet she saw a spark of something in his frosty demeanor, a glimmer of her own despair in his tough shell, and she wanted to know why.


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